A/N: Welcome to 'A Game of House'! I'm getting tired of writing Fred and George angst fics, so I'm taking a break from sad stuff and moving on to happy stuff!

This is a fun story to write. I don't know how much my opinion is worth, but I think it's a really cute story. I hope you all enjoy the first chapter! Not too sure how many chapters there'll be, (I'm sorta making it up as I go along).


Disclaimer: I do not own any aspect of Harry Potter.

Chapter One: Rules and Roles

It was an ordinary day at the Burrow. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were out for the day; Mr. Weasley was at work, and Mrs. Weasley was out shopping at Diagon Ally. The seven Weasley children were all at home, enjoying the nice summer weather. The oldest two, Charlie and Bill, twelve and fourteen years of age, were home from Hogwarts for the summer, and enjoying the freedom while they could by playing some two-player Quidditch in the back garden, which was proving to be fairly difficult. Percy, the third child and nine years of age, was sitting on a chair outside, trying hard to ignore the loud noise his brothers were making while he pretended to write essays for Hogwarts teachers. It was never too early to start practicing. The twins, who were identical down to the last freckle and both seven years old, were trying their best to capture a gnome in the garden out back. They had special plans for this gnome. They didn't want to give anything away, but it involved Percy, who, although he would never admit it, was deathly afraid of the creepy little creatures. As for the youngest two, Ron and Ginny, who were five and four years old; they were nowhere to be seen. But the older brothers weren't worried. The two were probably inside.

A few more minutes passed with no disturbances, apart from the shrieks and protests the gnome was making against the will of Fred and George.

The weather was perfect. The sky was blue with not a cloud in sight. It was warm out, but a cool, light breeze was keeping the moist air from getting too hot for the boy's liking. Birds were chirping. Gnomes were yelling. All was peaceful.

Then the boys heard their precious little sister crying.

Instantly, the two eldest boys had landed, jumped off their brooms, and were already hurrying to the house. Fred and George, who had let their guard down after hearing their sister cry, were bitten by the vicious creature they had been chasing, and they swore loudly. Even Percy, who was still pretending to be very busy, looked up.

Before Bill and Charlie could reach the house, out came Ron, his messy red hair spiked up in different directions, his blue eyes looking tired. He looked surprisingly old for a five-year-old. Next to him, holding his hand, was Ginny Weasley; the youngest of the seven Weasley kids. Currently, she was looking as adorable as ever, even with tears running down her freckled cheeks and eyes puffy. Her short red hair had been done up in two bunches, and she was wearing a purple dress that was a bit too small for her, with matching purple ribbons tied into her hair.

She released Ron's small hand and began to rub her eyes furiously, still crying. Charlie bent low to her level, kneeling down in front of her and putting a thick, gentle hand on her small, soft arm. "Ginny, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asked softly.

Ginny looked up into her brother's large, brown eyes, which seemed very identical to hers.

The twins bounded over, somehow managing to look concerned and mischievous at the same time.

"Blimey, Ginny, did Ickle Ronniekins do something mean to yah?" Fred asked, squatting down next to Charlie. "Do you want me to hit him on the head for you?"

George squatted down on the opposite side of Charlie. "Or did Percy's stench fly up threw the window into the house, making you choke?" He offered, the corner of his lip twitching.

Percy, who had stopped his work and came over to see what was wrong, shot the twins a glare.

Ginny usually found her brothers to be hilarious, but now she didn't even smile.

"I dunno what's wrong with 'er!" Ron said, looking scared at the idea of Fred hitting him on the head. "She just started to bawl!"

Bill had snuck up behind his sister, and with one fluent motion, scooped her up into his arms and placed her on top of his shoulders. She couldn't suppress a giggle this time; she loved being up high. She especially loved it when Bill brought her up high, for he was the tallest.

"What happened, Gin?" He asked, looking up at her from her place on his shoulders.

"It just…" she sniffled loudly, "you guys always get to play whatever you want! I never get to pick! You guys always play boy games!"

The Weasley brothers shot each other a surprised look. They hadn't even known Ginny knew the difference between "boy games" and "girl games".

"Well…" Charlie started unsurely, on his feet again, "what would you wanna play, eh?"

Ginny looked thoughtful for a second as Bill picked her back up and placed her on solid ground again. Then Ginny seemed to get an idea. She looked her brothers straight in the eyes and said, in a very clear voice for a four-year-old, "I wanna play house!"

A silence lingered in the back yard of the Burrow as the brothers stared at her, not knowing quite what to say. In the back of their minds, they all sort of knew what this game of house was. They were just hoping it wasn't what they thought it was.

"H-how do you play?" Percy asked nervously.

Ginny put her hands on her hips, the way she did whenever she was frustrated. "Percy, you supposed to be smart! It easy! Someone's the mummy, and someone's the daddy, and some are kids! And pets, too!"

It was very hard for the boys not to moan aloud. It was what they had feared. Where had she even learned that game?

"I don't wanna play that! It sounds stupid!" Ron cried angrily, stomping his foot and crossing his arms. Immediately, the twins concurrently took a menacing step towards him, shooting him a pair of very evil grins. Ron changed his mind. "No, no! House sounds fun! Fun!" He said hurriedly, throwing his arms defensively out in front of him. Fred and George looked pleased. They didn't want to play either, but they would never oppose their dear little sister. Especially when she was in a bad mood.

"I'll play, Ginny." Bill offered, a smooth smile spreading across his narrow face.

"I'll play, too!" Charlie threw in, his own broad smile making its way across his heavily freckled face.

Ginny, now looking thrilled, turned to Percy, a huge, goofy smile on her small face. "Percy? You play, too?"

Percy, his face reddening at the adorableness of his sister, could feel the eyes of all his brothers on him. He knew that if he refused, he would be in a lot of trouble. "Of course. Of course I'll play house with you."

Ginny threw her arms up into the air, and yelled, "Hooray!" Then she proceeded into running into the center of the small field behind the small house, falling onto her rump the second she reached the center of the yard.

Not quite sure of what to do next, her brothers followed her, Bill taking the lead and little Ronnie falling behind. When they reached her, they all sat down, too, forming a small circle.

"Ok, I pick who everyone gets to be, ok? Ok?" Ginny looked very excited now, bouncing where she sat and looking at her siblings in turn.

Afraid to oppose her, everyone nodded.

"Ok! First, we need a mummy!" She deduced, looking determined. "Which means Percy is mummy!"

The twins erupted with laughter, as the other boys tried to contain their sniggering. Percy went red. "W-why me?" He demanded.

"'Cause!" Ginny started, as though the answer were obvious, "I'm too little to be the mummy!"

"But why not Charlie? Or Bill? Bill's hair is way longer than mine!"

Ginny shrugged. "They too big. And I like Billy's hair! It pretty!"

Bill flipped his shoulder-length flaming hair over his shoulder in a very feminine fashion, winking at Ginny as he did so. She and the twins found it hilarious.

Percy looked as though he wished to protest more, but a warning look from Charlie made him keep his mouth shut.

Ginny looked thoughtful again, and the boys could almost see the miniature gears inside her head tinkering. "Ok, now we need a daddy. It could be Billy or Charlie."

The eldest boys glanced at each other, clearly not really caring what role they played as long as they weren't the mum.

Finally, the twins solved the problem by yelling simultaneously, "Charlie's the grandmum!" They both looked at Charlie with big, expectant, hazel eyes.

Bill raised an eyebrow at the 'grandmum', who shrugged. "I guess I just have a good old lady impersonation." To prove this, Charlie stood up, proceeding to hunch over, one hand holding his crooked back and the other on an invisible cane. Then he said, in a raggedy voice, "Back in my day, we had to walk to Hogwarts, in the snow, uphill both ways!"

Ron tilted his head to the side, not quite getting what was so funny about that. He would feel bad for a little old lady who had to walk somewhere far away in the snow, uphill both ways. Little Ron felt cold and tired just thinking about it. The twins found it hilarious, though, and were now doing their own old lady impersonations, debating over whose was better. Percy looked as though he disapproved; he was crossing his arms and looking quite stern with his horn-rimmed glasses that were much to big for him and falling down the brim of his nose. Bill continued to raise an eyebrow. He wondered if Ginny would let the brother with the shortest hair play the role of a woman.

Ginny looked convinced. "'Kay, Charlie's the grandmummy, and Billy's the daddy!" She seemed thrilled that no one was opposing her choices. "Now we need kids!"

She immediately turned to Ron, whose eyes widened. He must have known what she was going to say.

"Ronnie gets to be the baby!" She exclaimed, pointing a tiny finger at the youngest brother.

"No! Don't wanna be the baby! You're the baby!" Ron yelled, looking as though she had just morally offended him.

Ginny immediately started to tear up. "B-but I'm always the baby!"

Bill hurriedly said, "Ginny, it's ok! Ronnie'll be the baby! Won't you, Ron?" He gave the five-year-old a meaningful glance. Little Ron crossed his arms and continued to look stern, but finally nodded.

"And I get to be the older sister!" Ginny continued, now looking totally fine. Bill smirked. She always managed to pull off that fake 'teary' look so well.

"Ok, Gin, you're the oldest kid." Charlie confirmed.

"Who are we? Who do we get to be?" piped up an impatient Fred, beckoning to him and his twin.

"You two can be the demonic twins who ruin everyone's lives and torture their brothers," Percy mumbled, shooting them a hateful look and pushing his glasses farther up his nose.

"But that wouldn't be anything different!" George said, pouting. "We wanna be someone else, we do!"

Percy rolled his eyes as his insult visibly flew over the identical heads of Fred and George.

Once again, Ginny thought very hard. Then her brown eyes lit up. "You two can be the kitties!"

"Do we have claws?" Fred asked, sounding excited.

Ginny nodded.

"Can we scratch people?" George asked in a tone equal to his twin's.

Ginny nodded again.

"Brilliant." They said simultaneously, cracking each other a mischievous grin, similar thoughts flying through their head, as always.

"Ok, now we all need names! Percy, Charlie, and Billy don't get names 'cause they grown-ups!"

"Everyone has a name, Ginny," Percy lectured her, always willing to seize the chance to teach his little siblings something, "even if we don't always use them."

Ginny started at her brother for a second. Then, completely ignoring what he said, exclaimed, "So, that means me, Ronnie, and FrednGeorge get names."

Percy, now looking slightly annoyed that she hadn't even listened to him, corrected her once again. "It would be Ronnie, Fred, George and I. And you need to pronounce 'Fred' and 'George' as two separate things. They aren't the same person."

Again, Ginny just stared at him with a blank expression. Then she said, "Ok, what should we do for names?"

The twins sniggered. "You just got ignored, git," said George with an evil smirk.

Bill and Charlie paled.

"George, you shouldn't say words like that. Not in front of the kids!" Bill hissed, glaring at the ginger.

George stuck his tongue out in retort. "Says who? I like the word 'git'."

"Yeah, me too!" Fred piped in, also sticking out his tongue and the eldest brother.

"Big surprise," Percy mumbled.

"I like it, too!"

All boys turned to their youngest sister, eyes wide.

Ginny continued. "S'a good word! Git! Git, git, git! That should be a name! That can be Ronnie's name!"

The oldest three boys' mouths fell open. Fred and George fell over, laughing hysterically.

"Or-or maybe he can… be… prat!" Fred gasped out between bursts out of laughter.

"Or arsehole!" George also gasped, laughing uncontrollably.

"Or bloody-"

"That's enough, you two!" Bill finally put an end to the nonsense, using his scary, grown-up voice, which immediately silenced the two troublemakers. But the damaged had been done.

"Ronnie's name is Git!" Ginny concluded, smiling and not really seeing what the problem was.

Charlie looked very uncomfortable. He didn't want to go against the word of his dear little sister, but he certainly didn't want anyone calling poor little Ron a git. "Er, Ginny? Maybe we can find a different name for Ron? Why don't we ask him what he wants his name to be?" Charlie turned to the smallest of the Weasley brothers, offering a wide smile. "Ron? What do you want your name to be?"

Ron, his wide blue eyes beginning to tear up, said, "I want my name to be Ron! I don't want another name!"

Charlie turned back to Ginny. "See, Ginny? He just wants to be-"

Then he saw his little sister's eyes start to leak, and her face breaking. She sniffled.

"…Sorry, Ron, you're name is 'Git' now." Charlie said in a monotone, not taking his eyes off Ginny.

Ron groaned and fell back from his rump onto his back, staring up at the cloudless sky. The twins laughed and gave each other high-fives. Percy scoffed at them. Bill sighed at his Charlie's terrible endurance, but knew he would have done the same thing.

"Ok, my name's Molly!" Ginny told them all, fully recovered and not paying attention to the episode playing out in front of her.

"Mum's name?" Percy checked, breaking the glare he was giving the twins.

"Muh-huh!" Ginny gave an adorable smile and nodded. "It's the only girl name I can think of that's not Ginny!"

"What about Muriel? Like Aunty Muriel?" Percy asked, confused.

Ginny's made a face. Percy dropped the subject.

"Ok, Ronnie's Git, I'm Molly. Who you, FrednGeorge?"

"It's who are you, Ginny. You need to use a verb. And please pronounce Fred and George as two separate names!" Percy pleaded.

Ginny gave him another blank look. Percy finally gave up.

"I wanna be Gred!" said Fred, throwing his hand up into the air.

"Oi, I wanted to be Gred!" said George angrily, turning to his twin.

"Bollocks, I'm Gred! I called it! You're Forge!"


"Boys, there's hardly a difference between the two!" Percy threw in, hands on his hips.

The twins lost interest in each other, and instead shot an identical glare to Percy.

"Wow, he really is like a mum, isn't he, Forge?"

"Definitely, Gred."

"Ok, so that settles it! Fred is Gred, Forge is George- I mean; George is Forge! Alright?" Bill jumped in, trying to keep as much peace as possible between the twins and Percy.


"As long as that prat stops acting like a woman-"

"Enough," Bill said for the last time.

Ginny looked absolutely thrilled. "Yay, now we all have names! That means we can play! The inside can be the inside of the house, and the yard can be the yard!"

"Rather self-explanatory," Charlie said to Bill, who gave a half-smile in return.

"Let the game begin!"

A/N: Ta Da! First chapter: done!

I hope everyone likes it so far. If you enjoyed it, please review! No flames, please, but if you have any suggestions or ideas for future chapters, please let me know! Thanks!

I do have three other Harry Potter fics out, all about Fred and George. Please feel free to check them out, if you'd like!

Thanks for reading! I'll update soon if I get enough reviews!


UPDATE: Ok, guys, time for a random rant. You know what really bothers me? When a ton of people favorite and alert a story, but don't review! That is my pet peeve right there. Sorry, guys, but if you have the time to favorite this story, you also have the time to review! It only takes five seconds out of your day to review, and it makes my happiness last for the entire day. So please, please, please at least try to review if you're going to favorite this! Thanks a ton!