Chapter 4:

Sokka shakes us awake.

"Hey, lovebirds, we're here." The first rays of morning light stream in through the windows of the airship. I yawn and poke Aang, "Come on, time to get up," I chuckle. He swats at my hand, and Sokka sighs.

We sit up as Sokka leaves and Aang stretches, then takes my hand, leading me down the gangplank and off the airship.

Zuko and Toph stand over Azula, who's trapped up to her neck in rock. She shoots fire out of her mouth at anyone who dares come close. There's a wild look in her eye and she's screaming and crying miserably. It almost makes me feel sorry for her. Almost.

Toph grins in victory at the state the princess is in. Apparently the earthbender was the one to finally take her down. Zuko addresses us.

"Well? How'd it go?"

Suki walks out of the airship with Ozai in chains. Zuko stares at him, astonished.

"You didn't kill him?"

Aang shakes his head, "I took his bending away."

Toph and Zuko look at him, silent and awestruck.

Toph's the first to speak, "Sweet."

She grins and points at Azula, "Think you could do that to Psycho woman over here?"

Aang sighs, conflicted, "I don't know. With the state she's in right now, I think it would almost kill her. Let's just detain her somewhere she can't escape until we decide whether or not she needs that done to her."

Zuko nods, "Suki bring my father, we'll take them to the prison behind the palace. Toph bends the rock off of the insane princess, who lifts her arms, preparing to attack.

We're all really tired and our reflexes are slow. As Azula lifts her arm and Toph reacts, Zuko realizes she's going to attack Aang and I and jumps in the way of the bolt of lightning, absorbing it as Toph buries Azula in earth completely.

All of us stand there is shock as Zuko struggles, not able to redirect the electricity.

"Zuko!" I yell and run forward to where he's laying on the ground, the electricity from the bolt sparking around him as he convulses. He's still breathing and he groans in pain.

I kneel as Aang, Toph and Sokka detain Azula with chains and rock. Sokka grabs her head and holds her mouth shut.

I take out my water and heal Zuko.

"Thank you Katara," he whispers, hoarsely.

"I think I should be thanking you, you saved Aang and me," I smile, a little teary-eyed, and a little glad this hadn't happened when I was off helping Aang. There wouldn't be a Fire Lord if that had happened.

I helped Zuko up and he led us to the prison where his father and sister would be kept. The guards were nowhere to be found.

"Azula banished them," Zuko explained.

We all shook our heads, things were going to be pretty hectic in the next couple of days.

It's an hour later and I'm in a room Zuko told me I could use. Aang sits on the bed in front of me, as I heal his back. His scar is troubling him.

I'm not strong enough to heal him completely. Someday I'll get more Spirit Oasis water and make the scar disappear forever, but right now, he just needs to get some relief from its aching. Aang's breathing slowly, his back rising and falling steadily under my hands.

It's relaxing. Exactly what we both need.

"Katara?" he asks quietly.

"Hmm?" I answer, humming.

"W-why did you act like nothing happened after I kissed you during the Invasion? I mean, I'm really happy you love me too, but I was just wondering." I stopped moving my hands over his back. I bent the water I was using back into the bowl beside the bed and placed my hands on his back again. He sighed.

"You don't have to tell me," he whispers, "it's okay-"

"No Aang, you asked. You deserve to know," I assured him as he turned around to face me. I took his hands in mine and smiled softly.

"I was really, really happy that you kissed me. A little surprised, but happy that you felt the same way I did. It just made it really hard for me to focus on anything, especially with the war going on. I wasn't kidding when I said it wasn't exactly the right time at that play. But I felt so terrible, so I talked to you," he smiled remembering.

"Like I said, I was scared for you, for all of us, that I set our relationship aside as my last priority. I tried not to act any differently around you, but I guess it didn't work. But I'm glad I cleared that up before you fought Ozai."

"So you were just scared about me fighting Ozai? That's why you kept pushing me away?" Aang asked.

I nodded , "Yes, I didn't mean to hurt you though, you know that." He nodded in agreement.

He sighed, relieved it seemed.

He leaned forward and placed his forehead against mine. His eyes were closed as he smiled, contentedly. His warm breath washed over my face. I closed my eyes with him and smiled.

"I know that you would never hurt me intentionally," he whispered, "I love you, Katara, more than you know."

I open my eyes to find him staring at me. He smiled warmly, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. I returned the gesture. His eyes left mine and stared down at my lips as he reached up with one hand to run his fingertips along my bottom lip. I could feel myself blush even deeper; it was a strange and intimate feeling. The pads of his fingers were softer than I thought they'd be, with all the earthbending he does anymore...

I watched his eyes as he traced the outline of my mouth, my lips parting as he touched them. He was content to just admire me, but the desire to kiss him was too much.

I grabbed his hand and pulled it away, as he looked up at me surprised. I used my other hand to pull his head closer to mine as my lips came crashing down on his. He melted under me, his arms wrapping securely around my waist.

"Hey guys-"

We pulled away, embarrassed. Toph stood in the doorway, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Well, well. Looks like you two finally got together."

Aang and I look at each other, blushing furiously.

Aang saves the moment, "Actually Toph, we've been together for a couple days now…you just weren't there to 'see' it." He smiles smugly as Toph frowns.

"Eh, whatever Twinkletoes. By the way, Zuko sent me to find you guys, he needs you both for an 'important meeting' or something like that." She blows her bangs out of her face and walks off with a nonchalant wave.

We both sigh and Aang falls back on his bed, his arms spread-eagle. "Ugh, now the boring meetings begin…"

I chuckle. "Come on, Loverboy. It's probably about his coronation ceremony."

I grab his hand and he throws a shirt on as we head towards the kitchen.

The ornate door leading to the room we'd been using as a hangout spot for the past couple days stood open. The aroma of spicy Fire Nation cuisine and sweet rolls drifted out into the hallway. The sounds of our friends talking were muffled by the noise the large metal stove made. We entered the kitchen, only to be greeted by Sokka's annoying drawl.

"Soooooo, where have you two been?" Suki glared at him.

"Aang's scar was acting up again, so I was healing him," I explained calmly.

"Riiiight," Man that was getting annoying, "'Oh Aang, your shoulders look so strong, mind if I massage them for you?'" He imitated me in this irritating high-pitched voice. I fumed, while Aang blushed beside me. Suki put a hand on Sokka's shoulder.

"Would you just shut up and leave them alone? They deserve some time together." I smiled at Suki, at least she understood. We sat at the large oak table some servants had moved into the empty corner of the kitchen. Azula hadn't banished everyone, luckily.

"Yeah," Toph smirked, shoving a sweet roll in her mouth, "Time alone to kiss each other."

Everyone glared at her this time. "You guys were kissing!" Sokka accused.

Aang slid down in his chair, until only his eyes and forehead were visible above the table's edge. I elbowed him and he sat up quickly.

"Yeah, so what?" He grumbled at Sokka, a wary look on his face.

Zuko sighed and dropped some scrolls on the table. Breaking up the conversation and saving me the trouble of dealing with my brother. The Fire prince wore a light robe and training pants like Aang's, the robe thrown open to reveal the bandages placed over his lightning wound.

"We need to talk about what's going to happen in the next couple of days."

Everyone calmed down and listened intently.

"While all of you were being lazy, I invited your friends and family to my coronation ceremony in three days. They should be arriving between now and then. In the meantime, all of you have to help prepare and guide the preparations."

A loud sigh echoed amongst the group. One glare from the future Fire Lord shut us up though.

"Suki, the Kyoshi warriors will be arriving later today from the prison Azula had them detained in. I know you will want to catch up." She nodded.

"Everyone else, I called back all of the people Azula banished. You are to help lead them to their assigned jobs." He handed each of us a scroll.

I looked at Aang's and found we had the same group of people, the Royal Firebenders and some various cooks and maids. We smiled at each other and Zuko, who nodded knowingly.

This wasn't going to be as bad as we thought.