Obviously I don't own Glee, b/c if I did, things would be a bit different, not to mention I'd be rich!

The school was pretty much empty, except for a few teachers and a handful of students. Rachel didn't feel like going home quite yet, so she sought solitude in the one place that always made her feel better…the auditorium. She sat her books on the edge of the stage and pulled herself up. Dangling her legs off the edge, she softly hummed the first song that came to mind. No Air…bad choice. That's precisely how she felt right now, as though she could hardly breath anymore.

"Hey Rach." a voice called out from the doorway.

Rachel didn't need to even pick her head up to know the sound of Finn's voice. She started to reply, but then hesitated. She thought maybe if she didn't answer, he might just go away.

"You okay?" No such luck. He was now within arms reach of her, so she glanced up.

"Yeah, um, I'm fine." She gulped, reaching up to put her hair behind her ears. She didn't dare make eye contact with him. No need in him seeing the tears that had formed in the corner of her eyes.

"What are you still doing here? Don't you have ballet on Thursdays?" Finn asked, leaning his left arm against the edge of the stage.

He remembered. "Uh yeah, but I'm not going tonight." She had to get away. Being so close was making this harder than she thought it would. She grabbed her books and started to walk away. Finn grabbed her arm before she could flee and whirled her around until she was face to face with him.

"Wait…Rachel, can we talk?"

"I thought we were talking-" Rachel stammered.

"No, I mean really talk about us." He lowered his hand from her arm and took her hand in his.

She was trying to think of something to say…anything, but what she was really feeling. Sadly, for once her brain wasn't working as quickly and all the word came tumbling out.

"I don't know what else there is to talk about? You've definitely said enough over the last few months. I've had to watch you get on with your life, as if I meant nothing." She tugged her hand out of his grasp and the tears started to flow. "I-I-I- felt like I had lost everything, Finn. It took me weeks to even want to get out of bed in the morning, let alone face you at school. I know you needed time and I gave you that. I gave you plenty of that-"

Finn cut her off. "You did and that's what I want to talk about."

"I'm not finished." She tried to choke back the tears, but it did no good. All the feelings she had bottled up for the past few months were finally coming to a head. "In that time, I finally realized that I am more than just Finn Hudson's girlfriend. It made me see that I had put all my goals and dreams on the backburner. For what? Once we broke up Finn, I felt like I had nothing."

"Rachel…I know the last couple of months have been rough, but it's given me a lot of time to think about everything that has happened. I think I'm ready for us to work on our relationship." Finn said.

"You think-" The words practically choking Rachel as she spoke them.

"I didn't mean it like that Rach. You know I'm not good with words. I mean I've really missed you." He reached for her hand again, but Rachel pulled away and took a few retreating steps.

"I can't Finn-"

He cut off her words. "What do you mean you can't?" His face fell.

"I can't do this. I do love you Finn, but in the time that we've been apart, I realized that I've been neglecting my goals and dreams."

Finn grabbed her arm a little more forcefully and pulled her back towards the stage.

"The only thing we've been neglecting is…us." He leaned in towards her as he said this. Rachel wanted to pull away, but she couldn't seem to find the will to do it. His lips brushed hers as he pulled her into a hug. Her mind was flooding with thoughts, none of which seem to make any sense. She could smell his aftershave and it made her head feel dizzy. It had been so long since she had been this close to him.

"Finn…I told you I can't" Rachel stammered, as she abruptly pulled away. She tripped over his bag as she fled the auditorium.

"Rachel…wait…" Finn called, but she was already out the door. Leaving him with nothing but the scent of her strawberry shampoo wafting in the air.

The auditorium door slammed behind Rachel as she fell against it. Her body collapsed into heavy sobs as she slid to the floor. She tried to stand up, but felt as though she had lost the feeling in all of her limbs.

"Need some help?" Rachel glanced up through a wave of tears to see Puck glaring down at her with an outstretched hand.

This is my first fanfic, so reviews would be greatly appreciated. This came to me in a dream last night and I'd like to continue it...if and only if I can generate enough interest. Thanks a bunch!