Disclaimer: If fangirls owned any anime with Yaoi possibilities…the world would facepalm. So, sadly I do not own…but, what the heck IT'S CHRISTMAS!

Date: Dec 25, 2010- FINAL!


Sometimes celebrating your birthday with friends is awesome…

Unless your birthday falls on a major holiday…


Allen Walker looked mortified, while his long time friend Aetas Night did a spit take with his hot cider, while his elder twin Morte Night nearly choked on his hot cocoa. Their almost drunk friend Lavi Bookman Jr. had sprung up and received cheers, applause and congratulations for the little declaration. Aetas yanked the red head back down, short fluffy ebony hair bobbing as he shook his head.

"Junior, you're almost drunk. No more hard eggnog for you." Aetas said, pulling Lavi's drink out of reach.

"Buu~~~ttt!" Lavi whined.

"No!" Aetas said sharply making Lavi flinch.

"Damn it, Lavi! Why'd you have to go and declare that!" Allen whimpered, forcing a smile to some of the guys that winked at him.

"Allen, we all know Kanda works here." Morte said, sipping his drink.

"Uh…" Allen gulped.

"And that you've been crushing on him since the 7th grade." Morte added on, Lavi and Aetas nodding.

"Gah!" Allen softly cried head bowing.

"Oh, look he's walking over now." Morte said, point to Kanda.

"Meep!" Allen's head shot up and he gave a sheepish smile. Yuu Kanda's dark cobalt eyes hardened as they fell on the group. Lavi rethinking living in general at that point, the twins both rising a brow while poor Allen felt sweat drip down his neck. Kanda placed a small hand sized box in front of Allen.

"Moyashi, here. Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday."

The others watched him leave. Aetas and Morte exchanged looks. Morte stood and glided over to where Kanda had walked. Lavi bounced in his seat.

"Open it!" Lavi said excitement evident. Aetas rolled his eyes.

Allen opened it to reveal an earring; it was really an ear-cuff with a sword dangling from it. Aetas smirked.

"Well, are you going to wear it?" The ebony haired male asked.

"Why…?" Allen questioned.

"Allen remember on Kanda's birthday? When you got him that ear-cuff with that mini version of your family heirloom…the mask*…" Aetas said, fingering the charm bracelet where a single charm representing all his cherished friends rested.

"Yeah." Allen answered slowly.

"He just returned the favor. I bet you when Morte comes back he'll say that the sword is a mini Mugen." Aetas said simply. Lavi nodded vigorously.

"Oh…really?" Allen asked, a light blush painting his cheeks.

Morte approached Kanda.

"What's the meaning behind that earring, Kanda?" Morte asked, leaning on the counter. He pulled back when Kanda swung a rag at him.

"Nothing you need to worry about, Night." Kanda said briskly.

"You do know that Aetas and I think of Allen as family. So, you better explain." Morte told him what he already knew.

"Just returning the favor." Kanda gave in knowing that with-holding info from Morte Night was never in one's best interest.

"Oh…I see. Your wearing it." Morte pointed out, nodding to the ear-cuff on Kanda's left ear.

"And?" Kanda asked with a raised brow.

"Well, if Allen does put that on and I know he will. It would seem to everyone else that you two are an item…." Morte said, trailing off at the gleam in Kanda's eyes.

"If I want it to seem that way?" Kanda asked, the gleam never fading.

"At least ask him on a date, Kanda." Morte deadpanned, understanding the Japanese a little bit more.

"I will when he comes to me, Night." Kanda said, looking down and wiping down the counter even though it was already clean.

"All right then…" Morte walked back to the others with a careless wave to Kanda. He retook his seat.

"So?" Aetas asked, Allen looked up from feeling the ear cuff.

"First off, Allen would you like to wear that now?" Morte asked.

Allen nodded, and moved his hair aside as he placed the ear-cuff securely on his left ear. Without another word, he got up and walked over to Kanda.

"Hey, Kanda…uh…" Allen said, a little unsure and hesitante.

"Moyashi, would you like to go out sometime?" Kanda mentally prepared himself.

"Uh…sure!" Allen said brightly.

"Che, 7 pm…movie. I'll pick you up at your place." Kanda said, relieved.

"BaKanda! My Uncle Cross would murder you! We meet at the café that the Night's own. At 5:30…not 7. Got it?" Allen stated, catching the elder off guard.

"Look here…" Kanda started.

"Look nothing! 5:30 is so we can have a nice dinner and chat at least. Then we go see a movie." Allen cut him off.

"Tch." Was Kanda's reply.

"Oh and…" Allen leaned over the counter and kissed Kanda's cheek. With that the blushing like mad male made to bolt but the elder grabbed his elbow and pulled Allen into a innocent kiss. Letting him go Kanda smirked as Allen quickly made his way back to the others. Aetas looked to Lavi.

"I win." Aetas pointed to Lavi's long time crush Tyki Mikk.

Lavi groaned and walked over to Tyki. Morte shook his head.

"I still can't believe that you set all this up. You made a bet with Lavi that Allen's first kiss would be taken tonight!" Morte said sighing.

Allen sat down and caught the last part.

"Rascal!" Allen said, using Aetas' childhood nickname.

"What?" Aetas cried.

"Where's Lavi?" Allen asked.

"If he lost he had to go over and ask Tyki on a date." Aetas said.

"Or lose his oral virginity. Look." Morte said, nodding towards the two,

The friends all looked at Tyki had caught Lavi under the mistletoe. Aetas snickered.

"Perfect." He muttered.

Allen and Morte looked at him.

"Your evil." They both said.

Aetas just smirked.

"Yes, but evil works."


Lunny: HELLZ YES! Ok, now in your reviews please tell me which one is your fav you can have more than one…love you guys and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLEN!