Welcome back to the Ranma ½ and Rosario + Vampire crossover: Youkai Martial Arts.

Psychoticdrow: Since everyone's major complaint is Ranma's attitude towards Moka, I figured I'd try and explain that this chapter or the next.

Demon Lord of Blood: What do you mean by shifter? I think I know what you mean. If I'm right in my thinking of your thinking of the word shifter, than no.

Lord Eric: 1) Ranma does not know the BT training, which is what I think you're implying. He only knew Ryoga was learning it because he heard it from Genma who overheard Cologne explain the technique to Ryoga. 2) Until further notice, post Saffron. That way I don't have to worry about keeping track of what has and hasn't happened yet in the Ranma side of things.

Also I would like to thank everyone who said I got Ranma in character. That is a pretty big deal for me because I have not seen the Ranma ½ anime or manga in years.

Special Thanks goes out to Cylon One, who went above and beyond the call of duty and actually emailed me a proofread version of chapter 1

Class is now in session!

Ranma's thoughts went over the past week at Youkai Academy as he walked down the halls of the boy's dormitory. Although he would never admit it the guys back home, he was actually kind of enjoying his time here. He wasn't constantly being challenged for stupid stuff that didn't involve him; the incidents with Sankichi, Kimiyasu, and Sentaro quickly came to mind. It wasn't that he missed the fights; it was just that the fights here seemed to be more spread out. Other than his training of Saizou and Gendo, the only fight he had gotten into was protecting Tsukune from jealous guys.

Speaking of Tsukune, apparently the guy won the genuine affection of Kurumu after standing up to 'Inner Moka'; they still never explained to him what they meant by 'Inner Moka', nor would they explain anymore of what happened to them. Kurumu chased after Tsukune with a devotion that reminded Ranma of Shampoo. The girl even tried to take Moka out of the picture. If that wasn't 'Obstacles are for killing' Ranma didn't know what was. 'Course, she stopped trying to do that after her sweet tooth led to her eating some of the poisoned cookies she had planned to give to Moka.

Ranma turned his thoughts toward a different path to prevent himself from doing something sappy like getting home sick. Today was the day Ririko-sensei said that they would be joining clubs, which was mandatory. Gendo and Ranma had spent the next class exchanging notes and decided to turn their martial arts training into an actual club; that way club duties wouldn't get in the way of training. Ranma had let Saizou know with a well thrown paper shuriken; incidentally that was how Ranma learned Tsukune had a window seat, if the screaming was anything to go by.

Ranma arrived at his destination with a grin. Speaking of Saizou, it was time he learned the wonders of the 'Saotome Sunrise Surprise.'


Tsukune turned his head as he shifted his eyes. He was not going to get caught off guard today! But he had to be careful; his opponent was a master of the art of surprise. Thinking the coast was clear, Tsukune walked around the corner…

"Good morning, Tsukune!"

...and into the waiting arms of Kurumu Kurono, who proceeded to smother Tsukune's head with her cleavage.

Now Tsukune admittedly didn't think there was anything wrong with that per say. What hormonal teenage male wouldn't want one of the most attractive girls in school giving him her undivided attention? The problem was she came on too strong, literally. Kurumu still didn't know he was a human. Even when he tried to free himself with all his might, she thought he was just playing around. He would be without air until either Ranma or Moka managed to pry the succubus off him. He didn't want to think about what would happen if those two weren't around.

"Kurumu-san, let go of him!" Moka exclaimed as she pulled the girl off Tsukune.

"It's understandable why you're so jealous, Moka." Kurumu taunted as she wrapped herself around Tsukune's arm and rested her head on his shoulder. "It's only natural that a great guy like Tsukune would want to be with a great girl like me."

"Um, actually…" Tsukune tried to speak up, but he couldn't think of the right words. How do you tell a clingy girl that you don't exactly feel the same way about her?

"Can't you see you're being too rough with him?" Moka reprimanded with a pout, which Tsukune thought looked adorable.



"Moka-san…" …Was that screaming he heard?

"Tsuku-" *BOOM*

Tsukune and Kurumu were sent flying from the shockwave from what ever it was that just happened. As the dust settled both could see a crater where Moka was standing. In it was Moka, who was trapped beneath the form of one Saizou Komiya, who was wearing pajamas and holding a Moka plushie.

"What the hell, Saotome!" Saizou shouted as he got up, completely unaware of the fact that he just crushed his crush.

"Ya got ta be prepare at every moment. Ya never know when someone will attack ya." Ranma said as he landed, minus the crater, next to Tsukune.

"Moka-san!" Tsukune shouted as he ran to the downed vampire.

"Huh, I wasn't even tryin' ta do that this time." Ranma muttered as Kurumu shouted 'Yahoo' and flashed him a thumbs up.

"Look what you made me do to Moka-san, you bastard!" Saizou shouted as he lunged at Ranma.

All of them were unaware of the seething witch that watched their every move like a hawk eyeing its prey.

"Who wants to learn how to kick ass and take names? Come join our club to learn how!" Saizou shouted to the walking masses of students.

Ranma leaned against the booth as he watched the crowds move on. They had spent their lunch hour setting up this booth, something that Ranma wasn't too pleased about, but wasn't complaining. What Ranma was complaining about was that nobody seemed to want to join. It had been an hour since the clubs opened up to new members, and since then not one person joined.

"I think there are two main reasons people don't want to join our club." Gendo spoke up from his seat in the booth.

"What do ya mean?" Ranma asked genuinely curious.

"First is the fact that, from what I have seen when we were setting up, is that there are already a few fighting based clubs." Gendo explained. "They would rather join the more experienced clubs then our little 'greenhorn' club."

"What's the other reason?" Saizou asked, having finally stopped trying to wave in potential members.

"You." Gendo stated bluntly. "Your reputation is making people too afraid to join."

"Hey!" Saizou snapped "It's not my fault those guys in middle school were so pathetic!" he added as he lunged at Gendo.

"So what are we supposed ta do about it?" Ranma asked as he caught Saizou by his collar. Mentioning those other fighting clubs turned this into a matter of pride. Picking those other clubs was like saying the people in them were better fighters.

"You shut down, deshi!" a voice cut in. Turning to the voice, the trio saw a Chinese girl in a black sleeveless outfit. She had reddish brown hair worn in a ponytail with a long thick strand of hair that reached past her chest on each side of her face. Her eyes were a yellowish green and resting on her shoulders was a bo staff.

"Just who do you think you are to tell us to shut down our club?" Saizou barked at her with a glare.

"I'm Deshiko Deshi of the Public Safety Commission." The girl introduced her self. She twirled her bo briefly be for stopping it suddenly so it was pointing at their booth. "This club has not been authorized by the Public Safety Commission, and therefore is to be shut down, deshi!"

"Isn't the Public Safety Commission a student group?" Gendo asked. "Why would a club need to be authorized by students?"

Gendo's questions were answered by the crowd breaking out into hushed conversations. Things like 'Those poor fools.' and 'Can they really not know?' could be heard. Suddenly one the students stepped forward. He was tall, with messy black hair with a red hair band in it.

"Just do what they say." The student spoke up. "Nothing good will come from messing with the Safety Commission."

"He's right, deshi. The Public Safety Commission is the law enforcers of Youkai Academy." Deshiko spoke up. "But I think I'll humor you. You're a fight club, right? So let's settle this with a fight. I win and you shut down, deshi."

"But what do we get if we win?" Saizou questioned.

"Don't you get it?" the student with the hair band immediately answered. "You don't stand a chance against the Public Safety Commission!"

"We win and she'll join our club." Ranma spoke up after a moment of thought. He was met by gasps and questioning looks. "We need members, right? This way we'll get a member, and keep those safety commission guys off our backs."

"It's kind of cute that you think you actually have a chance of winning, deshi." Deshiko said as Ranma moved away from the booth and took a basic fighting stance.

"Ya need ta learn just who ya talkin' ta. The name is Ranma Saotome, and I don't lose." The pigtailed fighter taunted.

Deshiko, while not being riled by Saotome arrogance, made the first move. She rushed forward and lashed out with a few quick strikes from her staff. All of which were dodged with relative ease. The Chinese girl tried to sweep his legs out from under him, which he jumped over, then tried to swat him out of the air. Ranma maneuvered away from the attack, used his momentum to do a hand spring, and leapt away from his opponent.

"Hold still, deshi!" Deshiko shouted as she charged at Ranma. Instead of dodging, Ranma countered the staff with a kick, knocking it out of the girl's hands. Using the momentum from the kick, Ranma spun and struck out with an elbow, which connected with his opponents face. Deshiko was sent flying from the force of the blow and as she landed Ranma caught her staff out of the air.

"Come on! Is that all ya got?" Ranma taunted as he gave the bo staff an experimental twirl to test its weight. "I don't see how ya can call ya self an enforcer if that's all ya got."

"If that's how you feel," Deshiko said with a smirk as she got up, "I'll just have to take it up a notch, deshi!" There was a flash of light, and when it faded it revealed that she had transformed…sort of.

The only changes were her hair was no longer in a ponytail and her outfit was completely different. She was wearing a black Chinese looking robe that exposed her midriff. It had sleeves that were folded at the end so her hands could actually be exposed, and the lower portion went down to her ankles and poofed out so it looked like a bell. Over the black robes she wore a pink robe; the top half was sleeveless while the bottom half was only about half as long as the bottom of the black robes. On her head was a 'folded' hat.

"So ya got ya self a makeover. Big deal." Ranma taunted as he waited for her to attack.

"Ranma-san, be careful." Gendo warned "She's a Jiang Shi!"

"Can I get that in Japanese?" Ranma asked.

"A 'Stiff Corpse'." Gendo answered.

Ranma faltered and Deshiko saw her chance. Ranma was caught off guard by just how much faster she was in her true form and was unable to dodge a punch to the gut that knocked the wind out of him. She followed up with a spin kick to his head. He recovered and jumped away as she tried to grab him.

"I meant what can she do?" Ranma snapped, never taking his eyes off his opponent. The girl had some skill; he had to give her that. If he had to guess, he'd say she was about on Natsumi's level, a little dangerous, but nothing he couldn't handle.

"They're energy vampires." Gendo explained which caused Ranma's eye to twitch. "She can drain your energy if you make skin contact!"

The 'Stiff Corpse' charged again, but this time Ranma was ready. He swung the staff were her head was going to be. She stepped back and narrowly avoided the blow, but Ranma quickly thrust the staff into her midriff. As she doubled over she was unable to do anything about the blow to her temple that followed. She managed to orient herself and turned her fall into a cartwheel, and narrowly missed uppercutting the pigtailed martial artist with her foot. Noticing that she was now in between Ranma and his club both, he got an idea.

"Ya said she has ta make skin contact ta drain energy, right?" Ranma asked, as he began to build up his confidence.

"Yeah." Gendo answered, before getting a question look in his eyes. "Why?"

"Moko Takabisha!" Ranma shouted as he unleashed his Ki attack. Everyone looked on in surprise as the energy blast sailed through the air. It impacted the off guard Deshiko, who was sent flying, and Gendo quickly scrambled out of the booth when he realized what was going to happen. As she crashed into the booth, Ranma was close behind. Everyone looked on as Ranma proceeded to tie up Deshiko with the cloth that used to be the booth.

"Like I said." Ranma taunted his downed opponent. "Ranma Saotome don't lose." His victory was met with mixed reactions from the crowd. Some were muttering in disbelief and awe about how he just took down a member of the Safety Commission, others were worried about him invoking the commission's full wrath.

"Like it matters, deshi!" Deshiko snapped as she tried to break free from her bonds with minimal success, they were ripping but not enough for her to get out. "You're club needs to be backed by a member of the faculty. Without that, the headmaster will just shut you down anyway, deshi!" She finished with a giggle, happy at one upping the boy who humiliated her so soon after said humiliation happened.

"I'll back it." A voice said before anyone could do anything. The crowd parted to reveal a hunched over man with long black hair that almost touched the ground. He was wearing a baggy grey long sleeved shirt and baggy grey long pants. Both of which were old, worn and covered with dirt. Ranma recognized him as the man who was complaining about his garden the other day.

"And just who are you, deshi?" Deshiko snapped as she finally broke free.

"My name is Majo Shinda" the man told them. "I'm the grounds keeper of Youkai Academy."

"Looks like you're stuck with us." Saizou commented to Deshiko as she returned to her 'human' form. She replied with a quick punch to his gut which made him double over, more out of surprise than actual pain.

"Welcome to the Youkai Martial Arts Club." Ranma announced.

"It's a title drop." The talking bat said as it swooped in and landed on Gendo's head. The lizardman spent the next minute swatting at the bat.

Suddenly the sky turned red as familiar aura, well to Ranma at least, fell over the school grounds.

"Now what?" Ranma muttered before he rushed to where the aura was coming from.

When Ranma had arrived at the scene, once again the fight was already over. What he found reminded him of a gender swapped version of the Hentai Horde. Scattered around the pool was a bunch of unconscious girls. The only three people still awake were Tsukune, Kurumu, and a damp Moka.

"Yo, Tsukune!" Ranma called out "What happened?"

"Ranma-san!" Tsukune replied when he saw the martial artist. "What are you doing here? I thought you were forming a club."

"I came here as soon as I felt the leech's aura?" Ranma told him. After a moment's pause he added "Hey if ya knew I was formin' a club, why didn't ya come check it out? Ya missed a good demonstration."

"A 'demonstration' he calls it, deshi!" Deshiko said exasperatedly as she and the other club members arrived.

"You ok, egghead?" Saizou asked as he noticed Gendo was doubled over panting for breath.

"Wait a sec." Kurumu interrupted "Why did you come when you felt Moka's aura?"

"'Cause if she was lettin' out that much power she had ta be up ta sumthin'" Ranma said as he gestured to all the unconscious girls around them.

"But they were trying to hurt Tsukune!" Moka yelled in frustration.

"Ranma-san." Tsukune said as he put a comforting hand on Moka's shoulder. "Why is it that you don't like vampires? I'm sorry if its personal, but I don't think your being fair to Moka-san."

"Fine." Ranma said with a sigh. "Ya want ta know why I don't like vampires? I'll tell ya why."

Martial Arts Storytelling Secret Technique: Flashback!

A dark and stormy night many years ago had a younger Ranma and Genma Saotome looking for shelter from the harsh weather. Their search led them to a castle-esque mansion.

"Ya sure it's a good idea to be stayin' here, Pops?" the younger Ranma asked as they entered the palace's threshold.

"Of course I'm sure, boy!" the younger Genma assured his son. "With a place this large, whoever owns it won't mind if a pair of weary travelers comes in to seek shelter from the harsh elements."

The two walked about the place for about an hour, and not once did the pair run into anyone else. All was quiet except for the sounds of the storm. Genma was the one to break the eerie silence that had descended on them.

"Alright, boy, it's obvious that whoever owns this place isn't here right now." Genma explained to his son. "I'm going to see if I can find anything for us to eat. I want you to see if you can't find a place for us to sleep."

"Sure thing, Pop!" Ranma said enthusiastically with a salute, before running down the corridor.

It was a half hour after he had left his pop, and Ranma was lost, not that he would ever admit that to his pop when they met up again. All the doors and hallways looked the same and he was having trouble keeping track of where he had and hadn't been. It wasn't long until he ran into a girl. She was younger than him with long silver hair and piercing eyes the color of blood. A pair of fangs stuck out of her mouth

"Who do you think you are?" The girl snarled at him. Before he could answer she continued. "How dare you defile this place with your presence! You need to know your place!"

The girl then attacked him with all the ferocity of his pops attacking a three course meal. Needless to say he was put on the defensive and was stuck there for the next five minutes. When they reached the five minute mark the crimson eyed girl had finally managed to land a blow: a blow that cracked a rib and sent Ranma crashing into a wall. Seeing the smug smirk the girl wore Ranma knew there was only one thing he could do in this situation.

"Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts Ultimate Technique!" Ranma shouted. His opponent faltered from his sudden declaration, which was just what he needed "Fast Break!"

The fanged girl winced and took up a defensive stance as her vision suddenly became filled with dust. As the dust died down, she became outraged. Her opponent had fled. With a scream of rage she ran in the direction she thought Ranma had gone. When she left Ranma stepped out from behind the curtain he was using to hide.

"That was funny!" a voice said making Ranma jump. Turning he saw another girl. This one was older than the other girl with wavy silver hair and her red eyes were softer than the other girl's. She also had fangs, as well. "I'm hungry. Can I have a snack?" She asked him with pleading look in her eyes.

"Um, s-sure?" Ranma stuttered having been completely caught off guard by the new girl. "But, I don't think I have anything I can give ya."

"Silly, of course you do!" The girl said before she walked up Ranma, wrapped her hands around him, and sunk her fangs into his neck.

End Technique

"I spent the next week looking for pops while playin' hide-and-get-blood-sucked with those two and two more of the leeches." Ranma told them as he put a hand to his neck, as if feeling a phantom pain.

"I'm sorry that you had bad experiences with vampires, but please believe me when I say not all vampires are like that." Moka said nervously as Kurumu and Tsukune gave her knowing looks. If one paid attention to the rosary around her neck they would see it was glaring at Ranma with a mix of recognition and indignation.

"Maybe." Ranma answered uneasily.

"Friends?" Moka asked as she offered Ranma a hand.

"Friends." Ranma said with a nod as he went to grasp her hand.


…only to be blindsided by a flying mattress and knocked into the pool.

"Did you really think I would let someone like you be friends…with…Moka?" Yukari shouted as she stepped out into the open from behind a tree only to trail off when out of the water came not the black haired boy she knocked in, but a red haired girl.

"Zhòuquánxiāng?" Majo asked after a quick glance at the boy turned girl.

"Bless you." Ranma replied as she got out of the pool. "Before any of you ask, it's a curse I got in China, cold water turns me into a girl and hot water changes me back. Yes I was born a boy, and no I do not like boys when I'm in girl form." She almost fell back in when Majo burst out laughing.

"My, my, you certainly live in interesting times, don't you?" Majo said when he finally calmed down.

"It's no wonder you weren't falling for me." Kurumu comment as she bent down and stared intently at Ranma's 'assets.'

"Am I the only one wondering what just happened?" Tsukune asked confused.

"I'm with you on this one." Saizou comment a he tried not to stare at the soaked red head.

"Normally I keep my studies away from witch craft, but this is just begging to be looked into." Gendo quipped. Silently, the witch girl agreed with a nod.

"Hmm. Where have I heard of this before, deshi?" Deshiko muttered as she stared curiously at the grounds keeper, who was still chuckling to himself.

AN: I think I'll call this a part.

I apologize for the lateness. I have excuses but they only account for part of the lateness. One being that this is the first actual 'fight' scene that I ever wrote, so I was actually hesitant to write it. The other thing is Deshiko Deshi. Despite being a canon character there is almost no information on her. I did a search and there wasn't even five fanfics that mention her by name. Plus I couldn't find an image of her in her transformed state, so eventually I said screw it and looked through the episodes to see if I could find it.

I hope I got Kahlua's personality right. Originally it was going to be Kokoa, but an idea a reviewer gave me made me change my mind. Again I never actually read the manga so a good chunk of the info is coming from the wiki and other fics.

I apologize if there was a drop in quality in the final scene at that point I just wanted to get this chapter done.