The Shadow Demon

Dialogue/External speech

Dialogue Kyuubi speaking aloud

Dialogue Kyuubi thinking/Amusing

Chapter Eight

The Shadow Demon Awakens

You have amnesia its where u forget parts of your life or sometimes everything anyways do you remember anything at all? i Remember... Isnt that the kyuubi jinchuuriki itatchi? it would seem so...Who are you people? Why We you little runt are THE PEOPLE WHO I SHALL KILL! what the f- ACK! kisame was grabbed by the throat and threw into the air naruto appeared behind him kisame tryed to hit him with his sword but naruto dissapeared and was on the ground,kisame landed on the ground gracefully with a smirk on his face,whats the matter brat,scared already? of course not... i am going to let you both take me on when you both attack me i expect you to underestimate me and keep on gaurd and use your best techniques otherwise you will be killed...FOOL! kisame calm down he just surprised you, i barely know anything about him because he dissapeared long you are saying who knows how strong he is? exactly,ok then lets do this,kisame charged in using samehada i swiped at naruto,naruto grabbed the sword,kisame tryed to pull it away he is strong. you fool this sword drains chakra,i know...samehada rotted before kisames very eyes and soon into ash...WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! well judging by my shadow chakra that was absorbed i would say i turned your sword into ashes? kisame threw a punched but jumped away as a fireball hit the spot where naruto was,out of the fire like out of a nightmare a hellish looking creature walked out of the fire body black with he same black armor and haunting eyes that were as black as the blackest nights ever seen with razor sharp teeth and claws the armor now looked as if it was stuck to his skin,ha ha...the look on your faces is almost comedic,die... this cant be naruto? can it? kisame charged once again his eyes went wide and then dead as Shadow Demon naruto's hands were through his chest heart in his hand he eyed it as it stopped beating and licked his lips and ate it whole,WHAT THE FUCK! THATS NOT NARUTO! HMPH HMPH HMPH naruto laughed in demon form as the look on itatchi's face was in shock then they hardened...KILLING MY PARTNER! MY FRIEND! IS LAUGHABLE TO YOU! oh this coming from the person who murded his entire clan? am i supposed to feel sorry for a foolish organization who dares to mock me? you fools are hunting down my brethren,they do not possess the power to stop you,oh but i will,i will do it oh so slowly though so it settles into your real leaders brain,that The Shadow Demon is someone to be feared,anyone who dare to oppose me,my name will spread through this name like a wild fire. NARUTO WAKE UP! i am AWAKE! they will know what it is like to be helpless what it is like to be on your knees beaten to a pulp asking to stop,and having your request denied...naruto im so sorry...i really am,but you have to stop... naruto will soon regain his consciousness,once he does he will know all the knowledge that the original Shadow Demon knew the techniques everything,for now though i am his bottled up emotions his rage,his sadness,his guilt of even being in existance... he will wake up in fifteen minutes i suspect and that is plenty of time to wreak havoc AHAHAH! are fucking psycho whoever you are. i just told you what i am now stop wasting my time. shadow demon form naruto cut the mental link and looked into itatchi's eyes only to appear in a illusion the second he did so This is tsukuyomi The most powerful genjutsu ever created,HAAH! you are such a fool,genjutsu's are only as powerful as the user i am far stronger then any genjutsu. this genjutsu may only be broken by another sharingan user. NO MATTER HOW POWERFUL THE GENJUTSU! I AM MORE POWERFUL! shadow demon naruto gathered up a insane amount of chakra and said the magic word KAI! the genjutsu vanished naruto came at itatchi and grabbed his head and smashed it into a boulder killing him instantly HAHA! what? NO! NOT NOW! naruto reverted back to his human form and fell asleep.

UGH! jesus this taste in my mouth is horrible naruto said as he awoke naruto blinked twice and took in his surroundings KYUUBI WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED! well for one you ate shark mans heart over there... haha you are hilarious kyuubi,no seriously what happened? seriously? YEA well you took in your former sensei's power got amnesia,your Insane side took over,turned into a full fledged shadow demon killed shark guy and ate his heart and grabbed the clan killers head and smashed it into that yea pretty much thats what happened when you were gone... so i ate that guys heart? Yea why? naruto threw up and hit his stomach as hard as he could and threw up bits and chunks of the heart that he swallowed. HOLYSHIT OH MY GOD AHHH! WHAT! i know everything well not everything just stuff that a ancient demon knew. whatever,cool i never kew that. knew what? well after facing you the shadow demon stalked you a bit,and you are lesbian? what no...that was a long time ago nah i am bi. hm who woulda thought. yea. I AM GOING TO KILL HIM! he is already dead... i will...hey wanna go to that town over there i heard they have a nice spa. yea good idea. NEJI TENTEN LEE! yelled guy,what is it gai sensei? asked tenten,hide what? tell neji and lee to hide tenten,yes guy sensei but may i ask why? you know the person who killed kakashi-san? grrr yea,well that is him over there,WHAT! naruto looked around from the apple he was eating from a local's stand and wondered..what was that? i dont know but be on guard. always. pssst guy sensei,yes neji? why are we hiding in this alley i already told you why yes i know but shouldnt we confront him? no our mission is done we are heading home and warning konoha about his location. Is that so? yes if you let us be on our way,well i cant let you do that now can i? tenten you provide cover neji lee you follow my lead,you idiot you are under a genjutsu neji,tenten,lee they are safe for now,how when did you notice? when i searched for you chakra signatures of course,it was easy because not alot of ninja are in this town and i didnt see any around my area when i was walking around anyways be smart not stupid like kakashi and let me wipe your memory of these events the you seeing me part and you will continue on to konoha OR which will be the most likely situation is that you will attack me try to revenge your comrade and go on about the will of fire when i kick your ass. i am no fool uzumaki you killed kakashi from what team seven described was easy i stand no chance against you,smart decision before you wipe my memory may i ask what are your plans? well i am going to either wipe your memory or kill you if it comes to that so i might as well tell you,you see their is this magical place called nintopia where this legendary stone opens the portal to it it is located in very hard to find lands called mesotope when a ninja goes to nintopia he gains godlike powers much like the rikudo sannin in a matter of fact thats where he got his and then i will create a new world order where everyone will become puppies and i will be the latin marshmellow king of the swamp puppies? ... i dont believe you,you would have if i actually tryed to you were in the first half,i cant argue with that,naruto's hands grew greyish and waved it infront of his forehead where he fell to sleep forgetting the events that just transpired,why did you spare them? because i am going to relax in the spa and i dont feel like killing i feel like chilling. well atleast you know how to relax most missing nin dont know how to do that. i was never a ninja so i am not a missing nin. ah corrrected,you should really correct konoha about that one too. what do you mean by that? look at that poster behind you on the wall.

missing ninja naruto uzumaki dissapeared years ago when he was eleven years old he tricked copy cat ninja kakashi hatake and killed him so dont fall for any of his tricks although he did this he is considered to be at b rank please capture on sight and bring him to konoha reward ten thousand ryo. that... is... UNTOLERABLE! yea well i guess its time to show them the power of naruto uzumaki? kazama same thing. in your mind it is,no they will find out soon enough once i reveal that to them for now they will know the name of the Shadow Demon if it is even whispered people will cower in fear,they WILL KNOW MY POWER! ooooh now you are talking what do we do now? for one im pissed off so this village is fucked. naruto formed a huge shadow orb and left it above the village once he teleported out of the vicinity he dropped it consuming it completely.

Naruto was in the forest when something occured to him, a bandit camp... the bandits noticed him in the trees hey look a ninja,HAAHA HE DOESNT LOOK LIKE MUCH! one drunk bandit said his jugular got sliced open the next person to him whos last words were shit had a hand through his chest another one tryed to slice him with his sword naruto ducked popped up and crushed his windpipe with a chop to the neck and then ten charged at him only to have a slow moving dark orb move torwards them and it blew up causing a crater the last few bandits tryed to run for their lives only for the one behind them have naruto's sword threw at his neck decapitating him killing another along the way leaving the last one cowering in fear as he took the sword from the tree he sliced his head off back handed it sending the human part flying into a rock smashing it and then blew up the body with a explosive tag leaving him soaked in blood, did you think you kind of over did that just a little? who cares,i had fun. mmm so did i. hows that? well it kind of turned me on for one... sadistic vixin. sadistic halfie i know right. naruto uzumaki missing nin of konoha,oh hey perfect hunter nin lets see here one two three eight hunter nin i guess thats a good number,dont take us lightly your win with kakashi-san was a fluke oh hell no... hell no is right. naruto threw a kunai dissapeared grabbed it out of the air and stabbed it in the nins skull the other seven dispersed and threw a barrage of kunai and shuriken at him naruto threw his arms back and screamed using kyuubi's chakra to amplify the sound waves deflecting them one of them tryed to sneak behind naruto put his hand through his chest and left a explosive tag inside it blew up and only the torso was visible GO TO HELL! NO! JISUKE DONT! the person named jisuke was uppercutted into the air kicked downwards naruto ripped off his arm easily from the momentum kicked him into a nearby tree threw the hand at the person charging him after catching it naruto front flipped and cut him inhalf the other four went in and engaged in a sword duel all the swords were blocked cuts appeared over the nin as they kept going more and more appeared on their bodys,they panted swords still in hand one of them let go of their sword from multiple cuts on his hands NO! the nin grabbed her sword naruto looking at him amused you are all going to die but one of you will deliver a message to the hokage,so one of us will live? not exactly the fight was over in a flash the nin not even able to put up a fight due to their wounds naruto walked over to the unconscious nin and put him out of his misery he grouped the bodies together and went through hand seals and created a dark portal infront of him forming a kage bunshin he had his clone write a note and placed it on top of the dead bodies they dissapeared into the portal the villagers of konoha and ninja alike looked at the strange like portal that appeared out of nowhere and bodies of the missing nin they sent out were seen killed in the most gruesome ways one of the anbu approached the bodies and took a look at the note get this to the hokage he said as he handed the note to another anbu member.

The streets of konoha were very busy,busy because the civilians were freaking out from the bodies of hunternin that appeared out of no where,at the hokage tower the hokage just received the note and read it,DEAR ASSHOLE OF A HOKAGE! WHEN I MAKE MY WAY TO KONOHA AND THE WHOLE VILLAGE IS BURNT TO ASHES I WILL KILL YOU IN THE MOST GRUESOME FUCKING WAY POSSIBLE! YOU DARE TO SUGGEST I AM NO THREAT! OH YOU WILL SEE YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER THAT SHIT WILL BE YOUR DOWNFALL COUNT YOUR DAYS WISELY AND MAKE THEM COUNT BECAUSE NARUTO UZUMAKI IS COMING! well the hokage said while chuckling we will see about that foolish idiot your threats mean nothing and you know it,the chuckles turned into fullblown laughter as the sharingan eyes of the raven haired teen looked down upon the village,uhhhh ok well see you later sasuke hokage-san very well you are dismissed, When we face eachother in combat naruto you will know who is truly superior. CHAPTER END! so yea that was chapter eight review and favorite.