Disclaimer: I still don't own Vladimir Tod sorry girls I know ya want him but ya gotta look at Heather Brewer she has the rights to him I don't ever so sorry ladies but yall can have cookies

Chapter Seventeen

It was another day before I saw Vlad again and it worried me he looked as if he was scared. There was also a slight fear scent coming from him. It had me worried. I gave Henry a questioning look but only received a shoulder shrug which did nothing to help me out. Yesterday school was cut short cause of Mr. Craig's body being found. It was saddening really. But from my guess it was a Vamp kill. Good god Joss would be freaking out at me if this ever reached his ears. I smoothed out my read and black Plaid skirt to give my hands something to do.

When Oat Oat let us out of Class I grabbed my papers and sprinted to my house. I had to pack and extra set of clothes into my old leather backpack. I had a feeling I would have to shift soon. The wind patterns felt off so very off.

Being a panther I was so very much attune to the changes in the feelings of the wind. Even though if I had a true element my mother always said I would have been fire. Never really understood why but then again my mama had knowledge few possessed and few ever achieved.

I ran up to my room and threw my old torn black jeans in the back pack and a black shirt that had "when other little girls wanted to be ballerina's I wanted to be a Vampire" in blood red. I also throw in my Bowie knife. Closing the back pack I looked at the door. All I had to do was wait. I hated waiting but I had become very good at it over the years.

I stalked to the living room and tossed my pack onto the couch and sat down on it. Scowling at nothing in particular I went through all the defensive and attack moves I could pull off in my Panther form. It had been a long time since I had gotten in a serious fight in panther form and I wanted to be prepared for anything. I was not going to be taken by Surprise. I would be damned if I didn't show those pirate snots that even if I was an orphan Hayashi panther I was not a weak kit.

I smirked at the thought of my late neko sensei. I was her best pupil even if I was a tad bit stubborn and non confirmative.