Babble Corner: Gah. Midterms kept me super busy and I'm trying to get over some major writer's block.

Also I just remembered that I do have one other story with a happy ending. The characters just have to be reincarnated to get it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts…Blah Blah Blah….Please don't sue.

Warning: Sucky Lemon. Also Axel pulls a jerk move (In my opinion. Depends on how you view 'Blackmail' But it's for a good cause I swear!) and some Drama.

Roxas stayed holed up in his room the rest of Saturday.

On Sunday he spent most of his time staring blankly at the wall. By dinner Cloud was so fed up he dragged Roxas out of his room and into the living room to 'talk' (more like interrogate) about the night before. Ven was also being 'talked' to for his willingness to go with the plan and about what he and Terra did.

Ven ended up going first.

"Cloud I swear all me and Terra did was kiss."

"Oh really? Then why did I find banana flavored condoms in the back of your closet?"

Ven flushed the color of a tomato.

"That doesn't prove anything."

"Oh really? Then why do you have them?"

"….Just in case."

"Ven! Your not even fifteen yet!"

"Well don't you want me to be safe if I do make the decision to have sex?"

"I don't think you should be making that decision until your at least a Junior!"

This line of conversation was making Roxas feel sick. Not only had he just lost his virginity two nights before, but he was also pretty young. Plus he wasn't even sure if he and Axel had used a condom. It was a good thing he hadn't eaten much and had a strong stomach or he might have just puked right on the floor.

Ven and Cloud just kept arguing ignoring Roxas' inner turmoil until finally they were done with Ven admitting that he and Terra had had sex a few times since the beginning of the school year and Cloud grounding Ven for three months (not forgetting to mention that Terra would be getting an earful and threats of castration the next day).

When it was Roxas' turn he just busted out crying saying he had gotten drunk at a party and made out with a bunch of random guys (Yeah so he lied. Roxas figured the punishment for making out with several people would be less severe than for sleeping with one.)

Roxas was also grounded for three months. Cloud said it would have been one month but the drinking added another one and a half months and aiding Ven in getting laid added the last half month.

All three of the Strife's were silent during dinner each mulling over their own thoughts.

After doing the dishes Roxas and Ven were sent to their room to 'think about what they did'.

Roxas laid face down on his bed. A few moments later he felt the bed shift under the weight of another person and his older twin rubbing soothing circles on his back.

"Roxy, what really happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it Ven."


"Honestly Ven, I don't wanna talk about it!"

Ven was quiet for a moment and suddenly stopped his motions on Roxas back as if something just dawned on him.

"You lost your virginity didn't you?"

Roxas breath hitched and he began sobbing.

"Y-yes. I w-was d-d-drunk and….I don't know what happened!"

Ventus began rubbing Roxas' back soothingly again.

"Shh. It's okay Roxy. Do you at least remember who it was?"

"It…it was Axel."

"Hey, at least it wasn't a stranger right?"

"I don't know. I know I can't put all the blame on him because I was drunk but…"

"But what?"

"I still kinda feel as if he took advantage of me."

"Roxas it's not your fault. But it's not his either. You were both drunk."

"But still….."

"But nothing. I don't care how long it takes but I want you to forgive him, okay?"

"I don't know if I can."

"Well at least promise to try."

"I don't think I can do that either."

During the three months Roxas was grounded Axel kept trying to get his attention, but Roxas just ignored him.

Roxas stopped eating with Axel in his car and instead ate in the cafeteria. When Axel caught on and tried to sit at Roxas' table during lunch, Roxas began eating in the Library. After that he ended up eating at this side stairwell that nobody really used and had huge window next to it.

The stairwell was pretty far off from the main hallways and tucked into a little corner so it took Axel until the day after Roxas was officially ungrounded to find him.

"Hey Roxy. Haven't seen you around lately." The red-head said almost casually. Roxas glared and stood up. Axel pouted.

"C'mon, can't we talk about this?"

"No." Roxas said coldly still glaring at the taller boy.

"Will ya at least tell me why you've been avoiding me?"

"You should know the reason." Roxas made a move to side step Axel but the redhead grabbed his arm with a steel like grip. Roxas looked up shocked to see an unfamiliar hard expression in Axel's green eyes.

"Listen Roxas we're going to talk whether you like it or not."

Roxas face grew red with anger.

"How dare you! You can't tell me what to do! Let go of me!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that, and yes I can tell you what to do," He ignored Roxas' angry look and continued.

"That is, if you don't want the pictures to get out."

Roxas spluttered.

"Wha-What pictures?" Axel smirked at this.

"Oh, you must have forgotten Roxy boy, then again you were wasted."

"Forgotten what? What pictures?"

"Oh, nothing. Just that while I was pounding you into the mattress I took some lovely photos. I'm sure the student's of this school would love to see posters of you moaning plastered over the walls."

Roxas gaped.

"So if you don't want that to happen little fishy, meet me after school." After saying this Axel released his grip leaving Roxas standing there stunned.

Roxas ended up lying to Cloud telling him he was staying after school with friends to celebrate being free after a three month grounding, and that he should go ahead without him. (About five seconds later Ven also lied to Cloud saying that he and Terra would be hanging out at the mall. Roxas knew that actually, they were going straight to Terra's house to make up for the three months apart) Cloud agreed and went to his boyfriend Leon's house. The past three months he hadn't gotten to see Leon as much as he liked because he was paranoid that if he left Roxas and Ven alone they would sneak out, so he would also be 'making up for lost time'.

Almost as soon as Cloud left Axel appeared leading Roxas out to his car by his elbow.

"Where are we going?" Roxas asked nervously as he got in buckling his seatbelt.

"Oh nowhere special," Axel replied casually hitting the button to lock the doors, "Just my place."

Roxas sent Axel a panicked look that the taller male either didn't see or completely ignored.

After a few minutes they pulled up to a small one story house.

Axel got out of his side almost immediately and walked around grabbing Roxas' arm as he helped him out as if he were afraid the smaller boy would run if he didn't hold his arm.

Axel walked him to the front door, unlocking it after turning the key several different way and jimmying the handle.

Roxas gulped as Axel led him to a bedroom. He nearly screamed when Axel wrapped his arms around him.

So naturally he was immensely surprised when all Axel did was sit on the bed holding Roxas in his lap.

"Roxy I want to apologize. For two things. First I'm sorry for what I did to you. I wasn't nearly as drunk as you and my head was straight enough to know that it would be wrong to take advantage of you, especially since you were a virgin. It was really, really stupid and I just hope you can forgive me some day."

Roxas sighed through his nose.

"No, Axel, I'm sorry. What happened was partially my fault but I wanted to shift all my blame onto you, and I kept avoiding you when you wanted to talk about what happened. It wasn't even you I was mad with. It was myself, so yeah you could say I have already forgiven you."

Axel beamed.



Axel squeezed Roxas tight, making the blonde giggle before he realized something.

"Hey, what was that second thing you wanted to apologize for?"

"Lying. There never were any pictures but I didn't think you would talk to me unless you thought I had some good dirt."


Two months later found the couple nearing the end of the school year.

After Axel apologized he asked Roxas out and Roxas agreed. Axel even sat through a forty-five minute lecture from Cloud on how if Axel even thought about so much as holdinghis baby brother's hand that he would be castrated with an old spoon and have his hands and dick cut off when he came to pick Roxas up for their first date. Needless to say the couple never informed Cloud that Roxas had lost his virginity months ago.

Axel picked up Roxas in his beloved car and they drove to the redhead's house one Friday night.

Axel and Roxas, as usual, began making out the second they walked into Axel's room.

It wasn't until they pulled away for breath that Roxas saw that there was something different about the room. There were teal silk sheets and matching comforter replacing Axel's usual bright red ones, and there were vases of lilies on both end tables (Roxas rarely admitted it, but he loved lilies).

Roxas gasped and looked back at Axel, who was blushing and scratching the back of his head.

"Well, I thought you should have a proper first time since the last one wasn't so great and…"

The red head was cut off as his blonde lover tackled him squealing "I love you" over and over again.

The red head smirked flipping them so he was on top instead. His smirk softened into a smile when he saw the loving look in Roxas' eyes. Axel leaned down placing a soft kiss on his forehead. Axel quickly undressed the both of them, and when they were both as naked as the day they were born Axel began caressing Roxas' chest softly making the younger moan.

Axel's lips twitched upwards as he began massaging the blonde's nipples between two fingers. The blue-eyed male's moans steadily grew louder and he arched up against Axel's touch.

"A-Axel! Stop teasing!"

"But Roxy, you look so cute like that. All flustered and red in the face."

Roxas glared, while Axel just laughed.

"Just get on with it Axel!"

"Fine, fine. You win cutie. Now, suck."

Axel pressed three fingers to Roxas lips expectantly. Roxas gave him a WTF? Look but did as he was told. Axel rolled his eyes at that look.

"I have to stretch you first or it will hurt even worse."

Once Axel deemed his fingers wet enough he pulled them out of Roxas' mouth and towards the blonde's entrance.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" The redhead asked as he rubbed his fingertips on the blonde's puckered hole making sure not to push inside quite yet. At the blonde's nod Axel pushed one finger in. Roxas' nose wrinkled in discomfort but he didn't show any other signs of pain. After pumping the first finger in a few times, Axel pushed in another, kissing Roxas' forehead some more as the little blonde let out a few pained groans.

He wasn't telling Axel to take his fingers out though so Axel took that as a good thing and began scissoring his fingers apart trying to stretch Roxas' entrance as much as he could. Soon after the pained groans died down Axel slipped in the third and final finger, and pushed his fingers as far as they would go inside Roxas, massaging the walls while looking that one spot that would make his little blonde writhe. It didn't take long and when he did find it, Roxas screamed.

"Axel! Do that again! Please!"

Amused by his blonde Axel did as he was told enjoying the loud moan his little fishy gave off. He rubbed the spot a few more times before pulling his fingers out all together.

The redhead reached over to the nearest end table and, almost knocking off the vase of flowers, grabbed some lotion he had put their earlier. He coated his member with a generous amount and slipped between Roxas' legs.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked the blonde again just to make sure. Roxas' nodded and smiled up at the redhead.

Axel slowly pushed in until he was buried to the hilt, kissing the corners of Roxas' eyes on the way as tears sprang into them. He let his younger lover get a little more adjusted before pulling out slightly and pushing back in. He did this a few more times, letting Roxas get used to the feeling of being filled, until with the encouragement of Roxas' moans he began pounding into the boy harder and faster.

He coaxed Roxas into spreading his legs a little wider and adjusted his angle a few times so he could Roxas' prostate again. He knew he had found it when Roxas screamed like he had earlier and Axel made sure to aim his thrusts at that spot from that point on.

With Axel hitting his prostate dead on with each thrust Roxas didn't last long, he came with a loud scream of Axel's name, a few more thrusts and Axel came also grunting out Roxas' name.

They both panted a few moments, then Axel pulled out and laid beside Roxas pulling the blonde into his chest.

"Love ya, fishy." Axel murmured against Roxas' hair. Roxas rolled his eyes.

"Love ya to, Ax."

Babble: That was the suckiest ending in the history of sucky endings, not to mention one of the most claw your eyes out inducing stories I've ever written.

(well in my opinion. Then again I have trouble giving people happy endings unless they are reincarnated first. Honestly I was insanely close to having Cloud walk in on them and killing Axel, that's how desperate I was for some gore.)