Disclaimer: Everything that you recognize is not mine.

Harry Potter and the Fifth House

Chapter 1: Diagon Alley

Harry was sitting on the floor of a raggedy boat in the middle of a storm thinking about everything that had happened so far. His mind was reeling with everything that he had learned.

Magic was real

Harry was a wizard

There was a whole community of people like him

Many people wanted him dead

He had killed or temporarily vanquished the worst dark lord in history, Lord Voldemort

Harry rubbed his head. He really needed an Aspirin. He also couldn't (unfortunately) sneak into his Aunt's medicine cabinet or handbag as his Uncle Vernon had confiscated everything that might let the "freaks" track his family. This included everything from cell phones to nail polish.

It was 8:00am of August 1st. Harry now only had to wait 15 more minutes for Hagrid to arrive and take him to Diagon Alley.

Harry still sat thinking and started to make a list of everything that had happened so far so that he could analyze it and determine the best course of action. Time with the Dursleys had made Harry grow up before his time and he now (an 11 year old) had the mentality of a 14 year old.

Lost in his thoughts, Harry jumped when he heard the door falling down yet again. Hagrid had arrived.

" 'Ello, Harry," Hagrid's booming voice called out.

"Hello Hagrid," Harry replied back, still somewhat cautiously. "Are we going to go get my school supplies now?"

"You betcha," Hagrid called back. "We're goin' to Diagon Alley to getcha everything you need."

"Hagrid," Harry said somewhat calmly, "I'm truly sorry- I never thought to thank you for everything yesterday with everything that was on my mind. Please forgive me."

"That's all right, Harry. Yeh don't even need to apologize. I'm sure I wouldn't 'ave even remembered today if I were you."

And so, Harry and Hagrid made their way to Diagon Alley.

"Now what do we have left, Hagrid?" Harry asked, slightly tired from the trip.

"The three best- Flourish and Blotts for books, the pet store, me personal favorite, and Ollivander's, the best wand maker around. Then we'll head to Gringotts an' you can get your money to pay Professor Dumbledore back."

"Why didn't we go to Gringotts first, Hagrid?"

"The line was too long- I'm hoping it will short'n a bit first."

As they headed into Flourish and Blotts, Harry took note of his surroundings once more. He was still amazed by everything that had occurred, but he now wanted to try to see everything from a new viewpoint. He had done this whenever his Aunt and Uncle had hit him. Harry then closed his eyes and cleared his head. He imagined he was a spectator of his life rather than himself and once again and felt the transparent barrier start to form within his mind. He looked around him with his feelings all gone- wiped out from his body along with his mind. It was in this way that Harry didn't get excited from all the books as he normally would have- he only eyed everything as if it was a pillow or a shoe, that is to say, normally. Harry did this to calm down as he was sure that he would be brimming with excitement if he looked normally. Alas, he was right- when Harry dropped the shield, he almost started to jump in joy. He was singing inside himself.

Harry then let Hagrid do his shopping for his 1st year books while grabbing the second, third and fourth year ones along with some extra books on wards, arithmancy, defense against the dark arts, transfiguration, and charms. Harry then stealthily paid for his extra books with the money Hagrid had given him and was about to leave when a book came flying over to him. It was called How to Embrace your inner Animagus and it was by Prongs, Padfoot, Moony, and Wormtail. It had a picture of a stag, grim, wolf, and rat on the front. After the shopkeeper told Harry that it had never done that before, Harry decided to buy it along with seven other books by the same authors. These books were ridiculously expensive but Harry decided to buy them because they were entitled Hogwarts Prank Masters, Year 1, Hogwarts Prank Masters, Year 2 and so on to year seven.

After purchasing all of Harry's books, Hagrid took him to the pet shop.

"Hagrid, I know that the letter says that we're allowed only one pet, but can you allow more as the gamekeeper?"

"Sure, Harry. I've got the right to 'llow anyone as many pets as they want if I choose to."

"Would you allow me to get more than one?"

"Of course. The more animals I see people with, the 'appier I am.

"Thanks, Hagrid."

"Think nothin' of it."

And so, at the pet shop, Harry spotted a white owl that was calling to him. He automatically decided to buy her as she was the nicest owl in the store in Harry's opinion and he needed an owl to carry mail.

"Hagrid, I've found my owl," Harry said, "but I can't find any other pets. are there any less common ones? I don't mind if they're dangerous."

Now Hagrid was positively beaming. "Sure Harry, but lets go to Knockturn Alley later. I'll explain after.

"Oh, alright," Harry said dejectedly.

Hagrid then made a split second decision. "Fine, we can go now, but some people in Knockturn Alley aren't 'de nicest of people. Hold on to me hand tightly and what ever happens, don't let go."

"Thanks Hagrid," Harry said happily.

At the pet shop in Knockturn Alley, Harry eyed many dangerous creatures and was yet again in heaven. He took one look around and just grinned. Harry then decided exactly what he wanted the second he looked at it. It was a tiny snake that was about the size of Harry's wrist. Harry was about to go look at it when all of a sudden the animals inside stood extremely still. Harry's new owl sat in the middle of the room. She suddenly flew over to a large basilisk, a death by eye contact snake, holding all of Harry's new potion vials. It closed its eyes and bowed down almost reverently to the owl. It then spat some venom into a potions vial. Harry, Hagrid, and the store owner only watched in shock.

The owl then flew over to a Nemean Lion. It also looked relevantly upon the bird and donated two hairs from its pelt. Harry remembered from stories that the pelt of a Nemean Lion was not penetrable. The owl and a black raven then donated two tail feathers each along with two hairs from a stag and two hairs from a deer. These animals all dropped their hairs at Harry's feet. The next animal that came was a bony horse called a thestrial. It too dropped two hairs. A griffin then walked over and dropped two hairs from its tail and two feathers from its head. Next came an acromantula which dribbled venom into another vial. A sphinx then donated two hairs along with along with a kneazle. A Hungarian Horntail from another part of the store then dropped two hairs as well. Next, a Roonspoor gave venom from its right head and two scales each from the other two. After, a Unicorn stabbed itself and put its willingly given blood in another vial along with two hairs. Two other dragons then came out of the other room and gave two scales each. These dragons were a Norwegian Ridgeback and a Peruvian Vipertooth. Next, the small snake that Harry was looking at in the beginning, a coral snake, gave a scale. Finally, Harry's owl gave two feathers. Thinking it was the end, they all broke out of their shock only to be put back into it by the owl disappearing in a flash of white light and reappearing as a Phoenix. The phoenix then gave two feathers and turned back into an owl. The owl then flew over to Harry and deposited the venoms. Finally, a crumple horned snorkack scraped its horn on the wall and placed the scrapings next to Harry.

"Merlin's pants!" the shopkeeper yelled and fled the room.

"Hagrid," Harry asked hesitantly, "what was that?"

"I have no idea," Hagrid replied completely dazed.

The owl gave off a white flash and turned into a phoenix again. She said into Harry's mind, "Hello."

Harry jumped but then realized that it was the phoenix. "Hello," he replied back in his brain. "First of all, what's your name."

The phoenix answered in her melodious voice, "I'm Hedwig. I'm assuming you want to know what just happened?

"That would be nice, but could you speak out loud so that Hagrid can hear too?"

"Of course."

"Hello Hagrid," Hedwig said. Hagrid, having realized that it was the phoenix, said hello back.

"I'm going to explain to you what just happened," Hedwig said. "As I am a royal phoenix, I can command any animal to do anything. I just commanded the animals to see which fit your wand type. If they fit your wand type, they each gave two feathers, scales, horn, or venom. I did this so that you have a perfectly fitting wand."

"Thank you," Harry said.

"You're welcome. Now, two things. For one, I would recommend buying the corral snake and the crumple horned snorkack. For two, you must take all of the ingredients to Ollivander. He will know what to do with them and will make you a wand, but please tell him that he can keep the extra venoms if he takes the crumple horned snorkack horn, powders it, puts some in your wand, but takes the rest and makes a wand out of unicorn hair, the powdered crumple horned snorkack horn and cherry wood. After buying the crumple horned snorkack, you must bring it on the train as a gift to the person that recognizes it. As I am a phoenix, I deal with time and know what happens in the future. The person you are gifting this to is named Luna Lovegood and she will become a great friend. Next, you were given two of everything for a reason. You must have two wands made out of the same materials. Lastly, you must also buy the wand that fits you that is premade in Ollivander's. You will use this wand only when you want to escape from Voldemort's clutches if he ever captures you. By the way, you will only be able to understand me when I am in phoenix form, but I can understand you in owl form as well. That is all."

"Thank you, Hedwig," Harry said trying to portray how sincere he was.

Inside Ollivander's, Ollivander was nearly having a heart attack. Harry and Hagrid had just told him (by putting the memory in a pensieve) what had happened. This was the opportunity of a life time.

Ollivander then said to Harry, "Please give me all of the materials. I will make your wands, but they will take two days. They will cost 50 galleons apiece, but I will only charge you fifty galleons for all three wands because this is the best opportunity I've had in a while, Mr. Potter."

"Thank you sir," Harry said.

Ollivander replied, "No need to thank me, Mr. Potter. You were destined to do great things with these wands. They are a perfect balance between light and dark creatures and symbolize your ability to balance them out. Now, for your premade wand, try this."

Harry tried out wands for about a half hour, but couldn't find any that were right for him.

"I wonder," Ollivander said. "Try this. It's holly and phoenix feather."

Harry tried the wand and his whole body radiated power.

"Curious... curious.."

"Sorry," said Harry, "but what's curious?" Mr. Ollivander fixed Harry with his pale stare.

"I remember every wand I've ever sold, Mr. Potter. Every single wand. It so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather is in your wand, gave another feather - just one other. It is very curious indeed that you should be destined for this wand when its brother why, its brother gave you that scar."

Harry gulped. "Does that symbolize anything?"

"Nothing other than the fact that you can become as powerful as you-know-who some day. And that, Mr. Potter, is a lot of power. You can even exceed his power- this combination shows only that a person is powerful, it does not show how powerful the person can be." Mr. Ollivander said. "Please come back in two days to pick up all of your wands."

Two days later…

"First stop," Harry said to Hagrid as they entered Diagon Alley once more, "Gringotts."

"Hagrid, what are these… things?" Harry asked Hagrid as they entered Gringotts.

"These, Harry, are Goblins. They appreciate it if you're polite." You go inside, but I'll stay here- the carts make me sick.

Harry then walked up to a teller and held out his key. "Hello, sir. I'm here to access the Potter vault."

"Right this way, Mr. Potter," his teller, Griphook, said.

"Yes sir, and thank you."

Griphook turned to face him. "You are an unusual wizard, Mr. Potter."

"Why is that, Sir?"

"You treat me as if I am a person and not as if I am dirt on the floor as most other wizards do."

Harry replied, "Then you can't have met many decent wizards."

Griphook gave an odd half smile, "a very unusual wizard."

After withdrawing funds from his vault, Harry asked Griphook if his mother had a vault.

Griphook replied, "Your mother, Lily Evans, was thought to be muggleborn, and as such, never claimed her inheritances. As both your parents are dead and they both were purebloods (no matter that one thought she was a muggleborn) you can inherit both of their vaults and upon inheriting them, you become for all purposes, an adult. You can own a house, claim your Wizengamot seat (your government seat) if you want, and use magic outside of school."

"I'd like to claim my inheritance, please," Harry replied, his eyes shining with excitement.

"Right this way, Mr. Potter."

Harry and Griphook were now inside an office.

"I need to prick your finger, Mr. Potter, to determine which vaults are yours," Griphook said.

Harry held out his hand and his finger was pricked.

"Here is the list, Mr. Potter," Griphook said.

"I don't mean to be disrespectful, but could you please call me Harry? I look around for someone else when you say Mr. Potter."

"Of course."

List of Families that "Harry Potter" is the Head of

The Potter family (paternal)

The Gryffindor family (paternal)

The Hufflepuff family (paternal)

The Ravenclaw family (maternal)

The Slytherin family (through defeat of heir)

Merlin (Father of Godric Gryffindor and Salizar Slytherin)

The Black family (through being named by the head who is in Azkaban)

List of Owned Properties

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

This enables you to command anyone including the headmaster inside the school (You can override the Governors).

You can command Hogwarts itself (it is sentient) to make more rooms, evict people, give people or things protection…

Godric's hollow cottage

#12 Grimauld place

Merlin's mansion

Holds all of Merlin's notes and is hidden by methods greater than the Fidelus charm.

Say the words, "Merlin's toenails" and you will be portkeyed there.

"Wow," Harry said.

"I think that 'wow' just about sums it up, Harry," Griphook said.

"It's a good thing I didn't come here two days ago," Harry said, "I only know what these things mean because of my reading last night."

"Very well, Harry, have a nice day," Griphook dismissed Harry.

"Thanks, and to you too," Harry replied.