A/N: I know it's been months since I updated and I'm super sorry for that. I just seem to have blanked out for this story. I literally felt like there was nothing I could write about. My imagination just stopped when it came to this story. I couldn't write anything and anything I did write I didn't think was good enough for this story or for you to even read. But here is the next chapter. I hope its good and I hope you like it.

Ashlyn POV

To say I was surprised when my mom and dad started to spend a lot more time with me would be false. I knew the moment they'd find out about me remembering my biological parents that they would smother and try to spend every waking moment of my existence with me. Shane thought it funny because now that the attention isn't on him he can do thing that our parents would kill him for even trying. Well mom would kill him. Shane's gone hunting with Uncle Jasper three times and has been training with Uncle Jasper as well. He's also gone to the nearby lake with Jacob and Renesmee; he's driven a jet ski. If mom new she'd freak.

"Hey sweetie, what are you doing?" mom asked. She didn't even knock on my bedroom door.

"Nothing," I said and continued to look at my bedroom's ceiling.

"Ashlyn, your grandpa wants to see you," my mom said and I sighed. It's been two months since they found out I was remembering things. I'm normal again and don't look like a ten year old. I grabbed a pillow and put it over my head and screamed. "Ashlyn." I stopped and looked at my mom.

"I don't know how to speak the language…I mean I know how I just don't know where its coming from because I'm not thinking of saying anything in a different language. This is like harry potter and his damn parseltongue," I said.

"Ashlyn Evie Hale-McCarty," my mom chided. All I said was damn.

"Sorry," I said. I got off my bed and walked out of the room into Grandpa Carlisle's office. I closed the door behind me and sat down on the couch. I know what we're going to do. He's going to hold up a card with a picture and I have to try and say the word in Italian or French depending on what language he asks me to say it in. its nerve wracking and boring. Its like I'm five and taking some speech class." I heard a soft laugh and turned my head.

"You are five Ashlyn," Uncle Edward said. I sighed and just shook my head.

"Can you please stop reading my mind?' I asked. He smiled at me with knowingness, everyone tells him to stop reading their minds.

"I can ask your aunt to put a shield over you if you'd like," he said and I nodded.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," I said and hugged him. He hugged me back, there was a cough which made me part from the hug. I saw Grandpa Carlisle, I sighed not really wanting to these quote on quote exercises.

"How about if you did this your aunt and I will take you out to the movies. Have some time away from your smothering parents," Uncle Edward said and I nodded. I hugged him again than sat down. he smiled at me as he left the room. the door closed behind him and Grandpa Carlisle looked at me.

"are you ready?" he asked me. I just nodded as he sat down. he opened a drawer and pulled out the cards. He shuffled them as if he were a card dealer than looked at me. "Okay, clear your mind, take deep breathes, and relax." I nodded and did as I was told. I opened my eyes and he nodded. He showed me the first card, a green car. car, car ,car, car. What is car in Italian. Car, car, car,carro.

"Carro?" I questioned he smiled at me with a nod.

"Yes," he said. about time we're getting somewhere.

"Wait isn't Carro the word for car in Spanish though?" I asked.

"Yes, but Spanish and Italian are closely related languages like sister's in away," he said. I thought about it for a moment. What if I say something for a card that I believe it is the word in Italian, but it ends up being Spanish? Does that make any sense? I mean how will I know if what I say is in Spanish or Italian? This isn't fun, which just made things a lot harder.

He showed me the next card which I just shook my head to because I couldn't figure out the word. This went on for the next few cards until I somewhat got one. The word was baby, I said bebe which can be used for baby, but the correct Italian word is bambino. Bebe is also used in Spanish and Italian which at the same time being easier I can't always assume a word in Spanish is used in Italian. We spent another hour doing this. I got ten other words right Dog is Cane, cat is gatto, chair is sedia, bread is pane, water is acqua and ice cream is gelato. When he told me to say the word in French I got four words right: tree is arbre, dining table is á manger, boy is garcon, and book is livre.

When the session was over I was a bit tired. I stood up and walked out the room. I walked right into Aunt Bella. She put her hands on my shoulder to stop me from falling. I looked at her and she smiled. She took my hand and led me downstairs. She nodded towards the table and I sat down. There was already food for me. I sat down and ate. Uncle Edward came into the kitchen and sat down. He looked at me and made a face. I coughed on my food from laughing making him laugh. When I was done I put the plate in the sink and washed my dishes. I went up to my room and started to read. There was a knock on my door and I saw my mom.

"I hear your aunt and uncle are taking you out," she said and I nodded. "do you know where?" she asked me.

"The movies," I replied and just as the word came out Aunt Bella was at my bedroom door.

"Hey you ready freddy," she said and I nodded. I jumped off the bed and grabbed my jacket. I went downstairs and then turned around.

"Is Renesmee coming?" I asked and uncle Edward shook his head.

"No, Renesmee with Jacob and Shane at the mall," he said and I nodded. Somehow I'm the odd one out now.

"Okay, well no rated r movies or any violent movies. Don't let her eat a lot of candy and soda, and definitely no ice cream its cold outside," my mom said. Uncle Edward nodded and he opened the front door. I walked out into the brisk air and Aunt Bella followed. It was still light outside except of course it is when it's four thirty in the afternoon.

We got into Uncle Edwards car and he drove out. The drive is about thirty minutes because Andover doesn't have a movie theatre. So we have to go all the way to Methuen. The car ride wasn't silent we just talked and talked. We talked about everything, even though most stupidest of things that mom would usually just give me a look that said 'you're ridiculous' like when I asked why the sky is blue? Uncle Edward and Aunt Bella came up with the most out of the word answers while mom would just say something scientific and then ask me if understood what she was saying. No instead Uncle Edward and Aunt Bella told me that the sky is blue because the Greek goddess of beauty and love Aphrodite sprayed her blue perfume on the clouds. The perfume slid off and stained the sky which is how the sky is blue. When we got to the movie theatre we looked at all the movie choices.

"Which One do you want to see?" Uncle Edward asked. I looked at all of them.

"Hmm," I said and looked at the poster's which movie seem's more cool. "Okay Reel Steel or I am Number Four?" I looked at both Aunt B and Uncle Edward.

"Well they both have action, drama, one's family and one's love," Aunt B said.

"The one with love," I said, Uncle Edward nodded. We ended up seeing I am Number Four.

As we walked towards the movie we got popcorn and soda, well I got popcorn and soda. This movie must have been out for a while now because it's mostly empty. We saw previews of other movies and then it started.

"He's falling for the girl," Uncle Edward said. he grabbed a piece of popcorn and threw it to the screen. I looked at him surprised.

"Your uncle does this all the time when were watching movies and it's obvious as to what is going to happen," Aunt B explained. I nodded. The movie was good I liked it. Uncle Edward threw more popcorn towards the screen when things were obviously going to happen. I actually threw some too only for the hell of it. I didn't know what to expect or foresee things like he did, but then again he's super old and has seen lots of movies so that might be why.

"Where too next kiddo?" Uncle Edward asked. we were walking towards the car and I looked at him.

"is there something you had in mind?" I asked and he smiled. this doesn't seem good. Uncle Edward never is this fun.

"I take that in offense Ashlyn. I know how to have fun," he said and Aunt B laughed. We got in his car and he drove around. He was on the freeway then got off the freeway a short while later. We drove on one street and then he turned.

"I like going to these even though I'm a vampire, I just feel normal at these kind of places," Uncle Edward said. I looked out the window Jay Gee's Ice Cream and Fun Center. We got out and Uncle Edward looked at us. "Bumbler Cars, Arcade, Batting Cages, Go Karts, and Mini-Golf."

"Sounds like fun and guy heaven," I said. Aunt B laughed. We walked in and just had fun. I beat Uncle Edward in a shooting arcade game, but he beat me at air hockey, pool, Skee ball and mini-golf. He has to suck at something right? I mean even a vampire can't be perfect? The one thing the three of us were all good at is baseball, go kart driving, bumper cars, the race car video games and getting a ton of tickets.

"What do you say one more race and then we count the tickets?" Aunt B said. I nodded and we got in line to go on the go karts one last time. "You know I'm pretty sure you can get your license now if you were of age Ash. I mean you can drive like no other."

"Thank you. That's something I take pride in," I said and she laughed. We drove around the track and sped up to pass Uncle Edward.

"Loser," I said and I heard him laugh. He caught up to me, but I blocked him. I am not letting him pass me. I was so busy blocking him I didn't even notice Aunt B pass me until I saw her wave. I drove faster and we were both head to head. It was a tie no one won. Uncle Edward was a bit down though that he couldn't keep his title. We went inside and put the tickets in the machine. In total we had 1295 tickets. I guess it helps when you're a vampire and half vampire. I would call it cheating, but I was born this way. It also helps when you have an uncle who just like to come here with his wife and have fun.

"Okay let's see," Aunt B said. She looked at everything. The lady looked at us and I looked at Uncle Edward.

"With the tickets you get something from the wall depending how much you have," he said and I looked at the wall.

"Okay, can I get the teddy bear with the pick shirt," Aunt B said and I looked at her. "It's for Renesmee," she said and I laughed a bit.

"Sure," I said and Uncle Edward laughed. The lady gave us the amount we had left.

"Can I get the squirt gun," Uncle Edward said he looked at Aunt B with a grin.

"Planning on squirting my dad," I said and he nodded with a smile, "Payback can be fun can't it?" he nodded. The lady gave us the how many tickets we had left, "I know you want it Ashlyn." I looked at Uncle Edward. I sighed, hopefully mom doesn't get mad.

"Its plastic and its one for kids she won't get mad," Aunt B said. I thought it over then decided on getting it.

"Can I get the safety dart board?" I asked and the lady nodded. We still have ten tickets left over so we just got a bunch of pixie sticks. We walked out of the place and talked. We just talked nothing special. I did start to make fun of Uncle Edward for losing the race though when we got near the house.

"Vampires are supposed to be fast, but I still blocked you," I said and Aunt B laughed.

"Yeah, but you were so preoccupied blocking me you forgot to block you aunt," he said. he stopped the car and we got out.

"You still lost though in the Wild West shoot out though," I said and my hands pretended I was shooting something then blew on my fingers. He laughed and came towards me. I stepped aside when he got close and jumped on his back. He ended up giving me a piggy back ride to the house and once inside I saw mom and dad.

"Hey, did you have fun?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, did you know Uncle Edward is capable of having fun?" I asked and everyone laughed.

I thanked Uncle Edward and Aunt Bella for taking me. Literally this was probably the best day of my life since I got my horse Ember. We talked about what we did and saw. I was ready to go to sleep by the time it was ten o'clock though. I thank Aunt Bella and Uncle Edward again, before going up to my room. I took a shower and changed. I said goodnight to everyone. I closed my bedroom door and got in bed. I was about to close my eyes when I heard my mom's voice. I could hear from the vent.

"Thank you for taking her… worry about anything… everything's fine," is what I heard my mom say. I couldn't hear all of it though, but something happened and Uncle Edward and Aunt B didn't just take me for the hell of it. I'm happy they took me anyways though, I needed sometime out of the house, and I had fun. So whatever work my mom was doing or whatever it is my mom wanted me out of the house for I'm okay with because I had fun.