If anyone did, it would have been Edward or Carlisle and as neither of them has spoken up in the past seventy years, I don't think it was so drastic," she rebuked, "besides, at least I didn't cause a televised riot over some stupid Confederate remark!"

Alice shook her head while Emmett laughed again and Bella just stared. Jasper put up his hands, "The only reason it was televised was because it was the finals against one of the worst teams versus one of the best. We all have things we are overly passionate about."

"Jazzy, it was still just some stupid class assignment they were talking about. I warned you about it before you even started the game and you still went ballistic," Alice reproved.

"And so I didn't think it would be a problem. The timing of it just caught me off guard and I overreacted. We all know how that is," and Jasper wasn't the only one to shoot a look at Edward, but he continued, "anyway, it was just after the seventh inning stretch and I was going up to bat. At first I was just surprised and lost my concentration, so I ended up hitting the ball too far, so that they never found where it ended up. It wasn't even anything major. One of the kids on the bench just mentioned how it was too bad the South didn't have baseball during the civil war. Not only was the remark blatantly incorrect, but extremely unexpected. However, unfortunately his friend was just as clueless and then, I won't deny I should have known better, but I lost it. Over nothing really, they were just goofing off, talking about, like Alice said, some assignment on how the Civil War might have been prevented. How baseball came into that, I can only guess. But, anyway, his friend just made the remark something along the lines, 'Yeah, a good ball game and beating from the Yanks would have had the Rebs running in shame,'" he shrugged.

"Jasper, you jumped the kid and started shouting loud enough for everyone to hear how they were, basically quote, 'insolent, retarded children who knew nothing about the South, much less the Civil War and how they should show history some respect,'" Emmett chortled, and turned to Bella, "Bella, next to ours, you should have seen Carlisle's face. Esme was just hiding in shame, but I seriously thought Carlisle was going to lose it right there. As for the rest of us, well, Edward actually somehow just had a reaction similar to Esme's, Rose whispered under her breath, 'that idiot!', but Alice was fighting between a reaction similar to Esme and Rose and laughing her head off, like I was. Carlisle yelled at me for that, too; but, it's not like he hasn't yelled at me before."

"This was the final straw, though," Alice intermitted, "as you said, myself and Edward alone weren't too bad, even Rosalie. Actually, mine was at a different school. This was the final straw after Edward and Rosalie. Jasper not only got kicked off the team, but Carlisle essentially kicked us out of Forks."

Bella just shook her head.

Jasper was quick to save some face, though, "At least it's arguable that it took me combined with the two of you to get us kicked out. Emmett, could possibly claim that once, in combination with Rosalie, but the other time he single-handedly got us out of town."

Bella stared at Emmett, seemingly both apprehensive and excited to see what he had done.

Jasper continued, "Let's see, I think at the same time as Rosalie, it was football and wrestling. Honestly, I still don't quite understand why Carlisle gave you a second chance, third if you count the single-handed time."

Bella's eyes went wide, "Who in their right mind," and then she seemed to realize what she was saying, "Not that Carlisle and Esme weren't, but who in their right mind would want to go against you in either of those sports?"

Emmett grinned, "Well, actually, I think that was sort of the idea. The coach initially saw me and you should have seen how eager he was to have me on the time, probably for precisely that reason. Actually, despite it all, that may be why I got to try wrestling, too. Anyway, I don't see what the problem was. I was just doing what coach told me to: get the ball to the other end without the other team getting it. My team knew what to do, the other team just got in the way and humans can be wimps sometimes. Frankly, the first kid fell on his own accord when I intercepted the ball and then the would-be recipient probably broke the other kid's fall. By then, only one other kid tried to get in my way, and I took care of him. Then, the touchdown was mine. I did what he said. I got the ball to the other end of the field, alright!"

Bella had her hand over her mouth, as Rosalie interceded, "I'm pretty sure he didn't want you to break any bones on your way there. And the one kid you might as well have run straight through and not only knocked out, but had minor internal bleeding! Poor Jasper had to get out of there before the medics were even on the field!"

"In my defense, the coach did say something along the lines that I was just getting the ball to the other end of the field."

"Except in his comment it was a joke to try to do some damage repair, no pun intended," rebuked Alice.

"Though, like I said, he did recommend me to the wrestling team. Sure, I was suspended from playing the rest of the season, but I actually didn't get kicked off the team, and I was still allowed to practice with them. I just couldn't play in any more games. The coach just thought instead of running to fetch a ball, I needed a sport that was a little more physical to exercise my strength, so he mentioned me to the wrestling coach. Carlisle, and the coach, was a little apprehensive at first, but eventually the coach conceded and so did pops. Wrestling, I argue the same as football. I was just doing what he told me to: the goal was to pin the other guy down. Oh, so, actually, I didn't get past tryouts, but still. Yeah, after the football incident, that was the only way the coach would agree, if I tried out first. One of the guys volunteered. I did what I was told. I pinned him down."

"After knocking him out from breaking his jaw and three ribs!" Edward scolded.

Emmett just shrugged, raising his hands, "I pinned him, didn't I? Besides it's about time someone toughened them up a bit."

"Emmett, sweetheart," Rose concluded, "there are limits in human sports."

"Well, they didn't mention that."

Alice laughed at that, as did Bella, and even jasper chuckled.

"I think the final straw after all this," Alice concluded, "was once again, Emmett. Emmett even now is no longer allowed on a horse unless we're deep in the woods. One school we went to had an equestrian team, and somehow Carlisle thought a teenage vegetarian vampire would be alright. Mind you, this was after football and wrestling. I don't know what he was thinking, but he allowed it…and the horse ended up as lunch."

"Yeah," Rose agreed, "and got us out to move well out of town, not to mention state, by that time the next day."

"Emmett!," Bella squeaked and the same time Edward muttered, "Alice," sparing a quick glance at Bella.

Alice was chagrined, but shrugged, "It's what happened."

"What happened?" came an apprehensive voice from the doorway. Esme was home.

"Oh, we were just telling Bella why we're no longer allowed to play sports," Alice answered

Esme's eyes just went wide and she raised her hands, shaking her head, "Don't even get me started," and walked out of the room quickly.

At that, everyone, even Edward couldn't help but laugh, "Well, love. You asked. Now you know."

"Somehow," she answered, and to another chorus of chuckles, "I can't say I'm so surprised. A little, but somehow it just fits."