Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight. But as a friend says….I do love to take out their characters and play with them.

This is a sequel to my story: A Second Look, a New Perspective. My OC in this is Kira Starling who was sired by Josef in 1902. I will now continue from where that story left off. I hope you will enjoy my return to this Moonlight world.

Period of Adjustment

Chapter 1

It was twilight in Los Angeles and Mick St. John had risen from his freezer a few hours earlier feeling more light-hearted than he had in decades. The existence that he had hated for so long did not seem so bad at the moment. Being a vampire had allowed him to live long enough to meet, save and fall in love with Beth Turner and he was happy with that fact. While he could not be sure what future they had, he had finally thrown caution to the wind and taken a chance. He wasn't going to deny his feelings any longer and he was going to embrace this chance at some happiness.

Standing in his kitchen with a half-finished glass of blood in his hand, Mick reflected on the week that had passed since the Monaghans had died. He had hit the depths of despair when Beth had rejected him, only to rise to the heights of bliss when he awoke with her in his arms the next morning. Confessing his love had broken down the barriers and making love to her was the closest he had ever come to complete peace with what he was.

Kira had told him to be honest with Beth and damned if that woman wasn't right. He smiled at the memory of the red-headed vampire lecturing him on being his own worst enemy. She had told him that he was the only one keeping him from having any happiness. He could only hope she was finally experiencing some happiness of her own. The sudden shift in her relationship with Josef made him wonder if it would last. His best friend was not known for being a monogamous lover and his only long term devotion belonged to a sleeping woman in New York who would probably never awaken. Mick hoped Josef knew what he was doing because Mick suspected that Kira was deeply in love with her sire. If this blew up Kira would lose more than a lover but then again, Josef and Kira had survived many changes in their relationship over the decades since she had been turned. Maybe this would work out okay no matter what happened.

Finishing his drink, Mick rinsed out his glass and set it aside to dry. He had no cases at present and appreciated the down time after the stress of the Monaghan mess. It had also allowed him time to spend time with Beth, getting through the awkwardness of their newly confessed feelings. He did have some paperwork to finish while he waited to go over to her place later. The time spent with her was the closest he had come to feeling human since Coraline had turned him on their wedding night.

The thought of his ex-wife made him wonder what had happened to her after Lance had taken her away. He was grateful for the brief touch of humanity she had given him with the Cure; however it had not compelled him to go and search for her. He doubted he could have prevented whatever punishment she had to face and he doubted she was dead. He had meant it when he had told Beth it was over, he felt free of Coraline now. He could only focus on his love for Beth.


Up in the Hollywood hills, Kira Starling awoke in the large freezer in Josef Kostan's lavish home. It surprised her to discover that Josef was still beside her, his arms holding her close. This last week she had been made aware of a softer side of her sire, one she hadn't seen since her turning in 1902 and she was enjoying it. Kira turned in his embrace to be met by a pair of warm, amused brown eyes.

"Good evening my girl," Josef greeted her.

"How long have you been awake?" she asked in surprise.

"Long enough to enjoy holding a beautiful woman close," he answered with an impish smile. "I had forgotten how very nice you fit in my arms."

Kira laughed lightly but could not stop herself from wondering if he really meant it. She knew her sire too well to believe everything he said.

"You are quite the sweet-talker Josef," she said stretching up to kiss him. "Good evening."

"I mean every word," he told her sincerely as he returned her kiss. "Now as comfortable as this cold is, I want you somewhere a bit less confining," he added as he reached up to open the freezer.

"Don't you have to get to work?" Kira asked with arched eyebrows.

"I make my own hours my pet. Right now I want to spend some time with you," Josef stated firmly as he sat up. He knew what would be her next comment and countered it before she could speak. "And I know that Eli will not expect you at the club for some time yet, so no argument."

Kira's insides did a small flutter at his words. This was not the Josef she was familiar with. Nothing interfered with his business. He had not been this attentive since when he had originally turned her. While she cautioned herself not to expect too much from this change, Kira could not help sighing with pleasure.

"You are shattering my image of you," she smiled as he assisted her from the freezer and swung her up into his arms. He carried her swiftly in to the bedroom.

"I am enjoying my re-discovery of you dear girl," Josef laughed as he dropped her on the king-sized bed.


Beth had finally returned home after a long day at work and was now assessing the woefully few contents of her refrigerator. The thought of ordering delivery was becoming more and more tempting when there came a knock on her door. With visions of Mick dancing in her head she hurried to the door to pull it open. Surprise followed quickly by concern crossed her face as she discovered Simone standing there very close to tears.

"Simone, are you okay?" she asked as she motioned her inside.

"I don't know Beth. I need to talk to you, is that okay?" the lawyer announced as she sat down on Beth's couch. "Something has changed with Josef, I don't know if I've done something wrong or if he blames me for the mess with Emma Monaghan." She looked bleakly at Beth.

"Oh," Beth uttered as she sat beside her. She had a pretty good idea what had changed with Josef but was unsure whether she had a right to explain it to Simone. "Has he said things have changed?"

"No, Josef said it was not my fault but since Emma escaped he has barely spoken to me. And he hasn't fed from me either. I am worried, has Mick said anything to you?" Simone asked hopefully.

"Mick doesn't' discuss Josef with me," Beth said evasively.

"Have you seen Josef lately?"

"Just at Dusk to Dawn," Beth spoke without thinking. She blushed and tried to cover up her slip. "He just came for drinks with Mick and me. He didn't say anything about you, I'm sorry."

Beth could see Simone process the information and come to the conclusion that Beth hoped she wouldn't.

"Dusk to Dawn….Josef took me there several times. He is friends with the owner isn't he? That is what has happened, right. It is her….Kira right?" Simone pounced on the name. "Is she the reason Josef has been avoiding me?"

Beth swallowed hard and decided she could not continue to lie to Simone. The woman had done nothing to deserve the callous disregard that Josef was giving her. He owed her more.

"Simone, Josef is Kira's sire. He has known her since 1902," she told the lawyer.

"He turned her?" Simone said trying to absorb this information. "He never indicated that he was involved with any female vampire. I can't compete with that," she said sadly.

"I believe this change in their relationship is rather new," Beth said sympathetically. She covered Simone's hand with her own. "I don't think that Josef is big on sharing information. You said yourself that they don't see the feeding as something intimate."

"But I thought it was becoming more," Simone said plaintively. "Mick sees you differently."

"Mick is not your normal vampire," Beth tried to explain. "He doesn't like what he is. Josef is a whole different subject."

Simone nodded, blinking rapidly and sighed. She had let herself believe that Josef was actually beginning to care for her.

"How well do you know this Kira?" she asked.

"I'm getting to know her better. I think I can call her a friend," Beth admitted. She searched for something to say that would make the woman feel better. "Mick is her friend; they have known each other since the 60s."

"You are lucky," Simone said forlornly. "I guess I am only food to him."

"You are also his lawyer," Beth reminded her.

"Well let's hope that I still have that job," Simone said darkly. "I am sure Josef will never want to turn me now."

"Would you really want that?" Beth asked in surprise.

"Well think about it Beth. To stay forever young and never worry about illness. It would be amazing to live forever," Simone said brightly. "Who wouldn't want that?"

"You would have to live on blood. You wouldn't be able to have children and you would watch all your friends die," Beth pointed out.

"I have never pictured myself as the maternal type," Simone laughed lightly.

Beth couldn't help remembering the regret that had shown in Kira's eyes as she told Beth how she had never had children with her human husband. At this point in her relationship with Mick, Beth didn't know if she wanted to ever be turned but she knew she wasn't ready to turn her back on any of life's possibilities. She was content to wait and see what happened.

"Thanks for listening Beth. I guess I really need to talk to Josef about my job," Simone said rising to her feet.

"I think that is a wise decision," Beth agreed. "I'm sure that Josef doesn't intend to fire you." Beth got to her feet and hugged her. "I'm sure it will be fine."

She escorted Simone to the door and saw her out. It was clear that she had not made the lawyer feel much better but she was aware that there was nothing she could do about it. Her attention went back to her empty stomach and she resigned herself to calling her favorite Chinese place for delivery. She had to be ready for when her vampire came calling later.

End chapter.

I hope you are happy to return to this storyline. I really wanted to go back to human Beth and vampire Mick. Reviews are always greatly appreciated. Thank you.