To make up for the lack of fics here's a very short one! Probably a 3 parter :) maybe 4 lol.

Reid winced. The pain from his leg was really bad that day. He was determined to hardly take any pain meds. A part of him was terrified he'd get addicted to them too.

There was constant heat, there,though, that burned at his skin. He rubbed his leg while wincing.

"You okay, Spence?" JJ asked as she walked by.

"What?" He looked up, confused.

"You were rubbing your leg," she said.

"Oh, I'm fine," he said quickly with an unconvincing smile.

JJ studied him but decided to play along and smiled back.

"Boy," said Garcia as she walked into the room. "It's really coming down out there." They lookd at her. "Snow, I mean. D.C's supposed to get hit really hard."

"It can't get hit until we leave," said Emily. "I sure as hell am not going to be stuck here overnight."

"Well at least we have these Christmas decorations to make the place look more festive," Garcia said with a smile.

"Thanks to you," chuckled JJ.

"Hey now, it was the least I could do, you guys see so much darkness in the world, I could at least cheer up this place."

"Will it looks great," Emily said she sat down and JJ nodded.

"You outdid yourself this year, Garcia," she added.

"Really? Oh I'm so glad you thinkt hat, I was worried it was over the top."

"No it's perfect," Reid said, or tried to say. A wince interrupted his sentence.

"Okay that' slike the second time you've winced since I've walked in here," JJ told him sharply. "Are you sure-"

"I'm okay JJ!" Reid's voice rose more than he had expected it too. The three women glanced at him in surprise.

"I'm sorry," he said quickly. "But really, I'm okay, it just hurts a little more today than usual."

"You've taken your pain meds, right?" Garcia asked. Reid sighed and bit his lip.

"You didn't take the meds?" JJ asked sharply.

"Okay I appreciate your concern guys but I don't need your help!" Said Reid, sounding more short than usual. Exhaution was sweeping over him. He didn't mean to sound so bitter, he was tired of people looking over his shoulder,tired of feeling weak. "Again I'm sorry...I didn't mean to..."His voice trailed off, unsure of how to finish. He didn't mean to snap and act angry. He wasn't angry. At the moment he was tired of constantly being in pain like this, but he didn't want to admit it-in fear of Hotch taking him off duty. He had to prove to himself that he could still do this job.

JJ opened her mouth to apologize when Hotch came in, grim faced.

"Looks like we'll be stuck here for a while," he said with a sigh.

"Wait, what?" Emily asked sharply.

"Storm has gotten worse within the last half hour, all roads are closed," Hotch told her and she groaned.

"We better not be here all night," she muttered.

"From the looks of outside-" he nodded to the window where they only saw a flurry of white. "I'd say we will be."

JJ kept on eyeing Reid but decided not to say anything, even though she saw the hidden pain in his eyes.

She noticed Morgan walking up to them.

"Looks like we'll be here for a while," he said. "So much for going out on a Friday night."

"As lame as it is," said Emily. "I was really looking forward to going home and just vegging out. I can't remember the last time I vegged out."

"You can watch stuff on my laptop," Garcia suggested and Emily smiled. "Thanks, I'm more of an old fashioned kind of gal and like to watch stuff on tv instead of the computer."

JJ pulled Morgan to the side.

"I don't want to say anything more to Spence," she said quietly. "Since he seems to be kind of testy at the moment, but I think his leg is really bothering him."

Morgan glanced over at Reid and saw the kid constantly rubbing his knee subtly. He nodded.

"Did he take his meds?"

"He said he didn't." JJ kept his voice soft. Morgan closed his eyes.

"I was afraid of this...of his fear of addiction would get in the way of him taking his meds."

"I'm just worried he's in a lot of pain right now, more than he's letting on," said JJ.

"Well I guess right now all we can do is watch him," said Morgan. "We're pretty much stuck here, I don't think anything serious is going to happen in 24 hours."

JJ nodded, the mother side of her couldn't stop the worrying.

She hated seeing Reid in pain.

The heat in the leg wouldn't go away. But it seemed to spread to other parts of his body.

He listened to the chatter going around. They seemed so distant.

Garcia was handing out some cookies she had brought for some Christmas cheer and handing out hot coco as well. Christmas music was going on in the background.

If only this heat would go away...

"Spence?" JJ had to ask again as she walked over to him. "You want to join us? It must but lonely over here." He looked at her weakly and she gasped to see the sweat trickle from his forehead. She placed her hand on his face.

"JJ, I'm fine-" he started to protest but she ignored him.

"You have a fever," she said. "Okay get your crutches."

"Where are we going?"

"Hotch's office has a couch, you're going to lay down on it."

Reid was too weak to protest as he collected his crutches.

"Is everything okay?" Morgan asked as they walked back the group.

"He has a fever," JJ said to the group and looked at Hotch. "It's okay that he lays down on your couch, right sir?"

"Of course," said Hotch quickly, showing cocern on his face.

"You need any help?" Garcia asked suddenly.

"No," JJ said, not wanting to embarrass Reid anymore than he already was. She helped him lay on the couch and covered him up in the one blanket that was there. "I wish there was more blankets," she said quietly as he shivered despite the sweat trickling down from him. "And more pillows..."

"I'll be fine, JJ," he mumbled. "I just...need to sleep." She nodded and stood up to leave but he grabbed her hand.


"Don't what?"

"Don't leave...not until I fall asleep...I don't want to be alone right now."

His voice sounded so weak, so sick, that it scared JJ. She forced herself to smile.

"Okay. I'll stay as long as you need me to."

"And JJ?"

"Yes, Spence?"

"I didn't mean what I said back there...I didn't mean to snap...I'm sorry."

"I know," she assured him and squeezed his hand. "Don't worry about that. Just get some rest." She started to hum softly and slowly he closed his eyes letting his fever knock him into a nightmarish sleep.

But at least he wasn't alone.