Author's note: I should be working on my other story. It is my main focus after all. But daydreaming during my SATs gave me another idea for this story…so…here it is! I'm glad that people like it! It makes me happy since this was a spur of the moment plot! Reviews make me smile! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or xxxHolic.


Chapter 2: Introducing Konoha's New….?

It was a familiar bright sunny day in Konoha when it started to rain. The fine shower of water didn't deter the sunlight not did the clouds darken or cover the sun. An odd phenomenon, but one that many a people ignored in favor of their busy little lives.

Shining blue eyes looked up gracefully as droplets pitter-pattered gently on the silk kimono that enshrouded the figure sitting quietly in this sunny rain, ignored by the many people bustling to and from before it, their eyes not once glancing toward it.

A lighthearted smile graced thin pink lips as a soft voice whispered calmly to itself, "Ah, so the fox has taken a bride. Some of your kin, Kyuubi?"

"Shut up trash"

The figure chuckled and reached into the sleeve of the silk kimono, though dampened by the quiet spring rain, and pulled out a small hand mirror, about the size of a child's palm.

"On these days, the proper celebratory rites must be done. Let us do a Kyocho"

"Those rites are pointless. Pathetic humans, always needing to see what lies ahead"

"There is no hard in be being prepared Kyuubi. If something is the matter, I must warn the Hokage."

"Do not forget where your loyalties lie scum. You belong to the Shinigami, not that worthless old man."

Lips curved downward into a petulant frown, but the figure did not retaliate as he looked upwards at the sunny sky, rain still pouring down on him gently. Closing his eyes, he grasped the mirror in his right palm and held it to his heart, listening closely.

A tiny voice, barely a whisper, the silent voice of the fates, answered, "It is time to reveal Death's right hand. Waves call you. Demons and blood await you. Bitter tears wish for you. Eyes of fire and ink are to be guided away from the dark.

Eyes opened, revealing cerulean blue, as the figure stood up, kimono and hair dripping. The rain had stopped, leaving the figure with trailing streams of water down his face. The mirror, now shattered fragments pattered onto the ground as the figure darted away, leaping through the tree tops, the Hokage must be told.


Sarutobi Hiruzen was having a migraine. The 3rd Hokage, God of Shinobi, the one to know over a thousand jutsu, was desperately wishing for some aspiring as his wrinkled fingers rubbed at his temples, his brow furrowing deeply with his problem.

Before him, Umino Iruka looked sheepish and rather embarrassed as he rubbed the back of his head.

"So…because there was an even amount of graduates, there is one team left short. And I made most of the teams based on how the kids interacted in and out of school. As you said before Hokage-sama, I can't break up the Ino-Shika-Cho combo because their father's would complain. Kiba, Hinata, and Shino's abilities suit each other well enough to make the perfect scouting and tracking team. The only team left is the one with Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura, top of their classes. And…well…"

"-considering Sasuke-kun's hostility towards everything that moves and breathes and Sakura-chan's lack of inspiration other than her friend Ino and her crush on Sasuke, you cannot seem to find a suitable third teammate," finished the Sandaime, pursing his lips and he stared at the reports sprawled over his wooden desk.

He groaned mentally. Why was he here! Shouldn't old men like be blissfully retired, relaxing at home with a nice book?

"Normally I would make the team wait until the next batch of genin is ready, but with this team, this is unacceptable. The Council demands Uchiha Sasuke graduate this year and be placed immediately under Hatake Kakashi's tuition," answered Sarutobi, lighting his pipe as he stood up and began to pace.

Iruka twitched almost unnoticeably at the sound of the perverted, perpetually late, and generally unpredictable jonin's name, but he made no comment.

Suddenly sounds of protest were heard from outside as the door was slammed open.

"Sir, Danzo-sama, you cannot go into the Hokage's office while he is in an engagement!" protested the secretary, who was trying not to flinch at the condescending gaze the one-eyed war hawk gave him.

"Since I have the solution to his current problem, I would think that I was part of this engagement, therefore I have a right to come in, don't I" sneered Danzo as he limped into the room, leaning heavily on his cane, but still looking rather intimidating.

"Y-yes…I s-suppose s-so…"

"Good, now go stand somewhere and make a use of yourself," said Danzo with a thin smile as he closed the door in the secretary's face and turned to the other old occupant in the room.

"Danzo…what are you doing here? You have no business with the genin teams."

"On the contrary Sarutobi, I do. I am quite aware of your…problem and I believe I have the solution to your lack of a teammate for the Uchiha boy."

Reaching into the folds of his kimono, the bandaged man took out a plain folder and handed it to Iruka. Upon opening it, both men saw a picture of a young boy, just around the graduating genins' ages, with short straight straw-like hair the color of soot and deep dark inky eyes that reflect nothing in a pale pointed serious face. The papers behind it stated the name as Sai.

"Before you…disbanded" said Danzo with a sour curl of his lip, "my ROOT, this boy was one of the top in the program. Afterwards, he was taken in by one of the elder former agents and trained to his full potential. But as he is not a genin, his guardian was unable to teach him everything, which is why I think that if you make him a genin, I think he will be the perfect teammate for Uchiha Sasuke."

Sarutobi frowned as he looked through the records, "This…Sai…has no last name? No living relatives? And it states here he has an unusual technique I have never heard of before. And as he is of your former group, how can I be assured he is safe to integrate with fresh genin?"

"Sai's parents were immigrants, I believe, from Kusa no Kuni and both perished from disease. His father was a painter. His mother did not work. His brother was, I believe, under your hand. His name was Asahi, but he perished on duty, and so six year old Sai fell to me. And I assure you that he is an efficient shinobi who will benefit Konoha. You do, after all, need one more genin to pass Uchiha, now don't you Sarutobi?"

"….Agreed. Inform Sai to come to the Academy tomorrow at noon tomorrow for team assignments and his headband. I trust your judgment Danzo, do not disappoint me."

Danzo smiled as he gave an awkward bow and limped out of the room, the ugly smile still on his scarred face like it would never come off.

Sarutobi sighed as he wondered if he made a big mistake. Danzo was not…ever to be trusted. And this Sai…he had never come across him in any of his files, though he distinctly remembered an Asahi. He only prayed that his suspicions were wrong. But the bad feeling still tingled in his gut.

"Iruka, since the assignments are set, I suggest you go home and rest. It'll be a long day tomorrow."

The scarred chunnin nodded hesitantly, shaking off his uneasy feelings, and bowed, heading toward the door when it opened to reveal a small figure, who only came up to his shoulder, clad in blue. The two exchanged glances as they passed. Dark brown looking into cerulean blue until, right before the door closed, the figure murmured, "Do not hold their deaths so close to your heart. It'll make you sick."

Iruka's eyes widened like that of a frightened deer and quickly shut the door.

Sarutobi gave a small smile, "You shouldn't have scared him so, Naruto."

Naruto shrugged, pulling back the strands of gold hair that obscured his vision, "It amuses me. Humans are afraid of what is strange to them"

Giving an awkward laugh, he hated it when Naruto spoke of humans as not his own kind, Sarutobi sat down again, "What have you to tell me tonight Naruto?"

"I preformed a Kyocho today. I then did a little research and talked to Kyuubi a little. Do not worry about Sai and the Uchiha. First they will clash, as darkness and flame always do, but they will become strong together rather than apart. But watch for Danzo…he is the spider in the web, he pulls things to his own choosing."

"Do not worry Naruto, I am well aware of Danzo, though your message about the boys does give me some comfort."

The blonde nodded, choosing to remain silent on the message of waves, blood, demons, and tears that the Kyocho had also granted him earlier.

"To think that this would have been your graduating year if you had become a genin. Perhaps you would have been in Sasuke-kun's group, no?"

Naruto pursed his lips at the thought. He held no hatred, hatred would consume and blind and would therefore stink up the spirit world. But he severely disliked the name of Uchiha. He'd nearly died because of one of their malevolent spirits. And they were quite a nuisance in the Uchiha district, always spitting curses at him.

"I am not Konoha's. I cannot be a shinobi. And even if I was, I would be a rather useless one since I refuse to kill another."

Sarutobi was quiet for a while, his aged face looking older and more weary than every as he gazed at the boy infront of him, "Death is a part of our lives Naruto. We, as shinobi, defend Konoha and everyone in it by doing what is necessary."

"Sandaime-sama," stated Naruto, making Sarutobi sigh at the formal tone, "when one kills another, they take on the burden of murder. And it is a heavy heavy burden. And one that only accumulates and can only be taken away for a large price. If people knew the burden of murder and what is does, murder would not exist."

Turning to leave, Naruto opened the door and said quietly to the old, tired, and defeated looking man in the desk of the shadowed room, "But humans are selfish through and through and that is why sin exists in the physical world."

He closed the door quietly with a gentle hand, lulling the elder man into a state of exhaustion. Ah, what he'd give to be free of burden. What he would give…but it would be too much. Far too much


-Several months later-

"Team 7, reporting. Mission to capture Tora the cat is a success," said Hatake Kakashi brightly as his disgruntled students handed the portly damiyo's wife her cat to strangle.

Sakura looked ready to blow, her face red, while her body covered with scatches and her long pink hair snarled with some leaves.

Sasuke's eyes looked like it was trying to spontaneously combust the Hokage, his attire also a disarray with the lovely addition of muddy streaks on his white shorts.

Sai's face was completely blank, but even he had multiple scratches and dirt stains on his clothing.

The Sandaime sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, wanting desperately another asprin. Team 7 was by far the most dysfunctional of the Rookie 9 group. Kurenai's Team 8 was a perfectly respectful team that worked together efficiently and there were few quarrels. Asuma's Team 10 was a little rough around the edges, the budding of a successful group was emerging at least.

Kakashi's team had not a drop of teamwork. Sasuke hated Sai. Sai didn't have any emotion. Sakura ignored Sai and trailed Sasuke. And Kakashi?

The old man glanced at the one-eyed jonin who was giggling into his orange book.

…Don't even get him started.

"Well now, I have several missions ready for the taking. Takahara-san needs babysitters for her triplets. Mamoru-san needs his garden tended to while his back is injured. And the Academy is in need of volunteers for target practice…"

"Hokage-sama. I demand you give us an actual mission. We are genin of Konoha, we should have missions that will help us improve our skill rather than simple tasks that civilians can fulfill," retorted Sasuke, his dark eyes blazing with restrained anger, gritting his teeth.

"Sasuke-kun, be respectful to the Hokage! You of all people should know that every genin needs to fulfill D-rank missions to promote teamwork," berated Iruka, who frowned pointedly at the dark-haired protegy.

"And we all know that you are utterly incapable of working with other people," quipped Sai, his face still blank.

Sakura huffed at the insult at her crush, whom she believed was perfect, but she did not dare talk back or hit their third teammate. He completely freaked her out and she didn't want to risk making a fool of herself in front of Sasuke.

"You know what Iruka, I think Sasuke-kun is correct. You are genin and perhaps you should get a high rank mission. You have fulfilled the highest number so far," replied Sarutobi, looking through the files in his desk, "Ah, perhaps a C-rank? It is a escort mission to Nami no Kuni."

"I think my team can handle it Hokage-sama," said Kakashi, glancing a bit fondly at his team.

"Very well, Iruka, please bring in Tazuna."

A few seconds later, an elderly man with a potbelly dressed in shabby clothing smelling like strong alcohol entered the room. His wind-chapped face scrunched at the sight of Team 7.

"So this is it? A bunch of snot-nose brats who look like they're just out of diapers? These are the super-cool ninja who are supposed to protect me, the great bridge-builder Tazuna?"

Sasuke looked livid at the insult, as he fingered his kunai pouch, but Kakashi placed his book untop his duck-butt shaped head.

"We do not kill clients Sasuke"

"Don't worry Tazuna-san," said Sakura, putting on her best smile, though her left eye was twitching with the effort, "We're all ninja and Kakashi-sensei is a jonin! We'll protect you!"

Tazuna snorted in disbelief and took another deep swig of his alcohol.

Sarutobi managed to hide a grin and said seriously, "So, does Team 7 formally accept this C-rank assignment?"

Just as Sasuke opened his mouth to answer, the door to the room opened yet again as a small figure walked in. Sarutobi frowned slightly while Iruka's eyes widened a lot. The other five occupants merely stared.

The figure was a child, only about the same age as the three genin, with skin much tanner than anyone's in the room. Long golden blonde hair spilled over small shoulders and pooled around the waist while cerulean blue eyes blinked widely. He was short, only a centimeter shorter than Sakura, and rather thin, with six thick whisker marks, three on each cheek. He wore a deep purple kimono, embroidered with the image of koi fish at the hem and a grey sash with no shoes on his small bare feet.

"Naruto, you cannot keep barging into my meetings like this. What if I was in an important meeting?" chided the Hokage slightly as the, now identified as boy, swept his blonde hair out of his thin face.

"I would have probably done it anyway," said Naruto in a deadpan voice, shrugging his small shoulders, and giving the shell-shocked Iruka a quick nod before turning and studying Team 7. His small brow furrowed as he looked over Sasuke like he was a dirty piece of laundry and melted into a thoughtful glance at Sai, not really sparing a glance at Sakura too much.

"This mission will result in blood. Demons will appear and perhaps death," said Naruto quietly, making Sarutobi rise from his seat.

"When did you know this Naruto?"

"Several months ago, before the genin selections, when I did my Kyocho"

"What the hell are you talking about?" retored Sasuke icily as he glanced with distaste at the feminine looking boy, "Don't ruin this for me! Don't go lying just cause you can't get these missions fool!"

Naruto gave Sasuke a frown, his eyes darkening, before retorting, "I don't lie. But he did."

Tazuna stuttered a bit before gaining his confidence, "Don't be stupid brat! Why would I lie? Tazuna never lies!"

Naruto walked up to the older man, making his flinch even though the boy was about half his size. The blonde frowned as he saw the dark telltale smog of human refuse. The old man hadn't lied too much, it was out of desperation really, but it was sufficient enough to cover the right side of his face.

Reaching up, the blonde gathered the black smog in his hands, making the occupants in the room stare at him in confusion, before taking out a mirror from the sleeve of his kimono and gathering the smoke into his mirror, turning the shining surface an ugly black before it shattered into dust.

"Lying can become a habit Tazuna-san," said Naruto sweetly, his smile painted and fake, "You had better watch yourself."

Tazuna shuddered and turned away from the odd boy who made his skin crawl with the most uncomfortable emotions.

Naruto turned, his golden hair flying out as he stared at the Hokage with solemn eyes, "Let me go with them."

"Naruto, you are not allowed out of the village. You cannot be one of my shinobi!"

"My master has willed it. I am to go on this mission of demons, tears, and blood."

The room, though it was noon and very sunny outside, darkened slightly at the mention of this "master." Sarutobi himself shuddered at the remembrance of the horrible mark upon the young boy's back, the one carved into his skin by the Lord of Death himself.

"You cannot deny me this Hokage-sama. I have informed you of many things, I have tended to Konoha's filth for 8 years, but now I am called elsewhere."

"Naruto, you have no shinobi training. How can you even think you can defend yourself for even a moment against the dangers you foresee?"

Naruto smiled that painted smile again, the one that made everyone in the room shudder when iciness entered their veins, despite the day being rather warm.

"Because I cannot die."

At that moment, Team 7 stared at the blonde boy in disbelief. Sasuke fumed. This urchin, this girlish slip of a boy who seemed like he couldn't even pick up a kunai, proclaimed he could not die? God, he hoped with all his heart that the Hokage refused this goddamned request. He couldn't bear the stain of this uncessary burden on his first C-rank mission.

Sai stared at the boy in blank amusement. He had never seen this boy before; even when he had been flipping through the list of shinobi from the list Danzo-sama had provided him. The boy wasn't lying, he was no shinobi. But no matter, he would not interfere with his mission.

Sakura gave the boy a once over glance and immediately felt slighted. She had nothing to worry about; the boy was weak-looking, a civilian, and an arrogant one to boot. But she had seen those cerulean eyes dismiss her as worthless. Shaking her head, ignoring the outrage of her "inner self", she plastered a pleasant smile upon her face; it wouldn't matter if he came or not, he would not affect her mission to gain Sasuke's love.

Kakashi stared hard at the boy with his single coal-colored eye. This boy, with his golden hair and cerulean eyes, was so familiar. The nostalgia built up in his like a storm, but he just couldn't grasp the image that reminded him so much of the blonde-haired boy.

Sarutobi sighed a deep sigh, one that spelled his despair and disappointment. Reluctantly he nodded his head as if it weight a thousand pounds.

"Team 7 and Naruto, please come to the gates tomorrow as 6 AM sharp to start the mission. Bring all the essentials for a week-long trip. Dismissed."

Giving everyone a curt nod, Naruto departed, his feet sliding in slow careful steps, while leaving behind the scent of sandalwood incense.

Sasuke irritably rubbed at his nose. This mission was going to be such a pain.


Sasuke Uchiha was ready to murder the boy.

Oh it wasn't enough that the boy hadn't brought a single weapon. Not one at all on this incredibly dangerous mission that he had apparently foreseen. But the fact that whenever he walked, his long girlish golden blonde hair managed to smack him in the face.

And the Uchiha genius just knew that the little dumbass was doing it on purpose because he'd seen that insipid little smirk on that small face. God he just wanted to punch him.

And for god sake he was wearing a frickin kimono! A silk one! Thank god it was shortened a bit so he could move easier and with black tight pants underneath, but it was frickin red! Bright scarlet red with the image of butterflies embroidered in gold!

First off, what kind of 14 year old has that kind of money? Second, it was like a frickin beacon shouting, "Oh, enemy ninja, want an easy target? Come here? I'm right here!"

Oh, and the last most absurd thing that the boy was doing? He was talking to that walking mannequin of a teammate. It was rather unnerving.

"So, what do you like to do Sai?"


"Really, what do you like to paint?"


"Oh really, would you mind painting me something later?"


"Ah, the weather is so nice, isn't it?"


This oh-so-interesting conversation was ignored when Naruto stopped walking, his kimono stilling from lack of movement, and stared quite hard into the bushes, his brow furrowing in concentration. Immediately, the entire team was on guard as the bushes started to rustle. That is, until a snow-white rabbit bounded out of the hedges and wiggled its cute little pink nose. Sakura squealed over its cuteness while Sai, Kakashi, and Tazuna visibly relaxed. Sasuke however, glared at Naruto with his right eye twitching in righteous fury.

"You got us all worked up over a rabbit. Nice job dobe. Tell me, why is a civilian like you on this mission again?"

The rabbit bounded over to Naruto, who immediately picked up the fuzzy little creature and stared at it, his brow furrowing all the more as he petted its soft fur.

"Strange," he murmured with a quick glance at the masked-jonin, "It's April. Hares don't go white until the winter. This rabbit must have been domesticated and never seen the daylight very often." The blonde boy nonchalantly bended downward to put the bunny downward just as Kakashi's one eye widened and he yelled, "Everyone, down, NOW!"

Just as everyone smashed to the ground, a swift gust of wind rushed over them as what looked like a very large sword sung over their heads, lodging itself cleanly into the thick branch of a tree.

"So…maybe you aren't a bunch of worthless children after all?" said a voice, grated and sharp, as mist slowly crept in, obscuring everyone's vision.

"Everyone, stay down! Sasuke, Sai, Sakura, protect Tazuna and Naruto," barked Kakashi as he got up slowly from the ground, grabbing a kunai from his pouch, his single inky eye staring vainly at the mist surrounding them, searching for the enemy.

"Ah, ah, ah, Hatake Kakashi," crooned the voice, which seemed to come from all directions, "What good will a bunch of genin be against someone like me?"

In three quick seconds, Kakashi groaned as three deep slashes appeared on his arms and torso. Blood trinkled down from his wounds, but the masked jonin remained standing, breathing heavily. The wounds were superficial, not meant to hinder or kill at all. The man was toying with him, like a cat playing with his food!

Sakura shrieked at the sight of blood, but Naruto managed to clap a small hand over her mouth, cutting off her scream. "Be quiet Sakura-san," he whispered as his own blue eyes hardened into icy chips, "We must keep calm. Do not alert the enemy where you are. Kakashi-san is ok."

"Ah, I'm surprised you genin aren't wetting yourselves in fear," said the voice as Sakura nodded hesitantly and gripped her kunai almost painfully, "Aren't you little children scared of death?"

Sasuke himself was white as snow as his right hand wielding his kunai shook a little, his knees looking like they'd give out. Sai was blank, empty as a clean slate, but even he was sweating bit and gripped his kunai so hard his knuckles were taunt. Tazuna shook and moaned quietly to himself, not having gotten up from his kneeled position in the ground.

Naruto, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes as he concentrated. He twitched his nose, and flexed his hands as his eyes widened suddenly and he yelled, "DUCK!"

Everyone immediately sank to the floor as a sword swooped yet again where their heads had been seconds ago, a few strands of golden blond fluttering in the wind.

"Oh, so you have some talent little brat!" said the voice. The mist parted to reveal a towering figure with strong lean muscles, lugging the truly huge sword over her broad shoulders like it was a simple toothpick.

Naruto's eyes narrowed, "Momochi Zabuza of the Bloody Mist."

Zabuza's eye twitched as he smiled, though it was covered by the bandages secured around the lower half of his face, "Right answer brat, want a reward for good behavior?"

Naruto frowned as he noticed the scratched headband on the missing nin's forehead. It wasn't so much the fact that he was facing an A-rank missing nin so much as the fact that the goddamn headband covered his forehead that bothered him.

"Could this be one of the people Shinigami-sama asked for?"

"Only one way to find out for sure, brat."

Naruto frowned even more. He didn't want to fight. But he glanced at the genin at his side and the jonin behind him and sighed. Having others to take care of was so annoying. Humans were so annoying.

Zabuza's eye twitched again and what would have been his eyebrow rose as the blonde girlish genin looked up at him, his cerulean eyes now a murky ugly shade of violent purple. The dark marks on the boys face thickened and he smiled with wicked looking canines.

"Shall we dance, Zabuza?"


Author's Note: I'm very very sorry for the long wait. I'm having a lot of trouble with King of the Deck as I've hit a MAJOR writer's block and I'm trying desperately to find a way out…and this story, though I have a better understanding of where it's going, is also annoying me. So anyone wishing to help me out, please leave a review with your idea. See, this Naruto is no killer. HE WILL NOT KILL. He's no pacifist, but he will not kill until he has the Shinigami's say so. That said, I really have no idea what method he will use to fight. As he is based off Yuuko, I don't want him to be all brute force and such, but he's not magical like her. Naruto is a normal human with his own chakra, which is untapped, and Kyuubi's chakra which is limited to his use. I'm not too happy with this chapter but I hope you like it! Leave reviews please! Enjoy!

Ja ne!
