Merry Christmas, everyone! Here's a little present for you. I literally wrote this in 6 minutes. It was just a little idea that didn't leave my head, so of course I had to make it a fic! It's just a little fluff, and I hope it will make you giggle. Enjoy!

"Ron, I wanted to talk to you about the guest list for the wedding." Hermione was sitting in the living room of the Burrow on the couch with her feet curled under her. She held a notebook filled with pages and pages of precise notes.

Ron groaned as he joined her. "Hermione, I've told you a million times, I don't care what my mum says, Muriel is not coming to our wedding! I honestly can't believe the old hag is still alive."

Hermione shook her head, amused. "That's not it, although I must say I agree. Anyways, Ron, I want to invite Viktor."


"Yes, Krum. Do we know any other Viktors?"

Ron jumped up off the couch and turned to face his fiancée. "Let me get this straight. You want Krum at our wedding?"

"Yes!" Hermione exclaimed exasperatedly.

"You seriously want Vicky to watch us… get… married…" But Ron's voice trailed off, and a grin was spreading across his face. "It's brilliant!"

"Ron?" Hermione asked, uncertain.



"He can come." Ron walked away, muttering, "Then he can see the best man really won. He can watch Hermione Granger become Hermione Weasley and not Krum! Yeah, that will show Vicky, the git…"