Hello minna! This is my second story which will be a Fax (A crossover but I'm not sure if it will work out. I'll let you know as I go along if I decide to change it.). Once again I'm winging this story too so please forgive me if my updates are hectic. This doesn't mean I'm not going to write New Beginnings. Au contrar it just means I need a new project since I have Christmas vacation coming up and I'll have some free time. So please enjoy the story and review!

I heaved the box into the car. This was the 4th time we've moved in a year. They were getting good. Too good if you asked me.

"Damn," I muttered under my breath when the contents spilled onto the seat. This was so tiring I just want to go to sleep already.

Why was I "moving" in the middle of the night during a freezing January night? Simple, they seemed to always be able to find us since we moved from Iowa, or was it Idaho? I could never remember those I- states. I yawned then shivered. I really needed a new jacket.

"You almost done?"

I turned around and gave a weak smile, or should I say grimace, to the boy I saw there. His hair was ruffled and his all black clothes were wrinkled. He had bags under his eyes but other that that there was no trace of exhaustion from him. His coal black eyes were bright and alert and his body was tensed up for a fight.

"Yeah I'm almost done. Can you go get the kids for me?" I asked.

He nodded sharply, "I'll drive first though. You need your sleep."

I opened my mouth to protest but he cut me off before I could even start. "Look I know your superman but even superman needs his rest."

Knowing that I would never win this fight I gave a shrug and turned back to the car.

He grabbed my arm and turned me back around to face him. Startled I looked into his eyes and saw an expression on his face I haven't seen before. "Fang?"

He opened his mouth then closed it again. He shook his head, "Forget it."

I frowned. Lately he's been doing that a lot. He'd pull me to the side about to tell me something and tell me to forget about it. But tonight was the first time he had and unreadable expression on his usual poker face.

"No tell me," I insisted .

He let go of my arm. "Just forget about it okay Max? Just, don't"

I was shocked. Fang never asked for favors. He could be dying in the middle of the road and he still wouldn't ask for a favor. I stared at his face for a few seconds and decided to leave it alone. He'd tell me when he was ready.

I nodded. "Just know that I'm here okay? Don't shut me out Fang. Were a team remember? We'll stick together through thick and thin."

For a few seconds it looked like he was going to say something until we heard something coming form above our heads. We looked up.

"Erasers," I said grimly. "Damn it how do they keep finding us?"

Fang said nothing except, "I'll go get the kids."

I nodded while keeping an eye on the enemy. "I'll keep them busy."

We locked eyes. Then Fang did something completely unexpected. He smiled a real smile and said, "When we survive this I'll tell you what I've been dying too after we kick some Eraser butt."

I flashed a grin. "Sounds good."

We jumped into action.

Hmmmm. Pretty short but hopefully the chapters will be longer as the plot thickens. Tell me what you think in a Review! What does Fang want to say to Max? Why do Erasers keep finding them? Is it the tracker? To find out you have to read on!