Y O R O KO B I – K A N A S H I M I

Summary: What would have happened if Fujumoto never gave Kobato the konpeito back? Would things still be the same?

Alright, I'm going to have this in Fujimoto's point of view…so yeah…

Chapter Prologue: Vanishing Act

This is pretty much end of ep 23 and opening of 24…so it's an introduction. This is...kinda an experimental work in progress. It was mainly to jumpstart me back up b/c i'm ONCE AGAIN stuck on my main Bleach story. So, for a while I got this to get back into the grove. AP English is draining me of my fanfiction-ness. Wahhh! But it did help with sentence structure...hmmm. XD


This had to be a dream, right? It was some horrible dream that I was having for eating something weird before bed, like fish cakes or something canned.

"I won't be able to spend tomorrow with you."

So I was going to wake up soon, right?

I ran throughout the town, asking around for that stupid girl. Why was I so damn worried! All she did was leave…without telling me…

"I care about you, Fujimoto-san."

Her voice resounded in my mind as I paused to take a breather from my non-stop running.

"Oh course I'm worried about someone I care about!"

Tch, I've gone soft

Hold on, there was one more place I haven't checked…

The park wasn't very far from my destination. I bolted. I could bet my face was flushed and the clothes on my back stuck to my skin from the sweat. My lungs screamed for rest, but I denied them that pleasure.

Then there she was, standing on top of one of the structures at the playground. Her luggage was beside her as she stared up to the heavens. She must have heard my footsteps because she turned around in surprise. Her long hair spun around her like a shroud.

I came to a slow halt and said the first thing that came to mind. "What are you doing!"


It looked like she couldn't comprehend the reason why I was here. Truth be told, I didn't know either.

With what little breath I was getting, I asked once more. "Where are you going?"

"I…don't know."

I didn't know if what I was feeling then. Confusion? Concern? Anger? Maybe it was all of it and more. It burst into my voice as my green eyes narrowed at her brownish amber ones. "Don't give me that!"

She was unfazed and seemed to laugh a little. "Even in the end, you're still angry with me." That's not what I wanted to hear. But once again, I speak without thinking.

"Of course I am! You can't just disappear without saying anything!"

"I'm sorry." She bowed and guilt ate away at me. I cursed at myself. I was always like this. Especially to her. My words must have hurt her so many times. All she wanted to do was help me and I push her away. When she ends up leaving, I want her to stay. What the hell was wrong with me!

"Did I...did I hurt your feelings?"

The girl raised her head and frowned. "NO! That's not it!" She denied my words, but the pain in her eyes told a different story in my perspective.

"Then why?"

Her body froze and then she looked away, unable to answer my question.

I was sick of the smile that hid her own pain as she helped others. I wanted to know more about the girl that appeared in my life and made me want to turn it around.

The next few moments pretty much blew my mind. I can't even process it at all now. Apparently, stuffed animals can talk and bright blue crowns on top of heads mean you're dead.

All my logic just went to hell

He began to explain the things I never knew about her and the 'mission' she was given. She was dead and there was no world she was able to exist in (I thought one was enough!).

"She had the chance to be reborn just one time and live life over." The blue stuffed animal explained as she refused to look me in the eyes. The hat that she always wore must have been hiding it. But, how was this all possible?

"Wait, what is this!"

"But…" he ignored me. A soft giggle was carried by the wind.

A small while rabbit appeared floating near her head as it held a pink flower. Finally, she managed to look me in the eyes with that damned smile on her face.

I hated it

"She was more worried about spending her time with you than fulfilling the contract."


"Thus, the contract…" the plushie paused.

How clichéd…

"Was broken."

It was almost like a trigger. The blue crown on her head flashed as some beam of light surrounded her…

Like a prison

"That's why I have to go away." She spoke softly, grinning at me almost sheepishly.

I never noticed my legs moving on their own

My body rushed up the platform as I attempted to get closer, but that damn light stopped me in my tracks. "You have got to be kidding me. Oi!" She seemed to be surprised at my actions as much as I was, but she smiled again nonetheless.

"I was very happy when I was with you." I felt the pain in her voice and felt my heart speed up. Something was lifting the heavy weights off my chest, but at the same time it was crushing my heart without mercy.

Tears began to build up in the corners of her eyes. All I could do was hopelessly watch the tears falling down her cheeks while she stupidly force a smile for me.

That idiot…

"This won't do…" her hand reached forward to touch what felt like a cold glass barrier between us. Now that I think about it, my hand is so much larger than hers. Her hand mirrored mine, but I couldn't feel the warm radiating from it at all.

This sounded strangely familiar…

"I wanted to say goodbye with a smile…"

Stop it

Don't smile

If you're crying, you're not supposed to be laughing or smiling about it!

Damn it…wasn't there anything I could do!

The stupid rabbit seemed to notice the turmoil going on and waved that weird flower. There was a burst of light and I saw her flinch in something akin to pain. She lowered her head and her pinkish-brown bangs shadowed her eyes.

I couldn't take it anymore

I turned to the rabbit pleading. "Stop! Please!"

In response, she looked back up at me. The tears were now gone but the smile remained. "Fujimoto-san…"

I didn't care if I looked downright pathetic right now. All that mattered were the final words she spoke. This could possibly be the last time I hear her soft voice.

She sighed happily and put a hand to her chest. "You're the person I care about the most." Her eyes closed momentarily as she continued. "I always have…and I always will."



I think I…

"Don't go!"


Suddenly the glass shattered, spilling shards everywhere. I thought that I would at least get slightly injured, but even as the glass hit me it just passed through like nothing.

I stared at her for a moment. The falling shards of glass surrounding her made her look so angelic and delicate. Maybe it sounded corny, but I didn't know how else to describe it. I had to smile just a bit for reasons unknown. She mirrored the gesture, and this smile I allowed.

A small beacon of light started at my chest as a small object came out, floating in front of her. She stared at it curiously.


Candy? What the…?

It then went into the jar she had on the suitcase. Flashes of light almost made me fall over from the shock. It filled up as I began to get the feeling of overwhelming dread…I didn't know why, but it still felt like…

"Fujimoto-san's konpeito…" she grabbed the bottle and held it close to her chest. "It's so warm…"

Like she was saying goodbye…

Once again, I couldn't comprehend what was going on next. There was shouting, flames, and a tornado of cherry blossoms. What the hell was going on? I was beginning to get dizzy from trying to take it all in.

"What's going on?"

The girl then looked at me again with the smile. "There's somewhere I must go."

Where though? Tell me…


Her body flashed as well. I didn't know what was going on, but I went forward in an attempt to pull her in and embrace her. I felt the warmth of her body flush against mine for merely a second before she burst into light and disappeared with the cherry blossoms. All I could do was stare at the small petals being carried away by the wind.

The rabbit looked at me for a moment before waving its flower once more. My eyes began to get heavy as darkness consumed me.


"You're a meanie!"

"I'm so sorry!"

"I'll try my best!"

My eyes reopened due to the light streaming through the curtains. I groaned, sitting up and rubbing my eyes to wake up faster. A sound brought my senses back faster. It was from the room adjacent to mine, which was strange to say the least.

I pulled some decent clothes on and went to check the door. I didn't expect to actually be tackled by a huge futon though!

Wait, it was just those twins…

"Are you alright?"

"Oh, sorry!"

"Mama wanted us to move this mattress out."

I frowned. "A mattress?" I peered into the room with curiosity. My mind raced with questions. I only voiced out one though. "Why was there a mattress in an empty room?"

The day went by slowly. Maybe it was because there was practically nothing to do. Yomogi Nursery closed down about three months ago. I thought I would be a little relieved since Sayaka didn't have to worry about debts anymore. Plus, I could focus on becoming a lawyer. But…something was missing…

I attended school more often now. Since I had more free time, it was easier to attend the lectures…

Well, that's what I want to say. Even in the little lectures I go to, I don't really pay attention. Domoto had even noticed my recent lack in enthusiasm.

"I thought you wanted to become a lawyer." He frowned and joined me at the lunch table. "They said you haven't even been taking notes when you do show up. What's wrong?"

"Nothing in particular," I stared wantonly at my uneaten food. Jeez, can't you understand when a guy needs to eat in peace Domoto?

"Something up with you," he smiled with concern etched in his features. "Something took the wind out of your sails."

"Not really," My stomach grumbled quietly in protest.

"I guess it's understandable." He looked down in thought. "You did lose something important to you after all."

My body froze… Maybe Domoto knew something about this!

"It's been what…three months now?" I frowned, already feeling defeated. "It's really too bad what happened to the nursery."

"I'm…I'm not really worried about that. Just…"

Whenever I look back… it's like there's an empty place where someone might have been. It's unnerving! I can almost hear a voice…but I get a migraine when I try to remember.


Domoto helped me snap out of it as I blinked.

"Nah…never mind…"

I wasn't hungry anymore

After work (And after visiting the construction site once known as Yomogi Nursery), I began to make my way home. Thunder and lightning clashed in the sky and rain began to fall.

'Crap, I left the laundry out!' I cursed and ran. Once I made it back, I was soaked to the bone. I swiftly pulled my now ruined jackets off the line, but a small light caught my attention. It landed on my desk and sat there innocently, as if it was waiting to be found.

I set the clothes down and studied the small object.


Then it all clicked

It was like the haze that shrouded my mind was swept away. Memories flooded back to me. Memories that I should never have forgotten.

"I'm not just making a big deal out of it!"

"I'll do my best!"

"You're such a meanie…"

"Fujimoto-san! You looked so cute as a little boy!"

"You worked hard too, Fujimoto-san!"

"Look! The snow is so pretty!"


"You're the person I care about the most. I always have…and I always will. Forever…"


How could this have happened?

How could I have forgotten about her?

What the hell have I been doing until now?

I rushed out the doors once more, immediately feeling the harsh rain pelt my skin.

Now this was familiar. It was exactly the same as the night I tried to find her.

I dashed all around the town, asking people around if they had seen or even remembered her. Sayaka thought I was overworking myself. I at least thought Domoto would remember her! Heck, he was into her I know it! Triol had no recollection of a part-time worker under her name. Even that guy from Okiura's group had no idea what I was talking about. She freaking saved his life!

Was I the only one that remembered?

The adrenaline rush that fueled me died down as I passed where a ginko tree once stood. That was where she stupidly stood in the way of a falling tree. She was so clumsy that it was easy to tell when she would trip or fall.

The sound of footsteps awoke me from my thoughts and I saw that girl the doctor was always with. Kohaku was her name I think. With newfound hope, I ran over.

"Excuse me!"

She turned and smiled. It was so similar to hers. "Oh, good morning!"

I panted and hoped without words she would understand the question I've been asking everyone. My lungs burned and the rain mixed in with my sweat made me shiver from the cold. She studied me for a while before saying, "You're not here about newspaper delivery again, are you."

She allowed me in and offered me a towel to at least dry off most of the moisture. I felt guilty that I was trailing on the tatami mats, but she said she would clean it up later. I placed the photo that used to have her in the center and showed it to her.

"Do you remember the girl that was in this picture? Long hair, brown eyes, and clumsy as… Well, the most clumsy person you'll ever meet?" I asked. For some odd reason, I didn't want to say any vulgar language such as 'hell.' Oh well.

She smiled again. "Yes, I remember."

Relief flooded into me like a warm breeze and I prepared my next question. "I can't find anyone who remembers her. Why can you?"

She closed her eyes and spoke to me cryptically. "Is that really what you want to ask? Is there anything else?"

I thoughts about it for a moment and then pulled the towel off my neck. "Please tell me. When she disappeared, she said there was somewhere she had to go. What's that supposed to mean?"

The woman sighed, her eyes still closed. "If you want to hear the truth, you have to promise me that you won't be too shocked by what I tell you."

Shocked? Just try me. I'll get a kick out of the 'Angels are real! There's one right in front of you!' or 'Oh, your memories are in the form of feathers, so you have to find them!'

Damn, I've been reading too much manga…


Shoot, she had been talking.


Kohaku took a shaky breath in and opened her eyes half-lidded. "Long ago, she lost her life due to something unfortunate that occurred in another world."

I froze. "Her…life?"

"She's dead…"

"Some people really do die just because of some tiny, little thing…"

"She had the chance to live life over."

"Kobato's wish…" She paused. "Was to transcend time, and be reborn by the side of her love. That was what she wished for. For that wish to be fulfilled, she was given a task and sent down to earth." Kohaku continued. All of this surprisingly wasn't getting me dizzy this time. Maybe it was because it wasn't a stuffed animal explaining it to me… "Her soul had only the span of four seasons…"

Four seasons…

That whole time…she's been doing all that? Wait…but she hardly did anything else other than help out at Yomogi Nursery!

"Then, she's already…there?" I asked hopefully. Or was it something else?

"I don't know…" she answered and smiled sorrowfully. "Over my long, long years with Shuichiro, we've parted in tears so many times."

"Shuichiro…" I thought about it. "The doctor, right?" No way…she had a thing with the doctor? Well, she did stop by to get beer for him…erm, off topic.

"Yes." Kohaku placed her hand on her chest. "As Shuichiro is reborn…"


"Yes, as he is reborn, we meet again." It was almost as if she could read my thoughts…and my hopes. "Our hearts are drawn together. Even if our memories of previous lives are lost…we still bear the same souls."

I stared at her. Kohaku definitely had more to her than meets the eye. But that was information I did not need to know. At the beginning, I knew it was kind of like a test. She would only tell me the things I needed to know.

"As long as our souls continue to pass on… No matter how many times…" she smiled reassuringly at me. "I'm sure we'll meet."


So I know if I should scrap the story or not