Colonel Roy Mustang continued to sift through the mountain of paperwork that was dropped on his desk by his Lieutenants. Where the hell do I start? He leaned his head back on the chair, letters swam in front of his vision. His head rolled over to the side so that was staring at Riza Hawkeye. HIS first Lieutenant was organizing more papers for him. What would I do without her? I'd be lost… Something tugged at his heart, he couldn't help the thoughts from his heart intruding every time he looked at her.

"Sir?" She asked breaking his train of thought. Riza was staring at him because he was staring at her.

"Oh… I… Ummm… Nothing." Roy stumbled through his defense. Riza shook her head.

"Get to work, sir. It's Friday. You'll want to leave early for the weekend." Riza walked to his desk and added another two dozen papers on top of the mountain that was forming on his desk. Roy had to admit she had a point, he couldn't wait to go home and sleep. Since Hughes had died two months ago Roy had probably slept only a handful of nights without the help of alcohol or medication. He shook the memory of his old friend from his mind and looked at the stack of papers to decide where to start. A bright yellow piece of paper stuck out from the center of the giant mound. Ah-ah I will start there! Roy grinned and grabbed the paper and yanked it out not thinking of the possible outcomes of the situation. The notice slid out with ease but as he began to read the top line the stack of papers slid off of his desk and scattered all over the office floor.

"Fuck!" Roy sighed and fell back into his chair with a thud. All his subordinates were staring at him. He contemplated ordering them to retrieve the papers, but he knew that, that wasn't in the least bit fair. After a few minutes he decided to get up and pick them up. One by one he organized them into importance, since they were already laid out for him. He glanced at his the clock. Three hours until I'm supposed to leave. I can finish this. Assured he began to sign the notices, reports, research, and permissions while he was on the floor. Hawkeye smiled at him, although his back was facing her. She was forcing back the want to laugh at her superior sprawled out on the floor with sheets of paper fanned out around him, it reminded her of a child. As Roy finished the last paper with 30 minutes to spare, he walked over to Hawkeye's desk to set down the rest of the stack to be filed. He flashed her a huge smiled.

"See what you can do when you put your mind to it?" She said in a voice like she was talking to a child that always misbehaved. Roy laughed.

"Oh be quiet! Occasionally I can get my work done on time." He shot back. Riza got up to put on her jacket and handed him his. "Thanks, what are your plans for the weekend Lieutenant?"

"I have some reading to catch up on and I'll probably take Hayate to the park tomorrow. The weather is suppose to be nice." Roy looked down at the dog, Hayate just looked up at him with big brown eyes and barked. Roy couldn't help but envy the animal. He had it made, lived with a beautiful woman who took care of him and gave him all of the affection he needed. What more could a man want? Mustang began to laugh and leaned against the wall as Hawkeye finished gathering her things. Oh Maes, if you could see me now, wishing for a wife. I guess its true, you always listen to good advice when it's too late… Roy's smile turned wistful and cleared his throat.

"Sounds relaxing. Ready to go home?" Mustang asked glad he didn't choke up thinking of what he was missing out on. Riza smiled her rare beautiful smile and nodded. He'd never let it show but her smile affected him in more than one way. The yellow piece of paper that he had pulled out of the stack first still laid on his desk. He had forgotten about it until he was about to close the door and it caught his eye.

"Oh I forgot something. I'll catch up with you." He told Hawkeye, she turned toward the hall.

"Ok, I will be outside on the steps." Roy nodded and walked back in his office to his desk. He picked up the paper and carefully broke the wax seal. The top of the sheet was printed with the Fuehrer's stationary. The bold type at the top made him shiver. Before he reached the end, the paper dropped to the floor.

A/N: Yay for cliffhangers. Please read on. It does improve. :) R&R

F.Y.I. Surely you know, but just I case all the italicized words are Roy's thoughts.