This story is South Park/X-Men so yeah; there will be craziness and powers.

The creation of this story was helped greatly by Ali Th3 Ch3shir3 Kat and Phsyco Tatie. I owe them a lot of cookies and hugs, LOL! Seriously, this would have never been done this soon, (or ever) with them. So, shout-outs to them! They get imagination cookies!

This story will be of these pairing: Stan/Wendy, Stan/Kyle, Kenny/Butters, Craig/Tweek, and others or changes if I see fit or you can convince me.

I'll do a different Character Profile at the end of each Chapter. The Profile will include: Name, Code-Name, Powers, Abilities, and other facts about the Character.


Don't forget to review at the end!

Chapter 1: A New Beginning

Now enough of that crap! Let's get start! Narrator-dude, take it away!

Narrator-Dude: Mutants (Homo sapiens superior) are the next evolutionary step in the chain of humanity. Some children are born with an "X-factor gene" (a unique mutagenic DNA sequence). This usually manifests itself at puberty, or earlier in special cases, and (most of the time) grants individuals special powers. These mutants are almost universally feared and loathed by the rest of humanity.

Now our story truly begins.

Location: South Park, Colorado

In the same mountainous town of South Park many strange things have happened. From Barbra Streisand to Aliens, it's happened in this relatively peaceful town. So, now that the citizens of this town have seen things like giant hamsters to man-bear-man they still run in terror of the 3 males descending down onto their town.

One of the 3 males was bald white man and looked slightly sick as his feet touched the sidewalk, with him stumbling as he did. The second to descend next to the first looked just as old with white hair. He looked amused at his companion as he placed a hand on the others shoulder to steady him. The 3rd looked much younger than the other 2. He looked to be an African American teenager. He was as amused as the white haired man at his companion's sick look.

"What's the matter Charles? Not used to flying across the country at the speed of sound itself?" the white haired gentleman asked jokingly. The bald man, identified as Charles, looked at the white haired man with a raised eyebrow and a confused face.

"Oh, and you are, Erik? I would have thought it made you sick as well, or at the least Traban?" Charles said looking toward the youngest male with hope, only for him to shrug his shoulders.

"I can fly, Erik can fly, you can't, and that's all there is to it. Trust me Charles; we had the same feelings you have right now, back when we first did this. You just get used to it. Hell, I even throw-up my first time!" Traban stated with Erik nodding his head in agreement. Charles then started walking swiftly down the sidewalk with other 2 falling into step on side him.

"I still don't see why we're here, Charles?" Erik said in a hope to get some answers.

"Yeah, you just wake up this morning telling us to throw on clothes and fly you and us to Colorado. Colorado! What gives? Then there's the fact we're here in South Park? I've never heard of this town until we saw that sign getting here. And why not take a plane, or something else? Charles, what's going on here?" Traban asked, varying from serious, to angry, and then concerned. Charles never stopped for a second, but did speak to them.

"I'll answer those in order. 1, we're here because of a child with a high mental reading that awoke me this morning. 2, this is where he resides. 3, we needed to get here as quickly as possible as I'm excited to meet said child. 4, I have a feeling that things are going to be most interesting in our visit here." Charles finished as they turned the corner to walk down another street.

"Okay, so it's a child. This was all the fuss? So, why am I'm here?" Eric asked kindly.

"Because I need both of you, my old friends." Charles said as he turned around to smile kindly at them.

"Okay, we get it. Guilt Trip, I never thought you'd use that on us. And, I'm not old!" Traban said, amused at first, then joking anger, all with a smirk never leaving his face. The other 2 chuckled at him while they all walked down the street.

"I still don't know why I'm here? Couldn't you just make this child's parents say yes?" Erik said jokingly.

"Yes, I could, but it's not my way. And I would expect you of all people to understand my feelings about the misuse of power." Charles said in a friendly tone as he started walking slower.

"Ah, 'power corrupts' and all that. Yes, I know, Charles. When are you going to stop lecturing me?" Erik said in the same friendly tone, showing the slightest bit of irritation in it.

"When you start listening" Charles replied with a chuckle as Traban did as well.

"Dude, you know he does this just to get to you, but really you should start listening. I mean if you don't you might become and ironic example of your own past." Traban said jokingly with all 3 laughing at the end.

"Yes, yes, and then I'll be the evil all-powerful being threatening a race or species with total annihilation." Erik said jokingly in a mock dark and evil voice as they continued to laugh walking down the sidewalk.

They continued to walk down the street until they reached a house that was painted a dark green color with a brown door. It had a detached garage. It was then Erik checked his watch, it was exactly 11am, on a Saturday. Traban glanced at the watch and sighed in frustration. He could be watch cartoons or on the internet. They walked up to the house and Charles rang the doorbell.

"Brace yourselves, my friends. I sense this is not going to go as well as we hope." Charles said as they glanced from the door to him with serious expressions on their faces.

The door opened to reveal a middle aged man wears a magenta yarmulke, a khaki jacket with a blue shirt underneath, and forest green trousers. He had brown hair with sideburns and a full beard trimmed into a point at the chin and shaved alongside the lips so that his mustache does not connect. Traban had a feeling he was balding, but didn't want to show. The fact that he is seen wearing it also implies that he practices Orthodox Judaism, the 3 concluded. The man gave them a warm smile and ushered them in.

"Hello, Mr. Broflovski. I'm Professor Xavier, and these are my companions, Erik Lehnsherr, and Traban Tousen. I had called earlier to alert you of our stop here to see you eldest child." Charles said kindly as the man closed the door behind them.

"Good morning to you. Yes, I'm Gerald Broflovski, my wife did mention you coming soon, but you had only called this morning, and from New York City, no less. You had called at 8. I'll admit; I'm extremely surprised to see you here in less than 4 hours than you had called." The man, named Gerald, said shocked.

"Well, I was just excited to meet the young child, as I have read much about him." Charles said kindly, with a slight chuckle at the man's shock.

Traban and Erik both knew that the only 'reading' Charles had doing was through that sorry excuse for a book Gerald called a mind, the second they saw the man, or probably even before that. They knew he was doing it right now with no tells as for others to know he was. Traban and Erik were doing the same thing to the man through the use of their powers as well. Before Gerald had even responded, they had gotten everything that the child had ever done, at least that which Gerald knew about. Traban had to say this town was weirder than it looked, if Gerald's memories were anything to go by.

"Yes, well, my wife, Sheila was so happy you had accepted our son for your school of the gifted, Professor" Gerald said proudly. Traban took another dive into the mind of the man, and knew he had no clue his son was more 'gifted' than even he knew.

"Please, sit down, and I'll go get my wife, and tell her you're here." Gerald said as he walked upstairs to get his wife. They knew she was already getting dressed up to meet them and was preparing herself for any question they might ask about her son. When she came down and sat in the chair opposite them with Gerald standing behind her, they knew that things would not go as hoped.

Sheila Broflovski wears a midnight blue dress suit with a white shirt and a violet-red skirt underneath. She also wears beige nylons, red lipstick, and gold earrings. Her hair is long, red, and put up in a beehive. She looked to be overweight and shorter than average height. They quickly checked her mind for anything missing from Gerald's and found just about nothing.

"Hello, I'm Sheila Broflovski and I'm glad you picked my little bubbie for school. He's very smart for his age and has excellent behavior. He'd fit in perfect with any other children there." Sheila said proudly as she boasted about her son. The 3 friends gave a small chuckle.

"Our school is just starting up, Mrs. Broflovski and I'm here to see if your child would like to be the first of our school. I'm sure your son would fit in perfectly with any other students we pick. Would you like to see a brochure, Mrs. Broflovski?" Charles said kindly to the woman, with her nodding with a smile. He then took one from the inside of his suit and handed it to her. She and Gerald looked through it and whispered excitedly to each other.

"Oh my, what such a beautiful campus, I'm sure my bubbie will take in all its beauty as he's there." She said, but they caught the bait that she was trying to say the child would be going to their school no matter what.

"Mrs. Broflovski, perhaps it would be best if we saw your son on this decision as well." Charles said before Traban could tell her off about making decisions like these without her son.

"Yes, I'll call him, he'll be so happy. Bubbie, come down here a moment, they're some important people here to see you!" Sheila yelled to the upstairs. Erik had to fight back a scowl at how rude the Jewish woman was to yell instead of going upstairs.

A small boy descended from the stairs in teddy bear pajamas. He had fiery red hair and a small curvy frame. He looked like a girl to them, but they knew it was a boy. His eyes were a jade green. His was of average height for a 9 year-old, but they could see he was a bit under the weight average. He must have just woken up, because he opened his mouth, revealing perfectly white teeth, and yawned loudly. Sheila was about to scold him, but he spoke before she could.

"Dude, who's here at 11 on a Saturday? They're not those people from China trying to abduct me to fulfill at ancient proficiency about me being the chosen one again, are they?" he asked, as he rubbed his eyes to see better.

"No, we're not. I'm Charles Xavier and these are my friends; Erik Lehnsherr and Traban Tousen. We're here to meet you. What's your name?" Charles asked as he looked at the child.

"I'm Kyle, Kyle Broflovski. Why are you here to meet me?" Kyle asked as looked at everyone in the room.

"Bubbie, they're here for you to be the first student in their new school for the gifted. Isn't that great?" Sheila asked excitedly as Kyle frown for a second, but it was gone quicker than his parents knew, but not the other 3 in the room.

"Can my friends go to?" Kyle asked hopefully. Erik was about to respond, but Sheila spoke up.

"Oh no, bubbie, they're not like you. You're smarter than they are. I'm sorry gentlemen, but his little friends would never fit in there." Sheila said firmly. Traban inwardly rolled his eyes and Erik frowned on the inside with both thinking the same thing, 'She still has no clue why we want her son in our school!'

"So, Stan and the rest of my friends can't go?" Kyle asked looking at Charles and his friends for answers, but once again Sheila piped in.

"No Kyle, your friends are not going to that school. They couldn't even get in, and plus it's all the way in New York. They could never get in." She said firmly.

"Well then I won't go." Kyle said just as firmly.

"What-what-WHAT!" Sheila yelled, as the 3 friends flinched under the volume of her voice.

"I'm not going. I'd rather be with my friends."

"Kyle, think about this for a moment. This is a great opportunity, and you could make new friends at this school." Gerald said kindly to his son.

"Not friends like Stan, dad. He's my super best friend. I'd never leave him. If he can't get in then I won't go." Kyle said respectfully, yet firmly, all the same.

"Kyle Broflovski, you are going to this school mister, and you'll like it!"Sheila yelled to her son.

"I'm not going!" Kyle yelled back.

They glared at each other for what seemed like hours. The 2 didn't even notice a younger boy come down the stairs in his pajamas as well.

The boy was smaller than Kyle. He wore blue pajamas and clutched a teddy bear in his arms. He had black hair and black eyes. He looked to be about 4 or 5 years-old. He flinched as he looked at Kyle and Sheila glare at each other. Charles and the other 2 knew the boy was adopted from reading the minds of his parents. The boy walked in the room and quickly ran to the leg of his father.

"You are going to that school young man! This is a great opportunity and you will not waste it!" Sheila yelled at Kyle while still glaring at him, to which he returned.

"I'm not going without my friends and Stan! This is just like that time you tried to send me to that Jew camp and have me morphed into the perfect son!" Kyle yelled back at her.

"And I would have to if you're little friends hadn't stopped me by rescuing you! That boy, Stan, always gets in the way, and he's doing in now without even being here!"

"I don't care! I'm not going!"

"You are going, and that is final!"

"I said NO!" Kyle yelled as his eyes flashed a toxic green.

After that a burst of some kind of unseen energy had knocked back just about everything in the room. Tables, pictures and other things were thrown to the walls. Erik and Traban used their powers to block the force from themselves and Charles, but didn't have time to block the others in the room. Sheila and the chair she was in flipped over and Gerald and the small child were knocked back to the wall. Thankful they weren't hurt much.

Kyle started wobbling as if sick or tired and fell into Traban's waiting arms as he sat Kyle on the couch he was sitting on. Kyle looked up and smiled gratefully to Traban as Erik stood. Erik was about to speak when, Sheila interrupted, again. He was growing tired of that.

"What on Earth was that?" Sheila asked with wide eyes at her now destroyed living room.

"That was your son, Kyle, Mrs. Broflovski." Erik stated as if it were the simplest thing in the world.

"Sorry mom, I don't-" Kyle started, but was cut off by his mom.

"Gerald, our son is one of those mutants we've been hearing about on the television! He's a monster and a freak; get him out of this house, NOW!" Sheila yelled to her husband. Charles, Traban and Erik chose to hold their tongues as to not kill the woman.

"Now hold on their dear. Kyle's just a little sick. He's a just got… an illness." Gerald finished sadly as he looked toward his son.

"Illness? You think your son is sick, Mr. Broflovski?" Erik said to Gerald with narrowed eyes as if looking for the man's soul.

"I don't care I want him out of this house!" Sheila yelled as she stomped to Kyle.

"NO!" The smaller boy yelled and brought up his hands as he ran at his mom to stop her.

His palms started glowing an arctic blue light. Beams of the same color came from his open palms and shot toward Sheila at high speeds. Her legs were hit by the beams and ice started growing where the beams were hitting. Her legs were frozen to the spot in a tough thin layer of solid ice.

Each person looked on in shock or awe at the scene before them. Traban, Charles and Erik had already deducted the boy's powers by the time his palms stopped glowing and he fell to his knees. Kyle ran to the boy and held him as he cried. Sheila and Gerald stared wide eyed at the children until Gerald found his voice.

"Ike, what just happened?" Gerald asked the younger boy, who was Ike. Ike looked up from Kyle's chest and stared at Gerald.

"I don't know daddy." Ike said as he began crying more into Kyle's chest, with the latter patting his back looking toward his mother with fear in his eyes.

"Get out. Get out. Get out! Get OUT! GET OUT!" Sheila said started quietly getting louder and louder until she was screaming at the top of her lungs. Everyone in the room looked at her angry and reddened face.

"But mom-" Kyle said weakly as he couldn't believe his mother would kick him out again. The last time was when Stan had climbed into his room and stayed the night without anyone knowing.

"I am NOT your mother and you 2 are no sons of mine!" The red head woman yelled to her sons as they both began to cry under her words. Charles and Erik looked to Traban and he nodded snapping his fingers. They looked back at the scene before them as Gerald got from by the wall, walked over to the boys… and hugged them.

"You're not monsters boys. You're just different, and you're not sick. Remember I love you two and always will." He said proudly to his children. They hugged him back and cried on him as he patted their backs.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Broflovski, but we'll have to take the children, since she won't accept them. You understand." Charles said as he knelt down to Gerald, with Gerald nodding.

"Yeah, that's probably best." Gerald said solemnly.

"You're welcome to see them anytime you wish, or during the summer." Charles said kindly as he glanced at Sheila to see her glaring at the boys.

"I'll think about it." Gerald said quietly as he glanced at his wife, who glared at him.

"They can go! Get their things and get those demons out of my home!" She yelled at Charles who didn't even finch.

"Their things are already packed, Mrs. Broflovski." Charles said as two large suitcases came flowing down the stairs and dropped at Traban's feet as he picked them up.

"You, your, your-" Sheila started with wide eyes as she looked to Traban who glared at her, which made her flinch in fear.

"Mutants, yes, we know. Shocking isn't it?" Erik asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"All of you FREAKS, get OUT of my house!" Sheila yelled trying to break the ice she was trapped in.

The 5 of them walked out calmly, but at the door Charles slipped Gerald the number of the school. They then started walking down the street until they were a good distance away from the house. Kyle and Ike didn't look as sad as they had at first.

"Wow, I guess Cartman was right, my mom is a bitch." Kyle said sadly, with a small sad chuckle. Ike nodded his head in agreement.

"Who?" Traban asked as he was looked toward Kyle.

"Oh just one of my friends. WAIT! My friends, we have to help them, their parents are goin' kick them out to if they did what me and Ike did. STAN! I have to help him!" Kyle exclaimed as he tried to run down the street, but Traban grabbed his collar before he got going.

"Whoa there, my little Jewish cowboy, where do you think you're going, huh?" Traban asked without turning to the boy, who struggled to get free, but couldn't.

"My super best friend, Stan, he's going to get kicked out! Him, Kenny, and that fat-ass Cartman! We have to help them! Stan said he'd show his parents as today!" Kyle explained as he was let go to talk.

"We will help them, Kyle, but we need you to guide us to Stan's home so we can." Charles said kindly as Kyle swiftly nodded his head.

"Come on, I know a shortcut." Kyle said as he walked down the sidewalk quickly.

They followed Kyle for 5 minutes until they reached a house built the same as most of the other houses in town. The color of the house was a light green and had a light brown door. It has two stories and an attached garage. They walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. Kyle looked more worried with each passing second the door was unanswered.

The door opened to reveal a woman, who looked to be in her 30's. She wore a brown sweater with red frilly ruffles on the cuffs and the collar, and dark blue jeans. Her hair was brown, and seemed to be slightly wavy. She smiled kindly at them as she looked from the boys to the older men.

"Hey, Mrs. Marsh is Stan up yet?" Kyle asked worriedly.

"Yes, he just woke up. He's still in his room; could up go get him for me while I show these gentlemen in? And get you and Ike dressed as well." She asked kindly as he nodded and ran past her into the house and up the stairs with Ike close behind.

"Hello, ma'am I am Professor Charles Xavier, of Xavier's School for the Gifted. These are my 2 colleagues; Erik Lehnsherr and Traban Tousen. We are here to see a, Stan, as Kyle calls the boy." Charles introduced them as she let them in and they took their seats in the living room.

"Hey, I'm Sharon Marsh. My son is Stanley Marsh and he's the one you're here to see." The woman, named Sharon, said.

"Well, Ms. Marsh, would you like to see the brochure for the school? I've only 2 students so far. Kyle was the one I came to this town to see. I would like it if Stanley was to be the third." Charles said nicely as Sharon nodded. He handed her the brochure with her reaction being the same as the Broflovski.

"This is beautiful, and it's Mrs. Marsh. My husband is Randy Marsh." Sharon said as she looked through the brochure.

It was then a man of about 35, walked from down the stairs with Kyle, Ike, and another boy closely behind.

The man, who must have been Randy, wore a blue colored shirt with chest pockets on each side and dark gray trousers. His left-side pocket had a yellow, a red, and a blue pen, plus some white paper pinned in. He had thick, black hair with parted bangs, and a thick black mustache. Traban thought he was trying to evoke a 1970s hairstyle.

Kyle came down the stairs wearing a green ushanka, a bright orange jacket with black trimmed pockets and dark green collar, dark green pants, and dark green mittens.

Ike still wore the blue pajamas, but at least had a blue coat over them.

The other boy must have been Stan. He wore a brown jacket with a red collar, a blue hat with a red puffball and rim and blue jeans. It was clear he has black hair as his hat is partially loosened off. Stan also has blue eyes and is a little taller than Kyle.

Stan and his dad yawned loudly as they both reach the living room. They walked over to Sharon as Traban got up and let Kyle and Ike sit in his place.

"Sharon, who are they?" Randy asked his wife.

"Randy, this is Professor Xavier and his colleagues from Xavier's School for the Gifted, and he wants Stan to be the 3rd student of the school." Sharon said happily as she gave Randy the brochure.

"Awww, man! Some fancy boarding school? The tuition for this place is going to cost a lot of money!" Randy said feeling his wallet and bank accounts need CPR.

"Actually, Mr. Marsh, the there is no tuition. We pay for everything. All we ask of the students is to have one gift." Erik said to Randy as he knew the man was dreading his poor wallet.

"Oh, thank God. So, what gift are you guys looking for?" Randy asked.

"Well you see, I think it would be better for your son to show us if he has the gift, rather than explain." Traban said looking at Stan. Stan stepped into the middle of the living room floor and looked at his parents with slight fear, but didn't act on it.

"Mom, dad, there's something I want to show you guys." Stan said as they looked at him.

Stan then looked at an empty can on the floor in the living room and pointed his hand toward it. His eyes glowed violet and so did his hand. It was then a blast of violet energy shot from his palm and toward the can at high speed. The can exploded on the impact of the energy hitting it. The spot the can was in was slightly smoking and had a burn mark on it.

Stan looked around to see the reactions of the people there. Erik, Charles, and Traban were nodding as they came to the immediate conclusion of what his powers were. Kyle and Ike looked in awe as they saw what Stan had done. Randy and Sharon were hard to read as they looked blank until Randy got up and started jumping and dancing around Stan.

"Aww, that was so cool, Stan! You blasted the crap out of that can! It was like 'ka-bluish' and 'plow' and it was so cool! Can you do it again, huh, can ya?" Randy said excitedly. Sharon looked toward Charles.

"You're school is a school for mutants? You're not going to hurt Stan, are you?" Sharon asked.

"Of course not, Mrs. Marsh, we'll be teaching them how to control their powers and use them for good. Plus, you can see Stanley anytime you want." Charles replied kindly at her worried expression.

"Okay, then Stan can go. But when does he leave?" Sharon asked as Randy kept asking Stan about his powers.

"Right now, because apparently we have our stops to make." Traban said as he snapped his fingers. A minute later a large suitcase came floating in to the living room and landed at his feet.

Stan picked up his suitcase, with Kyle and Ike doing the same as they were about to leave. After good-byes, and much love from Sharon to Stan, they were on their way to another house. They stopped when a poof of smoke showed up 2 feet in front of them. It disappeared as quickly as it came to reveal a boy.

The boy was wearing a red jacket, yellow mittens. He wore a blue hat with a yellow puff ball on top, brown pants, and black shoes. He had medium-brown hair, black eyes, and a double-chin. He was as large as Stan and Kyle together.

The boy's eyes darted from one person to another and then landed on Kyle. He started laughing as he fell over from Kyle throwing his suitcase at the larger boy. He was still laughing as Stan and Kyle walked over to him.

"What's so funny, fat-ass?" Kyle said angrily.

"Kenny and me went to your house 10 minutes ago and your mom said you don't live their anymore. What happen; you and Stan had loud sex and she caught you fags?" the large boy asked mockingly. Stan held up his hand and quickly shot a blast of violet energy at the fat boy which knocked him back some and gave him a small heat mark on his clothes.

"Shut up, Cartman! Kyle got kicked out, cuz his mom found out about his powers. We're going to the Xavier School for Mutants. Are you coming or what?" Stan asked the fat boy, named Cartman.

"Hell yeah, but we gotta go get Kenny and the others." Cartman replied getting up.

"Okay, I can see we're going to be here for a while, so give me your stuff, and you kid go get yours." Traban said as Cartman nodded and poof away.

Traban then placed both hands in front of his body. His eyes glowed all the colors of the rainbow, with his hands doing the same. The energy on his hands shot in the space into air in front of him, but stopped a foot in front of his hands. The energy then started to expand into a small circle and leave the center. Once it left the center it revealed a foyer if some sort as if a viewing glass to another placed.

Traban then took the suitcases from the boys and toss them into the circle. They went through the circle as if it were water and landed in the foyer. Once Cartman had come back with his suitcase, Traban tossed it in there as well. Traban then grabbed the circle by its side with his glowing hand and placed it in his pocket.

"Dude, what was that?" Stan asked Traban.

"That was a dimensional gate from here to the school. I created it by using my powers. That's all you need to know." Traban said plainly.

They walked for 5 more minutes, but saw 6 kids heading toward them. All of them were carrying suitcases and their parents right behind them. Traban groaned and pulled out the dimensional gate, as Charles and Erik looked at the children with interest.

The first to reach them was wearing an orange parka, orange pants, and brown gloves. His eyes were a light blue. His hood was down, revealing his messy blond hair. He smiled as he handed Traban his suitcase as it was tossed inside. Traban threw all of the suitcases in the gate and went to Charles and Erik to talk with the parents, while the 10 kids talked.

"Kenny!" Stan and Kyle exclaimed hugging the messy boy.

"Hey, I thought you 2 were gay for each other not me? Oh well, not saying I don't love this though." Kenny said as Stan and Kyle pulled away from him.

"Stan is not gay!" came a girl's yell from behind Kenny.

It was a girl who had yelled. She wore a pink beret, a light purple jacket with a dark blue collar, blue gloves, and yellow trousers. Her hair was long and black with choppy uneven bangs and brown eyes.

"Wendy, no one asked you. I think we all know Stan wants to bang our favorite little red headed Jew here. Don't cha Stan?" Kenny asked with a huge grin on his face from looking at Stan and Kyle's red faces.

"No one cares if they bang each other so long as no one has to hear it." A boy said, on side of Wendy.

He wore a blue jacket and a matching blue chullo hat with a yellow puffball on top. He wore black jeans and black shoes. His eyes were brown. He flipped off everyone, supposedly as a form of greeting.

Behind him hid a nervous and jittery boy. The boy had blond hair in a spiky design looking as if he just rolled out of bed, and shifty black eyes. He wore a green shirt buttoned incorrectly, and blue jeans with black shoes.

"Craig-ACK, you shouldn't say things like that-ACK! It's not nice-ACK, dude." The jittery boy said to Craig, in a spasmodic voice.

"It's not nice, but it is true Tweek." Craig said plainly as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Aww, but I don't want Kyle to bang Stan especially, if Stan gets to have Kyle's sweet ass." A girl with long blonde hair said, next to another blonde boy who was poking his knuckles together.

"N-now Bebe, y-you should leave Kyle's butt alone. It's not yours." The blonde boy next to her stuttered out. She gave him a sideways glance before flipping her hair, and walking to the others with him close behind.

"Butters, you're looking extra sexy today. Can I tap that?" Kenny said to Butters as he hung his arm over Butters' shoulder, with the boy blushing and taking the arm off him.

"N-now Kenny, y-you n-now the r-rules of c-church; no s-s-sex before m-marriage." Butters said with a red face.

"Aww, but that means I'll have to wait forever, and I'm horny now!" Kenny whined playfully as Kyle slapped him in the back of the head.

"Leave Butters alone Kenny. Keep chasing him like that and he'll never love you." Kyle lectured as Kenny rolled his eyes and grinned.

"You're just saying that, cuz you can bang Stan any second of the year just by saying, 'Stan, I'm horny. Take me now.', while the rest of us have to work for it." Kenny said with Kyle and Stan putting Butters' red face to shame.

"Stan and I aren't like that! Jesus Christ, Kenny, I don't know why Butters even hangs out with you!" Kyle said loudly.

"It's cuz of my magnetic personality." Kenny says cheekily with a grin as he uses his powers to collect small metal objects and orbit them around him and Butters before putting them back.

"Wow, metals Kenny, I can freakin' control the weather! Top that!" Wendy exclaims pointing a finger in his face.

"I can heal people, so there!" Bebe says as Wendy rolls her eyes.

"That sucks, really Bebe." Wendy tells her.

"Stan, do you know what you can do? I know you've had it for a few weeks, but what do you do really? I mean all you guys found out about your powers about a month ago. Ike and me just got ours." Kyle asks Stan, with the latter shrugging.

"I can blast empty cans. They've been practicing with their powers none stop. What about you? What can you do?" Stan says plainly to Kyle.

"I don't even know, but I got this really bad headache. It started small when we got kicked out, but now it just keeps growing. It feels like my brains on fire." Kyle said massaging his temples.

"Don't worry, it's probably nothing." Stan said rubbing Kyle's back as the parents let and Charles walked over to Kyle. Traban was expanding the dimensional gate so the kids could walk through.

"What's wrong with him, Stanley?" Charles asked as he knelt down to check Kyle out.

"Just Stan, okay? He says headaches are bothering him. Can you help him?" Stan asked, as they were the last to walk through the gate with Kyle, as Traban was behind them and closed the gate.

"I'll do what I can. He has Telekinesis so; he'll experience these for now and then more when he becomes aware of his Telepathy. I'm a telepath myself so, I can help a bit." Charles said as he used his telepathic powers to help Kyle. Kyle fell asleep and Traban took him to his room.

"So Kyle has 2 powers? Sweet, dude, that's cool!" Stan said excitedly for Kyle as he and Charles took a stroll through the hallways of the mansion.

"Yes Stan, he has 2 powers. Your power deals with Energy Manipulation, similar to my friend, Traban. Cartman's power is Teleportation, and Kenny's is Magnetic Manipulation, just like my friend, Erik. Wendy's is Weather, and Bebe's is Cellular. Butters' is Shape Shifting, while Tweek's is Super-speed, but Craig's is Pyrokinetics, yet Ike's power is Thermokinetics. Each of you is different than the other. Divided you are strong, but together you are invincible. Remember that, Stan, and remember this: use your powers for good, and never for harm. Tomorrow we'll move to the real school in California and there we will begin. Now go to your room and get some rest." Charles said as he and Stan walked up to a room. Stan opened the door and saw that Kyle was on one of the 2 beds asleep.

"I hope you don't mind, but you and he will be sharing a room for tonight." Charles said as he walked off. Stan shook his head since he knew he and Kyle could have shared a heart for all he cared, even if that did sound gay.

Stan walked into the room and changed into his pajamas. He got into bed and fell asleep before he even knew it. His dreams were filled with waffles; he hoped that they'll be some for breakfast.

The Next Morning:

The new day found the 10 kids with more sun and heat than they were used to. Stan and Kyle woke up around the same time and could figure out way it was so bright and hot. They walked out of their room only to see Kenny walking toward somewhere. They follow him and end up in the kitchen where everyone else was.

Wendy walked up to Stan and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Stan blushed and then the glass of milk in Kenny's hand starts to crack. Kenny looks up from his glass to Kyle and sees the small curvy Jew with an annoyed look on his face as he glares daggers at Wendy. Kenny walks up to Kyle and shows him the glass.

"Chill dude, you're going to make me waste perfectly good milk." Kenny says quietly to Kyle.

"Sorry, dude, it's just… I don't know. Every time she does that I feel angry at her. I don't even know why dude." Kyle tried to explain, but failed miserably.

"It's okay, dude. Why not come have some breakfast with me?" Kenny says with Kyle nodding.

Stan watched them out of the corner of his eye as Wendy droned on and on about some he saw Kyle and Kenny sit together felt… angry and jealousy in the pit of his heart. He didn't even know why. Kyle could seat with Kenny, on the other side of the dining room table, at the complete opposite end, and with just Kenny.

It was then that Charles walked into the dining room with 5 other people including Traban and Erik. They all formally introduced themselves by codenames. They were; The Professor, Magneto, Eon, Storm, X-Man, and Elixir. They divided the kids into factions with 2 going to each, except The Professor, Magneto, and Elixir who got 1 and Storm who got 3.

"Now, I know you all have questions, so I'll answer them now. 1. We are in California. 2. Traban and Erik moved us while you all slept. 3. For the next 4 years we shall be your only teachers. The teacher you are assigned to be your only teacher for this 1st year, but after it'll be just like school. You'll stay in separate rooms until the 2nd year. We will follow a schedule, and train to become better in the control and use of our powers. In 4 years we'll have a surprise to share with you all, but for now stay focused on your training. Good luck, because from this day forth, you are to be called the X-Men." Charles said as they departed ways to start their training and studies.

The future was looking brighter, but also dimmer as Kyle and Stan locked eyes, getting further and further from each other as they followed their teachers. They wouldn't see each other much for the next 4 years, but they knew that they'd grow stronger than ever.

Next Chapter: Class Is In Session!

End of Chapter: Start of Profiles


The Professor (Charles): Kyle

Magneto (Erik): Kenny

Eon (Traban): Stan and Tweek

Storm (Oruro): Wendy, Craig, and Ike

X-Man (Steven): Butters and Cartman

Elixir (Emma): Bebe

Mutant Rankings:

Majesty: Only 7 Worldwide Known mutants EVER (Immortality) (God Level)

Omega: No Flaws or Weaknesses and Mega Powerful (Odd sort of Immortality), (Advanced Level)

Alpha: 1 Flaw or Rare Weakness and Super Powerful (Extended Life), (Above-Average Level)

Beta: 2-5 Flaws or Occasional Weakness and Powerful (Hard to Kill), (Average Level)

Gamma: Several Flaws or Somewhat Weakness and Average Power (Below-Average Level)

Delta: Many Flaws or Weaknesses and Weak (Basic Level)

Epsilon: Flaws, Weaknesses, and Just Discovered Powers (Beginner Level)