AN: Sorry it took so long to come back. I had too many ideas and had nowhere to go with the story.

="normal speech"


="thought speech"

Chapter 3

Hogwarts: Headmistress McGonagall's office

Minerva was just finished setting up her office. It felt weird to be calling it her office because Dumbledore had only recently vacated it under terrible circumstances. The Ministry had asked her to leave the office as it was 'til a ministry official could come by and get all of Albus' things. It had taken them a few days to do that. She had then been in a hurry to hire a new Head of Gryffindor, Transfiguration teacher and DADA teacher. She had been kicking herself ever since for hiring Sirius Black. At least with Remus, he had seemed to be the most rule abiding of the Marauders. But still, they were Marauders. Remus had the added difficulty of also being a werewolf. She had to talk Severus down from the ledge after hearing that she had hired both of them, especially with James Potter's son; Harry, the-boy-who-lived, Potter attending this year also. It would make for an interesting year. Just then a phoenix flamed into the office. She was a little startled because he looked like Albus' familiar. Since Fawkes had vacated the premises to parts unknown, it couldn't be Fawkes.

Dear Headmistress McGonagall,

I have written this letter in hopes that we could come to an agreement about a business proposition I have.

Owl me at your earliest convenience

ϟ Inc.

Minerva was intrigued. Who could this be and what would they want? And that symbol, it was unique. It looked like someone was trying to profit off of the boy-who-lived without letting him in on it. Everyone thinks of Harry Potter the savior of the wizarding race when they see that symbol.

Minerva jotted down a note and gave it to the phoenix.

A few minutes later, Harry Potter stepped out of the flames in the fireplace.

"Hi, I'm Harry Potter."

"Minerva McGonagall"

"I recently purchased a store that was going out of business. I revamped it. I think the store is a good idea I just think that it needs better advertisement. I figured I would be the advertisement. I would make it 'my' company and come to you about giving them to the students and teachers this year as an incentive. Every student and teacher will get a basic laptop. Depending on how well it does, we will talk more about it next year. It would allow the students to talk to each other, write their papers. But they would need the right accessory of the laptop. I have ideas that we can hopefully implement. The possibilities are endless. I just want to test drive this program here. If it does well, you could make it a permanent necessary item. Here is a catalog of what the store currently sells. Let me know if you want to buy anything else. The laptops will be free."

With that, Harry stepped back into the fire.

Minerva looked down at the catalog he had given her…

Hogwarts Express

Harry had written Draco all summer. They had decided to meet at the station. Dudley was being his usual pain in the butt. He was demanding things left and right. Harry had stopped trying to explain things to him. He was just glad that once they got on the train, they would go their separate ways. He knew Dudley would not be getting into Slytherin so he had nothing to worry about when they got to school except for which classes they would share. Harry helped him get his trunk onto the train and then left him in the compartment. They had gotten their early enough that they would not have to worry about finding a compartment.

Harry spotted Draco just as he was about to go find a compartment to claim.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, Draco."

"Harry" they all responded.

"What did we tell you about calling us Lucius and Narcissa?" Narcissa asked.

"We are in public. I thought in public, I could give you respect that you deserve and call you Narcissa and Lucius in private."

Lucius handed Draco his shrunk, featherweight trunk and turned to Harry, "Do you need any help with your trunk?"

"I spent a lot of money on my trunk in order to have those features built in I just have to tap the trunk in order for it to shrink and it has a permanent featherweight charm on it."

"That is useful! You boys have fun, and remember to send me a letter tonight to let me know how the sorting went."

"We will!"

Draco and Harry climbed aboard the Hogwarts Express.

"I told my friends I've been telling you about to come find me on the train. I didn't tell them who you were I know you want people to like you for you."

"Dudley is still being an idiot. He still hasn't figured out that things have changed drastically since when we lived with his parents. He still acts like he is my superior and that I owe him everything. His room was an absolute mess when we left, I'd be surprised if he didn't leave something at home. I've decided anything he left at the house, I will buy him second hand. If he couldn't remember to bring it, it's his problem.

"The notepad tool is so useful on the laptop. You can write on it with a special quill and then 'send' it to the laptop. It saves you all the trouble of a bunch of parchment."

"That was my thought also. When I saw the store, I thought it would be a good investment. The name and where it was, was totally killing its business. It was in the wrong part of town where only a pureblood would have gone, and the name would have turned off most purebloods."

"What was it called originally?"

"Muggle Wares for the Wizard. There are so many useful muggle items that a wizard could use. It would save time. I know we have our traditions, but we need to adjust with the times."

Harry pulled his laptop out and started showing Draco the different features that he had incorporated into his.

"I had the headmistress include a catalog for any student that is interested in embellishing their laptop."

"Good idea, I think these will be very popular."

Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini entered the compartment at that point.

"We've been looking for you everywhere Draco. Who is your friend?"

"This is Harry. Harry, this is Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott. They will be in Slytherin with us."

"There was a pig a few compartments away bad mouthing Harry Potter. It was funny if not a little sad. He won't be well liked at Hogwarts."

"What is that you have there?"

"Oh, this is a Laptop. They are introducing them as a possible item for the list of items you must have next year. This year, everyone gets a basic laptop." Harry informed them.

"So, why do you have them?"

"I was the person who talked to McGonagall about giving them to the students this year to see how they would do. I bought the company. It was doing terribly. I figured free publicity would be to provide a free basic laptop to every student and teacher at Hogwarts. If they were liked, more would buy them. You will receive one plus a catalog at a house meeting probably once we're sorted."

Harry started showing them how to use it in case they decided they wanted some of the features he already had installed on his laptop.

"I'll give you the friend discount if you decide you want any of these features."

Hogwarts, Grand Hall

Severus sneered at Black and Lupin. Why did McGonagall hire those two? Was she trying to kill him? He looked at the laptop he had received a month ago. He had to admit, it was dead useful. He'd almost thrown it away when he'd seen who owned the company if he hadn't had a talk with Lucius Malfoy. It seemed, Harry Potter had been abused as a child. That he was nothing like his bully of a father. He had bought the company and then decided to generously donate enough for each of the students and teachers. It was ingenious of whoever started this company to invent these. He had already bought several attachments. One was a projector. He could write it out on the pad and then it projected onto any surface as needed. It would also show up on any screen that had one so that the student wouldn't have to write down the potion. It had a record feature, and an entire lecture could be recorded and then magically typed up for perusal. He had already inserted the entire years curriculum into the pad that could also act as a copier except it would save it onto the screen. He might start requiring that each student start sending their paper's in using w-mail. It would save on typo's which would save him hours of reading papers. He even had inserted a system that would grade the really bad ones for itself. It would check for plagiarism and then all the errors, Once you had so many errors you would automatically get up to a D. Anything higher, he had to check himself. He was having the time of his life, not that he would tell anyone, learning all he could about the machine. It all started because a month ago, he had let Lucius talk him into meeting the boy…


Severus sat at his fire. Lucius Malfoy had invited him over for dinner with his family. He looked down at his outfit. It was his best black robes. He stepped through the fire calling "Malfoy Manor".

When he entered, he immediately noticed that Narcissa was the only one to greet him.

"Sorry Lucius and Draco are in his office with Harry. Lucius just got one of those laptops, and Harry is helping him set it up."


"Harry Potter. Draco and Harry met at a house-elf auction. They became fast friends and have been sending letters to each other all summer. When Harry sent him the laptop, Draco started messing with it and used it so much that Lucius was wondering what the fuss was about. When he started looking at Draco's, he loved it, so he bought one for himself. On Harry's advice, he bought a lot of extra's and now Harry is showing him how to use them. I think once Lucius gets the hang of it, he may take it to the Minister and show him how useful it could be there. That will definitely drum up some business for Harry. Harry said he was learning to use them as he went. Apparently, his cousin, Dudley, got everything he could wish for and Harry never got to use them but on the rare occasions the Dursley's would leave him alone at the house. Did you hear about the Dursley trial? They were abusing him. They made him work like a house elf and fed him table scraps when they fed him at all. His bedroom was the cupboard under the stairs. They shoved a small mattress in there with a thin blanket. That was all he had until he got his Hogwarts letter. Thank Merlin that he decided to figure out how to get to Diagon Alley on his own and went straight to Gringotts. They helped him out and he moved out of there. Unfortunately the boy is to kind, he took in his spoiled fat cousin who like to use him as a punching bag in. He has been treating him like he is the master of the house instead of Harry."

Severus looked stunned. He decided that he was going to treat Harry like he was Lilly's son instead of James Potter's son. No matter what he looked like. No one deserved to be treated like a house elf.

Grand Hall, Hogwarts

"Crabbe, Vincent" "HUFFLEPUFF"

"Dursley, Dudley" "HUFFLEPUff"

"Goyle, Gregory" "HUFFLEPUFF"

"Granger, Hermoine" "RAVENCLAW'

"Malfoy, Draco" "SLYTHERIN"

"Nott, Theodore" "SLYTHERIN"

"Potter, Harry"

The Hall got very quiet for a second.

"Did they say Harry Potter?" could be heard everywhere.

As Harry walked up to the hat, the students around him could be seen elbowing each other to get a better look at him to see if it was really him.

'Mr. Potter, I see I have sorted you before.'

'Everyone died, I just want a chance to change everything better. I just want peace if that is possible.'

'I had trouble sorting you before. You wanted to go to Gryffindor. I think you would make a better Slytherin if this is your ambition. What an ambition it is! Better be…..'