Love Addict; Extra Chapter: Date Night

Grimmjow stared at the flyer that Ichigo was holding in front of his face that advertised the upcoming school dance. "…what is that?"

Ichigo frowned and held it closer to his face, "Can't you read? It's a flyer for the upcoming school dance!"

Grimmjow frowned back, "Well, yeah…I can see that, but what do you want me to do with it?"

Ichigo sighed and lowered the flyer, "I want you to go with me."

Grimmjow laughed, "You're joking right?" Ichigo frowned and crossed his arms across his chest. Grimmjow stopped his laughing and looked at Ichigo surprised, "You're serious?" Ichigo nodded. "We can't go to this! It'd be too suspicious. Two guys going to a dance together? I mean come on! Also, dances are really stupid. They are always boring and too formal."

Ichigo sighed placed the flyer back in his back pack. He had come over to Grimmjow's apartment because he wanted some privacy when he talked to him about the dance. He expected Grimmjow to turn him down but he figured he might as well ask anyway.

Grimmjow saw the new buxom green-haired exchange student, Nel, talking to Ichigo and wondered what they were talking about when she smiled and walked away as Grimmjow approached. Grimmjow frowned, "What was that all about?"

Ichigo smiled, "Well, since you didn't want to go to the dance I figured I would ask Nel to go to the dance with me."

Grimmjow looked at Ichigo stunned, "W-what? Well…why didn't you go with a friend like Orihime or something?"

Ichigo frowned, "Well, I know that Orihime likes me and I wouldn't want to lead her on. Nel and I are just going as friends. It's nothing Grimmjow. You don't have to get all worked up about it." He smiled and enjoyed the jealously that he saw on Grimmjow's face.

Grimmjow glared at Ichigo, "Well, fine then. I'll just ask Orihime to the dance. I'm sure she was waiting for you to ask but once she hears that you're going with Nel she'll be happy to go with me."

Ichigo grinned, "I thought you didn't want to go to the dance? You said they were boring and too formal."

Grimmjow crossed his arms, "Well…I changed my mind." He stalked off to go and find Orihime. He found her talking to a bunch of her girlfriends and approached her. "Um, hey Orihime. Can I talk to you for a minute?"

She looked between Grimmjow and her friends and smiled, "Sure Grimmjow."

He walked her a bit away from her friends, "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the upcoming dance with me."

Orihime twirled her hair around her finger nervously, "Well…I was sorta waiting for someone else to ask me…"

Grimmjow shook his head, "Yeah, I know, but he already asked someone else to go to the dance."

Orihime looked at Grimmjow surprised, "What? Who?"

"The new exchange student, Nel," he replied.

Orihime sighed, "Oh…I see…"

Grimmjow nodded and said boredly, "Yeah, I know, its shame, but hey if it's any consolation I'm going to the dance in a group with Ichigo. I just need a date."

Orihime looked at him a little uncertainly, "Umm, I…I guess."

Grimmjow grinned, "Great! I'll pick you up at 8 or something." Grimmjow walked back over to Ichigo and grinned like the Cheshire cat. "Guess who I got to go with me?"

Ichigo grinned, "Well, you said you were going to ask Orihime to the dance…so…Orihime?"

Grimmjow glared at Ichigo, "Yeah, and she was only too happy to go with me."

Ichigo chuckled, "Yeah, she probably figured she could count it as community work for her honors class."

"Make fun all you want, but Orihime and I are going to have the best dance ever together," Grimmjow challenged.

Ichigo grinned, "I can't wait."

Grimmjow stood in front of Orihime's door uncomfortably in a white suit with a red tie. A red rose decorated his lapel and his blue hair that was usually styled menacingly was slicked back to give him a formal look. Orihime finally opened the door and stepped out onto the porch in a matching red floor length, skin slim, and spaghetti strap dress. Her hair was styled in her usual fashion only her bangs were held back with a different more formal barrette. She smiled at Grimmjow nervously, "Hello, you look very handsome."

Grimmjow frowned to cover his embarrassment, "Yeah, thanks, you look great too." He held out the corsage he had purchased for her and helped place it on her wrist. "Ichigo and Nel are waiting in the limosine." Orihime nodded and smiled as she followed him down to their ride. He opened up the door for her and waited for her to get in before he followed after.

Ichigo sat in the limosine next to Nel in a black suit with a teal tie that matched Nel's dress which was showier than Orihime's and came down just above her knees and fit around her shapely form. Grimmjow wondered if Nel's choice of clothing was really something she thought was appropriate for a friendly dance and she wasn't really trying to get laid. He suspected that Orihime was thinking something along the same lines from the stunned look on her face. Ichigo smiled and greeted the two as if there was nothing. 'The smug bastard,' Grimmjow thought.

The two pairs arrived at the dance and took a seat at one of the many tables. It wasn't long into their evening that Nel stood up and smiled, "I have to go to the powder room."

Orihime smiled and stood up also, "I'll go with you." The two left the table for the restroom leaving Grimmjow and Ichigo to themselves.

Ichigo grinned, "So, you have a nice looking date there."

Grimmjow sighed and watched the two ladies go, "Oh yeah, she's quite a catch."

"She has a nice body on her. If you get laid tonight you'll be one lucky guy," Ichigo teased.

Grimmjow rested his head on his hand and continued on boredly, "Mmm, yeah, her breasts…their so…round and full, and her ass…it's just so….out there…and her lips…are like…however you would describe a woman's lips."

Ichigo grinned, "Well, how would you describe mine?"

Grimmjow scoffed and leaned back in his chair, "I wouldn't, because I don't swing that way. Remember?"

Ichigo took a cherry from the top of his cheesecake and held it between his two fingers, "Oh really? Not even if I ate this cherry?" He took the cherry between his lips and sucked the cheesecake from it. Grimmjow eyed Ichigo lustfully as he licked and sucked on the cherry. Ichigo finally pulled the cherry from the stem and ate it.

Grimmjow licked his own lips to keep himself from lunging on Ichigo and devouring him then and there in the middle of the banquet hall. Orihime and Nel returned from their trip to the restroom and sat back down at the table. Ichigo welcomed them back to the table and Orihime looked at Grimmjow who was still staring at Ichigo. "Grimmjow, is something wrong?"

Grimmjow snapped out of his trance and turned towards Orihime, "Huh? Uh…no, nothing's wrong…hey," he stood up, "Why don't we dance? This is a dance right?"

Orihime smiled, "Sure." He took her hand and led her out onto the dance floor. The music playing was for a slow dance which allowed for Grimmjow and Orihime to dance close together. Orihime was surprised at how good of a dancer Grimmjow was. "I didn't know you knew how to dance."

Grimmjow moved around the room so that he could keep an eye on Ichigo and Nel sitting at the table. "Um, yeah, I took some lessons a while back…" he answered distractedly. He watched as Ichigo and Nel stood up also and joined them on the dance floor. Grimmjow noticed that Nel was holding onto Ichigo awfully close. He also noticed Ichigo's occasional glances towards them.

Grimmjow grinned and looked at Orihime, "Hey, why not make Ichigo jealous by giving me a kiss?"

Orihime blushed, "Oh…I don't know, I don't think I could do that. I like Ichigo too much."

Grimmjow sighed, "Yeah…so do I."

Orihime looked at him confused, "What?"

Grimmjow realized his mistake and shook his head, "I mean, I like him as a friend and I would never want to hurt him…but he sure is looking over this way an awful lot. Kissing me might make him realize he has feelings for you…" He felt guilty a bit that he was using Orihime to make Ichigo jealous but he told himself that she only brought it upon herself for not realizing that Ichigo was clearly not interested.

Orihime looked over at Ichigo and Nel dancing and nodded slowly, "A-alright, I guess…" She closed her eyes and waited for Grimmjow to kiss her.

Grimmjow looked at Orihime's waiting lips. He grimaced inside and forgot that his making Ichigo jealous would require him to kiss a girl. Just the thought made him want to puke. He looked her over and figured that he could find some resemblance of Ichigo in her features and force himself to do it.

He looked at her orange hair and decided that although that was the only feature he found that resembled Ichigo he could make it work. He placed his hand gently behind her head and leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips while imagining it was Ichigo. His imagination crumbled away when the real Ichigo pulled him away from Orihime's lips. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Ichigo shouted at Grimmjow angrily. He held tightly onto Grimmjow's tie and held him close to his face.

Orihime stepped towards the two, "Ichigo…please don't…"

Ichigo glared at her, "Stay out of this Orihime, this is between Grimmjow and me. Let's go talk somewhere more private." He dragged Grimmjow out of the dance hall by the tie and into the bathroom. He slammed Grimmjow against one of the stalls then let go of him. He searched the bathroom for anybody then locked the door.

Ichigo turned back to Grimmjow and glared at him, "What the hell were you thinking?"

Grimmjow glared back, "What were you thinking? Asking out Nel? I mean come on, she's practically a female version of me with her blue colored hair…and stuff."

Ichigo looked at him incredulously, "If anything her hair is more of a teal….and I did not ask her because she bore any resemblance to you."

Grimmjow looked at him skeptically, "So you didn't choose her at all because she reminded you of me?"

Ichigo looked away embarrassed, "Well…I…thought maybe that it would be easier to go out with someone besides you if I could imagine that it was you…."

Grimmjow grinned and walked closer to him, "Really?"

Ichigo glared and pushed Grimmjow back, "Yeah, but what about you? You kissed Orihime!"

Grimmjow grinned and whispered in Ichigo's ear, "Yeah, but I was imagining that it was you while I was…"

Ichigo moaned as Grimmjow bit his ear and pressed him up against the wall and ground his hips into him. "Mmm, I guess that's some consolation…"

Grimmjow ran his hands over Ichigo's ass and squeezed it, "Come on, and fuck me."

Ichigo slammed Grimmjow up against the wall and quickly loosened his tie. He ripped open Grimmjow's dress shirt which caused some buttons to fly off and licked slowly up Grimmjow's chest. He bit his nipple and ground into Grimmjow's hips as he sucked and bit at his neck. Grimmjow released a moan and grit his teeth, "You fucking bastard, stop teasing."

Ichigo grinned and undid Grimmjow's pants. He slipped them off and propped Grimmjow up against the sink. He removed his own hardening cock and pressed it to Grimmjow's expectant entrance. Grimmjow hissed as Ichigo entered and rocked his hips forward to drive the cock deeper into him. Grimmjow gripped the rim of the sink, "Ah, mmm, yeah… fuck yeah…. There… nnn yeah…"

Ichigo held onto Grimmjow's hips to give him support. Grimmjow wrapped his legs around Ichigo's waist and continued to cry out as Ichigo fucked deeper into him. Grimmjow wrapped his hand around his own throbbing cock and pumped himself in time with Ichigo. Grimmjow gasped, "Ah, I'm…un," he released his hot cum over his hand.

Ichigo frowned and removed himself from Grimmjow before finishing. Grimmjow looked at him puzzled, "What are you-?" Ichigo flipped Grimmjow around and leaned him over the sink. Grimmjow gasped as Ichigo entered him again and pounded into him from behind. Grimmjow groaned as he felt the cold porcelain of the sink touch his cock. He grew hard again and ground his hips against the sink in time with Ichigo. "Ahn, fuck…"

Ichigo spread Grimmjow's legs farther apart so he could pound himself deeper into him. "Ah, Grimmjow…" he dug his fingers into Grimmjow's back and released his load. The feeling of Ichigo's cum entering his body and covering his insides sent Grimmjow into his second orgasm.

Grimmjow panted and turned around and kissed Ichigo on the lips, "Mmm, make up sex is so good…"

Ichigo grinned, "That wasn't make up sex…that was angry sex. We haven't gotten to make up sex yet." Grimmjow grinned back and was about to kiss Ichigo on the lips where there was a pounding on the bathroom door.

Grimmjow sighed and redid his pants and dress shirt as best as he could with the missing buttons and the two cleaned themselves up. "What are we going to do? They think we got in a fight."

Ichigo smiled, "Well then, we'll just have to make it look believable." He punched Grimmjow in the face and sent him backwards into the wall.

"What the hell?" Grimmjow asked surprised as he grabbed his jaw. He glared at Ichigo and threw a punch into his face and a kick in his gut. The two threw punches back and forth and continued to bruise and make each other bleed. When the two had agreed they were beat up enough to make it look believable Grimmjow took Ichigo in his arms and kissed him. "Fuck, you're so hot."

Ichigo grinned and licked the blood from his lips, "Thanks. You know, situations like this would be a lot easier to explain if we just told people about us."

Grimmjow grinned, "Fine then, why don't I just kiss you right in front of them?"

Ichigo shook his head, "Please, you wouldn't be able to do that." He opened the door and Asano, Orihime and Nel were standing outside the door worriedly.

Asano rushed up to Ichigo, "Hey man, you okay?"

Ichigo grinned, "Yeah, I'm fine. Grimmjow and I solved our differences."

Orihime rushed up to him, "I'm so sorry Ichigo. I didn't mean to start a fight between you and Grimmjow. I didn't think you would get that jealous over me…"

Ichigo shook his head, "Orihime…I didn't-."

Grimmjow grinned and wrapped his arm around Ichigo, "He didn't get jealous because of you. He got jealous because of me." He turned Ichigo towards him and kissed him passionately in front of their friends. The three looked at them shocked and stunned. Grimmjow pulled away and Ichigo gave him an equally shocked looked. "Now, if you'll excuse us, we have some makeup sex to finish." He led Ichigo back into the bathroom and locked the door and left the three friends stunned and confused.

The End