Bioshock: 1968

As I stared into Father's dimming porthole, I couldn't help but let my sadness show through my visage. Why was this happening to him? Why was he always suffering? A small part of myself wished that he had never found Rapture, at least then he wouldn't have been condemned to this fate. As fresh tears flowed freely down my face I shook my head and berated myself for these thoughts, he risked his life to save me. He sacrificed himself so that I may have a chance to finally live the life that I have always wanted, I won't sit here and waste my life away by crying.

Crying never solved anything.

But still, there had to be a way that I could save him, there had to be a way for us to be together. I just got my father back, I didn't want to lose him so suddenly again!

"E-Eleanor…." I turned my head over to the cockpit of the bathysphere, there standing in the doorway was the soaked form of my mother, Sofia Lamb. I sent her a gaze filled with curiosity and more than a little animosity, but after a couple of seconds of the intense staring contest, she broke eye contact with me and averted her gaze towards the ground.

'Good,' I thought to myself 'she knows her place.' The once overflowing confidence that my mother had in herself was no more, she was now nothing but a hollowed broken shell, a shadow of her former self. She was no threat to me, as broken as she is how could she ever harm me? I don't senselessly murder for no apparent reason, that was the way of a crude single minded barbarian and it brings no enjoyment at all.

Murder just for the sake of it is so barbaric and uninteresting.

No, I kill to survive, I harvested the ADAM Slugs from the bellies of mother's other children so that my father and I could optimize our chances of escaping the dystopian city, Rapture. Using the Little Sisters to help me boil off the water might have worked but there was no guarantee that it would. At their age, the Sisters are not yet in full control of their powers. It takes a lot of concentration and control to focus Incinerate throughout your body, one momentary lapse in control is all it takes to completely fry every single internal organ in your body. Not even the ADAM Slug would be able to save them if that happened, I would rather kill them quickly myself than see them slowly roast themselves to death.

A quick death is all that I could grant them in the end, at least their memories will remain within me. ADAM not only contains all the memories of an individual but their mind as well. I could go into all this detail, explaining neurology and how the mind was completely separate from the physical body altogether but I'll just give you the short version.

The mind is basically the soul of a person, though a person's body may die, they electrical pulses that makes up a person's mind truly never dies. ADAM is a substance that can somehow capture those electrical impulses and imprisons them within the body…until a Little Sister comes along and harvests it. So in a way, Little Sisters are actually harvesting Angels.

Wait…I think I just solved my problem!

If I absorb all of Father's ADAM, his mind and conciseness will remain with me for as long as I live. Upon my discovery, I quickly raised my ADAM Syringe high into the air, the wicked contraption glinted in the low level light. As I brought it down, Father grabbed the needle and pushed it away. My eyes went wide and the world around me shattered into a million pieces, the only thing that surrounded me was darkness.


Why would he leave me alone in this world, why?

'No, no, no, no!' This wasn't how it was suppose to happen, this wasn't how it was suppose to end! For a fleeting moment I thought that we would finally be able to be together, I thought that we would bring the world to it's knees together. Is this how my Rapture Dream ends?

With me being alone?

My leather encompassed hands were covering my face, trying vainly to hide my tears from the world. Father gently took my right hand in his huge gauntlet encompassed one and rubbed it gently. I gave him small smile, trying desperately to hold in my ever growing rage. I've waited TEN YEARS for this, I just couldn't bare to be separated from him any longer.

Suddenly my smile turned into a sadistic smirk and I pushed my Father's hand aside. He seemed frightened but not at all surprised. He taught me how to survive no matter the cost, he taught me that Right and Wrong are Tidal Forces.

Ever shifting.

In Rapture he took what he needed from the innocent…but when the guilty proved no threat, he just walked away. Sadly, the innocent had what he needed to survive and so he had no choice but to stain his hands, why stain your hands even further by needlessly killing someone who has nothing of value that you need and is completely defenseless?

But my Father…he does have something that I need. I need his guidance, I need his instinct, that will to survive no matter the cost. I need that gentleness that he showed to no one else but me…

I so desperately need it.

As I raised my ADAM Syringe high into the air, the tip of the wicked devise placed in the dead center of his chest…I started to sing a melody that I never knew I knew.

"Welcome to your life

There's no turning back

Even while we sleep

We will find you acting on your best behavior

Turn your back on Mother Nature

Everybody Wants To Rule The World."

My wicked syringe pierced his chest deeply and the vial attached to the left side of the device quickly began to fill with his essence.

"It's my own design

It's my own remorse

Help me to decide

Help me make the most of freedom and of pleasure

Nothing ever lasts forever

Everybody Wants To Rule The World."

As the warm yellow light began to dim from my Father's visor, I rubbed his helmet encompassed head gently and began to inject every lost drop of his ADAM into my body. His hopes, his dreams, his ambitions, his memories, his knowledge, his power…all rest within me.

My body will be his Avatar.

"There's a room where the light won't find you

Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down

When they do, I'll be right behind you

So glad we've almost made it

So sad they had to fade it

Everybody Wants To Rule The World."

We were close indeed Father, so close…. We were almost there, we could have taken the surface world together with you physically by my side! Oh Father, we were so close….

"I can't stand this indecision

Married with a lack of vision

Everybody Wants To Rule The World."

I stood up from my place by Father's side, knowing that his soul was now within me. Knowing that we are one being, knowing that we are Utopia.

"Say that you'll never, never, never need it

One headline, why believe it?

Everybody Wants To Rule The World."

I walked over to the bathysphere's railing and looked into the dark, infinite waters of the Atlantic. I stared at my reflection, a smile that told of what the world will no doubt face played across my lips. An obsidian lock blocked my vision slightly, I gently tucked it behind my ear. The corpses of Splicers began to rise from the dark abyss and I averted my gaze upwards, staring out into the dark horizon.

"All for freedom and for pleasure

Nothing ever lasts forever

Everybody Wants To Rule The World."

Oh, I will indeed rule this world, I will. Not by violence and destruction, no you never gain absolute power by forcing people to obey you. I will…convince the people of the world to obey me of their own accord, in a sense I will be the People's Daughter. From the files that I have read, the U.S is not only fighting at Vietnam but is also in racial turmoil. When I first read it, I couldn't believe that there was so much murder and destruction over something as trivial as skin color. As the rays of the sun began to peek out from behind the cloudy sky, I let a sigh escape my mouth.

This was not a sigh of exhaustion but a sigh of excitement. First I have to get myself into the U.S system, then I start campaigning. I'll start with small, suburban towns…then slowly make my way up. I'll need help though….

Good thing I have a mother who knows how to control a person not by action but through words.


AN: Hoped you guys liked the first chapter! I know that 'Tears For Fears: Everybody Wants To Rule The World' wasn't known to the general public until the eighties but I just thought that it fit so well. After all, Bioshock is technically alternate history. I hope Evil Eleanor wasn't to OC and I hope that her plan for taking over the U.S is realistic enough.

Eleanor will not use action but her words, charisma, and of course her charm to gain control over the people, she will never flat out say: "Obey me or I will kill you." She's much to proper for that. Don't worry, unlike Hitler she will NOT be using anyone or anything as a scapegoat (That guy makes me fucking sick). A cookie for anyone who can figure out what the title of my story is an adaptation of. Here's a hint: "Big Brother Is Watching."

One last thing, I feel like everyone hates me now for writing the overly gory Condemnation. Trust me when I say that I wasn't trying to character bash or anything at all, I was just…writing. Didn't really think that I would offend so many people. Sorry…guess I got carried away.