Before anyone says "GET TO BRUDER DEAR ALREADY AND FINISH IT!" I wrote this one a few weeks, I am only putting it here too. Enjoy


"Konnichiwa, Greece." Greeted a small, black haired man as a taller brunette walked up with a white cat perched on his shoulder.

"Konnichiwa?" asked Greece.

"Oh, it means 'good afternoon'" the Japanese man replied.

"Ah.. Konnichiwa, Japan." said Greece while Japan reached to pet the cat. Greece reached over and patted the smaller man's head as well who turned pink.

"H-h-hey!" he stuttered.

"Hello." was the innocent reply as the Greek let his hand fall. The Japanese looked at the ground, hiding his pink stain.

Greece noticed how interesting Japan found the ground to be and looked down too; trying to find what he was staring at.

When no intriguing items came to sight, Greece looked at the bent head and gently lifted his chin. He noticed the blush across the other's face and leaned closer to get a better look.

Japan's breath hitched and he turned a bright shade of red under the Greek's scrutiny.

"Japan looks cute like this." he randomly blurted. Said country only averted his eyes as his blush darkened and didn't notice the distance closing between their faces until too late.

Soft lips upon his own and the scent of olives invaded Japan's senses. His first reaction was to freeze with shock, leaving his lover an opportunity to wrap an arm around him and pull him closer.

With the protective arm around him Japan relaxed slightly and wrapped his own arms around the Greek's neck, standing on his tiptoes to reach better.

The forgotten cat simply jumped off its perch and left the two to their own fun.

As the kiss progressed and a battle commenced, Japan relaxed even more and let Greece dominate him. It has been too long... thought the usually controlled Japanese.

When they broke apart gasping for air, Japan (unfortunately) regained control over himself. "Well... Um, want to come inside?" he asked, embarrassed by the display that could have been seen.

"Sure, it has been a long time since I came over last." answered the Greek, apparently forgetting (or not ashamed) of his previous action moments before. Japan smiled a little and rubbed the back of his head.

"Sorry, I have been busy making sure America received the new games his people love so much." he stopped and gave a sweet smile to his lover "Of course, I am really glad you could come and that I have time to spend with you."

Greece loved to see this side of Japan, the cute and friendly underneath all that social awkwardness. Since Greece himself was a bit on the social awkward side himself, he could see why they got along in the first place.

Although Japan acted differently around him, though, in public he was still very controlled and shy. That one kiss was an incident that only happened because they hadn't seen each other in a month.

Japan's anti-PDA would prevent it from happening again for a long time. But I aim to change that. Greece thought as he grabbed the other's hand and walked into the house followed by a white cat.