Disclaimer: I wish I was as great as Kelly Armstrong, but sadly, I am not, which means that I do not own Darkest powers, or the characters.

Chapter one, Cpov

We were trying to think up somewhere to stay, as the possibility of just roaming around to different motels did not interest any of us. Kit kept thinking of friends we could stay with, but then dismissing them because of how far they were from us, or because of other factors. Nobody else seemed able to think of anything. Realistically, what could we say even if we thought of someone? 'Hey, were on the run from a Cabul, which is sort of like a supernatural mafia.' Who in their right minds would help us then? Suddenly I had a light bulb moment. I could not believe I had not thought of it earlier.

"I know someone we can stay with!" I exclaimed. Derek and the others looked over at me like I had grown a third head. True, it was supposed to be Kit and Aunt Lauren deciding where to go, but still… "I have these friends-"I started, but got no further.

"That's awful sweet Chloe," Kit said, "but I think we need somewhere more-"

"They have a place we can stay and they wouldn't ask any questions. We could stay there for a few days at least. They won't call my Dad or anyone else." Kit seemed reluctant to answer me one way or another. I could see he did not want to say yes. "We wouldn't even be in their way most of the time, since they'll be gone most of the day." I kept trying. Derek gave my hand a squeeze, but I could tell he was siding with his father in this argument. "At least let me call them. They might be able to help us. They live close to here." I begged.

Which is how I ended up calling from the payphone about two minutes before we left. Derek was with me. The phone rang…and rang…and rang.

"Pick up!" I whispered.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhatttttt!" Came a very groggy voice from the other end of the line. I was sleeping!" I knew that voice instantly.

"Miki! Do not hang up ok. It's Chloe"

"Chloe…Chloe…." She did not remember me. Not good.

"Pass the phone to Addie." I said. The phone was passed.

"Yo." Addie said. "Miki says it's you Chloe, what do you need?" She asked.

"I was wondering if you guys were still at the house in the woods."

"Yeeeeeeeeaaah…" Addie drew out the word. "Are you coming for a visit?"

"Yes, yes I am. Just checking that it's ok."

"Oh hell yes!" Addie exclaimed, and I smiled. So now, we had a place to stay, but we still had a problem. The Cabul would not just give up on us. How were we going to defeat them?

Please read and rate! First ever Fanfic. Tell me what you think, and lend Ideas.