Hi, Minna-san! The moment you have been waiting for is finally here! *Drum rolls* Without further ado, I hope you will enjoy this KZ goodness :)

Warnings: AU, boy/boy soft lemon, angst. Read at your own risk.

Beta: Gwen Truong

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot

Chapter 13: Making Memory

The family room of the Kuran household was filled with laughter, an after effect of the Kuran heir's Middle School graduation ceremony. King Rido and Queen Shizuka were sitting across Haruka and Juuri on a U-shape leather couch. They were reminiscing their sons' accomplishments and memorable childhood.

"Can you believe Zero is starting high school in a week?" said Shizuka excitedly. "It feels like yesterday I gave birth to him."

"Yeah, I still remember holding little Zero in my arms. He looked like an angel," Rido gazed far away as he recalled holding newborn Zero for the first time. It was one of the happiest and proudest moments in his life.

"Look at him now, he has grown to be a fine young man." Rido said proudly.

"Indeed." Haruka smiled. "He will make a perfect bride for Kaname."

"And Kaname will make a perfect husband for Zero. He is such a gentleman, and he has loved Zero for as long as I remember. They will make one happy couple. I can't wait for their wedding!" Juuri clasped her hands and her red-wine orbs were beaming with excitement.

"Me too!" Shizuka expressed the same excitement. "We should start planning their wedding!"

The Kuran ladies giggled while the men shook their heads.

"Ladies... Zero hasn't even started high school yet. Chill out!" Rido reminded them, smiling at their enthusiasm, though he was also looking forward for the wedding of the century.

More laughter filled the air as they recalled how cute Zero was as a child, how his innocence always made them smile or embarrassed Kaname and Senri. Rido and Haruka listened patiently as Shizuka and Juuri excitedly shared their dream wedding plans for their sons, unaware that a young brunette had overheard their entire conversation.

Senri went to his room as soon as Kaname left with unconscious Zero in his arms. He sat on his bed and attempted to read a book. He had turned pages after pages for the last two hours, but no matter how hard he tried to concentrate nothing was registered in his head. The image of Kaname intimately biting Zero's neck and how the bonded purebloods held each other during the sealing ceremony were still fresh in his mind. Senri understood they only acted on instinct, but he couldn't help feeling jealous. O how he wished it was him who chanted the sealing spell, bit Zero's neck, caught Zero in his arms when he passed out, and carried him to his room. He would have been with Zero now, spending a memorable time before going to Cross Academy. But he didn't get that privilege just because he was not the firstborn. It's so unfair!

And their parents! How could they be so insensitive to his feelings? Didn't they know he could hear them? He was a pureblood, for goodness sake! Even though his room was five doors away from the family room he could still hear them. They were so loud, especially his Mom and Aunt. How could they enthusiastically planned Kaname's and Zero's grand wedding? It was still at least four years away!

To say that Senri was upset was an understatement. He was angry, sad, disappointed, but most of all deeply hurt. Their parents knew he loved Zero no less than Kaname loved him, he had loved Zero since the day of his birth. He had always dreamed both Kaname and him would wait at the altar as their beloved Zero was walking down the aisle on their wedding day. But that dream would never come true, because only Kaname had the right to be Zero's husband. Couldn't Shizuka and Juuri have waited until they left for Cross Academy to discuss the wedding? Couldn't they have spared his feelings?

Two droplets of tears fell on the page, interrupting Senri from his sulking. How long had he been crying? He didn't even realize it! And now that he's back to reality, he could feel his chest hurting, like it had been hit by a ton of bricks. He brought one hand to his chest and gripped his white silk shirt.

'It hurts... It hurts so much...' he cried harder. 'Why can't it be me? I love you so much Zero... I can never love anyone else and I don't want anyone else but you...'

He placed his book on the nightstand and lied chest down on the bed, burying his face on the pillow and crying his heart out.

'I won't be satisfied with just being your paramour...'

Tears soaked the pristine pillow sheet.

Would his pain go away if he cried himself to sleep...

- KZ -

The Kuran heir's room was quiet. Both inhabitants were unaware of their parents' heated conversation and a sulking brunette; they were sleeping in each other's arms in the king-sized bed.
Zero curled like an infant; his right cheek was touching Kaname's left one. One of Kaname's arms wrapped under Zero's neck and the other was hugging his slim waist. Their breathing was even, both their faces reflected peace.

Sun was setting; bright orange hue peaked through the lavender velvet curtain and fell on Kaname's closed eyelids, awaking him from his peaceful sleep. His head shifted slightly to avoid the disturbing ray; red wine orbs opened wide when he felt a soft flesh touching his lips. At first his vision was blurry, then he realized it was due to his very close proximity to his beloved. His lips were touching his beloved's soft cheek and his vision was blocked by a mop of silver hair. Kaname tried to remember how they ended up sleeping in Zero's bed in a very intimate position and smiled upon remembering they had fallen asleep after exchanging heated kisses.

Kaname moved his head back, keeping just enough distance from Zero's face so he could observe his beautiful sleeping face, while his arms were still wrapped protectively around his mate. He never got tired of looking at Zero, especially his sleeping face. They seldom share a bed after Zero's tenth birthday, not only because they had grown up but also because Kaname had to stay at Cross Academy until he finished his study. Therefore he really treasured this rare moment, which was waking up next to a sleeping Zero.

Zero was the definition of beauty. His long silver eyelashes peaked from soft silver strands, his pale skin was without blemish, and red plump lips were inviting to be kissed. But above all he had a pure heart; Zero was such a gentle and kind young man, who had never had and would never hurt a single soul.

'He is so beautiful inside and outside. I am so fortunate to have him as my mate...' thought Kaname.

Kaname gazed down at Zero's slender neck, admiring the smooth pale skin. Feeling the urge to touch that inviting skin, he removed his hand from the slim waist and reached out to the skin where his mark of ownership used to be, caressing it gently.

Zero stirred and moaned in his sleep. His head turned away from Kaname's, stretching the smooth pale skin of his neck. Blue veins underneath were exposed; blood flow was clear to any vampire's eyes, screaming "Bite me."

Kaname was mesmerized; his eyes were drawn to those inviting veins. His head moved inch by inch closer and soon his lips met the soft skin. He gave tender kisses along Zero's jaw line then slowly kissed down to the crook of his neck, sucking the skin along the process. The veins underneath made the skin feel warm on his lips, and the thumping of pulse was music to his ears. The beast within him got excited; red-wine orbs turned crimson and white canines elongated, ready to take a bite.

Stop. His sane self warned him.

I want his blood. The beast insisted.

You can't.

Why not? He is my mate.

He is human now. He will turn back to vampire if you bite him. Didn't you promise to protect him?

Kaname bit his lower lip; the sharp pain returning him back to his senses. He sat up and looked away, trying to calm himself and silently thank his gentle side for warning him. Crimson orbs gradually returned to their original color.

Zero stirred and opened his eyes; sleepy lavender orbs turned to a surprised look when they caught sight of Kaname biting his own lip hard until it was covered with blood.

"Kaname..." Zero slowly sat up until their eyes met. "Stop hurting yourself."

Zero caressed Kaname's left cheek and brought his face closer until their lips touched. He licked Kaname's bottom lip and sucked it gently, the red substance tasted bitter in his mouth. He didn't part their lips after all the blood was cleaned, instead he wrapped both his arms around the brunette's neck and pushed the soft flesh with his tongue, seeking entrance. Kaname returned the embrace and parted his lips, pushing his own tongue inside Zero's mouth. Their tongues danced and lips locked for a passionate kiss. In the midst of passion Kaname remembered not to bite Zero's tongue and draw blood.

As their kisses became more heated Kaname's hands went down to Zero's slim waist and slipped inside the silk shirt. He gently caressed the lower back, then gradually moved up along the spine and traced gentle circles all over his back. Zero shivered, no one had ever touched him, not even Kaname who had all the right to do so. This was a completely new experience, his skin became highly sensitive to Kaname's gentle touches and was covered with goosebumps. The arms around Kaname's neck tightened, Zero's manhood was erected. Pre-cum leaked from the tip of his erection, wetting his underwear. Zero was embarrassed; he broke their kiss and gazed shyly at his lover, his cheeks were flushed from ear to ear.

Kaname smiled in understanding, he took Zero's right hand and led it to his crotch. Zero's cheeks turned furious red when his palm met the tightness in Kaname's pants. The brunette guided Zero's fingers inside, the silverette was embarrassed beyond words when his fingers felt pre-cum on the tip of Kaname's hard shaft. He tried to pull away, but Kaname held his hand still.

Red-wine and lavender orbs met; Zero's heart rate sped up as Kaname's free hand unzipped his pants and slid them down to the ground, freeing the hard shaft. Long fingers smeared the pre-cum on its head and wrapped around the hardness, stroking it in a slow and steady rhythm. Zero moaned as he threw his head back; his hips rocking and slender hands pumping Kaname's length in the same rhythm. Kaname shuddered, no one but himself had ever touched his manhood; Zero's gentle fondling sent electricity to his head.

As he was nearing climax Kaname picked up Zero by the waist and sat him on his naked lap; he spread Zero's legs and wrapped them around his hips. He took both their erections in his hands and rubbed them together, pre-cum was dripping and sleeking their entire lengths. Zero embraced Kaname's neck tightly as if his life was dependent on it; his buttocks tightened and moved in sync with Kaname's. Both were panting hard as they sped up; their foreheads were covered in sweat. They climaxed together and screamed in unison as white semen covered Kaname's hand. Zero felt so high that his head collapsed on Kaname's shoulder. The brunette hugged him with his clean hand then kissed the back of Zero's head and rested his chin on it. Silence enveloped them as the bonded purebloods were embracing their intimacy and cooling themselves down from their first ever heated passion.

"Let's clean up and get ready." Kaname said softly and pat Zero's back.

He gave Zero a quick peck on the forehead and grabbed a tissue from the nightstand, cleaning his cum-covered hand and their now limp members then threw the tissue in the bin. He wrapped one arm around Zero's armpit and another under his knees then slowly stood up, carrying his beloved bride-to-be to the en-suite bathroom. Zero embraced Kaname's neck and pulled himself up, snuggling his cheek on the brunette's chest and gazing at the red-wine orbs with love.

"Kaname..." Zero called shyly.


"Mmm... Can we touch each other again sometimes? It felt really good when you touched me until I cum..." Zero's cheeks flushed but his gaze didn't falter; he was looking at Kaname with anticipation.

"Of course, Love. We can make out for as many times as you wish."

Kaname smiled lovingly as he entered the shower and gently put Zero down. He discarded both their shirts and turned on the warm water.

"In fact..."

He caressed Zero's naked back and showered his neck with tender kisses, a soft moan escaped from the silverette's lips.

"Let's do it again right now..."


Kaname was in a very happy mood. After 14 years of waiting he finally became intimate with Zero the way fiancés were supposed to be, not only once but twice on their very first time. Though they didn't go all the way Kaname was very content as he thought of the many more intimacy they would share years ahead and the ultimate reward when they would eventually lose virginity to each other.

Zero was in cloud nine. He just did it with Kaname, his fiance! It all started with an innocent kiss, but the atmosphere at the time was just right, everything just happened naturally. It was perfect! This special day would forever be carved into his memory. And Kaname said they could do it again for as many times as he wished. Life at Cross Academy wouldn't be so bad if he could still make more memories with Kaname.

The happy lovebirds walked hand in hand to the living room where their family had been waiting to see them off. Zero excitedly chatted about how happy he was to go to the same school as Kaname and Senri. He also asked about the school and its students, and what kinds of things to do there. Kaname patiently listened and answered his questions. The couple was so into their conversation and so happy that everyone in the living room could feel their happy aura even before they were approaching.

"Hi Nii-san, Zero, you look so happy."

Senri gave a sarcastic remark and forced a smile as they entered, but no one realized it because everyone was still too excited about Zero starting high school. Up until the bonded pureblood's arrival Shizuka and Juuri were still discussing how perfect Kaname and Zero were for each other. They seemed to have forgotten that Zero had another man that he loved equally, they had forgotten about him! He was sad, not only because he had seemed to be forgotten, but also he didn't get a chance to make a memory with Zero on their last few hours home. He imagined what Zero was doing with Kaname in his room. From their expression and aura he was guessing something good must had happened. He wondered if Zero thought about him while with Kaname.

'Maybe not,' he thought sadly. For a moment his eyes turned sad but he recovered quickly.

Fortunately or unfortunately for him, no one realized how he truly felt for he hid it so well behind those calm smile and blue orbs.

"Hi Senri, how are you?"

Zero released Kaname's hand and approached Senri, hugging his waist and kissing his lips. If Senri was surprised he didn't show it; he returned the hug and kiss. Like medicine Zero's kiss made him feel a little better.

"You don't look well, Senri." Kaname was the one who noticed his tired eyes.

Zero broke the kiss and observed Senri, lavender orbs widened upon seeing the dark circles under his eyes.

"Ah, Senri. Are you okay?" Zero gripped his hands firmly and looked at him with worry.

Senri gave a small smile and pat Zero's hair.

"I'm fine, Angel. I just didn't get enough sleep. I will be fine after taking a nap in the plane." He reassured Zero.

"Are you sure?" Zero raised his eyebrows and continued to observe him.

"I am very sure."

Senri kissed Zero's hair and embraced him tightly as if he would lose him if he let go. Zero thought Senri was acting strange, they'd hugged a lot but Senri had never hugged him so tight until he was feeling suffocated. He wondered why Senri acted this way and started to recall events since their arrival. As far as he remembered the only events taking place were his graduation ceremony and sealing ritual. He didn't remember what happened after he was sealed, and just an hour ago he was awaken in his bed with a bleeding Kaname.

"You can only have one bonding ceremony and one wedding. Once you succeed me as King, Kaname will be King Consort..."

Rido's words suddenly echoed in his mind, and he remembered Senri's disappointed look. He also remembered the sad look in a pair of blue orbs when Kaname bit him.

'Of course! How could I have forgotten?'

Zero mentally slapped himself.

'Senri must still feel sad although I had reassured him that we will always be together.'

Zero returned Senri's embrace with the same tightness and buried his head on Senri's shoulder, as if comforting him that they would never lose each other. After what seemed like an eternity he looked up and whispered to his ear.

"I will always love you, Senri."

Senri loosened the hug and turned his head to the side, blue orbs saw sincerity in those beautiful lavender eyes. He couldn't help smiling from the bottom of his heart.

"Me to, Zero. I will always love you."

'Yes, as long as we love each other the three of us will be fine,' Senri tried to convince himself.

Kaname watched the whole scene in silence. He was feeling indescribable sadness seeing Zero and Senri holding each other like there was no tomorrow, and whispering sweet 'I will always love you' to each other. His chest hurt, it really hurt to know that he alone would never be enough for Zero. He felt like crying but held his tears back. His fiance should never know how he truly felt. He had accepted that half of Zero's heart belonged to Senri and they would be spending time together. As long as Zero was happy, everything else didn't matter.

Kaname approached them and offered a hand to Zero.

"It's time."

Zero took it and the three of them walked toward their parents who were waiting to see them off at the Palace's entrance. After exchanging hugs and kisses, Haruka and Juuri wished Zero good luck for his new journey at Cross Academy. Rido gave him a white gold necklace with a 'K' pendant made from red ruby.

"It's something to remind you of us when you are homesick. Since Kiryuu has the same initial, no one would suspect that you are the Kuran heir."

"Thank you Otou-san." Zero meant thank you for not only the momento but also for thinking of his safety.

Shizuka gave him an album containing family pictures as well as pictures which highlighted his life from birth to present, including a picture of him running around the house in a nude-colored neko outfit. Everyone went "Oooooo" and said he was so cute, causing him to blush. Did he really do that when he was little? It was so embarrassing!

"Thank you, Okaa-san," Zero's eyes were in tears and he hugged the album to his chest. "I will treasure this."

Shizuka kissed his cheeks and pat his shoulder.

"Take care, Zero."

Zero nodded and left the palace with Kaname and Senri by his sides. They entered the limousine and sat in one row, Zero seated in the middle. Now that the time had come he felt really nervous. What would it be like to live as human in a foreign place? Would there be any danger? Would he survive?

His uncertainty disappeared when he felt a squeeze in both hands. Kaname and Senri were looking at him with assuring eyes. He nodded at them and smiled.

Yes... I will be fine as long as Kaname and Senri are by my sides...

The End

to be continued in


Posted 2/27/13