Prologue: A forgotten legend

Disclaimer: I don't own Final Fantasy XIII it belongs to Square Enix.

Authors Notes: this will be my first FFXIII story which I'm very excited to start writing after I have finally beat the game, word of warning this story will containe spoilers so if you haven't finish the game I suggest you don't read this. I'm still new with the plot so I will do everything I can to get everything right and keep characters within their respective personalities. Finally I would appreciate if you leave a review please no flames it's a waste of time for me and for you so thank you and please enjoy the story hopefully. This is prologue which is a small introduction of what the story is about on with the story then.

"They say there is always a legend that explains the history of the past. They say legends are just myth which isn't true until proven to be true or false, or even a slight in miscalculated information can result for the better or the worst. However this legend I'm about to tell you is very much true in which it became ancient history and eventually it became forgotten by everyone no ancient writings or documents existed to prove its existence, only a few souls were aware of it. I am one of those souls who know the legend I am the living proof of the true history of this world that became a plague of fear against a race born because they never asked to become what they are today. This is how the legend of this world was written and eventually it became forgotten by the passage of time…."

Once there was nothingness just emptiness, everything was pitch black only darkness existed. Then time was created giving a continuous flow over the atmosphere, it was the work of the holy being known as the Maker. The Maker was a powerful entity with limitless power he was considered a God since his powers were unimaginable to any other living being in history, his power was absolute and perfect. After time was created he created the world which was separated into two worlds, one became known as Cocoon and the other world became known as Pulse. Using his almighty power he created life giving life to existence of beings and thus the feral creatures were born, however he only placed them on the world of Pulse. Its environment was more passable and proved the chances for them to survive and accustom to the habitat the planet provided.

With another used of his holy power the Maker gave life to another being which was supposed to be advance to the creatures of Pulse giving them the ability to speak and have a conscience, the beings known as human were born. He created many human beings in order to populate his newly created world eventually he separated the population putting a large portion of them on Pulse and another on Cocoon. Through the years the Maker watch as an invisible guardian watching over the two worlds seeing how the living beings were cohabitating and as time passed it became a not so bright future. With time the humans started living their lives and existence for other purposes, other humans hunted creatures for eating in order to survive, other hunt them for the thrill of it. Others built machines with the flow and advance of technology in order to provide all kinds of things, among them were food, shelter and even self defense. Soon the people of Cocoon and Pulse started fearing the other simply because they lived in different worlds that fear soon turned into hatred which it all ended in war.

During the years as time continued to pass on the humans from both worlds started fighting each other in order to defend themselves from the different worlds soon their hatred blinded them and they only saw the other as deadly enemies, none of the two forces ever thought of making a negotiation that will lead to a future peace treaty. Everything was solved through war fear and hatred was brought along with suffering and the urge of revenge, everything they were doing was negative. Instead of heal and breed life they choose to destroy and bring death, instead of bring peace and bring joy they brought war and sorrow. The humans have made their choice clearly they have chosen death over life, to shed blood instead of preventing it. After years the Maker couldn't take it anymore the beautiful paradise he created was being used as a paradise of war and hatred with the purpose to kill those who lived in different worlds.

Desperate to try and fix this mistake he appeared on his world and decided to share his power in order to heal his world. By giving his own holy power he used it to create more beings however these beings were far unnatural and more superior to the creatures of Pulse and the humans. He created these powerful beings separating them into two different species with the purpose to end the hatred and the war, the Maker's power created them as his serving hand in the healing of his broken paradise. One of the species created was known as the Fal'Cie and the other was known as Mar'Cie he sent the two species to the two worlds. The Fal'Cie were sent to the world of Cocoon while the Mar'Cie were sent to world of Pulse he hoped that his two servants will be able to help the humans understand and end the unnecessary conflict that has plagued his world. With his will done he vanished as he went back to secretly watch over the two worlds, expecting that his loyal servants will help the humans understand the meaning of coexisting with one another.

Time passed on once again and in the world of Pulse the Mar'Cie has achieved a lot of things. They have been able to coexist with the humans in the world because of their great power and advance magic they became the leaders of Pulse while the humans served them as their allies. The Mar'Cie ruled the world of Pulse with justice, compassion and equality it was the reason why the humans were loyally devoted to them. The Mar'Cie weren't just fighters to protect their world from threats of wild monsters but they were also labor people they helped the humans build homes, machines and even help them whenever they get sick providing medicine. Both became one strong unity and they learned to live with one another, because of the Mar'Cie's rule the humans were able to live their lives in peace without any dangers.

In the world of Cocoon the Fal'Cie proclaimed their rule in the human populated world with no problem at all they have spread their teachings and visions for the future which the population has fully agreed with them. They became allies with the powerful species and they ended building better things achieving lots of breakthroughs in technology and developing such things as education, weapons and better security. The humans of Cocoon became their allies and they choose to served under them forever since they were living in peace without experiencing any danger, they knew they will be all right as long as the Fal'Cie we're here to protect them. Most of the humans decided to join them in the security while others joined forces in the military branch very soon Cocoon became a true paradise exactly how they envisioned. It seems that the Maker's vision of having a peaceful world was coming true, or so he thought since the peace was about to be shatter forever.

It began when the two worlds choose to make contact with one another for the first time since the humans' conflict years ago. Since both species were servants of the Maker they knew and wanted what was best for the two worlds which it was peace and unity with the inhabitants, so they made a peace treaty with the two worlds to live free of conflict with the forces and their human allies didn't disagree with the decision. With a peace treaty made the Fal'Cie has even sent some of their own kind to Pulse as a sign that they were in terms with each other, soon the two worlds became allies. However the Fal'Cie has been keeping a dark secret from their own people and everyone else that they secretly envied the Mar'Cie and eventually they grew to hate the species like mortal enemies. The Fal'Cies they sent weren't meant as peace offerings to work with the people of Pulse but rather as a way to keep a close an eye on them, they were sent in disguised as spies.

The Mar'Cie were unaware of their true intentions but they eventually found out when one of the Fal'Cie from Pulse told them of their plan as a sign that he has betrayed his own kind, deciding to join forces with them. The Pulse Fal'Cie Anima revealed their secret plan to overthrown them and the people of Pulse so that the only living beings in this world will be them and the population of Cocoon. The other Fal'Cie living in Pulse also joined Anima in the rebellion because they have chosen to take care of Pulse's weather and it's vegetation as well as the feral creatures residing in it, it wasn't long before the Mar'Cie and their human allies prepared for any incoming threat since they already knew the Fal'Cies true intentions they couldn't be trusted. Not long after a war between Cocoon and Pulse began both forces struggle to fight for what they believed in, the Mar'Cie believed in defending their world while the Fal'Cie fought to eradicate the species from existence.

The war raged on for years both sides were equally matched in power but slowly the war left scars from both sides they had lost a lot of their human allied forces. It seems that the confrontation was destined to last forever without coming to an end which leads to more lives being lost because of the war. Even with the war continuing for many years to come the Maker never return to his world to fix the confrontation of his servants both forces weren't doing what he asked of them to do, the Fal'Cie has betrayed his orders in making a world of harmony without any war. Just when things couldn't probably turn worst the Fal'Cie had a plan to win the war for good one that would guarantee their victory against their enemies. Instead of killing the human allies of the Mar'Cie they will find a way to turn them against them, by betraying their trust hurting them the most.

Calling their mighty powers given to them by the Maker the Fal'Cie found a way to turn humans into their obeying servants by marking them with a brand known as the Fal'Cie brand mark. The humans who were marked became known as I'Cieth once marked they had no choice to fulfill a focus which it was commanded by the Fal'Cie making them their human puppets being marked also had severe consequences. If they didn't fulfill their focus before the branch expands completely opening a red eye they will be turned into the creatures known as Cieth' being who only know nothing but to bring chaos and destruction without a consciences or a heart, they are doomed to wander endlessly until they are somehow taken down in battle, if their focus was fulfilled then they will be gifted with eternal life turning into a crystal which to others it was the same thing as being dead. The Fal'Cie carried on their plan in secrecy and soon the results were seen as people from Pulse started getting infected being marked becoming I'Cieth.

Panic and distress fell on the Pulsians not wanting to be turn into I'Cieth being marked was a curse to them they didn't know what to do even if the Mar'Cie were doing whatever they could to calm them down. Eventually mistrust fell on the Pulsians as they started blaming the Mar'Cie for marking people to bare the brand mark, it wasn't long before they chose to leave them and decided to leave the world of Pulse. The humans who stayed behind either they were crystallized for fulfilling their focus or turned into Cieth' for not fulfilling it, either way they were doomed. The Fal'Cie offered the people from Pulse shelter on Cocoon as a way to escape the curse of becoming an I'Cieth, which it hide their intentions of having them as part of their army or become future I'Cieth to them humans was just empty pawns they can use whenever they needed their services. Without their Pulsian allies the Mar'Cie were on their own and soon they ended fighting an army of Fal'Cie along with their allies and even their formal allies from Pulse earning a bigger army than ever.

The odds were against them but the Mar'Cie didn't give up they were very strong warriors they also bare the power of the Maker and they fought their former allies and enemies as the war continued for the next couple of years. The Fal'Cie tried to mark them with a brand but they failed in doing so because after all they were gifted with the Maker's mighty power however they found a way to curse them forever given them something similar to having a brand mark. With time the war ended the Mar'Cie were defeated the remaining survivors from the war lived in hiding trying to come up with a way to win while secretly they were fighting trying to gain victory, but in the end victory was the last thing they got. Soon the Fal'Cie hunted down the remaining Mar'Cie even its descendants until they were no more the species of the Mar'Cie was forever extinct.

Pulse became an abandoned planet only to be populated by the feral creatures the Fal'Cie from that world didn't bothered going against their former masters since they were only loyal to the Mar'Cie not the Pulsians and since they didn't existed anymore, they chose to continued to help the world of Pulse and the creatures. The Fal'Cie has turned Cocoon into an advanced technology world giving its people the best way to live it soon became a human paradise while its population still fear the world of Pulse. Many years have passed till this very present day Cocoon remains it's human paradise while the people were very please in living under the Fal'Cie rule which it was become into an organization that was separated into two sections, the Sanctum which was the main military force of Cocoon and PSICOM the secondary branch division.

Little did they know that soon their world was going to be threatened to the brink of destruction or perhaps it will be for the better?

And so the story begins….

To be continued

Yes you may have noticed the italic dialogue at the beginning yeah it's a person narrating. I won't say who is the person but you will find out eventually thanks for reading and remember to leave a review farewell.

Next time: Drifter