This is the last part of Thanks Pheebs. It's like 4 AM at my place right now, I can't sleep, enough said. And I have some problem with keeping my story short and simple, mind me about that. Anyways, thanks for the reviews in the last chapter, I appreciate them a lot! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter as much as the last one! I might have a small extra, or another one-shot after this fic. It's a plan, so I don't know yet, and I still have to find a person to fix my grammar for me; I hate it when I make mistakes! My cousin is being lazy and not fixing them, so she's a no already. I would be super glad if any of you volunteer! I'll give you my MSN if you guys agree to help me! Read this and enjoy it!

Hey Arnold is not mine, if it is, Helga would be 15 and cuddling with Arnold, yeah...

Thanks Pheebs

Helga was playing with the tapioca pudding with her spork, looking bored. She yawned and scooped up the pudding then let it fall down into the cup. Phoebe, who sat there eating quietly, sometimes glanced up to see what Helga was doing. Helga sighed and put the spork down. She rummaged her bag and pulled out her pink notebook along with her signature purple pen. Helga's habit of writing poems were dieing, she wrote stories and ideas more, but she still writing down those poems; old habits die hard. She found poems were kind of tragic, sometimes, it led from love into desperation, and Helga didn't like it, so she wrote short stories instead.

"Helga, you should eat something, you barely put that tapioca pudding in your mouth." Phoebe reminded Helga. "Uh huh..." Helga mumbled, not paying attention to Phoebe. She was paying attention into her paragraphs and at the same time, chewing her pencil. Phoebe smiled lightly and thought gladly. Helga was back to her old self, not caring about things happening around her whatsoever, just focusing on what she put her mind on.

Gerald walked over to their table and placed a tray of apple and milk onto the green table. "Hey babe." Said Gerald to Phoebe. She giggled to herself and gave Gerald a kiss on the cheek.

"Whoop de doo. I tried to focus on my work over here and Geraldo just came over and broke my attention." Helga said while picked her head up and looked at Gerald.

"So sorry Pataki, but mind me for a moment to remind you that, you're sitting with my girlfriend. I suppose you can take that as an excuse then?" Gerald smiled at Helga. Her eyebrow twitched and had a big smirk on her face. Helga stood up with her hands on the table.

"Nice comeback Tall Hair Boy. Can I remind you, too, that I am her best friend? Sometimes, it's chicks over dicks. Same goes for you Geraldo, bros over hoes?" Helga smirked and put her hands on her hips. Gerald, who also stood up, smiled at her and let his index finger pointed at her face.

"Someday Phoebe will leave you for the attitude Pataki. You better watch out. Bye Phoebe, love you." Then he kissed Phoebe on her cheek and left the table.

"We'll see about that Tall Hair Boy!" Helga yelled back at him, she then sat down on her chair and dug into her tapioca pudding. Phoebe giggled at her best friend, sometimes Gerald were good for things like these; he would argue with Helga about Phoebe and threatened her like no tomorrow. Anger made Helga hungry, or it just made her wanting to eat.

"You better watch that boyfriend of yours Phoebe. He might disappear someday." Helga flung the spork at Phoebe's direction, causing some of the pudding to flung with it. Phoebe was still giggling over the small argument between Gerald and Helga. "Ok, Helga. I'll make sure he watches his mouth before he speaks to you." Phoebe took some of her tissue and wiped the pudding on the table away.

Helga swallowed the last spoon of pudding and breathe a load of air. "That feels so good." She stretched back onto the green bench, straightening her legs and arms like a cat. Helga scratched her head and yawned.

"I'm so in for a game of dodge ball right now Pheebs." Helga said, cracking her hands.

"Well Helga, you can always go out the field and join with the boys for a match. I know how you always like sport after lunch." Phoebe smiled at Helga's enthusiastic personality. Phoebe knew that even though playing sports after eating was not the healthiest choice, but she couldn't fought back with Helga.

"Damn right I do. C'mon Pheebs, let's go outside and break the rules." Helga fist bumped with her right hand and walked toward the exit. Helga pushed the green door open and breathed in the fresh air, looking at the two group of students at the center of the field. On the right was with Gerald, Sid, Stinky, Harold and Chocolate Boy. On the right was with a random group of 10th graders. Helga smirked at the groups, seeing that Gerald's side was tiring out from dodging the balls. Helga walked in the field with hands on her hips.

"You with the one eyebrow! Out the field! We don't allow girls in the game!" A 10th grader said, pointing at Helga. The students behind him agreed and nodded their heads. Helga scowled.

"Oh boo hoo, you 10th graders can't take down a girl in a group or what? I guess you chickens can't stand having to lose to a girl, can ya?" Helga said, then did a chicken sound to provoke the students, who gritted their teeth and clamped their hands.

"You're on! Come on boys, let's show her who's the boss around here!" The group replied with a big "Yeah!" Gerald smiled at Helga, who had a triumphant smile on her face. She took the ball from Harold's hand and threw it at a student at the very back of the opposite team. The boy fell down and fainted at the spot. "You are so on." Helga said, with the red bouncing ball on her hand.

"Helga G Pataki saved the day once again, boys!" Helga won 3 out of 3 rounds of dodge ball and triumphantly walking in the cafeteria. Behind her followed by a group of boys, include Gerald, Sid, Stinky, Harold and Chocolate Boy; they were all cheering for Helga and the team's victory.

"Pataki, you sure show those bullies who's the boss." Gerald said, folding his arms together and smiled widely. Helga smirked and looked over at him.

"Oh yeah? How about before? When you said what about my attitude? Remind yourself Tall Hair Boy, I saved the day for that." Gerald scratched his head and chuckled nervously. Phoebe walked up to Gerald and hugged him from behind, causing Helga to smiled.

"Yeesh! You lovebirds just make me want to have diabetes, get a room!" Helga laughed out loud and point a finger into her throat, pretending to vomit. "Oh Pataki, you make the funniest comment." Said Gerald, who pinched Helga's arm and laughed at her reaction.

Helga made a squeak and rubbed her arm, she laughed after that and pinched back Gerald at his nose. The group of students laughed at their small cat fight. The bell rung and Gerald stopped pinching Helga, whose hand was just inches away from his nose. "Damn it." Helga said under her breath, she released Gerald's left arm and told him to did the same with her right leg. They broke up, then Helga helped him stand up and dusted off her clothes.

Phoebe, Gerald and Helga exited the cafeteria and headed toward their next class. Phoebe had an extra Math class, Gerald had Spanish and Helga had Geography. Helga didn't hate Geography, she just wasn't exactly good at it, and she hated the smell of the classroom. What's worse than having a stinking classroom and you have to sit there for the next 50 minutes? Helga thought. The next thing she hated about it, was because she had to study with Lila... And if Lila was there, Arnold will be too.

Way to go Helga, way to go.

"You guys are going to make four small drawing about the economies around the world. The Market Economy, the Command Economy, the Traditional Economy and the Mixed Economy. I will give you about 20 minutes to draw those simple drawings, without writing down the definition of course. You will have to express those pictures and show the people that look at it and know what are those economies. I will choose out the groups of four and you guys will get to work as soon as I'm done choosing! First group, Sheena, Eugene, Nadine and Curly! Second..." Mr. Blake continued with his sorting out students.

Helga slumped down her chair and played with her pink pen. She sighed and looked over at the window, the clouds were swaying in the blue skies, some birds flew across the skies and chirped. They look so peaceful. She thought, not paying attention to the voice of her teacher calling out her name and her partner for the work.

"The last group will have Arnold and Helga, since they are left out! Ok guys, get to work!" Mr. Blake clapped his hands together and went back to his seat. Helga sat there with her eyes wide and her mouth slightly opened due to the shock. She was confused and could not utter a word, she shook her head and saw Arnold walking toward her table with a big piece of A3 paper. He pulled a chair and sat down at the other side of the table.

Helga put on her scowl as soon as he left a small sigh out of his mouth, she snatched the paper away from him and took out her markers.

"What are you staring for bucko? He said get to work! You do the traditional and mixed one while I do the other two!" Helga stated. She took the black marker and started to draw a person, followed by some group of people. Arnold just shrugged and did his work. 10 minutes had passed, the room was filled with chatters and students laughing. Helga sat up and looked down at her work, she was done and satisfied with it, she then continued to look over at Arnold's work, which was only a couple of scribbles over it.

Helga looked up at Arnold, she noticed that he was making lovey-dovey, googly eyes with Lila, who was sitting across the classroom. "Hey football head, get to work! You've barely do anything!" Helga yelled at Arnold. He didn't even bother turning around, she rolled her eyes and stole a glance at Lila, who was doing the same thing. How troublesome. She thought, Helga took another marker and did the work for Arnold.

Before they even knew it, the 20 minutes were up and people started to pack up and left the classroom.

"And you know what's next? He didn't even DO his work! I mean, criminy! He just sat there with his googly love eyes toward Lila, and they were waving hands and all that during the classroom! How perfect!" Helga told Phoebe, who was standing behind Helga; protecting the cone.

"You know, Helga, we can all – LOOK OUT! INCOMING!" Phoebe yelled out at the ball that was flying towards Helga, who caught it in her hand and threw it back at Harold. "OW!" Harold fell flat on his butt and proceeded to crawl out of the field.

Mr. Simmons decided to let the class go outside and had a round of dodge ball before the dance. The big grassy field was filled with class 206's students, filled with the students Mr. Simmons taught back in 4th grade. Lila was sitting on the bench with a pack of ice on her right eye, since Helga aimed the ball at her and threw it so hard, her eye was purple. Helga was satisfied with that and all, but grew angry as soon as Arnold held up his white flag and ran outside with Lila.

"Look at them! Being all flirty with each other, I just want to puke my organs out." Helga threw the next ball at the Peapod Kid. "You were saying?"

"We can forget about that Helga. We will have 2 weeks of winter break! Me and you can hang out at the movies, go to Slausen's and bowling for the break!" Phoebe said excitedly, she was very excited about the winter break, since her parents were to late to booked the tickets so that they could go to Japan; Phoebe wanted to stay at Hillwood and hung out with her friends, after all, Phoebe didn't like visiting her grandmother too much.

"Yeah, yeah Phoebe. Hanging out with only the two of us huh? What about Geraldo over there?" Helga pointed at Gerald, who was focusing on dodging the balls and was also walking slowly toward the best friend.

"Who's speakin' my name?" Gerald asked as soon as he reached over at Phoebe and Helga. "I did Tall Hair Boy. Phoebe wants us to hang out together." Helga responded to Gerald. He made a grimace and shook his head.

"You guys can be great friends if you guys get to know each other and hang out more! Who agrees with me?" Phoebe said gleefully, only to received eyes that did not match with her predictions. Helga and Gerald could be great friends, if they hadn't fought so much over Phoebe, who loved them both and couldn't decided who to spend more time on. Gerald just shook his head and caught the red ball that was coming at him.

"Oof!" He rubbed his stomach, the ball was flying fast and hit him directly right in the middle of his belly. Gerald held up the ball to show the guy who threw the ball, was out.

"NOOOOO!" Curly yelled out loud and ran into the cafeteria. The students who were out of the field laughed at Curly and Mr. Simmons, who ran into the cafeteria to stop him from taking things out of the room and threw it at someone.

"Nice catch Tall Hair Boy." Helga made a high-five with Gerald, who held the ball in his hand and laughed back.


"Ok kids! I know you guys are having an intense moment on winning and losing, but we have got to go and get ready for the big night! We end this match with a tie!" Mr. Simmons announced to the students, who were whining about not having a winning team. They were tied with Gerald, Phoebe, Helga and Sheena left on the team, the other team was with Eugene, Stinky, Rhonda and Lorenzo.

"This is a wonderful, wonderful game Gerald. Your skills in throwing and catching the balls are excellent." Peapod kid admired Gerald, who was helping Phoebe get her stuff and go upstairs.

"Gee, thanks man, you weren't bad yourself with all the... the... Well, whatever you were good at." Gerald chuckled and made the cool smile at the kid, who was smiling back and went upstairs with Nadine.

"Gerald dear."

"Yeah babe?"

"I need to go with Helga and get ready for the dance. Is that ok?"

"It's all fine babe, I wish I can be there with you though. I'm so sorry that I made the promise on tonight. When Spring Dance come, I'll swipe you off the ground!" Said Gerald. They proceeded to make a small Eskimo kiss (Awwwwwww!) and gave each other a peck. Phoebe waved goodbye to Gerald and ran over to Helga.

"My clothes are in the locker Helga, let's go get it and then we'll go up to Ms. Brennan's room!" Said Phoebe, who was very excited about the dance.

"Sure Pheebs, I'll be up first. Catch you up there."

"I was confessing to him and he was like 'No! I like Britney better!' Ugh, and to think I spend all my time focusing on him, I thought he was so modest and kind!"

Helga sighed and stood by the changing stall, waiting for Phoebe to get out quickly and do her make up outside the bathroom. Helga couldn't stand the girl talk, she thought it was very annoying and some what disturbing; depends on the content or subject of the conversation. Leaning back on the white marble wall, Helga looked at her nails and saw it growing. She then started to bit it, Helga developed a habit of biting her nails whenever they grew long, or she when she was nervous. Her nails were all bitten out, Helga made a huff and then scratched her torn purple beanie.

It had been 10 minutes, Helga slammed her fist on the door, causing the girls in the bathroom shrieked. "Phoebe! Are you dead in there?"

"Sorry Helga! The zipper is stuck! Can you come in here and help me please?" Phoebe sounded struggling, Helga sighed and face palmed. The lock was unlocked and Helga went inside the cramped fitting room.

Phoebe was reaching at the middle of her back, trying to get the zipper in her hand. Her hair was messy and she was sweating a little bit, she tried different ways to reach it, but it didn't work. Helga took the zipper and zipped the dress up. "Thanks Helga." Phoebe smiled and slipped on the strings of the dress, she turned around and let Helga take a look at the dress. Helga gaped in awe.

The dress was black and knee-length, it had a big white ribbon around her waist, the dress had glitters that made out a beautiful flower at the lower part of the dress, there are extra straps that was stuck to the strings, made a beautiful fake sleeves for Phoebe. She looked gorgeous, Helga quickly took out her cell phone and snapped a picture of Phoebe. She then made a text with the picture and sent it to Gerald.

"Helga?" Phoebe said, glancing over at Helga's phone.

"And done! Tall Hair Boy is going to be soooooo jealous." Helga snickered at the mental image of Gerald's face when he got the picture, then she turned around at Phoebe's direction again. "Pheebs, you look gorgeous, beautiful, astonishing, out of the world! I would fall in love with you right away if I'm Geraldo." Helga snickered again, giving Phoebe a pat on the shoulder and picked up her clothes.

"Oh! You don't have to Helga, I can do that." Phoebe crouched down the moment Helga stood up with Phoebe's clothes in her hands. "I want to, my role today is the man role, I have to serve my lady well." Helga smiled at Phoebe, who blushed and gave Helga one of her "you're the best" smile.

"C'mon, let's get your make-up ready."

Helga and Phoebe walked out the bathroom and entered the classroom, which was filled with girls' laughs and chit chats. Helga walked up to the table at the corner and took out Phoebe and her's make-up box.

"Gee Helga, I didn't know you have a make-up box." Phoebe giggled at the memory of Helga's make-up back in 4th grade.

"Yeah well, I took this from Miriam, the poor girl just sleeps like a dead person when I went into the bathroom in the master bedroom." Helga chuckled. "And well, the last time I will ever wear make-up is back when we were in 4th grade, I couldn't believe myself making up like that."

A few of the girls were whispering about Helga, who laughed with Phoebe about the time she went to Rhonda's sleepover.

"And you remember when I said that the muddy green thing was ridiculous? Boy, did those girls sound like they were insulted!" Helga laughed out loud while clutching her stomach hard. Old memories were always Helga's favorite part of her life, the time she spent to stalk Arnold, the time she tried to get out of the family, a lot had happened when everybody were there in her memories.

While Phoebe was reciting one of the competitions in school, a girl was approaching Helga. "Hi Helga, I want to ask if you want to help me with the curling, I'm having trouble with the back of my hair. Since everybody are busy right now, can you help me please?"

"Sure. Now teach me how to do this wacky thing." Helga took the curler and clipped the hands of it.

"It's very easy Helga. You open the hands of the curler and then you take a small part of her hair and then you twirl it into the curler. And then you clip the hands back and wait for a minute or so, then you open the hands and let go of the hair. It's that simple!" Phoebe explained to Helga while she did a demonstration on the girl's hair.

"Thanks Pheebs. Will you be okay with the make-up over there?"

"I will be fine Helga, you can go help Jamie."

"Okay Pheebs."

Helga then went off to help Jamie with her hair. Helga burnt some part of her hair for leaving it a bit long, but it made Jamie's hair look even more beautiful, it had some shiny blonde-gold-ish touch to it. When Helga was finished, more girls went up and asked Helga to help them with the straightener and the braiding. Helga was not an expert at beauty or hair make-over, but her mistakes made the hair of the girls even more fabulous.

When it was almost time for the dance, the girls in the classroom were praising and thanking Helga for helping them with their hair, their make-up and their dresses. They always thought that Helga was a bad-ass kind of girl, who didn't want to get involve into beauties and such, but they were wrong all the time, she wasn't that bad at all.

"Thank you so much Helga. We were wrong about you! Maybe we could be friends after all!" One girl told Helga and hugged her. Helga just scowled and pretended to be happy, even just a little bit.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever girls. Just let me go before you ruin your hair and make me do it again." Helga pushed the girl lightly and stood up. "Come on Pheebs, I want to take another picture of you. I bet Geraldo is going to be super jealous now." Helga snickered evilly at the image of Gerald slipped on the water, fell flat on the floor and then bumped his head against the car's door when he saw the pictures of Phoebe.

"Oh my god Phoebe! You look so fabulous! I am so proud of myself." Rhonda looked at Phoebe and hugged her. "Thanks Rhonda and are you crying?"

Phoebe laughed at the sound of Rhonda's sniffing. She let go of Phoebe and took a good look at the girl.

"We're all grown up now girls. I'm just... just too emotional, to think that life had gone by so fast!" Rhonda burst into tears and hugged Nadine, who patted her back and giggled at the reaction.

"Boo hoo hoo Beauty Queen, it's just the Winter Dance, not a fucking Prom." Helga chewed on her pizza and looked at Rhonda, who was trying not to cry, because she was too emotional and too beautiful to ruin her make-up for the special night.

"Oh gee, let's see who will say that when Prom comes." Rhonda stopped crying and wiped her whole face, including make-up, off with a napkin. Then took out her smart kit and applied on soft make-up.

"That will be me again."

The girls stood there and laughed at Helga for making a goofy comment. Helga had been good friends with everybody since, but she still had her tomboy, bully and bad-ass figure, only to boys. Toward girls, she was a bit more calm and sensitive.

"Since you're more sensitive and girly now Helga, why don't you wear a dress?" Said Sheena, who wore a white, puffy tube dress with a navy blue bow around her waist. She had her hair straighten with a blue flower ornament clipped on her head. Her mask was a simple silver one with white feathers at the corner of the left eye. (I am terribly sorry for my lack of describing clothes, I'm not a fashion guru.)

"I just don't feel like wearing one, besides, they are too either too frilly, ribbony or too troublesome, and it's hard to walk around in them and I don't like the wind going through my legs." Helga replied with a blank face. She didn't let go of her past memories, but she let go off her pink dress and decided to wear a normal pink t-shirt and jeans instead, she also hid her ribbon behind the purple beanie she always wore.

Helga had a sad sigh going out and she looked up the skies, they were in the shade of pink, purple and orange, the clouds were so soft, so delicate, so fragile, so full, Helga sighed again and sat down at the bench. The girls looked at Helga and knew that she was having The Trouble, why The Trouble? Because she refused to tell them what was wrong, she never told and never will.

"Looking at the clouds just make me hungry, let's get something to eat." Helga stood up and left the bench with a smile on her face.

"She'd done it again, looking sad and making us curious."

I just want to go to the Dance with you...


"Sorry, that was a good meal." Helga burped as she chugged down her coke, only to received the looks from her girl friends. "What? I excused!"

Then a tune of jazz came up and Helga took out her phone. "Lookie here Pheebs, I received a text from Geraldo." Helga tapped Phoebe on her shoulder. Phoebe looked over Helga's shoulder and saw the text, saying:

Pataki! U sure kno how 2 make a gurl's bf angry huh? Just wait, I will get her at the SD 4 sure, n then at that time, u will be jealous! N send this to Phoebe, I love you babe, you look gorgeous, miss u -kissy face-

P/S: N thx a lot for the slip Pigtails, my head is bruised now.

Helga laughed out loud at the P/S, who knew that he was that predictable of a guy. Phoebe laughed also with the side notes and blushed two shades of pink thanks to the love note he sent her.

"He loves you! And he made a kissy face note because he couldn't make a kiss face on the phone! How ridiculous! Ahahahahahahaha!" Helga pointed out and kept on laughing.

After a fit of laugh, Helga calmed down, wiped the tear at the corner of her eyes and breathed in and out slowly. "Boy, that guy knows how to make me die by laughing."

The gym's entrance was packed with students and Helga with the girls were at the end of the line, holding their tickets.

"OI! WILL YOU HURRY UP UP THERE? WE HAVE PEOPLE DOWN HERE TOO!" Helga yelled out to the front, no one replied and she went out of the line. "Keep my place."

"Criminy! We're wasting time down there!" Helga walked heavily to the entrance, she was expected to see Mr. Simmons and Principal Honeybee, but no. She saw Sid and Stinky taking the tickets.

"What are you beeswax doing up here? You are suppose to be in the line!"

"Principal Honey told us to stand 'ere and check the tickets Helga, we ain't know what's going on after that." Said Stinky, who took a ticket from a girl and tear it on the top. "Enjoy the night Ma'am."

Helga scowled and then turned around to walk down the line again. The moment she walked 'til the middle of the line, she felt like a bulb flashed right on her head, Helga turned around again and walked up to Stinky and Sid. She wrapped one arm around Sid's neck.

"Listen buddy, since you and I are friends since 4th grade, heck, since kindergarten, and it's a pretty long time. How about letting us girls have the VIP way of going in? You know how the girls will admire your generosity, right? What d'ya say? Let us slip?"

The old trick in the sleeves, Helga tried to get the girls in the "VIP" way, she knew that it worked before, so it would work this time, for sure. Sid stood there, taking from one ticket to another, thinking about what Helga said. He turned around to see Helga's eyebrow going up and down.

"Sorry Helga, but no. I've been tricked before but not this time, I'm not a dumb kid, ya know? Now go wait in the line like everybody else." Said Sid, the now very bold kid, who banned Helga G. Pataki's request. Helga scowled and pinched his shoulder.

"You know Sid, you're a great kid, too bad you don't have a date. My girls are standing over there, some have dates, some don't. Won't you look at them, so desperate, so unloved, so beautiful yet rejected... I just see what you have in mind, oh well, I guess I'll wait then. See ya Big Nose." Helga then waved to Sid, who stood there with his shoulder hurt like hell and his mind concentrated on Jamie, the girl he had a crush on ever since his Junior year started. (Yes, I know, Jamie is my OC, but I don't have anyone to pair up with Sid, the poor boy!)

"Wait Helga!" Sid called out to Helga, who was stepping away from the entrance, Helga turned around. "Umm... I guess I can cut it today for you girls. C'mon, let's go quickly!" Helga smirked and ran back to the girls. She proceeded to tell them about the news and they got their stuffs and walked up the line. When they reached the entrance, each gave out their tickets and went in with amusement on their faces.

"Here Nadine, enjoy the night!" After Nadine was Jamie, she gave out the ticket for Sid, who in return, gave her a rose and a small tissue paper with a heart on it. He prepared it before, knowing that she would come to the Dance, Sid wrote for her a small love note and bought the best pink rose in Mrs. Vitello's Flower shop. Both of them blushed and Sid tear the ticket slightly and gave it back to Jamie, who squeaked when she went inside the gym.

Helga laughed at the sight, she had become a Cupid once again. She'd been a Cupid for almost every couple in the Junior campus already, she had paired up Nadine and Lucas, aka Peapod Kid, she paired up Eugene and Sheena, which was a coincidence because she was actually pairing up Stinky and Gloria, the one that looked like Helga, but ended up pairing both of the couples, so what the heck?

Helga stood at the DJ table with Brainy, the DJ of the dance. Brainy had gotten more handsome and lost his asthma problem when he was 11, now he had normal breathing and did not give up on his crush for Helga, though she didn't find him breathing behind her neck anymore.

Helga made a friendly wink at Brainy. She was in quite a good mood tonight, since she turned into a Cupid, helped the girls with the make-over and got praised by that. So far, nothing was wrong.

Phoebe approached Helga with two Yahoo sodas on her hand. "Hello Helga."

She handed Helga the soda and sucked up hers from the straw.

"Enjoying your night Pheebs?"

"I enjoy tonight very much Helga. You're my date tonight, why won't you go outside and dance with me?"

"I'll go later, I'm just a little beat up, that's all. It's a good night so far." Helga chugged down her soda. "And to think that I was thinking about not going, this is a great opportunity to make your boyfriend jealous too."

Helga chuckled to herself, followed up by Phoebe giggling. They talked for a bit more and finished their sodas without knowing it at all. Attention was still attention, even though they did not notice anything was wrong, but they did notice that Arnold was arriving at the party.

Arnold walked in with his white tuxedo, combed back hair without his hat and had a smile on his face. He was guiding Lila, who was wearing a puffy light green dress with glittery straps and ribbons, her hair wasn't braided but let down, it had the light curls from keeping it braided too long, and it was puffed up and flowed wavily. The lights were moving toward them, making them the spotlight of the night. Everybody clapped, wolf whistled and yelled congratulations to the couple.

Helga looked at Arnold and turned away, Phoebe clapped along and did not notice Helga's presence until she was gone.

Phoebe looked around, trying to find Helga, but she was no where to be found. Phoebe looked behind the stage, under the seats of the bleacher, in the bathroom, at the buffet tables but she couldn't find Helga, she was afraid that Helga had left the party already. Phoebe went into the school's campus and looked at all the bathrooms in the campus. Where was Helga?

Asking her classmates wasn't the best idea, since they were so busy dancing with their partners already. She found some of the couples still in the campus hiding in the janitor's closet doing their "thing".

Phoebe opened a door without a label on it and found Rhonda with Harold, unexpectedly, making out. "Oops, sorry." Said Phoebe, she closed the door and blushed.

Who knew they would be so bold and making out in there. Thought Phoebe, who took off her shoes and ran upstairs to the rooftop. She found the door of the rooftop opened with a pair of keys sticking to the lock, figuring that someone took the keys from Principal Honeybee's office and went up here. Phoebe pushed the door slightly and walked out to the cool air of the night. She saw Helga looking down at the direction of where the gym might be.

Phoebe walked toward Helga, when she was nearly there, she stepped on Helga's beanie and heard a crunchy sound. Phoebe picked it up and found a small piece of paper in it. She took out the crumbled piece of paper and opened it. Her gasped was audible for Helga to hear it, Helga turned around to see Phoebe holding her beanie and the note in her hand.

"Helga..." Phoebe looked at Helga, her face showed anger, but her eyes showed pain.

Phoebe examined the paper again and crumbled it into her palm. She ran over to hug Helga, who just stared at the sky with her sadness mixed with anger on her face. The skies were so clear tonight, so many stars, the clouds had cleared up too, the moon was shining brightly and had a beautiful aura surrounding the sparkling crystal of the night.

Helga heard sniffing behind her back. "Phoebe, there is no need to cry." Said Helga, and she heard more sniffing and felt some tears damping into her t-shirt. Helga turned around and pulled Phoebe away from her, still gripping her shoulders.

"You will ruin your make-up that I worked so hard on before. Like I said, there is no need to cry." Helga wiped off Phoebe's tears carefully, avoiding her make-up, which was already messed up by the teary face. "But... but... it was so cruel. How could – ?"

Phoebe was lost of words, she couldn't say anything more, the fact that her friend Helga got her heart-broken saddened Phoebe. Helga chuckled and hugged Phoebe, patting her head. "It's okay Pheebs, I'm fine. You don't need to cry ya know? I'm supposed to cry over here." Helga teared up a little bit, seeing her best friend was crying, for her.

"So cruel! So damn cruel! And on the Dance! Do you know how rude that was? Huh? I wanted to strangle him, bit off his eyes and – " Helga stopped Phoebe, who was at the edge of snapping her patient line and killed someone.

Helga hugged Phoebe again and sat down on the cement floor, letting tears rolled down from her eyes. The sound of the loud music silenced around Phoebe and Helga, she couldn't say anymore words, she stayed calm and breathed in and out slowly, letting her mind cooled down. Phoebe hugged Helga tightly, causing the poor girl choked a little bit and then breathed again. The pair of best friends sat there for the next half hour, talking to each other and comforting one another. Before they knew it, the sadness was going away and they were talking about happy things again.

"And then, I opened the door and found Rhonda with Harold, making out!" Said Phoebe, who giggled at the sight of the overrated couple. Helga laughed back.

"The mental image is too funny Pheebs! I couldn't imagine Rhonda with Curly, but Rhonda with Harold? That is so messed up!" Helga held her stomach and turned over, with her face facing the floor, her fist thumping on the ground. "Haa... Oh God..." Helga wiped the tears at the corner of her eye.

"Wanna go down?"

"Sure, let's go."

"Good George for Thanksgiving! What the hell happened to your make-up? Close your eyes!" Rhonda held Phoebe's face, tore out her glasses and wiped it with a wet napkin. "I was... umm... washing my face? It was a little bit hot in here!"

"Then you should tell me! These are not water-proof! And you're using cheap make-up too! Ugh, you better take responsibility Helga, why did you have to lend her your low class make-up kit?" Rhonda continued to wipe Phoebe's face like she was a baby.

"Well, I ain't going to make a comment about that if you weren't the one who didn't want me to lay my dirty hand on your stuffs, Rhonda." Helga folded her arms and smiled smugly.

Rhonda made a pout and proceeded to give Phoebe a light, water-proofed make-up. When Rhonda was done, Phoebe was about to put on her glasses, but was stopped by Helga's hand.

"Pheebs, go outside with me for a minute, I need some cool air again!"

"Okay, Helga." And they went out the gymnasium. Whenever Phoebe tried to put on her glasses, Helga blocked her hand in front of her face and prevented her from putting it on. Phoebe was a little bit annoyed by that.

"Helga, can I put on my glasses please?" Phoebe asked Helga, who was yawning and stretching her arms out.

"Huh? Sure, as long as your glasses are clean! Here, lemme clean it for you!" Helga snatched the pair of glasses out of Phoebe's hand and began rubbing on it. Helga just kept cleaning it and dropping it, and then fogged it and then cleaned it again.

"Helga, I'm pretty sure it is shiny and polished by now. Can I have my glasses back?"

"Patient Pheebs, we're in no rush, and don't worry, I'm right next to you, I can guide you the way!"

Phoebe was still closing her eyes, and had her arm around Helga's arm. Suddenly, Helga let go, left Phoebe alone on the stoop of the entrance of the campus. "Helga? Helga? Where are you? Answer me! And give me back my glasses, I can't see!"

Phoebe then felt a pair of big hands put on her glasses and she slowly opened her eyes. Phoebe gasped and jumped up at the person, squealing happily, swinging from side to side.

"Gerald! Oh my god! I can't believe you made it!" Phoebe said happily, and she was on her verge of tears, tears of happiness.

"Jamie-O let me go babe, he said he wanted to be the Hero for the night. I miss you so much, and you look gorgeous." Gerald said, kissing Phoebe on her cheeks and patting her head. Gerald then let Phoebe go and looked at Helga, who was leaning at the column, looking at her nails.

"You called my brother didn't you Pinky?"

"I don't recall that and don't call me with nicknames."

"Sure, Pataki. And thanks for leading Phoebe here, and also for following my plan."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just spend your freaking night with my best friend here, and you better be thankful for that." Helga then walked down the stairs and headed toward the old Hummer car at the parking lot.

"Helga, where are you going?"

"Home, have a great night Pheebs. And thanks. Thanks Phoebe, you made my night so much better." Helga gave Phoebe a hug and then let her go off with Gerald.

Helga then proceeded to drive home. The stars in the night started to get brighter and the moon shining even more beautiful, a gush of wind came by and blown a small piece of crumbled paper on the rooftop down to the middle of the parking lot at Helga's lot. It read:

I'm not interested in you. Sorry, and it won't help even if you ask me through Yahoo!.


The End?

I like making Arnold the cruel guy in this story, and as less attention I can give to him. I have a thing for Helga, she was one of the most complex cartoon character I have ever watched, and I loved her. Making this really triggers me and my writer's head. Sure, Arnold knew that Helga was more feminine and didn't bully him as much anymore ever since he dated Lila, so that is why he was being a bold kid. And this thing is long, 11 fucking pages of writing, and 10 days of writing. I'm not reading this over, so mind my mistakes and all. I'm sorry for the OOC-ness I put in the story, but I like it that way, it flows easily. I might make a small side-story if I'm interested.

Good day! And good riddance! Thanks for reading!