Moriah: New story! New story!

Yugi: Hi, everyone! Morie-chan has a new story.

Moriah: Yes, I do. Sorry, but this idea has been irritating me for a couple of weeks so I thought I would give it a try. If you don't like it, I won't continue, but if you do, then I will. Keep in mind that this, isn't going to be a long story.

Yugi: Also, this story is a little on the dark side. We will try to give you warnings so you know what is going to happen in the chapter. But we might forget so don't be mad at us.

Moriah: Please review, and please let me know what you think.

Summary: It's been a year since the death of his grandfather, and Yugi still can't seem to get past it. He still feels like he was to blame. Now, a freshman in college, he is still pondering on all the things he could have said and done, but also, he has to deal with the pain of having an ex return. Can the ex help Yugi finally let go and understand that his grandfather's passing was not his fault?

Chapter 1

'One year today.' A teen thought as drove in his red car down the road. He was just leaving the cemetery after hours of visiting his recently deceased grandfather.

With the drive back, imagines of the last day his grandfather was on Earth flashed through his mind. There was no way that those images and memories would leave. After the funeral, memories of times spent together would never leave. And in a way, the younger didn't want them too. By the memories recurring in his mind, he would always keep his grandfather alive.

In no time at all, he was back at his apartment, the place he has been living in since his grandfather passed, pulling into the drive way. Of course he still had the Game Shop, the building and home of his grandfather, but he usually stayed at his apartment. It was closer to his college, after all.

The Game Shop wasn't only his second place to live, but also his other job; a job where he only worked on the weekends, his other job was a little farther from his college and apartment, but in a car, it was only 10 minutes away. Working at a coffee shop had its perks. Drinking coffee was good since he usually had to stay up to finish a homework assignment. And without the caffiefe he was sure to fall asleep.

His car wasn't new but it wasn't old either. The car was only a couple of years old. It was the perfect car for him.

Opening the car door, he got out, before closing the door, after turning the car off and taking the keys out the ignition. He locked the door, before walking towards the front door of the apartment. Opening the door, he used a small key scan on the side of the door leading inside the apartment. After hearing a small click, he opened the door.

Walking towards the elevator, he walked inside and watched it closed after hitting the floor he wanted. Reaching the sixth floor, which was the last floor. He made a right before opening another door. Walking further into the hallway, he stopped at a door that read "617". Taking his key out again, he opened his door, before closing and locking it, walking into his apartment.

The apartment had a kitchen, and living room, a bedroom, a balcony, and there was a bathroom on the left to where he slept. Not to extreme and not to simple, just the way he liked it.

Walking into the kitchen, he looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall. "It was only 10:30 am. He still had a couple of more hours. He contemplated taking a nap before but decided that he would make himself some breakfast. When he woke up this morning, he instantly took a shower, not bothering with breakfast, he wanted to be with his grandfather as soon as the cemetry opened. The people that runned the cemetry hadn't been surprised to see him, since he was always there, but considering that today, it had officially been a year since his grandfather had died, he wanted to get there early and talk to him before there was anyone else the cemetry, who were there to talk to their lost loved ones.

He sighed as he prepared to make himself something to eat, trying to keep the thoughts of his Jii-chan not eating again. 'A year today' he said to himself again. That phrase would be repeated throughout the day, he was sure.

Opening the refrigerator, he grabbed the milk, before closing it. He looked up and grabbed the cereal from on top of the appliance. The cereal was CoCo Puffs. One of his favorite. After grabbing a bowl, he poured some cereal in, before pouring some milk into the bowl. Cereal. It was quite simple for breakfast yes, but he wasn't really in the mood to make a big breakfast. He would tomorrow. After putting everything away, he walked into the living room, turning of the tv, and began watching tv; more like flipping the channels.

It didn't take long before he was finished with the cereal. Walking back into the kitchen, he washed them before putting them back in their respective places.

He sighed looking around his apartment. He hated days in which he couldn't find anything to do. "Eh, maybe I will just read for another..." he looked at the clock. "45 mins"

He walked into the living room, before taking a left into the short hallway before taking a right into his room, making sure to turn off the tv before changing room. There wasn't anything to watch anyway.

His bedroom had white walls. There was king sized bed, with amethyst sheets and a white blanket with crimson swirls. To the right, there was a window and a windowsill, but the window was usually opened. Only when it was cold outside, did he have it closed. There was a closet to the left side wall. A bood shelf to the left of the window, with all of his favorite books and books that he knew he knew he still needed to read.

He laid on his bed, looking at the ceiling, before shifting so that he he turn to the left and grabbed the book that was laying on the bed.

Of course it was a romance novel. One of his favorites "The Marriage Surrender" by Michelle Reid. He had read it a few times, but it never got old. He opened the book to where his folded paper was and began reading.

After some time had passed, he looked at the clock that was on the table, before closing the book making sure that he put the book mark where it should be before putting it back on the table. He really needed to leave.

Getting up from the bed, he walked into his closer, grabbing a white shirt, and a black pair of slacks before walking out his room and to the front door. He opened it, making sure he still had his car keys with him. He closed and locked the door, before walking down the hallway, to get to his car.

Yugi pulled into a parking lot. He wasn't surprised that there was no one really here. It was only 12:30. Pulling into a parking space, he shut off the ignition before changing into his white shirt and black slacks.

Another reason why he was glad no one was here besides he could get a good parking space, but also because he could change without having to worry about someone seeing him.

Getting out the car, he closed the door before locking it, and started walking straight. The building he was walking to was a creme white with big brown letters on top reading "Amelia's Coffee Shop and Cafe". He had been working there for over a year. Sometimes, it felt like he had been working there longer.

Opening the glass door, he walked inside, to be hit with soft soothing music. Yes, of course, Amelia always played soft music, to calm everyone's nerves. The walls were a light brown, giving it a comfortable setting with creme white cushioned chairs with black wooden tables and hard wooden floors. The different smells of coffee filled the building as did the different pasteries and bagels.

"Yugi!" he heard a surprised voice exclaimed, making him turn around.

He saw a light purple haired girl, who was alittle taller than him, walking over to him with a confused expression on her faceand in her light purple hair. She was wearing the same attire as Yugi, expect her name tag was the right and a tag saying "Owner/Manager" was the left side of the side. Whereas Yugi's name tag was solely on the right of his work shirt.

"Yugi," she spoke again, her voice soft. "What are you doing here?" Her eyes looks at her friend and employee. Today was his off day. He didn't have to work again until Monday.

"I came to work, silly." he said, as he walked to go around the counter. His shift would start soon. He grabbed his work apron from the hanger, before lifting the lever and walking into the back of the counter.

"Yugi, hunny" she said, following him. "Today is your day off, remember?" Surely, he would remember, he was off today. It was the one year passing of his grandfather. He shouldn't be working on this day. He should be at home or the cemetry, thinking back of the time he had with his lost loved one.

Yugi sighed and shook his head. "Amelia," his voice was soft and he looked up from wiping the counter top to look into her eyes. "I don't want to have an off day. Not here. Tomorrow, I work at the Game Stop, and I need something to do today to pass the time. I can work here all day if I am able to, but," he trailed off before continuing. "I just can't not do anything anything. Doing nothing will only bring the pain and dull ache back, so I need somethig to distract me." he finished, his eyes still locked with hers, a pleading looks in his amesthyst orbs.

Amelia sighed and nodded. She no had choice but to respect the younger's wishes. Although, there was only a couple of years difference between them, sometimes, she couldn't help but forget she was the older of the two for Yugi, had times in which he showed he was more mature.

Hearing a bell ring lightly, the two look instantly look up, he see that it was a customer. Getting to work Yugi prepared to get the man order of a French Irish Cappicino, with a bacon and cheese bagel sandwich.

Hours had passed, and the coffe shop was closing. Yugi yawned as he took off his apron and put it back on the hook, before lifing the counter and walking out, saying a quick goodbye to Amelia who he was sure would be leaving to go home herself. She would be here earlier tomorrow morning.

Walking out the door, he decided he would go back to his apartment for the night, and drive back to his second home in the morning. He didn't feel like driving all the way there at the time of night. Getting into his car, he drove off, mentally preparing himself for the next day. But he didn't stop himself from looking up into the sky, letting a though of his grandfather slip into mind.

Waking up the next morning, the teen took a shower before walking into his apartment parking lot and driving to the Game Shop. It seemed like a longer drive then it usually took, which struck the teen as odd, but shrugged his shoulders, dismissing it.

Opening the car door, he got out, before closing the door, after turning the car off and taking the keys out the ignition. He locked the door, before walking towards the front door of the apartment. "Who's there?" he asked, turning around slowly, making a short small rotation, in the entrance of the door.

With small steps, he walked more inside, now in the store part, walking past the cash register. "Who's here?" he repeated.

His thoughts went through the mental list of people who could be here. His grandfather? He shook his head. No, for reasons already known. Joey? He made a mental unsure noise. There truly was no telling. A few people had the key to get in. And most of them he had not talk to very much since his Jii-chan passed way.

Putting his hand out, to swing open the door to the kitchen, he paused in shock. No, it couldn't be. He sighed, it was. Right there in front of him, the guy that had broke his almost almost a year ago...well, it could be exactly a year from now, in less than a month.


Moriah: I am so sorry that it took me so long to post this. I wanted to post this earlier, but I could not.

Yugi: We are posting this because today is the one year day of Morie-chan's father's funeral.

Moriah: Please make sure that review. I am sorry if something things don't make sense. I was in a rush to finish this, so something may not be very comprehendable. I will look over it in a couple of days and change things that need to be changed. Also, as you can see Amelia is not a character from Yugioh, she is my character. I hope that you don't mind.

Yugi: We are unsure of when we will update since we originally want to have this out on last week on the 12 since that would have been a full month since her father passed, and she wanted to dedicate this story to him. I am sorry for the reason to this story, but Morie-chan, thought writing this would be a good way to get her feelings out, even though most of them may or may not be true feelings.

Moriah: Please make sure that you review. We will try to update BloodLover as a Christmas present for you guys. But no promises.

Yugi: Please review and let us know what you think and how you reacted to some stuff in the chapter. We will try to update soon.

Until then...