The Beginning

Summary: A little teaser slash opening to this whole mess of a fic.

Disclaimer: The Ace Attorney series is not owned by me.

Klavier smirked as he finished making his before the year ends resolution's list, something he does annually. Reading it over, he put down his pen and kicked back the swivel chair, sending himself across the floor from the table to his bed.

He had made the list early this year but haven't managed to finish it, much to his dismay. Deciding to rewrite it by priority helped in making up his mind about what to do. So that's why he stayed up for the longest time after coming home from hearing that he had handled.

Getting off the chair he stood up and stretched before looking at the picture on his bedside table.

"Achtung, Herr Forehead..." he said with a grin, "Before this year ends, you're going to be mine".

Author's Note:

If you're familiar with "Things You Don't Know" from the prince of tennis section, then you'd know what to expect from this fic. It's going to be basically the same in style.

Happy Reading!