The Hunter walks upon the Earth,

The mortals cowering before his berth,

From his sword the beasts tremble in fear,

From his club the lion recoils with a lingering leer,

The moon showers the hero with never-failing awe,

While the covetous sun waits with an open maw,

Rising higher than even the hero's height,

The Scorpion crouches in its master's light,

The hero turns to flee at length,

For even he cannot meet the Scorpion's strength,

As the sun's faithful servant delivers the hero's fatal wound,

Echoes the long, painful scream of the lovely moon,

The sun shines bright in victory's glow,

While his sister the moon mourns her beloved beau,

The sun seeks forgiveness at last,

Sending her gifts no god can surpass,

But fading from the night's friendly sight,

So does the moon's comforting light,

Desperate for pardon, sun embraces moon,

And together they open the swallowing dunes,

Letting the moon's hero rise free of ties,

To shine tall and mighty in the skies

And so, the Hunter stands among the stars,

Enjoying amity and free of scars,

Rising tall and full of pride,

On the clouded path of zodiac he slides

At daybreak he flees to the shadowed side,

Hiding from the sun's mighty eye,

But at dusk he basks in the moon's eternal love,

Who forever watches the Hunter from the heavens above.