It had been just over a month since Santana and Rachel had started dating and, so far, things were going really smoothly. To her credit, Santana had mostly stopped making fun of Rachel. It still happened once in a while, but the tone of the teasing had become much more playful and, to be honest, Rachel didn't really mind it.

Rachel, for her part, was becoming much more confident in her ability to stand up to bullying. Granted, she hadn't been slushied since Santana had made it crystal clear to the entire McKinley population that it wasn't to happen ever again. But, if something happened behind Santana's back, Rachel was pretty sure she could handle it herself.

Surprisingly, Santana hadn't wanted to hide their relationship. In fact, the day after they had made it official, Santana went up to Rachel in the cafeteria, kissed her soundly, and then walked to grab a tray with a smirk on her face. Rachel blushed and looked around the table at the rest of the Glee club, trying to gauge their reactions. After a moment of processing, Puck high fived Rachel and conversation picked up normally.

Brittany, however, did not look happy. As Santana came back to the table with her food, the blonde sighed, got up, and walked away.

"Is she…okay?" Rachel asked as she moved over to make room for her girlfriend.

"She's fine," Santana said, watching silently as Brittany disappeared into the hallway.

After a few weeks, Santana and Rachel had become fairly inseparable. Santana would pick Rachel up from school and carry her books to each class. They spent the weekends together as well as almost every day after school.

Thankfully, Rachel had instituted mandatory studying hours to ensure that they didn't fail every single class.

"This is stupid," Santana said, leaning back in Rachel's desk chair and stretching like a cat.

"Studying isn't stupid, Santana," Rachel replied, rolling her eyes.

"It is when I could be kissing you instead," Santana said, standing up and walking over to Rachel, who was reclining on the bed. "You don't need this right now," she whispered, taking the book out of Rachel's hand and placing it neatly next to her.

"Oh?" Rachel responded, her voice dropping slightly. "What do I need?"

"Me," Santana said, climbing on top of Rachel and straddling her. "This," she said, bending down to brush their lips together.

"I need you," Rachel whispered, threading her fingers in Santana's hair and pulling her down roughly. "But not like this."

Before Santana had time to process the statement, Rachel had flipped their positions and had Santana's arms pinned over her head against the pillow.

Santana paled. "Rachel, I…" she paused, taking a deep breath and forcing herself to smile. "I want to feel you underneath me."

With that, Santana pushed Rachel down and climbed back on top. Before Rachel could argue, she felt Santana's fingers moving under her shirt.

"I want to be able to do this," Santana said, pulling the shirt off. "And this," she said, snapping the front clasp of Rachel's bra open. "And this," she whispered, rolling Rachel's nipples expertly with her fingertips before taking one between her teeth.

Understandably, Rachel began to enjoy being on the bottom a great deal.

That night, Santana took Rachel's virginity.

The following week at school was hard. Really hard. Even though Rachel was still kind of aching between her legs, all she wanted was to feel Santana's skin against hers. Though they had spent every night together since their first time, it was taking all of Rachel's will power not to pounce on Santana every single time they passed each other in the halls. By the end of the day on Friday, the hormones were wreaking havoc on Rachel's body and, when Santana winked at her as she walked past her with Brittany, she just lost it.

With a growl, she grabbed Santana's arm, pulled her backwards, and shoved her against the lockers. Santana's eyes widened when Rachel gripped her hips tightly and crashed their lips together.

Before she knew what was happening, Rachel felt hands forcefully pulling her off of Santana.

"Brittany, what are you doing?" Rachel yelled, spinning around and looking incredulously at the blonde.

"What the hell are you doing?" Brittany hissed, poking her finger into Rachel's chest and walking forward until the brunette's back hit the locker.

"Listen, Brittany," Rachel started, anger seeping through her voice. "I understand that Santana hasn't been around as much for you, and that you might blame me for that, but what you just did is completely inappropriate!"

Brittany's eyes narrowed. "What I did? Jesus Christ, Rachel, you have no idea what you're doing!"

"I was kissing my girlfriend, before you interrupted me!"

"Kissing her? Rachel, you were terrifying her!"

"Don't be ridiculous!" Rachel yelled. "We kiss every day!"

"Not like that, you don't," Brittany said, invading Rachel's personal space. "Rachel, look at Santana. Just look at her."

With a frustrated groan, Rachel turned and looked at her girlfriend. Immediately, her features softened. Santana hadn't moved an inch. Her body was pressed tightly against the metal of the lockers, her eyes wide and her chest heaving.

"Santana, what's wrong?" Rachel asked, gently tucking a strand of hair behind Santana's ear. When Santana flinched, Rachel turned to Brittany.

"What's happening?"

Brittany sighed, and stepped in front of Santana and placed her hands on her cheeks. Santana sighed, her body visibly relaxing.

"You need to talk to her Santana," she said, when brown eyes finally met hers. "She needs to know."

Taking a deep breath, Santana nodded.