A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't updated in about a year. Thank you to everyone who's messaged me or gave review s and kept up with the story. I was going through a lot and some other things, but I'm not going to make excuses. It has been brought to everyone's attention that stories with too much violence, swearing, and lemons will be deleted. If this story is deleted which at this point in the story is shouldn't be, I will try to find somewhere else to post my story, and I will do my best to notify everyone. Once again, thank you to everyone who stayed loyal with my storynow LET THE STORY CONTINUE!

Chapter 7


~Sam POV~

After my sister left when I was 16, I was kind a depressed myself. She was a wonderful person who brought life to everyone around her. My mother was upset that her father died, and sis was here. She walked up to my mother and said, "Don't worry, even though he's gone right now, but you'll see him soon. Just think of all the happy times you've had with him." My mother looked at her and smiled. My sister is Bella Swan. I don't know why I haven't realized it before, I mean, both of her 'parents' are pale as hell and she's tanner than both of them put together times 5. I remember when Jake first phased and Bella came to the reservation looking for him. When I saw her all I could think was, what the hell? She looks a little like my father. Scratch that she looks a lot like my father. (A/N: 6 year age difference between Sam and Bella)

I kind of feel bad; I've kept this from Emily. I just didn't want her to be upset about everything that's happened. If she knew she would probably go crazy knowing that every night I can't sleep for fear of not knowing what's happen to my sister. Even now as a 24 year old, I can't believe I didn't make sure she wasn't in La Push/Forks. Well it's not really my fault. My dad would never tell me her 'fathers' last name. When I was 15 I flipped out on both my parents because I was upset that Bella didn't live with us full time. I told them I was going to go and get her. That I didn't want her to live with her mother and 'father'. Charlie must have adopted her as his daughter, or maybe he just lied about everything. I just can't believe it's taken me this long to figure it out. Its time she knows the truth. This was Renee and Charlie won't lie to her anymore. Well the wolf's out of the bag now.

~Sam POV~

After figuring out that Bella was my sister, I wanted to tell her right now, but I can't. She might not phase back, or she'll take off and run. Then who knows when we'll find her or see her again, and I don't want her to go find Charlie. She's with Paul and by the looks of it he's trying to calm her down. Who would have thought Paul imprinted on my baby sister. SHIT! PAUL IMPRINTED ON MY BABY SISTER! If he hurts her I'm going to rip his fuzzy balls off! I swear. Hell I haven't even realized she's my sister and I'm already ready to protect her from Paul.

~Bella POV~

While Paul and I are just laying here curled around each other everyone was just either sitting there chilling or maybe they left. I could care less, right now all I needed was Paul, and answers. How is it possible that I managed to phase into a wolf like the guys. You have to be Quileute, and last time I checked I wasn't. I may have tanner skin than my parents but I'm pretty sure that doesn't mean your Quileute, if it does then just about every fake tanned or naturally tanned person in the world is Quileute...DAMN half the world is Quileute, Sweet.

(Paul, Bella)

Wow babe really?

What? I was just thinking, my mind might have wondered a bit. But Paul seriously you can't say you aren't wondering the same thing. I mean really, you have to be Quileute to phase so how the hell can I be a wolf. I'm not Quileute and I can say that I am 100% positive about that fact. My parents are almost ghosts it can't be.

I don't know baby but I promise we will find out. Now are you gonna try and phase back?

I turned my head and just looked up at him giving him the "are you serious?" look. I mean come on I'm comfortable. Plus he's warm and just soft in general, like a pillow…he's the ultimate pillow pet! At that Paul let out a loud bark of a laugh.

Thanks babe.


I look to my left after hearing a whistle and then Quil starts whining, "Can we go back to Emily's now? I'm hungry." Of course with Quil he whines out the word hungry causing Paul and I to roll our eyes.

"Quil shut up! It took you hours to calm down. This is all new to Bella who had no idea that she was Quileute. Now shut the hell up or you'll do extra patrol!" Sam yells at Quil. "Jacob, run to Emily's and grab Bella some cloths, I'm sure she doesn't want to be around you guys nude, not that Paul would allow it anyways." Paul lets out a nice deep growl at that. Oh dear god that was sexy. If I were wearing panties I'm sure they'd be drenched.

~Paul POV~

Damn, I've never seen Sam go all big brother. I mean yeah he goes all Alpha and everything but he NEVER flips about people wanting food, even when someone new phases. Normally he just dismisses people and he and I or Jacob will stay behind and deal with the "fresh meat" so to speak I wonder what his issue is…

Hey babe, you wanna go get some food?

I'm too comfortable to change, and I'll be nude.

As soon as she said that Jacob was back with a light blue tank top and a light pair of denim shorts.

"Babe now you will you change back?"

Fine, but your carrying me.

With that as her last thought she got up walked over to Jacob took the clothes from his mouth and walked behind a tree. Let me tell you what view from where I was sitting was pretty damn good if you know what I mean.

A/N: Up next Sam tells Emily about Bella. While Bella confronts her parents about who her real father is.