Authors Notes: Hello and welcome to the sequel of 'Welcome to The Mad House' myself [TheStrawberryFairy] and ClippedNinja hope you both enjoy this story! As mentioned in the snippet this is set 5 years after the first story. Hope that clears up a few things

Disclaimers: we own nothing other than our own characters!

Chapter 1

It was cold, the ground was covered in a soft blanket of untouched, glistening snow as Mai climbed up the steps to Shibuya cemetery carrying a large bouquet of flowers. Coming to a stop on the steps she turned down a path that was well lined by snow covered graves that were surrounded by either bunches of flowers and other offerings from loving relatives.

Mai came to a stop in front of two graves and smiled down at them as she knelt in front of them, her knees resting in the snow. Raising a hand she wiped the snow off the front of both of them and set the flowers in front of them.

"Hey Mum, hey Dad it's me I'm sorry I haven't been up to see you for a while, a lot has happened lately" she said softly looking down at her hands where she played with the gold band around her left ring finger, the small diamond shining slightly. "Naru proposed to me, I was so happy I instantly said yes, that boosted his ego a bit as I'm sure you can imagine." She laughed slightly before pausing for a moment and sighed "I wish you could both be there at my wedding but I know deep down that you will be."

She stopped talking for a little while, deep in thought before she laughed nervously. "I must say that I had an ulterior motive for coming here today, I did infact come to tell you something… I've been feeling strange for a little while now, so Naru finally forced me to make a doctor's appointment a few weeks ago, I got the results back a few days after and it shocked me a little bit." She paused not knowing how to continue "It seems I-I'm-"

"Mai, here you are." A familiar voice called from behind her causing her to jump and turn around to see Naru standing behind her. "We were supposed to meet up in the town centre 10 minutes ago." He told her which made her gasp and look down at her wrist watch quickly.

"You're right! I'm sorry, I lost track of time" she replied standing up and going over to him giving him a quick kiss on the lips before turning back to the graves and gave a bow to her parents. "I'll see you soon mum and dad"

Standing up she noticed Naru was also bowing respectfully which made her smile as they began to walk away from the graves and back towards the stairs.

"What did you say to them?" Naru asked after a little while, which caused her to stop for a moment in panic before she started walking with him down the stairs.

"Nothing….important…what makes you ask?" she asked descending a step, watching Naru closely as he remained facing forwards.

"You've been acting very strange lately Mai." He replied simply glancing at her from the corner of his eye as she looked away blushing softly.

"R-really?" she answered quietly biting her bottom lip. Taking another step she felt herself go light as her foot left the pavement having hit a patch of ice. She closed her eyes as she began to fall only to snap them open again when she was stopped mid-fall. Gulping slightly she looked behind her where she saw Naru holding her around her waist preventing her from going any further.

"N-Naru….Thank you!" she gasped out as he brought her back on the step gently where she turned and engulfed him in a hug.

"You need to be less clumsy" he chuckled and waited for her to yell at him, which he wasn't denied of.

"Hey, it's not my fault the steps are icy!" she yelled at him crossing her arms in front of her chest. "And why are you smirking?" He replied by pulling her closer towards him and placing a kiss on her lips which instantly silenced her.

"Because; you look cute when you're angry." He whispered in her ear, which of course lead to her blushing madly at his words, a shiver running down her spine.

"W-we should probably get going, the office is already open." She stuttered pulling away from his hold where he smiled and took her hand as they continued to walk to the office.

When they reached the office they were greeted by a lot of noise, which seemed to amplify when Naru opened the door. Inside; the room was filled with laughter and Christmas Music as the whole of S.P.R put up Christmas decorations around the office. Yasuhara and Bou were busy putting up the Christmas tree while Ayako put the decorations on. Masako sat on the couch flipping through magazines while John and Madoka rummaged through boxes. Lin meanwhile was sitting at Mai's desk typing away on the computer.

A 5 year old boy appeared around the corner, a toy airplane in his hand as he ran around making plane noises; his arms rose in the style of wings. He stopped when he saw Mai and Naru standing in the door way and yelled in excitement before zooming over to them.

"Mai, Mai, Mai!" he chanted as he threw himself at Mai, who laughed slightly before engulfing the little boy in a hug.

"Hey Daichi, wow haven't you gotten to be a big boy!" she exclaimed before letting the little boy go who grinned at her with pride.

"I'm 5 now!" he replied proudly pointing to himself.

"Mai knows Daichi, she was there on your birthday remember." Ayako laughed as she walked over to Mai and gave her a hug. "It's great to see you Mai."

Daichi went to Naru and apprehensively tugged his jacket. Naru looked down at the little boy before kneeling down. "Happy Christmas Mr. Naru" Daichi said quietly.

Naru paused for a moment before he gave a small smile and lifted a hand to ruffle the kid's hair. "You too kiddo." He said softly to which Daichi grinned at him before zooming off around the office again.

"Well now, don't just lurk in the doorway come one in and help with the decorating!" Bou yelled walking over, patting Naru on the shoulder to which Naru sent him a glare that said 'don't push it'.

"Fine," Naru sighed taking off his coat and placing it on the coat rack, before taking Mai's off her.

"Wow, did 'The' Naru just agree to help us?" Yasuhara yelled from beside the Christmas tree.

"I know, I thought I was hearing things as well!" Madoka laughed as she walked over to Lin, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Very funny." Naru replied darkly as he walked over to the boxes beside John. Everyone paused for a moment before laughter broke out amongst them and soon everyone was laughing, even Lin smirked slightly but said nothing.

Mai sighed as she watched everyone go back to what they were doing. "I'll make some tea!" she announced walking towards the kitchen, where she was greeted by the sounds of varies replies of 'Yes please!' or in Daichi's case 'Can I have some juice please!' Mai grinned at the replies before she gave a nod and entered the kitchen.

Mai got out 9 cups and a plastic cup from the cupboard and set them on the table before she went over the fill the kettle up. Placing it on the hob she began preparing the tea pot, sugar dish and milk jug. The kettle had just started boiling when she heard someone enter the kitchen.

"Mai." They called which caused Mai to look quickly around and see Masako standing behind her.

"Ah, Masako I was just about to bring the tea out." Mai replied as she poured the water from the kettle into the tea pot.

"I need to talk to you about something." Masako replied watching Mai's movements.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Mai replied taking a tray out of the cupboard bellow her which she placed on the counter and began placing the cups, and pots on top of.

"I know that you're hiding something Mai….And I know what it is." Masako stated and watched as Mai stopped what she was doing then slowly turned around to face her.

"How?" She simply asked shock evident in her face.

"I sensed it, in fact I've been sensing something was different about you for a while now I'm just wondering how it is Naru hasn't sensed anything?" Masako asked which caused Mai to quickly look around Masako to make sure no one could hear; seeing that everyone was laughing and larking around with each other, she knew they were safe.

"I've been hiding it from him." She sighed looking away from Masako.

"Why, this will affect him just as much as it will affect you, why haven't you told him." Masako asked moving closer to Mai

"Because...I'm worried about how he will react…" Mai explained quietly which caused Masako to smile softly at her.

"I can guarantee that he will not be mad with you, he loves you too much for that…as much as it pains me to say." She told Mai. "You need to tell him Mai, it's only fair."

Masako placed a hand on Mai's shoulder before she walked out of the room, surprisingly carrying the jug of Milk. Mai watched her go with a small smile, her brain absorbing her words while her mind thought of ways to tell him.

Whatever way it wouldn't be easy…

Strawberry: There we go chapter one is done!

Clipped: Yay! We got it done on time!

Strawberry: Yep Yep! And everyone can expect another chapter tomorrow on CHRISTMAS!

Clipped: wow this is going quickly….Anyway please read and review!

Strawberry: we'll love you for it!
