A/N: Let me be very clear on this, there will be no sequel. I wrote up and posted the alternate ending because so many people have asked for it. The first ending is the official ending. Meaning, no sequel will follow this no matter how much you people beg me. I want to finish One Soul Two Bodies and that is a challenge in itself. I may do another Dramione after I am done with One Soul Two Bodies, but that depends on what is happening in my life.

The Alternate Ending

Ron, Harry and Mrs. Weasley came rushing out of the house. Their wands at the ready after they had felt the wards shift to let someone in. Upon seeing Hermione, however, they let their wands fall momentarily to their sides, before they the lifted them again when they noticed who was carrying her.

"I am not here to harm you." His voice was horse with panic. "You need to get Bill Weasley. She has been cursed and he is the only one who can help her." Molly ran back into the Burrow and Harry and Ron ran up to Hermione. Draco kneeled on the ground and held her close. Her body was now in spasms from the pain she was in and she could barely catch a breath.

"What happened?" asked Harry. His voice now also filled with panic as he watched his friend lose the fight for her life.

His question fell on death ears. Draco was only aware of Hermione at this point; he could feel their bond slipping. Tears coursed down his face and onto hers. Slowly and painfully she managed to lift her hand to his cheek and brush away the tears . "I-I-I'm die-n-ing D-Dr-Draco." She gasped out in agonizing breaths.

He shook his head no as an almost scream of distress left his lips. "No, Weasley, will fix you." She just looked at him, her eyes were filled with sadness. "Why?" he asked.

With a trembling hand she reached up to touch his face. "Be-because I-I," She took a deep breath as the pain coursed through her. She would not let herself go until she said the words. "Love you." With great difficultly she pulled herself up and kissed him on the lips. Her last breath escaped her as she fell back into his arms. Her body was limp. Her eyes were soulless. Draco could feel her soul being ripped from his.

Draco let out an anguished scream and pulled her body close to his. Bill and Mrs. Weasley came running from the house. Bill was at her side in a matter of seconds, but it was to late. She was gone, the curse had took her. "I will do anything, give you anything. Bring her back to me." he begged Bill. The tears fell freely down his face. His eyes were wide and with in those moments, the madness that would consume him started to appear in his grey eyes.

Bill shook his head. His own grief had started to appear on his face. "She is gone there is nothing I can do."

Draco looked down at her face. She looked like an angel to him in that moment. He did not notice her necklace fall to the side near his chest. The several tears fell from his chin as he cradled her in his arms. One of those tears fell onto the snake necklace, as he whispered. "I will do anything. Come back to me Hermione. " The diamonds that represented tears of the snake began to glow. Its tail began to move back and forth.

The mirror inside the jewelry box that was home to the snake. Swirled with magic from its place on Hermione's desk. The place where Draco had smeared his blood glowed and energy burst forth from it. The white stream of light moved from the box and carried itself across the land. It came upon the mourning group and pierce Hermione in the chest. Her body glowed. Draco and the others watched in shock as the light also pierced Draco's chest. He gasped as he felt a piece of himself be broken off from his soul. He watched as it went back into Hermione. Within seconds. She gasped and sat up, her eyes were wide as she looked around. "What happened?" she asked. Draco was filled with joy as he felt her soul reconnect to his. He grabbed her and held her in his arms. He would never let her go again. She held him back, still trying to grasp what had happed to her. Had she not just died? "I don't understand." she said.

Draco pulled himself away to look at her. His hands remained on her shoulders. "I don't understand it either. I don't care how it happened. I have you back." He kissed her with a passion. When he broke the kiss he said. "I love you too. Never leave me again."

She searched his eyes with her own. He was telling the truth. "I would never leave you by choice. I will die old with you." She took his hand in hers and then turned to the her friends that were watching with with shock in their eyes. She had a story to tell them. First, however, she needed a nap.

A/N: Short, sweet, open ending. This is why I did not post it or put it with the published version I gave to someone who this was written for. There are to many unanswered questions and I have moved on from this story. However, if you want to do a sequel. Feel free, please credit me for this one and for being your inspiration. Also, send me a link, I would love to read it.

Thank you all for reading this story. I love all the reviews I get on every site.

Please check out One soul Two Bodies. Its a three part story. Part One is done at sixteen chapters. Its AU, Hermione/Remus/Severus/Draco, time turner and will be very dark. It's my new baby. :D.