bBreakfast in Bed/b

Myka woke with Helena wrapped around her. She ran her fingers along Helena's arm around her waist up to her hand. Myka held HG's hand gently, staring at the ring. She smiled to herself; yesterday really had happened, it wasn't a dream. Myka Bering really was getting married to the great and illustrious Helena Wells. The brilliant mind behind some of the world's best fiction, the mind that birthed science fiction, and she wanted Myka. Forever. Myka chuckled, she would never be bored. She brought Helena's hand to her mouth and kissed each delicate fingertip.

A slight tickle on her fingers woke Helena. She lay still as she slowly identified the sensation as Myka's lips pressing soft caresses against her skin. She chuckled lightly against Myka's neck.

"Morning sweetie."

Helena kissed Myka's back. "Good morning my sweet Myka."

Myka placed a lingering kiss on Helena's palm before rolling over to face her. Myka smiled, "I love you."

Helena grinned and kissed her softly. "I love you too, Myka." She traced her fingers up and down Myka's spine watching her pupils dilate and her smile grow. With a smirk, Helena ran her fingertips down the curve of Myka's butt, caressing it gently as she leaned in to kiss her. HG rolled on top of Myka, her hands roaming over Myka's body. "I am going to make such wonderful love to you today." She rubbed her thumb over Myka's nipple and began kissing down her neck.

"And I thought we'd just fuck all day." Myka smiled.

"We can do that too." Helena growled as she bit Myka's earlobe. Myka went limp under her. Helena chuckled. She nibbled at Myka's neck, her fingers teasing Myka's nipples.

Myka gripped at Helena, one hand in her hair, one on her ass. "Oh God, Helena." Myka grabbed Helena's hair by the root at the base of her neck. "If you don't start licking my nipples, I'm going to pull your hair."

Helena smiled devilishly at her. "That's hardly motivation to do as you ask." Myka tugged and Helena's eyes flared, her mouth falling open as she gasped. Myka smirked up at her. "And now how do you feel about it?" Helena moved and clamped her teeth down on Myka's nipple. Myka arched her back as she moaned. She yanked on Helena's hair, pulling her head back. Helena grinned as she held onto Myka's nipple. Myka growled with pleasure. "I want your lips all over me."

"That can be arranged," Helena cooed before she began sucking gently on Myka's nipple.

"But for now, just keep doing that," Myka told her breathily. Helena circled Myka's nipple with her tongue. "Just like that, yes."

Helena pulled her lips back and flicked her tongue over the nipple. Myka's body tensed and she gripped harder. "Myka darling, you know I love it when you grab my bum, but could you please remove your nails?"

"Sorry." Myka let go and rubbed softly where she'd dug her nails into the pale flesh. "Would you like me to kiss it better?"

"Later," Helena mumbled as she kissed down Myka's stomach. She curled her fingers around Myka's thigh, placing slow kisses along the hot skin. She nipped at the skin at the apex of her thigh.

"Helena, you're going to kill me," Myka groaned in exasperation, her body begging for Helena's tongue.

"But what a glorious death it will be." Helena dipped her tongue into Myka, making her cry out.

Myka sank back into the mattress as Helena began a rhythm with her tongue. Her hips moved to match and Helena slid her hands under Myka to grab her ass. Myka stroked Helena's hair, massaging her scalp softly as she knew Helena liked. Helena practically purred against her. The barely perceptible hum in Helena's lips was slowly getting to Myka. The subtle vibration combined with the cunning use of Helena's tongue was quickly sending Myka to the edge. She grabbed at Helena's hair, clenching her fists as she started to build toward climax. Helena sucked Myka's clit and held it gingerly between her teeth as she passed the tip of her tongue over it. Myka's hips froze and she began to whimper. "Don't stop," she choked out. She pulled her leg up, wrapping it around Helena.

Myka dug her nails into the sheet and held Helena's hair tightly. "Oh, God," Myka sobbed. "Please...Helena...don't...stop." Myka moaned and clenched her fists. "Helena..." she sighed so thickly it was barely a word. She let out a sobbing cry as she came. Helena released her teeth and lapped at Myka carefully as she came down. Myka tugged on Helena's hair. "Mmm nnn."

Helena savored one last gentle pass of her tongue before rising up to lie next to Myka, resting her head on Myka's shoulder. Helena placed her hand on Myka's chest, feeling her heartbeat. "Good morning my sweet fianceé," Helena chuckled.

Myka smiled as she panted. "Every morning with you is good," she kissed Helena's forehead. Myka caught her breath. "Were you humming?"

Helena smiled. "A little. Did you enjoy it?"

Myka huffed a laugh. "Very much. You couldn't tell," she asked surprised.

"I could," she kissed Myka's collarbone. "But I still like to ask. Would you like me to do it again?"

Myka grinned. "Yes." Helena laughed quietly. "How many more tricks have you got hidden away?"

"I've picked up a few things," Helena said smugly.

"That doesn't seem fair to you. I don't have any special 'moves.'"

"Myka," Helena sat up to look her in the eyes. "You don't need them." Myka smiled and pulled her down into a kiss. She ran her tongue over Helena's lips, enjoying the intimacy of tasting herself on them. Helena settled against her with a happy sigh as she welcomed Myka's tongue. After a time, Helena pulled back, placing a lingering peck on Myka's lips. "I'm serious, Myka. You don't need any special tricks, you do just fine." She smirked wickedly. "You already know how to touch my body in just the right manner." A twinkle came into her dark eyes. "And you have an entire lifetime to explore me and discover all my secrets."

Myka stared into those lustful eyes and at her delicious lips. She grabbed Helena's shoulders and flipped her onto her back. Myka pressed her body against Helena, kissing her neck. "Why don't I get started right now?" Helena moaned happily in response.

Claudia sat at the dining table nibbling on a danish; Pete sat across from her. Neither spoke. Artie came into the room and quickly surveyed the presence of only half of his agents. "Where's Myka?"

Claudia cringed awkwardly; Pete tented his fingers on the table, tapping his fingertips together. He stared at Artie with pursed lips. "She and HG are, uh, occupied." Claudia answered with difficulty.


Pete grinned. "She's getting her freak on."

Artie's eyebrows came together like a bushy caterpillar; Claudia stifled a laugh. "It's eight o'clock in the morning. They wouldn't be doing that."

"Never underestimate a couple who got engaged the day before." Claudia offered.

"They're totally getting' it on." Pete swayed side to side in his chair.

"Nonsense. They probably just overslept. I'll go wake them up."

"I wouldn't do that Artie." Claudia begged. But it was no use, he was already out of the room.

"Myka's gettin' some." Pete sang as he held up his hand for a high five.

Claudia groaned and covered her face with her hand, "Could things get anymore awkward?"

"Oh Myka," Helena sighed as Myka bit gently in just the right spot on Helena's shoulder. "You definitely don't need special tricks." Myka sucked on the skin between her teeth and ran her tongue over it with a feather touch. "God," Helena pulled Myka against her tightly as she went limp under her touch. "You know iexactly/i how to touch me to drive me mad." Myka smiled and bit down harder; Helena let out a whimpering moan in response. She felt a slight tremble go through Helena and grinned. Myka released the now purpled skin and whispered with a chuckle into Helena's ear, "Oh, I'm only getting started with you." She ran her tongue around the outside of Helena's ear. "There are so many more places I could use my tongue."

"Oh God," Helena whispered.

Myka kissed the freckle on the side of Helena's jaw, and the one on the side of her neck, and finally the one on her throat, grazing the tip of her tongue over each. Helena made delighted little sounds in her throat. Myka leaned back and smiled at her with a fire in her eyes. "Like here." Myka pressed her lips against Helena's, teasing them with her tongue. Helena parted her lips and Myka's tongue slid over hers, sending a shiver through her body. Myka laughed inwardly as Helena made the most delectable small sounds of joy and arousal.

A harsh knock interrupted their reverie. Helena sighed, who could be so foolish? Myka groaned angrily. "I am in bed with my fianceé, Pete. Go away."

"I am not Pete," Artie gruffed. "Wake up you two. We're all waiting for you downstairs."

"Artie, if you do not leave right this instant, I am going to open that door wearing only what I have on right now."

"What do you have on?" Artie asked before he thought about it.

Helena grinned up at Myka. "My engagement ring," she paused. "And Myka." Myka made a face and swatted her arm. "Though I can't promise I'll be wearing Myka when I open the door."

A strange choking noise could be heard from the hallway. Helena laughed to herself. There was a long silence, during which time Helena teased Myka with her hands on her breasts, knowing Myka would never make a sound to betray their activities. Artie stated flatly, "I'll be in my office when you decide to join us."

Helena tweaked Myka's nipple and Myka buried her face in Helena's neck to hide the soft moan her action solicited. "Goodbye, Artie." Helena sang. His heavy footsteps faded down the staircase.

"You are an ass," Myka teased. "A gorgeous, delicious, sexy iass/i."

Helena did her best to look innocent, it was disturbing how well she did that. Probably years of devilish mischief as a child gave her lots of practice. "I simply do not know of what you are speaking."

"Mm hmm." Myka pinched the skin behind Helena's ear with her teeth.

"Oh, mmm."

"Well, where's Myka?" Pete asked.

Artie didn't miss a beat as he headed to his office, far away from the bed and breakfast. "They'll be down later. You two, get to work."

Claudia groaned; Pete snickered.

"We probably should get up and join the others," Helena said regretfully.

Myka pulled her knees up under her, straddling Helena's thighs. She pushed HG back on the bed with a firm grim on her shoulders. "Oh, I'm not done with you yet."

Helena's eyes went wide as she smiled up at Myka. "Than I am all yours."

Myka smirked at her. "Damn right you are." She leaned down and kissed Helena. "Now, where were we?"

"I believe you were showing me all the places you could use your tongue."

"Right." Myka looked at Helena beneath her and paused at how beautiful she was, how utterly amazing this woman was. This woman, who was all hers. Forever. "I love you, Helena. More than anything."

Helena touched Myka's cheek. "As I do you, Myka. I love you, my dear sweet Myka. I doubt that you could ever understand how much."

Myka fell on Helena's lips with an urgency. Helena wrapped her arms around Myka's neck and held her close as Myka poured her soul into her.

Myka broke their kiss desperately several minutes later. She needed to touch Helena, to taste her, hear her cry out in the throes of passion. "Seduction will have to wait, I want you on my tongue right now."


Myka slid down Helena's body until she was lying between Helena's slender legs. She traced her fingertips up HG's pale thigh. "You have such beautifully soft skin." Myka retraced her path with her lips.

"Oh Myka. I will extol the wonders of your flawless skin." Myka's lips caressed Helena's thigh, higher and higher, her curls tickled the other leg and Helena could feel Myka's breath against her. "But not right now," Helena choked out breathily. Myka smiled and began to devour Helena with a hunger. "Oh God." Helena buried a hand in Myka's curls, "Myka..."

Myka worked a deft rhythm with her tongue, making Helena whimper and tremble. She didn't even care that everyone knew what they were doing, she just wanted Helena. Helena focused on Myka's velvet tongue and the luxurious feel of her soft curls tangled around her fingers. She bucked her hips as Myka hit just the right spot. Myka could have stayed just as she was forever and been completely happy. But Helena had more pressing, growing needs. She ran her hands over Helena's hips, over her fluttering stomach, and up to her breasts. HG sighed happily as Myka caressed them. Helena trailed her hand up and down Myka's arm, holding it gently. Myka tweaked her nipples as she sped up her tongue. Helena grabbed onto her wrist. Helena's grip tightened as Myka pinched harder. She pulled lightly at Myka's wrist, making her tug on Helena's nipple. Myka felt the quiver in her thighs and knew she was close. She traced a slow circle around Helena's clit, twirling her nipple between her fingertips.

"Right there," Helena cried out, gripping Myka's hair tightly. Myka stroked the requested spot until Helena let out a whimpering moan and went limp against the sheets. "Oh Myka," she panted contentedly. Myka lay down next to Helena, holding her close. "My dear sweet Myka." Helena hugged Myka to her shoulder and lifted her hand to her lips to kiss her palm. "You are amazing, my dear."

Myka chuckled. "Why thank you."

Helena placed Myka's hand in the crook of her neck and lifted Myka's face to hers with a soft touch on her chin. "I mean it, Myka." She brushed a curl behind Myka's ear and smiled at her warmly, her cheeks still flushed. "You astonish me," Helena whispered.

"You sure that's not just pillow talk?" Myka smirked slightly at her, but there was something a bit more sober hiding in her eyes.

Helena pulled her gently in for a sweet a kiss. "I love you Myka. More than I should be allowed to love anyone. You are a gift to me. One I never cease to be amazed by. You act as if you don't deserve me, but my dear sweet Myka, it is I who is undeserving. I am grateful for every smile, every touch, every kiss. Myka, you..." Her eyes misted and her voice caught. "I love you Myka." There was more she wanted to say, so much more she wanted to tell Myka, but her voice failed her and the tears filled her eyes.

"Oh Helena," Myka said softly. She petted Helena cheek, wiping a tear as it began to fall. "Maybe neither of us deserves the other, but the universe saw fit to put us together. And that was no small feat. We belong with each other. And I don't plan on letting that change. You could destroy the world, and I would still love you, Helena." She leaned down and kissed her. "I'd be really pissed," Myka joked; Helena laughed. Myka's eyes warmed and her voice softened. "But I'd still love you."

Helena pulled Myka close and held her as tightly as she could. "Thank you, Myka," she whispered. Myka lay in Helena's arms, hugging her. This really was exactly where she was supposed to be.

Myka looked over at the clock, 9:30—she groaned. "We really should get up now." She kissed Helena's cheek.

Helena sighed, taking in a deep breath full of the comforting smell of Myka's hair. "I suppose you're right darling." Helena's stomach growled. "Apparently I'd like breakfast."

Myka grinned at her. "But you already ate."

Helena scoffed and tapped Myka on the butt. "Cheeky girl."

Myka grinned even larger and kissed Helena's smiling lips. "Come on."

"If I must."

"You must." Myka replied as she sat up on the edge of the bed. "We'll have the rest of our lives to sleep in and spend lazy mornings in bed together."

Helena wrapped her arm around Myka's waist, resting her chin on Myka's shoulder. "And lazy afternoons, and lazy evenings." Helena kissed the edge of her ear. "And long, slow nights."

Myka chuckled. "You are an insatiable flirt."

Helena kissed her cheek. "Only for you, my Myka."

"Lucky me." Myka pulled Helena's hand to her lips and kissed her fingers. She stood up and pulled fresh clothes from her dresser. "Time to shower."

"Together?" Helena perked up.

Myka laughed. "You iare/i insatiable."

"Only for you, my Myka," Helena winked.

Myka grinned at Helena over her shoulder. "Now go take a shower in iyour/i room. I have no desire for a repeat of yesterday morning."

Helena stood and stretched, she looked remarkably like a panther. "All my clothes are in the other room. You want me to walk across the hall naked?"

"You just threatened to open the door on Artie standing buck naked."

Helena cocked her hand on her hip and held her chin high. "Myka, I am a Victorian lady. I do not prance about the house in the nude."

Myka rolled her eyes and smiled as she tossed a robe at Helena. "See you downstairs, Helena."