Billi, I tried so hard to make your piece a standalone, but it just wouldn't cooperate. With that said when I was nearing the end of Kisses on Friday and trying to decide where to go next, I tossed around a few ideas in some of our back and forth messages. Well your holiday gift fic, just helped nail down where to go. So one I apologize that the end is not a complete end and will lead to a longer fic. Two it's a little all over because it's setting up a new story. Either way I hope you enjoy...and coming soon the rest of this fic...

Rules of the Chase

"Rule number one," Caroline held up one perfectly glossy black manicured nail as she stalked around Bonnie and Elena, "Do not mention anyone with the last name Salvatore or Lockwood."

Elena chimed in, "Rule number two," She slid into the middle of the lopsided circle the girls' bodies made, "Vampires, werewolves, and magic are totally off limits."

Finally Bonnie spoke up, crooked grin lighting her face, "The final rule – have fun."

There was time for one last make up check, bra adjustment, and a few cloud bursts of expensive perfume that the girls walked through as they emerged from the shadows, heels clicking against the pavement, bangles on their arms dangling, and the breath of nearby men escaping their lungs as they watched Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie enter the dimly lit bar. There was no need for magic or superhuman strength tonight. They were three friends on a mission – rediscovery.

Rule number one went unbroken but it was obvious the company they kept when they settled on three empty stools and placed their order.

Elena requested a simple tumbler of bourbon, neat, Caroline asked for a shot of tequila, and Bonnie wanted a frosty mug of whatever they had on tap. The men in their lives were part of them, regardless of how hard they tried to maintain separate existences.

The glasses chimed as they clunked them together in a messy toast, beer and alcohol spilled on each of their hands and they hurried to clean it up with lips and tongues. Each unaware of the increasing audience they drew.

"I think we should go to Cabo for our senior trip." Caroline flagged down the bartender and pointed towards the empty shot glass before turning to her friends with an accomplished grin on her face, "Sun, surf, sand, and clubs it would be beyond awesome. Seriously, I'm talking borderline amazing here."

Bonnie took a sip of her beer cringing at the over powering taste of hops, she couldn't state the obvious, baby vamp on the loose in a foreign country, yeah Care bear wouldn't have responded well to that remark. So she took a different approach with her best friend.

"And how would Sheriff Forbes feel about her one and only baby girl all the way across the continental United States, just below the California – Mexico border without parental supervision?" She dropped her voice to a whisper and leaned in, "Caro, please don't say senior again before we get carded and arrested for underage drinking."

"Actually, I was leaning more towards Italy with my vote for our senior trip selection."

Elena swirled the amber liquid around in her glass, still refusing to take a drink, and giving little thought to what she'd just said.

Bonnie and Caroline groaned in unison before repeating, "Rule number one states…"

The offender threw her hands up in the air, eyes stretched, shaking her head in disagreement with the accusation, "I didn't mention anyone by name."

Bonnie scoffed, "Italy Elena, no name is needed, are they pulling names from a hat or are both brothers invited…decisions…decisions…"

"Friends don't hurt with their words Bonnie." Elena crossed her arms over her chest and leveled an intense gaze at her verbal attacker.

"Friends don't totally disregard a fifteen year friendship for a dick either."

Caroline stood by watching helplessly as the girls night tumbled towards disaster.

"No they just get marked by a filthy beast, have unprotected sex, and take pregnancy tests every other month because they think they're knocked up."

Bonnie jumped from her stool, pulled on her coat, "Fuck you Elena and every vampire you've fucked or plan on fucking before you die."

"That's it." Caroline's high pitch screech silenced the arguing girls and most of the conversations around them before she returned to a hushed tone, "I can't believe the two of you. Elena stop being such a self – righteous bitch and Bonnie learn how to tell people what's bothering you instead of bottling it all up." She swallowed her shot, "And by the way – rule number one amended to include all inferences of anyone with the last name Lockwood or Salvatore."

"I hate you Caroline Forbes." Elena muttered under her breath.

"No you don't, that's just sobriety talking, drink the friggin' alcohol already - don't play with it."

The brunette followed instructions, slamming back the liquid, wheezing just a little as it burned her throat and chest, before happily smashing the glass against the counter and requesting, "Another."

Elena's eyes drifted to where Bonnie still stood hugging herself tightly.

"B, I didn't mean to hurt you."

Tears were glistening in the corners of the girl's green eyes as she stepped closer, "I thought we were past all of this." She motioned to the air around them, "I don't want to fight with you anymore…I just want us…"

"This is why we should totally go to Cabo, sans guys, just us…" Brown and green eyes met the bubbling happiness in Caroline's, "Pretty please."

The three gathered together, each putting a pinky finger in before mumbling, "Okay."


They were fine until random drinks started to be delivered from every direction. There was vodka, gin, and even a little cognac. Cocktails with the names that made them blush and connotations that should have been left in the local sex shop. They guzzled each and every one, sharing sips among friends, relishing in the warmth the liquor created in their bodies.

It still would have been okay, if the speakers didn't begin to pound with suggestive rhythms causing Bonnie to disappear to the dance floor, Caroline to climb on top of the bar, and Elena to giggle incessantly from her perch on the stool.

The first settled beside Elena. He appeared innocent enough, long sandy brown hair in jagged layers - crystal clear blue eyes - bottle of beer in hand for him self and a glass of something fruity in the other hand for her.


Her eyes met his.

"Not single."

"Can't a guy just buy you a drink?"

"With a motive – yes…"

He smiled and it was the first weapon he used to break through her armor.

The second man leaned across the bar and stared up at Caroline. His hair was jet black, spiky, his fingers littered with silver bands, eyes hidden by the chunky black frames he wore, and an Irish brogue played on his tongue.

"You're lovely lass."

Good lines, flirtation worth her time, was an art that was long gone, "You're creepy." Caroline replied as her fangs slipped and pricked her lips just before her tongue erased the trace of blood.

Fear didn't cloud his features instead they enticed him, he moved closer, and motioned for her to step down. Caroline accepted his hand and joined him on the empty stool.

"Nice to meet you Caroline…"

Her brows lifted with her unspoken question.

"I've been around for a while, just call me Aidan."

There was no question that Bonnie sensed the third man before he fully approached. She erected a barrier as danced, comforted by her gift, and enjoying a false sense of security. She didn't see the man erase her protection with one wiggle of his finger. She did feel the arm that circled her waist and pulled her into his chest.

"Finally I have my own Bennett."

She resisted the urge to scream and followed the direction where his eyes landed; Caroline and Elena casually chatting with his accomplices.

"It's time to leave Ms. Bennett, are you ready?"

Bonnie slid her hand against his palm as they walked to the bar. Flashes of memories, battles and blood, and the strangest sense of familiarity plagued her mind. "Kieran," She whispered and he nodded.

"Very good little one."

Five minutes later a team of Lockwoods accompanied by a set of Salvatores walked into the bar. The girls were gone, but the bartender handed them a folded napkin with four words scribbled on the wrinkled paper.

Let the chase begin…