Just an idea I had last night watching the final cutscene of FF13...


Orphan was defeated and Cocoon began to fall over Pulse.

"Stay together!" Lightning hollered, taking her comrads' hands, gripping them tightly in her own.

"Okay!" – responded Hope

"Hey! Grab my hand" – yelled Sazh

Lightning, Snow, Hope and Sazh, were floating in the air, beginning to turn into crystal.

"Fang! Vanille!" – shouted Snow as he tried to approach his hands to them.

Fang and Vanille were just a few meters below them, holding hands.

"Vanille. You sure?" – asked Fang

Vanille nodded as she smiled at the woman.

Lightning's eyes widened looking at the two girls.

'No… I lost Serah… I can't lose them too…' she thought as flashbacks came back in her mind.

She took off her hands from her friends and flew towards the two girls.

"Lightning!" – cried the silver haired boy.

"Sis! What are you doing?" – yelled the blonde man as he tried to grab the woman's hand. "Come back!"

Sazh looked at the scene. 'Soldier…' - he thought.

She approached the raiven haired woman.

"Lightning… Wh-" – said Fang as Vanille looked at the two women.

"Fang… Take care of her…" – cut off the woman as she quikly began to take off her pendant.

"Wh-what are you talking about?" – yelled the raiven haired woman.

"There's no time." – she said – "Take this". Lightning handed her pendant to Fang.

'This will be the last time' – she thought – "I promised to protect my family… And I'll keep my promise."

"Odin. Take them away." – she said as she summoned the Eidolon.

Odin grabbed Fang and Vanille. "Hey! Wait what are you doing?" – shouted Fang at the woman as she tried to break the grip.

"Lightning!" – cried Vanille.

"Go!" – ordered the pink haired woman.

Odin obeyed and flew away.

"Lightning!" – cried the two girls.

'Serah…' – thought the girl as she put her hands on her chest.

She collected all her power, trying to stop Cocoon's destruction.

She closed her eyes as her comrades were already gone.

'This is goodbye'

So...What you think? .Please don't forget to review. =)