A/N: Sorry that it has been so long since I last updated but I've had loads of exams and so I've been really busy. I will try to be quicker with the updates from now on. Thank you to anyone who has read so far and reviewed ect.

Hmm. Isabelle thought to herself. How many peanuts would taste right? She was currently completing her second attempt at fish soup, after the one earlier didn't quite go to plan she had decided to make a new one and mix them together. They would be none the wiser.

What with Jace off Angel knows where with Clary and Alec off in a sulk she had been at a loss of what to do. After hunting down Church and giving him a much needed bath, she had decided that cooking the best bet.

She suddenly heard the sound of footsteps coming towards the kitchen and she soon saw the familiar blonde head of her adopted brother. Isabelle felt relax slightly, at least one of her brothers had returned. Just in time for dinner.

"I'm making soup" she said, glancing back down at the ingredients "Are ya hungry?"

That was when she saw who was behind him. She glanced at the red headed Mundie who had become such a big part of their lives all of a sudden, to see who was standing next to her.

She froze. It was the brown haired boy from Pandemonium, the one who she had been thinking about the other day. He was just the same. Floppy hair, Glasses framing his dark eyes, some sort of band tea shirt with a pair of jeans. He looked cute. God she had to stop thinking about the Mundie like that, it wasn't normal.

She was pushing her previous thoughts aside when it hit her. Mundie.

"Oh My God" she said with finality "You brought another Mundie here! Hodge is going to kill you!"

The brown haired Mundie cleared his throat. "I'm Simon" he said.

Isabelle ignored him, no matter what she thought about him there were so much more pressing matters than his name.

"Jace Wayland! Explain yourself"

Jace was glaring at Church "I told you to bring me to Alec, you backstabbing feline"

"Don't blame Church!" Isabelle said indignantly "It's not his fault Hodge is going to kill you"

She plunged the spoon back in to the soup, determined not to get distracted and ruin this one as well.

"I had to bring him" Jace said "Isabelle, today I saw two of the men who killed my father."

Isabelle froze. 'What?' she thought. No wonder he was acting so weird. She stopped knowing that she couldn't say much in front of Jace, and they had been expecting something like this for a while. Poor Jace.

She turned to face him

"I don't suppose he's one of them" she said, pointing the spoon at Simon, who was staring at her with a far away look. Isabelle wasn't in the mood for him, she was used to those looks a lot. She also noticed Clary looking at her with a less than friendly look, but she ignored her too.

"Of course not" Jace replied "Do you think he would be alive now if he was"

She glanced at Simon "I suppose not" she said, picking a piece of fish up and dropping it on the floor for Church to eat.

"No wonder he brought us hear" said Jace "I can't believe you've been stuffing him with fish again, he's looking distinctly podgy"

"He does not look podgy!" Isabelle said indignantly, forgetting their previous conversation "And besides it's not as though the rest of you ever eat anything" She remembered the full meals that she had cooked still in the fridge. "I got this recipe from a Water Sprite down at the Market, he said it was delicious"

"If you knew how to cook maybe I would eat it" Jace muttered

She froze. How dare he!

"What did you say?" she asked dangerously, pointing the spoon at him.

Jace edged towards the fridge. "I said I'm going to look for a snack to eat"

"That's what I thought you said" she replied turning her attention back to the soup.

Isabelle looked back at Simon and found he was still staring at her. She ignored him, absently watching Jace and Clary talk over by the fridge. Her head snapped up as she heard him say spaghetti.

"Don't ruin your appetite!"

"That," Jace said "Is what I intend to do, want some?" he asked looking at Clary.

She shook her head.

"Of course, you ate all of those sandwiches"

At that point Simon started to talk to her,

"So your like, a demon hunter" he said

Isabelle sighed, rolling her eyes at his attempt to make conversation. Oh well he knew anyway.

"Yes" she replied coolly "We all are"

"Right" he said "So do you use on of those glowing weapon things?"

Isabelle frowned slightly, when had he seen a Seraph Blade?

"Yes, but I prefer to use a whip" she said watching with satisfaction as his eyes widened.

"A, Wh-whip" he repeated looking shocked

She smiled coolly at him and was about to reply when he glanced over her shoulder.

"Where are you going?" he asked as Jace and Clary began to walk through the door.

"To find Hodge" Clary said "We need to tell him what happened at Luke's"

Then Isabelle remembered their earlier conversation.

"Are you going to tell him about those guys, you know the ones that-"

"I don't know" he cut her off "But for now keep it to yourself"

Knowing that it was best not to push him she shrugged.

"Alright, are you going to come back? Do you want some soup?"

"No" he said calmly

"Do you think Hodge will want some soup?" she asked starting to get annoyed.

"Nobody wants any soup"

"I want some soup" Simon said quickly

"No you don't" Jace said "You just want to sleep with Isabelle"

Simon looked appalled and Isabelle smiled slightly at his discomfort towards the subject.

"That is not true!" He cried indignantly

"How flattering" she murmured smirking in to the soup.

"Oh, yes it is!" Jace said ignoring her "Now hurry up and ask her so that she can turn you down and the rest of us can move on with our lives while you mope in humiliation"

"Hurry up Mundie boy we've got work to do" he said snapping his fingers. Isabelle kept her eyes on the soup, still smirking.

Simon looked away in embarrassment and Clary came to his defense.

"Leave him alone!" she said "There's no need to pick on him just because he isn't on of you!"

"One of us" Jace corrected and Isabelle detected some chemistry between them and frowned. "I'm going to find Hodge" he said and left the room.

Isabelle put some of her soup in to a bowl and gave it to Simon without looking at him.

"I'm going with Jace" Clary said "Simon" she said expectantly.

"I'm going to stay here" he said and Isabelle smirked even more as he sat on a stool. "I', kind of hungry"

"Fine" Clary said and Isabelle noticed that her expression had turned sour and he was giving her dirty looks. This made Isabelle smirk even more, Clary was clearly used to Simon following her around.

Clary stalked out of the room looking annoyed.

There was silence for a minute as Simon looked at the soup.

"Umm" he said slowly

"You said you were hungry" Isabelle said smiling sweetly.

"Yeah, right" Simon replied picking up his spoon.

A/N: That's the end of this chapter. There will be more Simon/Isabelle scenes next chapter. Please review.
