I'm back people and with that sequel to "Old and Young" just like I promised. I'm sorry I didn't post it before, but "A New Start" has kept me so busy. So, let's get started.

*Note: You must read "Old and Young" to understand this story.

And I know I've got a lot of updates to get done.

Readers who want me to update "A New Start: GLARE

Readers who want me to update "It's Not OK": DOUBLE GLARE

I don't own the turtles.

All in a moment, he felt the feeling return to his limbs as his eyes refused to open to the annoying light coming from outside. He swung his arm up in a jerk-like manner until it reached his eyes and rubbed away at the numb feeling circulating through them as well. Bones cracked a bit as the green figure swung his body up and out of the hammock he called a bed, before glaring at the invading light, that glared back right outside his room. He then glanced towards his beaten up, digital clock on his bedside table.

A time of 6:00am stared back at him.

"Who the shell is up," he muttered, getting up and walking towards the doorway that separated his room from the rest of his family's home.

What he was really thinking though was how he was going to pound whoever it was for turning on all those eye burning lights at freaking six AM!

The answer to this mystery though, turned out to be both his little brothers, both wide awake, and in the kitchen. Donny was standing by the coffee pot with a huge smile while Mikey was humming away as he cooked breakfast. And just like that, Raphael's anger melted away as his confusion rose.

"What are you two doing up?" Raph asked, trying to compose a glare on his face but ultimately gave it up when both the younger turtles turned and beamed at him.

"Why the shell are you two so happy?" Raph said as he fetched a long needed supply of sugar from the fridge in the form of an energy drink.

"Because," Mikey sang, "It's August 28th!"

Raph would've spewed out the energy drink if any would have been in his mouth at that moment but thankfully he had sat down just in time to absorb the surprise.

"No way," he smirked.

"WAY!" Mikey sang as Donny shook his head while pouring his coffee, amazingly having the ability to do so without opening his eyes.

Raph's smirk melted into a relaxed and uncharacteristic-like smile.

Donny chuckled and walked over to sit down by his older brother, "Today's going to be awesome."

"You're telling me dude!" Mikey said.

Raph and Donny shared smiles at Mikey's exuberance.

Just then, a footstep echoed into the kitchen and all them turned to stare at the blue masked leader as he walked into the room.

"Morning Fearless," Raph said with a pride filled smirk.

Leo just smiled affectionately and headed for the tea pot on the stove.

Yep, it was definitely August 28th.

So, questions?

What's so significant about the 28th of August? Let me hear your thoughts. One-shot gift to anyone who can guess it. Although, I don't think anyone will.

And if you've read "Old and Young" I know you have questions from that story too. Well, I'll try to update as soon as I can post the next chapter of "A New Start". As for "It's Not OK," I probably won't be working on it until these two stories are finished.

Anyways, please review? I will update tomorrow if I get a lot.
