"Kurt, Kurt honey it's time to get up" Catherine Hummel gently shook her son awake. Kurt, shoved her arm away and crawled deeper into his Spongebob blankets."Fine then,I guess Daddy'll eat all the pancakes. Anyway it's your first day of kindergarten" The Hummel family had recently moved to Ohio from West Virginia meaning Kurt had to move schools. He had no idea what it was going to be like. He didn't know anyone except a girl who lived next door. She had introduced herself as Tina Cohen-Chang and she seemed nice enough. If a bit quiet,plus she had a Labrador that ran off all the time, once ending up in their pool.

"Hey kiddo" Burt ruffled his son's hair as he came downstairs for breakfast "You excited?"All that came from Kurt's lips was an "Mm" and a small hiccup"What's up Kurt? I thought you'd be really excited. I've got a surprise for you" Kurt's head perked up once he heard "surprise" "I've got 3 tickets to see the new Disney movie with the talking Dragon""When?"asked Kurt trying to sort his hair back into place when Burt ruffled it "After school, I figured you'd want to see it. You do want to see it don't you?" "Mm" "Kurt? Come on buddy, you can tell me what's bugging you""I don't wanna go"he mumbled into his dad's shirt"What? Why not? You'll have a blast" "What if all the other kids don't like me?""Hey,come on,it's their first day in Kindergarten too you know""They know each other from Pre School" "They might not. Anyway you know Tina""She has Artie,and she looks weird,she dresses in black all the time.I keep on telling her that black is not her colour but she won't listen""Tell you what,stick it out till recess,if you're still unsure by then,tell the Teacher and I'll come and collect you,deal?" "Deal"

When Kurt entered the class, it was full of 5 year olds looking uncomfortable as if they shouldn't belong there. Except one girl who was prancing around singing "Never say never".There was a small group in the corner which consisted of 2 blonde girls and a black haired girl. The black haired girl was saying something to the smaller blonde haired girl who was nodding unsurely every few seconds,he only managed to catch a bit of their conversation "So Britanny,NOW do you understand why you can't keep the the Lizard in your closet?" "I think so,he gets scared by the monster in there anyways"

"Okay class, sit down on the carpet! Now my name is Miss Riley and I am going to be your teacher for Kindergarten. We have 4 tables, Disney, Dr Seuss,Curious George and Simpsons. Over there in the corner is the class pet, Jumanji the Guinea Pig. Each Friday I will draw a name out of the hat and who's ever's name is picked out gets to take him home. Now I'll sort out the tables and then we'll get to know each other." Kurt was put on the Dr Seuss table with Mike, Finn, Mercedes and Santana,At Recess he was playing with Mercedes when a bunch of 2nd graders came up to them. The group was lead by a boy with curly dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes"I'm Jesse,Jesse St James and I'm going to be the lead in Beauty and the Beast when I'm older" "You mean Belle?"Blaine piped up"Stay out of this Westwood"Jesse sneered "What? I'm just stating the oblivious. Belle is the main part in Beauty and the Beast""I was talking about Gaston"he said shoving Blaine,Sam then came up to Jesse"Leave,my,friend,alone""What are you gonna do about it,Fish Face?".Before Kurt knew it,Sam was on top of Jesse,trying to punch him but Jesse kept on winning "JESSE MATTHEW ST JAMES!" a voice rang out,the whole playground went silent except for a few "Ooohs" and "He's gonna get it" "What did I say would happen if I caught you bullying again?" "But Mo-"he was cut off"In school,it's Mrs St James ,we'll talk about it later"

Kurt was colouring when Burt came to pick him up"Kurt,hey come on bud,I thought you wanted to see Mulan,the movie starts in an hour" "Can Mercedes come too?" "I'll have to ask her mom" "I'll get her!" Mercedes ran off and came back moments later dragging a woman in her early 30's with her "Hi Mrs Mercedes' Mommy, can Mercedes please come with me and Dad to see Mulan please Mrs Mercedes' Mommy please?" "I dunno,I don't have much money on me" "It's okay,I've got an extra ticket,I thought Kurt might like to invite a friend anyway,I'll pay for everything and if you two are good,we'll see about a McDonald's on the way home,that sound good?" "Well I dunno.." "Please Mommy! Jackson got to see it for his birthday last week and said it was the most amazingest Disney movie in the whole wide world! Even more amazinger than The Lion King""Alright,but you have to be back by 8,understand?" "Yes Mommy,hear that white boy? You and me are gonna be best friends for ever!"