It's been a while! Haha creepy… Please read and REVIEW! Tell me your suggestions and thoughts! Thank youuuu!

Chapter 16- Reconnecting

Clare's P.O.V.

I made my way into the Dot and searched the room nervously for KC. I saw him sitting at a booth in the back. I just stood there staring at him. He hasn't seen me yet maybe I could leave without him noticing….

"Clare!" I heard him call my name. Great! I looked up and put on a fake smile, "Hey KC…" I trailed off awkwardly. I walked over to the booth and slid into the seat across from him.

"So…" I started. What was there to talk about? "How's sophomore year going for you?" he asked, trying to make conversation. "It's good, how about you?" Stupid question! He has a pregnant girlfriend! "Sorry that was a stupid question," I muttered and looked down. He smiled, "You haven't changed much Clare. I mean your haircut is different and you don't have glasses but your still the same person," he said kindly. My face got red. "Thanks KC." "So I've seen you around with that junior a lot…" he started. Eli immediately popped into my head, "Eli?" I questioned. "Yeah I guess, are you two like… going out?" he asked, his eyes avoiding mine. I looked down sadly, "No, we're not going out," I answered. "Oh!" he said his face getting bright. "Sorry I just thought that since you two hung out so much," he admitted sheepishly. I laughed nervously. "So what are you going to do about Jenna?" I asked. His face fell, "I honestly don't know. I want to be with her, but I can't be a dad! I mean I haven't exactly had the best influence in my life you know…" he said. He was referring to his father who was currently in jail. I sighed. "Well I would be happy to help anytime," I offered. I couldn't control myself, he just looked so helpless. He stared into my eyes great fully. I stared back. I forgot how innocent his eyes looked… "Clare?" I heard. I instantly was snapped out of my thoughts and turned my head to the voice. Eli. I froze. No! He's not supposed to see me with KC! "Uh… hey Eli," I started. "I thought you said you couldn't hang out today?" he questioned. "Yeah… sorry I had to meet with KC," I answered, "KC this is Eli, Eli this is KC," I introduced them. Eli looked hurt. KC looked annoyed. "Sup," KC said. Eli just stared at him, "See you later Clare," he said, not looking at me and walked out of the Dot. I watched him as he opened the door and walked down the street. "You sure you two aren't a thing?" KC asked knowingly. I sighed, "I don't know… it's complicated," I mumbled. He chuckled. "Any guy who doesn't snatch you the first chance he gets is an idiot," he said. Was KC flirting? No. He said he still wanted to be with Jenna. Right? I blushed a deep shade of red. "So have you started working on the computers project?" he asked. "Yeah," I answered, "I just started last night." "Ms. Oh is so strict!" he said. I laughed, "I know! I wish Mr. Simpson was so much better!" I giggled. This was just like old times. We continued to talk and laugh like we used to. I didn't know it but I missed KC. Not as a love interest… just him. When the time got to 4:30 I said I had to leave and I walked home. As I entered my house I heard my parents yelling at each other. I rolled my eyes and ran up to my room. I flopped onto my bed and thought about KC… and Eli. Why did Eli have to still show up at the Dot? Life wasn't fair! I was glad I hung out with KC though. I wanted to do it again. I decided to make it up to Eli though and I was going to ask him if we could hang out tomorrow. I sighed and got on my laptop. I saw Eli was on Facerange so I chatted him.

Clare: Hey. Sorry about today again. KC was my friend from last year

It took a while for Eli to respond

Eli: It's fine

I felt bad still.

Clare: Can we hang out tomorrow?

Again it took Eli a couple minutes to reply.

Eli: I'll see if I can fit you in to my agenda

I smiled.

Clare: I understand. I see Elijah Goldsworthy is a very busy man, I replied sarcastically

Eli: Very busy. You should respect that. I have to go, see u tomorrow blue eyes

I let out a deep breath. I shouldn't of chatted Eli. Every time I talk to him he's on my mind for hours after the conversation ended. He was so funny, sweet, sarcastic, cynical, hot… I cut off the thoughts. Clare you need to do homework. I sat at my desk and started my homework for the night.

Next Day

Eli's P.O.V.

I walked into school the next day and made my way to my locker. I grabbed my books and headed towards Clare. "Hey," I said. She turned around and smiled brightly. "Hey!" I chuckled, "someone's perky," She playfully glared, "Am I not allowed to be happy?" "Nope!" I said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes and turned back to her locker to shut it. She turned back around. I held out my arm, "Shall we?" I smirked. She smiled widely and took my arm, "we shall!"

I hoped you liked this chapter! Please review and give me any suggestions you have floating around in your brains!