note. Hey every one! I hope veryone had a merry christmas cause I know I didn't! XD

My baby cousin thought that the toilet was meant for water to wach your face... eeeehhh... gross! And then came a duck with the little boys yelling she was making love to it. (cause she was biting it...) Of cousre the question popped up about what "making love" meant (and directed to me none the less!) , so i told them the truth! "It's what you do to get the stork to come!" And then i told them to get the stork you had to stick a pencil in the pencil sharpener! It was the truth! My Abuelo (grandfather) was laughing at me and my mother scolding me. For our Christmas meal we had tamales, taco's, brurito's, and of course salsa with queso and chips! We make our own totilla's so no running for more! A Mexican feast!

But i still like chinese food better. XP

My guess was right when I said i write better now! I have improved! Yay!

Thank you for reviewing! On with the chapter now! Please enjoy!

ramble, ramble, ramble...

rated T+. nudity, mild adult theme, strong lanuage

Words. 6,102 (goal: 5,000)

Discaimer. Nope, don't own Bleach

Chapter Two

don't say princess

Orihime flinched at the use of 'fiancé' from Masaki. She bit on her lower lip to hold in her own words of bitterness. She didn't want any of this and she didn't need to be reminded.

Ichigo's mother continued to sip her wine. She didn't look at Orihime the whole time she had said those harsh words.

"Why don't you sit in that empty chair across from Ichigo, Orihime-san," Masaki said. "We can continue the conversation when were all seated and ready for dinner."


The scowling man watched the shy auburn haired princess sit down in the seat across from him. He looked at the flustered expression she had. He dared not to stare at her for to long. Orihime probably thought he was a pervert from their apparent first meeting at the entry hall. The thought made a small blush get on his cheeks. He took a chance to look at her one more time, she glanced up as well.

Chocolate orbs met gray, their blushed deepened. They both turned away to quickly attracting attention from the two younger girls. Karin hadn't seen what happen at the entry hall but her and Yuzu had seen the ditzy girl running about in the mansion in an erotic maid costume. She'd turned around and walked away not wanting to know what was going on. Seeing her brother's face she'd bet that he saw her running around like she was on fire with her huge breasts bouncing up and down. My brothers innocence has been crushed finally… she sipped her drink. I was beginning to think he was gay too…

And as for Yuzu, she'd followed when her sister baled. When the older girl had tripped she was about to go and help her from the embarrassing position but the front door opened and her brother came in. Yuzu couldn't stop looking at the way her brother was 'checking out' the princess's body. She'd wanted to go up and slap him right then and there for the perverted action but held her tongue. My big brothers a pervert!

"So…" Karin began. "Why's she got to stay here?"

"Karin-chan!" Yuzu scolded.

"What?" Karin defended. She leaned against the table and glanced at Orihime. "Just because she's getting married doesn't mean she has to stay here, right?"

"Were getting to that," Isshin said with a now serious face on. He also looked over to Orihime who sat looking down to her lap. "She has her reasons and we have ours for taking her in."

Masaki nodded to her husband. "Would you like me to explain Orihime-san?"

"You can if you want to," Orihime said shyly. "I don't mind."

"Ok, so let me start," Masaki began. "When the date was decided of Orihme-san's engagement, she asked her father Barragan to let her live the last three months as a normal girl. He said she could do it as long as she stayed with someone he could trust.

"That's when he thought to called me and your father, Karin-chan. Since I was once friends with Rangiku-san he aloud Orihime-san to stay with us. She will stay with us until April and then she will go back to Spain and marry Aizen-san in May.

"The reason we let her stay here with us in Japan was because Barragan wanted her to have her wish to be normal and we thought that Karakura would be the best place for that. For her to continue and stay with us she will need to get a job and go to school with you Ichigo. That was the deal."

Masaki took a breath at the end of her long speech. Isshin patted her back for a job well done. She smiled at him and got her glass to drink.

No noise came from the children. A chair's squeak was heard in the silence. Orihime put her clothed napkin on the table. Ichigo finally looked up at her wondering what was wrong. The family still stood silent.

"Um… I'll be going to my room now…" Orihime said while pushing some of her loose strands of auburn hair back into its place.

"So early Orihime-san? The food hasn't even come out yet," Masaki said.

"I-I'm not that hungry so I'll just go to bed…"

She slipped out of the seat and began to walk away.

Ichigo got out of his seat also.

His father raised his eyebrows. "You're going too?"

"I'll go what's the matter with her," he said. Pushing back in the chair he walked the direction she had left.

How can Ichi-nii help her, he doesn't even know her…. Karin thought.

As soon as he left the room Isshin was trying to hold in his laughter. Masaki hit him in the side making him grunt in pain.

"You saw the surveillance video too?" she asked eyeing him suspiciously. He nodded and she hit him again.

"Daddy! How could you?" Yuzu exclaimed. She shot him a dirty look.

"Uhg…" he grunted out as Karin kicked him from under the table.

"Doesn't surprise me," she said. "This is what Ichi-nii will look like twenty years from now. Hell, his hormones started to kick in today too!"

Masaki looked at her eldest daughter. "Now Karin there will be no speaking that way of your brother at the dinner table," she scolded. "Besides, I don't want idea's to pop in your father's head-"

"ICHIGO! My son has finally tuned into a man!" Isshin yelled. "It's time to start buying him porn mag-"

His wife hit him in the back of the neck knocking him out cold.

"Well," Masaki said smiling at her two daughters while the butlers served the entrée's. "How about we start eating so it won't get cold when Ichigo finally gets here, hmm?"


He didn't know why he had broken the walking into a jog but it had. Ichigo kept a faster pace as he caught up to her and grabbed her hand. He liked the way her small soft hand felt in his big ruff one.

Wait… what?

"Hey," he said.

She quickly turned around and slapped him hard in the face. Her eyes were blurry with tears. She saw what she had done. She hadn't meant to slap him!

"I'm so sorry!" she said freaking out. "Oh no, what have I done! Now Kurosaki-san will hate me and hope I get shipped back off to Spain to marry Aizen-sama then he'll hate me forever and I'll never have any way to communicate with him and tell him how sorry I am for slapping him in the face! I'm so sorry Kurosaki-san, the little blue men made me do it!"

He rubbed the spot wondering how such a small girl could have such an impact. Orihime began to wave her hands around saying how 'she killed him'. Ichigo wanted to chuckle at her crazy actions but held it in.

"Uh, I think I should be the one saying sorry Inoue…" he said and gulped. "After all I…I was uh… staring at your um… what I mean to say is…" Fuck, I can't even say it!

His scowl and blush grew deeper, Orihime stared at his cute expression wanting to giggle but didn't knowing this wasn't the time for that.

"I-I understand Kurosaki-san… I shouldn't have just sat there in that umm… position…" she whispered the last word.

They stood in silence for a few minutes both parties not knowing the right thing to say.

The orange top scratched the back of his neck nervously. "So I guess I'll see you in the morning then…" he said and turned back around no that their little misunderstanding was dealt with between them.

"O-Oh, ok. See you in the morning Kurosaki-san…." She stuttered out. Orihime put her hands together and bowed. She turned around as well and headed to the direction of her room. Her running was slow as she got to her own room.

Opening the door, Orihime let out a sigh while she jumped to the soft queen sized bed.

Her room was painted lavender. She snuggled into the cool silk sheets on her bed. Her grip tightened on the fabric and smelt the fresh cloth. Her fingers traced the designs of floral print on the pink blanket. She turned her body from the side to the back and her front facing the ceiling. She closed her eyes so as not to blind herself from the bright light of her ceilings light.

Was it wrong of her to think of another man while she was already engaged? She had only met Aizen Souske once but she felt a little guilty for thinking that Ichigo was cute.

Her heart raced at the thought of him. She clutched her clothed covered chest area. Her dream was happening but she couldn't follow it now that she had promised to marry someone else.

Ever since she was younger, Orihime had dreamed of one day finding her own prince and running away from her life with him. Her sisters had gotten that but she was left alone. It was too late for her to find her dream, she had been waiting too long for it to happen and now it was ripped and tarred into shreds.

A small tear traced down her cheek. She wiped it away with regret of her past before coming here.

When she was nine, Neliel seventeen and Rangiku twenty-eight, Rangiku was pronounced to be engaged to Aizen. Her eldest sister had fought with her father over and over again saying she would not marry him but Barragan would not hear of it. Since the date was not picked till Rangiku was twenty-nine, six months before the due date, Rangiku ran away with Ichimaru Gin and married him. Gin was Aizen's right hand man and he was furious by the news of their betrothal.

About two years later was when Orihime had first laid eyes on Aizen in person. She was eleven and he told her she was beautiful. Her heart had flipped and she blushed telling him thank you. He commented back with…

"Maybe you'll be my princess one day…"

She had turned red and fainted.

Now she was arranged to be his 'princess'. How ironic that he said that and now four years later it was coming true.

The thought of it brought her back to the fact she didn't even know who she was engaged to until Masaki had said it at the dinner table. She had assumed her father sent her here because she was going to meet the son of Kurosaki Isshin and marry him. Oh how wrong she was!

Well, then again, maybe it wouldn't be so bad being engaged to Aizen. He was handsome and very nice, at least to her when they had first met. When Rangiku had talked about him during the time they were engaged she had said he was the perfect gentlemen. Orihime could only worry if he still was after what had happen. She wondered if he was heartbroken after her sister left and married his best friend.

"Rangiku-nii-chan… what should? They treat me so nice… like a princess. I-I don't like it." She whispered to herself. In all the years she was called a princess, Orihime had denied it. Her father was more of a dictator then a monarch, she didn't deserve the title of princesa in Spain.

Her angel like face pouted as she swung her feet against the bed. "Ah~ I don't know what to do!"

She jumped off the plush bed and walked to the vanity mirror that was set in the room. She removed her hair clips and set them in the small case that Sora had given to her when she was younger. Her fingers lingered on the cold metal box. Onii-chan…

Stripped down to her panties now, she walked to her dresser hoping that all of her clothes had been put in their own area's like Yourichi-san said she would do. After moving stuff around she found her pajamas. She slipped on the small shorts and tang-top fast and tried to find her school uniform to put out so she could dress into it when she got up in the morning.

After searching for a few minutes she discovered one big problem.

It wasn't there!

She tugged the clothes out of their organized folded positions in the drawers. Searching for the uniform for about ten minutes she finally gave up. She'd have to go get it from Yoruichi in the morning now! She would once again be walking around in embarrassing clothes in the estate.

"I'll have to walk to the staff room and ask her… Oh no! What if Kurosaki-san is walking through the hallways and sees me in another strange position! He'll think I'm the type of girl who walks around in revealing outfits every single day!" She scrambled under the silk covers of her new bed. They were still cold as she curled up into a ball and closed her eyes.

"Just sleep Orihime-chan, you won't have nightmares as long as I'm here."

"Rangiku-nii-chan, Onii-chan isn't coming back… is he?" she whispered to her older sister.

"Orihime-chan…" Neliel (age 15) whispered. She patted her head and hugged her younger sister who was only seven. She'd lost her brother when they went to visit Japan.

"I killed Onii-chan!" she cried. Her small fists hit her green haired sister who was trying her best to comfort her. Neliel burst into tears and tried to hold on tighter.

"You didn't kill Sora-nii Orihime-chan!" Nel cried to her sister. "It wasn't your fault!"

"Yes it was! YES IT WAS!" She screamed back. "I killed him Nel-chan!"

Rangiku (age 26) embraced both of her younger sisters in a hug with her longer arms. She held in her tears so they wouldn't be frightened. She had to be strong for them. She was the oldest and she would protect them no matter what.

"Hush now, don't cry," she whispered into both of the smaller girls ears. "No one killed anyone, so hush." She felt Orihime start to shake and more tears fell down her face. "Shhhh, Hime-chan. Don't cry, show me a smile please," she asked. "You too Nel-chan."

"Rangiku-nii…" Nel said through her sobs.

"Oh so dear halcyon days~ Come and find us through the days we wait~" Rangiku sang.

"We wait for you every day and night, so you'll shine the light down on us~ Bring back those days of laughing~ Bring back those days of sorrow~

"My dear halcyon days~"

"C-Come back to me oh my dear halcyon," Orihime sang after her sister. She had written this song with Sora. More tears fell down her angelic face. "I didn't ever want to say goodbye my dear halcyon~ You were the center of my universe in this lonely world~ Oh my dear halcyon days~

"So now I say goodbye halcyon days, because you'll come to save me some day, my one guardian…" Orihime was cut off by her older sister who was hugging the life out of her.

"See, do you feel better now?" Rangiku asked her. She nodded her head and tried to smile. "Your beautiful voice brings the sun light back down to earth for us Orihime-chan, you should always sing for those you care for. I bet you'll be a famous singer when you're older."

Both younger girl closed there eyes and snuggled together for warmth as they drifted off to sleep.

Rangiku kissed them both on the top of their heads. She closed the door to their shared room.

"I'm sorry you two, it's my fault Sora-nii's gone… If I hadn't forced him to take you guys with me to visit Masaki-chan and her husband and children… then he and Orihime-chan would have never gotten into that accident with Masaki's son… I'm so sorry!" She whispered and ran over to the privacy of her room.

Orihime didn't know this but tears where falling down her face while she slept.


Sipping her cup of coffee, Yoruichi grunted at the fact today was another day of hell in the Kurosaki estate. She'd have to clean and order the other maids around to get the hell back to work and to stop slacking off on the job. She set the mug down and laid her head down on the white counter top, her dark purple hair spreaded out on the counter. Warm hands snaked around her waist from behind making her shiver.

"Did I wake you up Kisuke," she asked the drowsy looking man. She rested her tan hands on his pale ones. She squeezed them.

"Nope," he said. "I just wanted to see my hot kitty~" he purred out to her. She grinned at him and tore his hands away.

"We can't play right now, we gotta get to the estate you lazy bum."

"Meh~ cant we just call in sick to the head butler and maid," he complained.

"No," she said back heading for their room to look for her clothes. "You dope, we are the head maid and butler!" She took off his big shirt that she had put on and dressed into her outfit. Urahara watched her with pride. He liked how his big shirt didn't feel tight around her luscious curves, instead they were baggy and revealed cleavage at the neck line. She should wear his shirts more often…

He started pouting at her comment and began to look for his own clothes. "Why can't we just change into our uniform instead of getting there then changing?"

She frowned over at him. "You do what you want, I'm not running around town in a maid uniform,' she grumbled. She grabbed for her cell phone to check the time but dropped it on the wooden floor. "Shit…" she cursed.

"Hmm… kitties got claws," Kisuke muttered.

"What was that?" she sneered at him.

"No-Nothing," he yelped and ran out to take a shower.

"That's what I thought," she said and laughed. She grabbed her keys and exited through the front door leaving the blonde man behind.


Yoruichi opened the door and let Orihime in who looked flustered in her tiny baby blue night shorts and a crimson tang-top.

"You need something," Yoruichi asked her. She held the staff locker room's door wide open making some of the maids changing yelp and run so passing by butlers couldn't see them in their panties

"Oh… you didn't give me my uniform yesterday…" the beauty said.

The older women looked at her confused but then slapped her four head. "Damn, sorry, I forgot all about that…" she grumbled to the girl. "I'll go get it, just stay right here."


Orihime gripped the bottom of her shorts trying to pull them down a bit. When a bit of her belly showed she pulled them back up. She'd have to go and by a new set of sleeping wear later.

"Here," Yoruichi said. She handed the navy blue set to Orihime and scratched the back of her head. "I think that's all… No wait! I found you a job!"

The princess's eyes widened. "Y-You did?"

"Yea, I think I already gave the address to Ulquiorra, so he'll drive you after school," she said and smiled.

"What's my job?"

She tapped her chin and grinned at the auburn haired girl. "You'll just have to wait till after school, but I think you'll love it." She started to push Orihime out of the room. "Now, go get changed and head for the entrance hall so you can go outside and enter the limo!"

Orihime saw all the butlers' staring at her outfit when she was pushed into the open hallway. She was flushed red and ran the rest of the way to her room without another word. Yoruichi saw the look and walked back into the room and shut the door behind her.

"Maybe I should've let her change in here…" she muttered to herself.

"That would have been smart."

"Shut it and get to work, Lisa!" Yoruichi sneered. She looked back to the door. She smiled and walked away to changer herself.


The princess scrambled for her school bag and slammed her door making a dead sprint for the front main entrance hall. Her healed formal brown school shoes surprisingly didn't refuse her condition and let her run. She was thinking about how lucky she was that the little blue man hadn't gotten up yet.

Still running she saw Masaki and stopped to give her a quick greeting then be on her way.

"Good morning Masaki-sama," Orihime said while jogging in place.

"Why good morning Orihime-san," Masaki said and gave a small wave of her hand. She laughed softly at the young girls antics, just like her older sister.

"Oh… I'll see you after work Masaki-sama, right now I have to get to the entrance hall! Bye!" Orihime shouted and ran off.

Masaki giggled. "What a lively child, so unlike my Ichigo though," she said and pouted playfully.

The auburn haired beauty ran for her dear life knowing that Ichigo and his sisters might be mad that she is late. Exiting the house and trotting down the stairs until her feet hurt was beside the point. With only two steps left she-

"Hey, Inoue," Ichigo yelled.

-fell face first into the pavement.

"Shit, Inoue!" He trotted down the steps and came to the concrete spot that Orihime had hit. He squatted down and put his hand on her shoulder to help lift her up. He got to his feet and slowly helped her balance. "You ok? Damn… did you break anything Inoue?"

"N-No I'm j-just fine," she said with the top of her head dripping blood. "See, fit as a fiddle if I say so myself," she waved her arms around to indicate that everything was fine. He frowned at her.

"Inoue, you're bleeding," he grumbled to her as more blood trickled down her angelic face.

"Huh," she asked and touched the spot on her head he was looking at. "Oh you're right… I'll go back inside and see if there is a first aid kit." She headed back up the stairs.

"Inoue there's no need for that," he said as he grabbed her hand and tugged. She fell backwards and he muttered a 'crap' before she fell on top of his muscular form. When he opened his eyes again they were connected with worried gray. He felt a slight pressure on his mid-section and when he tried to get up the pressure pushed him back to the hard concrete.

"I-I think I really did kill Kurosaki-kun now…." Orihime whispered to herself not knowing that Ichigo was awake. He kept his eyes closed so as not to alarm her. She sniffled a little then continued. "Sometimes I want to live five life times, so I won't be stuck in this one…. I want to have my own place and my own life that no one can live but me. I guess I just want to find my own dreams, not the planned out ones like Papa has for me…

"I just want to be normal, well, at least as normal as my life can get… I don't even know why I'm telling you this Kurosaki-san, guess I thought you might understand a little…" she trialed off and didn't continue what she was about to say. He'd thought of her as a shy, clumsy girl without a care in the world. How wrong was he?

He tried to get up again with success this time. He rubbed the back of his head where pain shot through as soon as he touched the spot. He winced and glanced over to Orihime who was in her own little world at the time. "Inoue."

"Eh," she said snapping out of the trance. "Oh, you're awake now Kurosaki-san?"

"Yea," he said and he raised an eyebrow at what she had called him. "Hey Inoue, 'Kurosaki-san' is my father, you can call me by my given name you know."

"Oh no, I couldn't do that! We just met and I would find it very rude to do so!" He frowned at her and she smiled back weakly and tried. "Then Kurosaki-kun…"

He sighed. Ichigo would have liked it better with just 'Ichigo' or maybe an 'Ichigo-kun'.

"Ichi-kun…." His mind mentally made her say. He blushed at the thought of her calling him that. When he was younger a friend of his mother's would come and her younger sister would call him that. Ichigo quickly turned his head in the direction of their ride to school so she wouldn't see the red tinting his cheeks. He forced the car door open and not bothering to wait for the driver to open it for him. He scooted in to his spot. Both of his sisters had already made it in before the two older teens.

Orihime followed after him shyly and made her way to an empty area on the other side of them. She fidgeted under their stares. Yuzu was the first to notice the gash on her head.

"Oh no, what happen Orihime-chan," she exclaimed while reaching for the first aid kit under the leather seats.

The older girl laughed nervously while pointing at the bloody spot. "Oh this? When I was walking down the stairs Kurosaki-kun surprised me and I tripped down the last few steps-"

"Onii-chan did what!" Yuzu gasped and sent daggered glares to her older brother.

"N-No it wasn't Kurosaki-kun's fault, I'm the one who tripped!"

"You didn't attack her while she was down, right?" Karin asked. She folded her arms across her chest.

Ichigo on the other hand, had reached for the now discharged medical kit to look for an ice pack for his still hurt head from earlier. He hadn't heard a word she'd said so he answered with a "Yes?"

With that one word she punched him on the arm. "You sick pervert," she muttered under her breath as he dropped the ice pack and reached for his bruised arm. "Goat-chin was right, you do need porn magazines to tame you from these hormones."

"Don't say that Karin-chan," Yuzu cried. "Onii-chan won't need that!"

"Yet," Karin added. "Next thing you know, he'll be having Orihime-chan up in his bed rooms and they'll be doing the 'dirty'."

Yuzu covered her ears. "No~ I don't want to hear any more!"

"Eh?" Orhime panicked.

"Dammit Karin, would you quit saying that! I'm right here next to you for God's sake," Ichigo yelled.

"Knowing what a closet pervert Ichi-nii is, I bet he had an orgasm-"

Yuzu covered her sister's mouth with her hand. She gave the death glare at her making the black haired girl shiver. "Don't say any more Karin-chan," she whispered.

A cold sweat went down Ichigo's back although his sister's anger was not directed to him. She had inherited their mother's wrath it would seem…

The rest of the car ride was silent as Yuzu tended to Orihime's flesh wound.


The orange top sat in his seat located in his home room. He had wanted to walk Orihime around but she had gone off to the main office for her class schedule papers. He rested his elbow on the desk and put his chin to his hand. He scowled at the chalkboard in deep thought. Next to him, Renji watched his spaced out expression.

The tattooed red head waved a hand in front of his face with little response. That ticked him off. Renji frowned at him and went off to find the others before class started.

Opening the sliding doors, Renji saw Tatsuki talking with Nemu. Although he had thought once before that the tomboy considered her an enemy for some reason, he still went off to talk to them.

"Yo, Arisawa," he called. Said girl turned around and glared at him. She turned back and continued to talk with Nemu. He knew the game, and he was going to play it. "Arisawa! Hey, hey, hey Arisawa! HEY!" He screamed, his hands cupped around his mouth to make it sound louder.

"One moment please," Tatsuki said while trying to fake a smile for the Kurotsuchi girl. She turned around and ran over to the red headed male. He was laughing at her red face. She kicked him in the side. "What the hell is the matter with you?" She pulled him up by the collar, her fist curled up at the side getting ready for a punch.

"Oh nothing" he said. She lowered him down to the wooden floor. He chuckled at her still red face. She tightened her fist more. "Just wanted to say hello," he joked.

"Well hey, you ass," she said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go talk to the Kurotsuchi girl."

"And why, if I may ask, are you talking to her?"

"Personal reasons," she answered. She walked away without any other explanation leaving Renji to only wonder what their conversation was about.


Rukia walked into the school building without a simple wave goodbye to her driver. She had to at least make sure that there was no one waiting for her, like Renji. She had known that baboon for most of her life so it was strange that he wasn't there waiting for her at the front gates of her house like always, hell, he wasn't even waiting at the front of the school for her!

She frowned and kicked a lone pebbled hard. There was a point in her life when she thought that she and Renji could be together. It was at that point when their friendship started to go south too. It wasn't because they were seeing each other, but because she was becoming extremely jealous any time a person of the female species came in a twenty foot radius of him. She grew tired of it and decides maybe she could force herself to like another. That is where Ichigo comes in, though she gags at the thought of liking the punk.

She wasn't going to fall in love with him! She just couldn't do that to him! Why did life have to be so hard for her? Damn, she didn't even like drama… so why was she the one stuck in it and causing it?

She sighed and placed her head against the school's hallway wall. Passing by student would stare and whisper to each other about her actions not knowing of the pain she was in at the moment. She slammed her head into the thick wall not caring that it may cause bruising. She opened her purple eyes and turned around to lean on the wall and sigh. She could really use a coffee right about now.

As she pushed herself off the wall and started to walk to class, a figure with orange hair skipped ahead of her. The girl was humming while she danced to her own rhythm. The shorter petite girl shook her head and walked on, new kids were always loco in the head.

After walking the stair she saw Tatsuki heading for their class. She waved her hand up to say hello to the other girl.

"Hey, Tatsuki," Rukia called and smiled. She ran over to the girl.

"Yo, Kuchiki," Tatsuki said back as she came over to her. She rested her hands on the side of her hips. Her sharp figure said she was the top of their karate team. "You staying after school for the boys soccer practice today?"

"Yea, Renji called me yesterday and told me," her arms went across her small chest as she said this. "I guess I have no other choice since I was half asleep and told him I'd be there."

Tatsuki chuckled. "He called you that late?"

Rukia shrugged her shoulders. "I'm use to it by now. Besides, if my brother ever found out about it, he'd get angry. I already tell him everything, so I can keep at least one secret from him."

"Well aren't you Nii-san's little angel," Tatsuki teased.

"Am not!" Rukia laughed.

"So you say…" Tatsuki smirked. They both stopped conversing when the same girl Rukia had seen earlier passed by, she was still skipping. Her auburn hair swished passed them and she continued without stopping. "Who do you think that is, a new student?"

"Probably," Rukia yawned. She frowned at the student's curvy form. "Wanna bet that Mihana will be bugging her about the boob job?"

Tatsuki laughed. "No need to bet, I know she will."

"Your right,' Rukia continued as Tatsuki walked off into the class room. She wasn't listening to Rukia as she ranted on. "With a fake body like that, they'll never leave her alone…"


Her hair was swishing along with her movements. She paid no attention to wondering eye of the males, she only looked forward to her future. Her search for the office was not very close to its peak sadly, but at least she was trying to find it on her own. Orihime was just too shy to ask anyone.

She bit her bottom lip hard. Darn her shyness at a time like this. She spotted the stairs and walked down them. At the mid-section to the first floor she stopped and saw a window. She smiled widely and over went to it. She saw the sun light hit the outside trees. They were a bright green. The small breeze pushed them along causing her to sigh at their beauty. If only she had her note book she could write a new-

"Are you lost?" a voice asked her. She turned around and saw a man with pitch black spiky hair. He had three scar lines on the right side of his face and on his left, a sixty-nine. His black eyes looked her over and he smiled at her lightly. He wore the school uniform with the shirt untucked, no tie, and the white shirt unbuttoned.

"Oh… Y-Yes, I'm new here…" she trialed off and blushed. She hated being so shy but she just couldn't help it.

"Yea, seems like it," he chuckled and she blushed more. "Know what class?"

She stared but then jumped up reaching for her skirt pocket. "No, I was actually looking for the office," she said. Orihime tugged on the end of her skirt nervously as he walked down the stares. He turned back around and raised an eyebrow.

"You coming?"

"Huh?" She stared at him in thought. What did he mean? Then it hit her like a brick wall. "Oh, of course!" she ran down the steps to catch up with him. "Sorry, I didn't know what you meant by that…" she apologized.

He chuckled again. "It's fine, no harm done. By the way, before I forget, what's your name?"

"It's Inoue Orihime," she said smiling up to him.

He stopped walking causing her to bump into his back. She rubbed her bruised nose softly. He turned around and bowed to her and lifted his arms to their right.

"Here is our humble office your majesty," he joked. She giggled. He opened the door leading her in. "Got to get to class or my teacher is going to kill me…"

"It was nice meeting you… Um…"

"Hisagi Shuhei," he said and waved. "Well, I better get back to the dictator, see ya!" He ran off as she waved to him.




Hope our dictator of a father dies along with our brother!

"I hate that man!" Rangiku yelled to her younger sister. "I fucking hate him! I hope he dies a slow painful death!"

"Rangiku-nii, you don't mean that about Papa!" Neliel yelled back

"Oh yes I do Nel-chan! Damn man thinks he's the king of this freakin' world! The stupid dictator!"

"Please, Rangiku-nii! You'll wake up Hime-chan!"

"Let her wake up! She should know about that damn devil of a man she clings to!" She shouted back. "He won't let me be with the one I love, he wants me to marry some rich stranger off the streets!"

Outside of the door stood a small girl with a glass case in her hands, inside that case was a pair of blue hair pins. She ran from the door crying.

"Hope our dictator of a father dies along with our brother!" was the last thing she heard as she ran to the protective arms of her friends, Nana-chan and Ulquiorra-kun.

She walked the rest of the way into the office to ask for her class room schedule.

Nana-chan, Orihime thought. Where are you?





to be continued...

chapter three: futbal y la princesa

note. ha! in your face father! i can speak spanish! I like to say I am no longer the family reject! Now to conquier spicy food...

Tis' time for credit to my lovely reviews! ramble ramble, ramble... lol

You guys rock and I love you! *Hugz* Thank you! And also to those who are following and faving! Gracias!





Ya... I'm lazy too~ XD

~Turtle-chan out~ 12-29-10 See you next year!