Hey, guys! I LOVE young Sonny and Chad fics so I decided to make one myself. ENJOY!


Don't own anyone except Max and Zack

The five year old bride

"Chad!" five year old Sonny Munroe screamed, calling her pretend soon-to-be husband.

"What?" Chad, a six year old boy asked, slopping his mom's hair gel all over his golden locks "I'm not done with my hair! Don't you know perfection takes time?"

"Chad, you don't even know how to spell 'perfection'…" Sony said, smirking as she saw the stuck mess called Chad's hair.

"Uh, yeah I do. C-H-A-D." Chad said conceitedly, turned around and made Sonny laugh by doing an exaggerated Superman-like pose.

"Cut it out, Chad. Help me pick out a dress." Sonny said, sorting through a bundle of white, frilly dresses.

"I'm not supposed to see you or the dress till the wedding day. Which is later. Now stop making me do stuff! I'm already busy!"

"Yeah, messing up your hair…" Sonny muttered.

A knock on the wooden door made Sonny and Chad glance at each other.

"Cooper, open the door."

"You open the door, Munroe."


"No, you."







Sonny and Chad stopped arguing and looked at the four people who made the noise.

"Tawni! Hey! What are you guys doing here?" Sonny greeted waving at her friends.

"Well, we wanted to see your wedding, duh!"

"You told them?" Chad asked his bride.

"Yeah, well, Tawni's my maid of honor, Nico's your best man, Grady's the priest and Zora's the flower girl. How can the know about the wedding if I won't tell them. Common sense, Cooper."

Chad rolled his blue orbs and grabbed Nico.

"Dude, help me with my hair."

The older girls giggled and skipped off to the vanity, leaving the other two.

"Sweetie, I'll do your makeup."

Before Sonny could reply, lipstick was spread all over her lips, shushing her.

While, Tawni gave Sonny a makeover, Nico and Chad were trying to figure out what to do with the tie.

"Dude, you're suffocating me!"

"Well, sorrryyy, mister groom. In case you haven't noticed, I'm just five! YOU'RE older than ME!"

"Just leave the tie there. My dad has those ties you can just clip on. Even he doesn't know how to use these things."


"Annnnddd…done!" Tawni said, finishing her makeover and stepping back, marveling her work.

"Wow, Sonny! You look better than me!"

"THAT'S NOT HARD TO DO, TAWNI! YOU LOOK LIKE A RAT'S BUTT!" Chad called out from the other side of the room.

Sonny giggled, only to be shushed by Tawni's ice cold glare.

"What? He's gonna be my husband! I don't want him to di-deeevorce me because I didn't laugh!"

"Fair enough."

Suddenly, someone busted the door, making all the children turn their heads.

"CHAD! ZACK IS CALLING YOU!" Chad's sixteen year old sister, Max, announced.

"Tell him that's I'll come later, Maxine!"

"Fine, Chaddy…"

"HEY! Only mom's allowed to call me Chaddy!"

"Hmmmm…Chaddy, Chaddy, Chaddy, Chaddy, Chaddy…" Max sung, closing the door.

Sonny laughed, coming over to Chad, kissing his cheek (and making him blush).

"Chaddy. Hmm… Has a nice ring to it, don't you think, Chaddy?"

Chad chuckled and left Sonny laughing.


"…I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." The priest said.

Sonny and Chad grinned, kissed for a good minute and turned to look at their friends and family.

Twenty year old Sonny and her groom (a year older) laughed as they both remembered the day they both got "married" when they didn't even know how to spell the word "perfection".

Sonny, crying tears of joy, whispered to her new husband "Thanks for marrying me again, Chaddy."