I'm back with no excuse for the long overdue update:/ But here it is now, and I'm going to try to stay up to date with all my stories from now on. :)



This dream was different from the others I'd been having play through my head on repeat when I slept.

I was on the beach- First Beach- and was looking out over the waves rolling and crashing against the rocky shore.

I thought I was alone, but someone placed a hand on my shoulder. I didn't jump because as soon as they touched me, I knew who it was: Jacob.

I didn't want to turn around and face him because I knew doing so would only make it so much harder when I woke up to face reality again. I continued staring out at the ocean through my now tear-blurred eyes. This was the first dream I'd had since the accident that he hadn't been dead in.

His hands now rested on both of my shoulders as he stood behind me. I could feel the heat from his body radiating into me making the dream feel that much more real. He squeezed my shoulders gently and pulled me back against his chest like he used to do when he was still alive, and I couldn't hold in the sob that choked its way out as his arms wrapped around my waist, and he buried his face in the side of my neck, leaving a lingering kiss on my shoulder.

"Shh, Ness," he whispered. "I'm here."

I stood there, silent tears streaming down my face as I refused to let my body react to him.

"But you're not here..." I whispered.

He tightened his arms.

"Renesmee, I'm always here. Honey, I never left you, and I never will. I'll always be here."

"But you're not!" I cried. "You're gone, Jake. You left me by myself!"

His face was still against my neck.

"No, I didn't, Nessie. You still have everyone, you're just pushing them away. You need to stop that, honey. Get out of bed and live your life," he murmured.

"But you're my life, Jake, so how am I supposed to live without you?"

"By moving on."

I almost couldn't believe the words he had barely breathed into my ear.


"It's time for you to move on, Renesmee."

He spun me around to look at him. I couldn't hold back the tears as his hands cupped my face.

"Can you do that for me? Please? Because I hate seeing you so miserable, Ness; it's killing me that I can't be there with you, so please, please, baby, move on."

Jacob's voice broke at the end, and we were both crying.

"I don't want to forget you, though..."

He shook his head.

"You won't, Ness. You don't have to forget me to move on. Promise me you'll try."

I bit my lip and nodded my head slowly.

"I'll try..."

Jake leaned his head down as I clutched his t-shirt tight. I tilted my head up and, just as our lips were about to touch, I woke up.

I sat up in my bed, pushing away the blankets tangled around my legs as I wiped the tears off my face. The dream was still fresh in my mind, and it had felt so real...

Whether it was real or not, Jacob was right. I need to keep living my life and not just lock myself away because I know that if Jacob is watching over me, he doesn't want to see me unhappy.

I ran my hands through my unruly hair, and just as my feet touched the floor and I stood up, Seth burst through my door.