The Hero Has a Home

By Dannondorf

Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to Zelda. This story is strictly for entertainment purposes and not for profit.

His magically clean tunic did not smell like him, but she didn't complain; she probably smelled like the drumstick that stained her work dress, and she had waited too long for this moment not to grasp it with all her strength despite its imperfections. (She would make him get rid of the shirt later, anyway.) As long as she had him, she would want nothing else.

When they broke apart, her heart swelled as he stood before her healthy and well-rested for the first time since the Imprisoning War began. All the changes in his appearance that she'd only observed passively when he passed out in front of the ranch between Temples now demanded her attention. Before, she saw only cuts and bruises and various other injuries she did not wish to recall, but now she saw a man freed from war and from his grave responsibilities. The sun at his back penetrated the clear sky and bathed him in a heavenly light that made everything else darker by comparison, and she couldn't (wouldn't) stop staring. Here was proof that he was safe, that his disappearance for the past weeks was not due to a fatal blow or some other tragedy she would be unable to handle. Eyes moistening from the wind and from her emotions trying to leak out, she wiped at the unwelcome sensation to keep it from blurring the image she had of him (them), not caring that she smudged dirt onto her face from her fall in front of the ReDead. She did not want him to fade and evaporate like the fractured breaths that puffed and dispersed in rhythm with her wonderful delirium.

At length he averted his eyes, and their trance broke. "Hey," he said uneasily, discomfited by the attention and misinterpreting her tears. "Cheer up."

The air chilled the wet trails on her cheek, and she laughed; after waiting for him for so long, she wasn't even composed enough to enjoy it. Without another thought she launched herself at him again, crushing him against the unyielding wall in another hug that she knew he was shy about. Hyrule's champion squirmed gently and tried to get away from the woman pinning him, but Malon was not shy, and she knew how to handle Link. She could always win him over if she persisted long enough.

As she predicted, he eventually stopped looking away, and his cheeks reddened slightly as he offered a faint smile. Barely visible to others, it meant more to her than a simple shifting of muscles could ever mean to anyone else; for all his timidity and unwillingness to share his emotions, his smiles were always genuine, and it meant he was truly happy to see her again.

They pulled apart once more and her tears stopped. Link looked real again and not like some angel come to cure her aching heart, and she knew she had to press him now before that wonderful feeling returned. "Where have you been?" she demanded, still overjoyed but with an undertone of anger that she hoped would intimidate him into answering honestly.

As she expected, his smile fell, but not because he was frightened. His lips stretched into a painfully blank expression, and he hesitated before answering. "…A lot happened."

Surprised at how quickly her anger transformed into concern, she decided to drop it for now; not much could upset him as much as her question apparently had. Malon hated waiting—it seemed like all she'd done lately was work to pass the time while she waited for him to come back to her—but she couldn't bring herself to push him until he was ready. (She would find out, though.) "Let's just go back to my tent," she offered without the castigating tone to let him know she understood.

But some immovable object attached itself to her hand as she turned and started to walk, and her momentum jerked her back when she reached the end of her tether. "Link?" she asked in bewilderment when the act turned her around to face him once more. His hand held hers, and she saw something desperate in his eyes that he had difficulty communicating. Moments passed and he still maintained the contact. What could he be thinking? He had never initiated physical contact with her for this long before.

(Was there something on her face? Was he going to—)

"Could you find me some clothes?" he mumbled. "I…don't like all the attention this tunic brings."

Though it was a good idea and she didn't want his adoring fans surrounding him as they had a few minutes ago, his words crushed a hope she didn't know she'd been carrying. "Sure," she chirped, trying to keep the disappointment out of her voice. "I'll be right back."

It took far too long to sprint to her tent and back, the wind now shouting at her and acting more like a jealous lover than like the playful friend which had run teasing fingers through her hair that morning. When she returned, her hair and dress flowing with the wind's rage, Link went behind a tree to change, and to her surprise she had a hard time resisting the urge to sneak a peek at him to see more of the body he hid from everyone. "The faceless hero" would have fit him when he was a child too; even then his hair covered his eyes as though he didn't want anyone to see them.

"It feels weird not wearing a hat," were his first words upon emerging in a unisex worker's outfit. The wind died in his presence as though afraid of him, so she had no trouble hearing the subdued voice that, in addition to most every other aspect of him, understated his presence. The rough cowhide which fit her overweight father hung loosely about Link's frame, furthering her desire to see the true him. (If only he weren't wearing clothes…) "What?" he asked when he noticed her stare.

"Nothing!" she answered quickly in case her voice tried to betray her thoughts, though she knew not why. Link was the type to get embarrassed, not her. "Um…your voice sounds strange."

A nod and a faraway look confirmed that he accepted her answer without suspicion. "I haven't spoken in a long time."

"Why not, Fairy Boy?" His clothes shifting without him told her he had stopped mid-motion. He never reacted like that when she called him that name as a child. It was her way of affectionately teasing him, as she knew that most boys grew angry at slights to their masculinity. The way he always smiled and claimed that having a fairy was an honor instead of lashing out had been one of the first signs that he wasn't like other guys. Presently, though, he looked like someone had punched him in the stomach, and it only took moments for her to realize what was wrong. No blue ball of light flew over him or nagged him or tried to get him to listen. "Link…where's Navi?"

What little emotion she saw in his face before vanished, and his hair made a more complete curtain around his eyes. (For him to shut even her out…) "I'll tell you later. Can you take me to wherever you're staying now?"

They emerged from behind the building and humbly walked in front of its magnificent façade looking almost like a pair of ordinary Hylians. Nonetheless, she moved quickly, for she doubted that his new outfit would conceal his identity for long and she felt strangely guilty staging such deceit in front of a Temple dedicated to the goddesses. Link stood out to Malon: a dozen features of his face alone were burned into her memory despite their limited time together since becoming young adults, so surely someone else who saw him today would also remember exactly how he looked. Sighing, she tried to reassure herself that she was a special case. (The others weren't as…interested in him as she was.) Nothing would happen on the short walk to the alley where all the volunteers had set up temporary residence.

"Look! It's the Hero of Time!"

Unfortunately, she realized too late that his shabby clothing only made the magnificent sword strapped to his back stand out more. Even without his elegant tunic and hat, he could not blend in anonymously, and Malon gritted her teeth, not in the mood for her reunion to be interrupted again. Link widened his eyes, apparently already distracted from said reunion, and she allowed her rage to manifest into a willingness to fight every single person in the crowd that appeared from seemingly out of nowhere to close in on them. She had been sure she and Link were the only two in the district moments ago, and she wanted to keep it that way.

Before she could take action, however, an arm wrapped around her waist. "Link?" she gasped, anger suddenly gone. (How was he able to change her emotions so rapidly?) It wasn't like him to hug someone in front of so many people, but the sudden warmth she experienced on the cold afternoon told her it was no illusion. As he held her against him more tightly than he ever had, Malon was too pleased to voice her confusion. If the crowd's presence prompted him to do this, then maybe she made a mistake wishing everyone would give them a few moments alone. Barely shorter than he, she had only to look up while pressed to him and their faces would be together. But he was so warm that she didn't want to move her head, even for that. Unlike him, she did not fear crowds, so responding to her happy feeling by leaning into him affectionately was not a problem.

Until she noticed the hookshot in his hand. Tilting her head slightly to gauge his reaction to the scene, she noticed that he didn't look at her or at any of the spectators. Instead he looked almost straight up. The warm feeling left as she realized what was coming and tried to pull away from him, but she had as little success as Link had when trying to squirm out of her grasp minutes earlier. Before she could break free, a tremendous force yanked her off the ground and pulled a scream from her throat. The Temple of Time leapt from her vision and she latched onto Link, knowing he was all that kept her from falling. Her hair whipped around her tightly-closed eyes as the wind cackled, but before she knew it she was standing again. From somewhere below the crowd shouted. "Wooooo! Go, Link! You're the man!" "Hero, come back! The princess wants to—"

"Come on," Link whispered to her, and she let go, not realizing she was still latching onto him for safety. He took her hand in his before pulling her along forcefully, and she stumbled over her first steps before becoming oddly comfortable running across the rooftops of Castle Town. When he slowed down, she understood he didn't know where the tents were and wanted her to lead, so she grinned and pulled him along, imagining they were playing tag and fleeing from someone. Despite everything, she laughed. She'd had no idea that the shops were strong enough to support them or that jumping the gaps between them could be so much fun. Before long their elevation from the ground no longer bothered her: all that mattered was the next step they took together.

But she stopped when they arrived at a particularly dangerous part of the path. Looking down at Malon's bare feet, he picked her up and ran across the broken glass and sharp pieces of stone. Gasping, she nevertheless allowed herself to be carried, and their antics caught the attention of nearly everyone in the streets of the neighboring district. A few children cheered, several teens waved, and most of the adults stared dumbfounded. The man who supposedly had a knack for situational awareness didn't seem to notice in his panic, however, and she inwardly chuckled at how his efforts to avoid people had made him more conspicuous.

Soon Link set her down with silent instructions to look over the edge for him. He lay flat and out of sight from everyone below before asking with his expression if anyone was at their intended destination.

The alley of tents, rods covered in cloth leaning against disgustingly dingy walls, was suspiciously empty considering how many people saw them racing across town, but eager for more action, she didn't question it. "Let's hurry."

After lowering her safely onto the ground, he leapt from the roof and turned his landing into a roll that ended in a dive after her into a makeshift lean-to. When they finally made it into her tent and Link shut the flap, she burst out in laughter. He looked more frightened than amused, his back to the tent entrance as if barricading it, but at length he calmed and relaxed his shoulders. "I-I don't want to go outside anymore today."

"Oh, admit it. You had fun!"

An uneasy smile formed under his alarmed eyes. "Well…yeah, I guess it was a little fun."

Malon's chest still heaved from their escapade, but Link stayed perfectly still. He was definitely stronger than his layers of clothes let on. She guessed that an ordinary person wouldn't have been able to hold onto anything that yanked them into the air with that much force, yet he'd done so while holding another person and still had energy to spare. It was amazing. He was amazing.

In the midst of her spinning thoughts, she reminded herself that she should still be mad at him. He just got back and had yet to give a real explanation for his absence. She shouldn't have the urge to feel his chest and stroke his face and…kiss him, but those urges overpowered her futile attempts at anger regardless. That he held such power over her frightened her somewhat, but it was undoubtedly familiar. She had felt something deep for him for a long time, and strangely the few moments spent with him since his arrival were all she needed to realize that hadn't changed. He was still her knight. (And technically, he had just swept her off her feet…)

Her heart beat loudly from the running. Adrenaline pumped through her, and she wanted to relieve her excitement through him. Whether by coincidence or unconscious design, her tent barely covered a single person lying down, so they were already close together, him hunched over her at the entrance while she half-reclined just a foot away. His shirt hung from his frame, begging her to pull him down until he was on top of her.

"You saved me. Again."

"To make up for all the time I haven't been here," he replied openly. "You should know, though, that I didn't save you. I kidnapped you."

His grin excited her more; he rarely showed his playful side, and suddenly she felt quite daring. "And what will you do to me now?"

"Um…let you…go?" His answer was more of a question, and a little of Malon's passion subsided. Did he really not detect her suggestive tone? Had he been asleep for the past seven years? (Is he already taken?) "I'm sorry if it seems like I've been avoiding you," he offered when he noticed the lapse in her giddiness. "I've been avoiding everyone lately. I've been looking for Navi. And, well…"

"What happened?"

Again, the light that he gave off dimmed, and after two failed attempts at explaining he fell carefully silent, guarded. She wished Navi was there to communicate for him as usual before realizing that was precisely the problem. Even around Malon, Link often let his fairy use the sense of empathy that supposedly came from the guardian-Kokiri bond to convey any feelings that his face couldn't.

"Please? I want to know what's wrong. Maybe I can help."

"I promise I will tell you later. Just…not right now." Sensing his sadness, she reluctantly accepted defeat. How was he able to make her forgive him so easily? (He absolutely would tell her later, though.) "What do we do now?"

"Now that the banquet's over, it's time to work on clearing the marketplace. The first step to restoring Castle Town is moving the debris."

"So…you're going back outside?"

"Yes." She smiled impishly. (Revenge time.) "And you're coming too." His eyes grew wide enough that his hair no longer hid them. "I know you don't like being around people, but you'll have to eventually, right? You can't hide forever. Everyone is so happy right now. It's wonderful, Link. Even though Hyrule is in ruin, children are running around laughing like it never happened." She sighed dreamily and squeezed his hands, trying to make him feel her joy. "They'll want to thank you for this peace."

She beamed to let him know she was thankful too, but he stared at her blankly for a few moments before frowning. (Was he showing her his emotions more freely than usual?) "I don't need thanks. And I don't want it either."

It was so unlike him. He had always been somewhat withdrawn, but never this much. Hopefully it had nothing to do with his search for Navi. "Why do you fear us?" she coaxed gently. (We love you.)

"It's not that…"

Regardless of whether something bad had happened, she owed it to him to try and pull him out of his sad state. "Why don't you put the tunic back on?" She laughed at his expression. "Come on, I dare you. That way people will recognize you, and surely someone out there will be able to cheer you up." (Even if it was the princess or some other girl and not her.) "I'll wait outside for you," she stated before leaving, giving him no choice in the matter.

A surprisingly short time later, he emerged in his blue tunic with his sword unsheathed.

"Is that for anyone who tries to crowd you?" she giggled.

"It's in case more ReDead show up. I can't lose anyone else." For once, it was Malon rather than Link who was silently confused. No one died or got hurt in the ReDead attack, so why did he hover protectively around her?

In addition he was focused, nothing at all like the shy, insecure boy he usually let people see. The previous frown stuck out in her thoughts, and she wondered if he was finally becoming comfortable enough around her to show the real him she had always seen behind his disguise. Nonetheless, his guard gradually fell, and she voiced her suspicions. "But you don't think any more will show up."

"No." (Honesty, frankness…her pulse quickened.) Then after a pause, he blurted, "Z-Zelda called me here."


"The princess and I have a special connection. She used it to call for help when the ReDead attacked. That's how I knew to come here."

"Oh…" (A "connection"? What did that mean?)

"It doesn't make sense for them to just appear like they did, especially in that number. Once there are four of them, there are usually many more. I think Zelda put them there to lure me to Castle Town."

"Link, you're always so serious, but that's the silliest thing I've ever heard from you. The princess would never endanger anyone."

"No one was in danger, even before I arrived. Conveniently, the monsters that showed up were slow-moving, and there were archers on three roofs. There shouldn't have been any if no one knew the attack would happen. Besides, you don't know her like I do. She's very good at deception. But she didn't do it to hurt anyone. I think she just wanted to be a good friend like you and make me show my face."

Malon doubted the theory, but he obviously believed it. If it was true, she would have to give her highness a piece of her mind for endangering all the people who put themselves at risk to come here, but she didn't focus on that for the moment. Instead, the "connection" Link apparently had with Princess Zelda occupied her thoughts. On the rare occasions that he spoke, his conversations typically came back to Navi, or Saria, or the princess, or even the Zora girl who also (surprise, surprise) happened to be a princess. She wondered if when he visited them he ever spoke of the redheaded Hylian he met on a cool clear night in Castle Town.

It was too soon to be having such thoughts, but already she wondered if Saria or some other girl had already claimed him. Link wasn't shallow, but Malon knew there were many beautiful women in the world who could fall for someone like him. What if he didn't want to be with a plain, average girl like her? Like Zelda's flawless dress, Link's blue (royal blue) tunic was unnaturally perfect, like the outfits belonged to people meant to be together. Maybe they already were together.

Or maybe she was being ridiculous. Many thought Malon was beautiful, so she had no reason to feel unconfident when she was usually so outgoing. Besides, they were only going to the marketplace to clean rubble and filth. Nothing romantic was going to happen there, not to her or to Zelda. (Or Saria, or Nabooru, or Ruto, or anyone else he might have known.) She actually looked forward to it. It wasn't exactly how she expected to spend time with him when he reemerged from his self-imposed exile, but it combined the two reasons she came to Castle Town, so why not enjoy it?

Inevitably, people spotted them before the central district, but seeing him with his sword drawn apparently made them more reverent. Nothing but a few respectful nods and gentle smiles troubled Link along the way. But when they stepped into the marketplace, thunderous clapping and cheers overwhelmed them. It didn't surprise her, but it did lift her spirit to see her friend get the thanks he deserved. She'd have to think of a way to top all of them later.

"See? I told you they would be grateful."

He cracked a nervous smile. "Yeah. It's strange…"

"You act like no one's praised you for anything before."

"Well…" he began before his mouth closed. Malon watched as his eyes met those of the only clean person present. She didn't like the slick grin that the princess of Hyrule directed at him, but he grinned back. They seemed amused by each other, but his amusement quickly died when a throng of Hylians invaded his personal space. He was raised onto people's shoulders, thrown into the air, hugged, kissed, and generally tossed about like a rag doll. Malon didn't move quickly enough to participate in every activity, and after the distance between them became too great, she contented herself watching him gradually warm up to the festivities. Just as she'd always predicted, his determination had carried him far from his home and far from hers as well. He was greater than anyone else present, even her highness. It both elated and depressed her.

The banquet continued as though the recent attack hadn't interrupted it, but when it ended too quickly she found herself working with Link to clear fragments of stone away from the old bazaar. Surprisingly, he didn't look so withdrawn. His eyes were sharp, and while they lifted slabs together, he randomly tensed, which meant he wouldn't be focused on keeping secrets. (Perfect.) "The Kokiri really didn't congratulate you when you went home after defeating Ganondorf?" she ventured.

His eyes saw everything, his muscles tightened in anticipation of any possible danger. "I didn't go back."

"Why not?"

"The forest isn't my home anymore. It hasn't been since I left it the first time. I don't belong with the Kokiri."

She definitely didn't expect to hear that. On the contrary, she expected to hear that he went there after Ganondorf took over all those years ago. Where else could he have gone? "Then where do you live?"

A pause. "My home is wherever I happen to be." His answer horrified her, but he continued before she could say so. "Say…Malon?"


More interested in what he had to say than in their current task, she froze when she noticed him doing the same. A large and heavy chunk of the fountain hovered above the ground, supported by their arms, none of which shook from the strain. He stared at hers. "…You're stronger than I thought." Though the tone suggested a teasing insult, the smile hinted at a genuine compliment.

"So you thought I was weak?"

"Not at all. In fact, if you're so strong, you won't mind doing this alone for a minute while I investigate something."

Only suffering his manipulation because she wanted to see what he would do (It was bound to be interesting, given how he acted around large groups.), the young woman watched as he walked away a bit to gaze into a building. Others watched as well, many of whom she recognized from the crowd in the Temple district, and they seemed awed by the vigilant and fierce young man who surely must have seemed like a coward before when he fled them. Frozen in a confident stance with his hat blowing slightly in the wind, he looked…heroic. That was the only way to describe him. He was immovable, and she imagined he was wrapped in deep thought.

They surely hadn't seen the man behind the timidity earlier, the hero she'd known since he left her ranch to get some special stone from Death Mountain. Of course they would be confused: he appeared to be an entirely different person. But she knew he was simply showing who he really was.

Nonetheless, when a confident young man strolled up to him casually like they were old friends, or rivals, or equals, Link's valiant posture and gaze reverted. "So you're the one who did it, huh?" the stranger greeted cheerfully. "The Hero who saved Hyrule?"

"Just one of them."

"I know everyone here has probably already done this, but I want to thank you on behalf of me and my family. And I couldn't help but notice you looking around like you expect more ReDead to show up. Well don't worry. The guards are already patrolling. You've already done enough for us." Link's shoulders drooped, but it looked like a greater relief to him than it should have been. "I hope it's not too much to ask, but I was wondering if you could spar with me a little later. Not many of us have seen you fight—we've only heard stories—and we want to see the power that ended the King of Evil, the power wielded by the champion of the goddesses. No offense, but you don't look like the fighting type. Besides, I want to see how I compare." He laughed. Link did not laugh with him.

"Forgive me, but I've had my fill of fighting, even if it is just a practice battle. I've made many unpleasant memories while using my sword, and I don't want to relive them unless I absolutely have to."

"Oh. Well, okay…" Disappointed but understanding, the stranger left, the people who had stopped working to eavesdrop began working again, and Malon demanded an explanation.

"Why do you do that?"

"What do you mean?"

"One minute you're collected, brave, and focused, and the moment someone comes to talk to you, you lose all your confidence. You shouldn't hide how great you are. People should know about it."

"I don't do it on purpose. You know my communication's not so good without Navi around. Besides, maybe it's better if people don't think I'm great. Defeating evil is easier when evil underestimates you."

"But you're a Hero," she protested almost without thinking.

"Don't call me that." He spoke with conviction that caught her off-guard. At once his facial expression softened in apology, but before either could say anything more, he turned at the sound of another person approaching.

Though Malon noticed the subtle telltale signs of Link's nervousness, she knew that all the girl advancing toward him saw was a calm, composed hero. "H-hi!" she gushed, and Malon silently fumed, wondering what this girl wanted with her best friend. "Um…thank you for saving me from those monsters earlier! I'm Kara."

His voice was carefully restrained, emotionless. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Link."

But that only added to his mystique in their eyes. "I know it's silly, but could you…show me a magic trick?"

"…Magic is sacred," he lied, though Malon thought Saria would have agreed with him. "I'm only permitted to use it to help others."

"Oh, well that's okay!" Timidly but daringly, she stepped toward him and put her hand on his chest. "Y-you look strong enough that you could do anything, even without magic!"

Now absolutely livid, Malon gave her fury voice. "Hey, you! Link is tired! He just fought off an army of ReDead, and he doesn't need some hussy bothering him!" Link froze, likely anticipating a conflict, and Kara yelled back.

"I was just trying to thank him! Right, Link?" Link gulped. "In fact, I was wondering if you'd like to come home with me so I can thank you more…personally," she purred.

Outraged, Malon looked into his eyes. The message was clear: help me, please. But he spoke up on his own. "U-um, I'm sorry, but I have to get back to meditating so…so that my magic is focused in case there's another attack soon. But maybe we could hang out later…?" Link was perhaps too kind for his own good. He obviously wanted to deny her request without hurting her feelings.

"I'd love to! I'll be here all week. See you later!"

As the girl walked off, he noticed Malon frowning at the ground. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she snapped, instantly regretting it. "It's been so long since I've seen you. I guess I just want you for myself," she finished, embarrassed. But Link only smiled gently, and her heart melted. Did he know he had that effect on her?

"Well," he began in his usual quiet tone, "you have me. Can I…" He held out his hand. "…have you too?"

Heart beating wildly, she took his hand, letting him help her sit down next to him. "Of course," she breathed. "You can always have me."

"The sun's almost setting anyway, so I think we're done for the day. Thanks for helping me get her to leave. I hope you know I don't actually have any intention of hanging out with her. Right now, you're the only person I want to see."

Malon struggled with her emotions. She wanted to be close to Link, not just the Hero of Time. Nonetheless, now that she was so close to him, she was having trouble resisting the urge to touch him as Kara had. Compromising in her mind, she scooted a bit closer to him and placed her head on his shoulder. He blushed, but did not object. (Did he even realize he held her bridal-style earlier?)

"I-it's been a while since I've watched a sunset," he stuttered, adjusting to the situation, and she wondered what he would do if she started acting like Kara had.

She would never know if she didn't try. Before he could react, her lips had already brushed his cheek. "For saving me from the ReDead," she explained quickly. (And also because she deserved to personally thank him more than Kara did.)


Normally shyness and a heavy blush from him didn't strike her as odd, but she couldn't help taking special note of it. It was like no one had kissed him before, which she found unbelievable. Surely Saria had done so. (He wouldn't stay away from her for seven years like he had stayed away from Malon.) But his somewhat goofy grin told her he was new at this, just like she was. She thought Saria would be all over him, but apparently the green-haired woman had never given him the attention he deserved. Why? Did she not think he was cute enough? Was he not kind and sweet enough for her?

"It's cold, and I feel like I could fall asleep sitting up. Maybe we should go back."

A scream tore through her mind. She didn't want this moment to end so soon, not with them so close to each other. "All right…"

"What's wrong?"

"What? Oh, n-nothing!" She giggled nervously.

"Night has almost fallen," a guard said to them. His reflective armor did not shine in the twilight: Link's tunic stood out much more. "Sir Link, if you don't have a place to stay, I'd be happy to find you one."

"I appreciate the offer, but I think I'll sleep with Malon tonight." Spoken without a hint of shame, the words caused the soldier to take a step back in shock. Had she not known better, Malon would have wondered if Link meant to exact revenge on her for all the times she'd embarrassed him before, but his unabashed state confirmed his innocence.

The man recovered quickly. "Oh. Well then, take care of him, miss." Removing her head from Link's shoulder to nod dumbly, she didn't immediately put it back.

"…That was an interesting smile. Do you know each other?"

"Ha ha…no. I—"

"I suppose I should have asked you first," he admitted quietly. "Is it all right? If not, I can find somewhere else to go."

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm not letting you out of my sight. You owe me some quality time, and besides, what if something attacked me again?"

Link stood quickly in alarm, not noticing the humor in her joke. More attentive than before, he led her away and relinquished his hold on her, presumably to grant better access to his weapons in case of an emergency. She felt cold from the sudden loss of contact, but did not voice her disappointment. "I watched the princess while we worked. She smiled at you every now and then, so I think that you might be right about the attack being staged."

His neutral tone conveyed a complete lack of surprise. "She's more clever and secretive than most people know."

"I doubt she'd do something like that for just anyone. How did you come to know each other so well?"

"…She and I are bound by destiny," he said at length, as if that explained anything.

"What does that mean?"

His eyes glossed over, no longer looking outward but inward, and she feared a response packed with meaning and affection. But when the noise of a man kicking at cobblestone reached them, Link's eyes returned to normal and he shrugged. "I don't know. She's the one who said it. We were chosen by prophecy to team up to defeat Ganondorf."

"So do you think you'll be spending more time with her from now on?"

"I don't know. Maybe."

His noncommittal answer convinced her he wasn't interested in the princess romantically, but there were so many others. (Didn't he have any male friends?) Still, it was enough for now.

Inside the tent he collapsed, though she didn't know what had made him so tired: he hadn't done that much work, so was it something else? "I know you didn't want to leave the marketplace yet, but I…I'm not ready to be around people again. Sorry."

(He knew her so well…) "It's okay, Link. But didn't anyone keep you company after the war ended?" He said nothing. "You were by yourself this whole time? What about Saria?" She wished she hadn't asked that. Saria, the woman who had so easily captured Link's heart, was the last person she wanted to know about.

But the haunted look in his eyes vanquished any interest she had in maintaining her jealousy as he mumbled, "She's…in the Sacred Realm now."

(The Sacred Realm? Did he mean heaven?) She expected the question to cheer him up, as Saria always made him happy, but to find out she was dead… "Oh, Link, I'm so sorry. I had no idea."

"I'm okay. She doesn't want me to mourn."

He clearly wasn't okay. Saria was the closest thing Link had ever had to a friend, girlfriend, or family. His affection for her as a little boy had been obvious, and to anyone other than him, Saria's affection for Link was equally obvious from the stories he told. Malon wasn't sure anything could ever cheer him up, but she would try. Her arms circled him, and she willed all of her warmth to flow into him.

"Navi is gone too," he blurted. "I…is it okay to talk to you about this?" She nodded in mixed concern and inappropriate eagerness. (Please talk. That's all she had ever wanted.) "The Kokiri-fairy bond is sacred. Two beings agree to spend the rest of their lives together, looking out for each other. It sounds like what Hylians call a wedding. But after the final battle, she just disappeared. I don't think she's dead, but I have no idea why she would leave. We went through so much together…we're the only ones who can truly understand what each of us has been through. Without her I'm only half of a person."

Malon didn't know what to say. It sounded like he loved his fairy. But he couldn't…right? "No one saw her? You must have gone all over Hyrule. Did you speak with the Zora princess, Ruto?"

"She's with Saria in the Sacred Realm now. So are Nabooru, Darunia, and even Impa."

Unconsciously, she squeezed him more tightly. Just how many of his friends were dead? At once she understood his meaning when he had said he couldn't lose anyone else. He was protecting her.

Pulling back from the hug, he sat in front of her and sighed. "I didn't mean to ruin your good mood."

"Don't say that. Your feelings are important too." (Maybe even more important…)

"Thanks for hearing me out. I've been dealing with that for what feels like a long time." He paused awkwardly while his body stopped tensing, and a small smile indicated that while he wasn't quite cheerful, he wanted to be strong and not to give in to despair. "What do you say we play tomorrow before we start cleaning again? Running across the rooftops was only fun for one of us."

Her worries faded a bit and she said she'd like that, but she didn't pay attention to her words; the humor he'd spoken with faded from his face as he stared at her intently, and she felt paralyzed. From this close, she had a better look at his arms and chest beneath his thin tunic. In the silence she was suddenly aware of her breathing, which became heavier and more erratic the more she willed it to be quiet and the longer they stared at each other. She didn't want to go to bed when she was this excited. She knew what she wanted to happen next, but it wouldn't be right with Link's current mental state. Her lack of patience would do her no favors here.

As a child she'd often fantasized about a knight in shining armor sweeping her off her feet. She doubted Link was the type to put on a charming smile and whisk a girl away into romance, but as much as she desired him to take charge and do so now, she didn't expect or need him to. Her dreams revolved around him, and it wouldn't feel right if he did something against his character or before he was ready. Malon was accustomed to her own emotions changing chaotically, but Link always seemed perfectly (sometimes irritatingly) stable. His emotions changed slowly and gradually, and that was okay. She could wait. He was worth it.

It was at that precise place in her thoughts when he defied all expectations and kissed her.

Her eyes widened—she had to be sure that she wasn't imagining it—and when she saw that Link was in fact kissing her, she surrendered herself to him with an ecstatic moan. "Oh…" She was so very tired of waiting. She didn't know he could be so bold, so forward. The man in him came out during moments like this, and she loved it. (Was this what he meant when he spoke of people underestimating him?) Bunching up his tunic in her fist to pull him closer and to keep the moment from escaping, she pressed into him with a passion she'd held back for too long. To her surprise and joy, his passion matched and then surpassed hers as a gloved hand held her cheek. Eager to respond in kind, her arms left his chest to circle around his neck until she realized their lips no longer connected.

"S-sorry," he stuttered as he pulled back. Sorry? He was sorry he gave her the most wonderful moment of her life? Why did he always assume his actions would make people hate him? And had the Kokiri really taught him nothing about…about… "I'm just so glad that you're here, and alive! And—" A hard slap across the cheek cut him off.

"Stop apologizing," she ordered before kissing his neck. He flinched as though she'd touched a sensitive spot. (She would have to remember it.) "I would have let you know if I didn't like it."

Confused, he complied (finally), and soon her dominance was contested and reversed. She didn't mind in the least as he pinned her to the ground and explored these sensations that were new to both of them. Their breaths mingled and spilled over them, and desiring to feel his touches more intimately, she wished the weather hadn't encouraged her to wear such thick and coarse clothing. Eventually, however, their caresses stopped and Link's eyes closed as he all but collapsed on top of her. "My last search for Navi lasted for three days. I haven't slept since it started."

(How like him not to think of his own needs.) Giggling with delight, she savored his scent and the novel experience of holding him. Now that he had stopped, contentment made her tired as well until her recollection of the night's events played out in her mind like a wonderful dream. "We can continue this tomorrow," she mumbled into his ear, kissing his cheek one last time. With only slight hesitation, he effortlessly pulled her off the ground and turned her around. She gasped when his arms secured her back against his front and they lay sideways together.

"I'm not going to dwell on what I've lost. I'm going to protect the important people I still have, because that's who I am. That's why I'm here. Thank you for being alive, Malon."

Moments later his breathing pattern informed her he was finally getting the rest he deserved. Wrapped in his warmth, she still didn't know if his intentions were truly romantic or not, because Link was shy even when he was strong. Even now when he was opening up to her, revealing his heart's joys and making himself vulnerable, he was still confusing her and holding back, however unintentionally. Nevertheless, she was overjoyed to be with him.

Link was almost a contradiction: a pillar of strength where others saw weakness, a ray of hope within a tragic figure, an understanding friend in a man who had trouble opening up, a strong body and mind hidden behind a mess of hair and loose clothes. But she felt his hidden strength in his arms, his kindness, and his resolve. She saw his true form and loved him for it.

And as she observed the real him, it occurred to her that perhaps fatigue, Link's personality, and his losses weren't the only reasons for his detachment since coming here. She had mentally accused Zelda of not joining the suffering and celebrating of the Hylians, and now she wondered if the Hylians had any right to join Link's suffering and celebration. She assumed he would be the first to celebrate since his quest was over, but who had suffered more than Link? Even aside from the fighting and killing and loss of innocence, he lost everyone important to him. He outgrew his once-home, and his would-be father, the Great Deku Tree, was taken from him at the war's onset. Saria, his best friend and maybe more, passed away, as did his Goron friend, the Zora girl who tried to marry him, and whoever else he befriended that she didn't know of. (Everyone except for her…)

She didn't know if his arms around her meant what she wanted it to mean, but right now her feelings didn't matter as much as making him smile again did. Without a doubt he had refused help from everyone else who offered a sympathetic ear or hand. Even his snores were quiet, as if he wanted to be as unobtrusive as possible, but she doubted she would ever get enough of Link. Malon would always appreciate his presence, no matter how he tried to go unnoticed.

She and the rest of Castle Town had already let him in. She could only hope that he would eventually open his heart to them as well and tell her everything (He still hadn't told her where he went when Ganondorf first took over!), but she'd worry about that later. When the time came, though…

Malon was not shy. She knew how to handle Link. She could always win him over if she persisted long enough.

Dannondorf: I'm not myself when I'm tired. I wonder if this chapter reflects that. Malon doesn't know that Saria can't grow, nor does she know that the Sages are in the Sacred Realm and not dead. Just sayin'.

I like Malon because I believe she has more potential in stories than other OoT characters whose futures are already determined. It is my understanding that the Sages are pretty much stuck in the Sacred Realm or else have sacrificed themselves in some other manner to seal Ganondorf (I've read a convincing theory claiming they died to become Sages), so even if Link stays in Hyrule, Link/Saria, Link/Ruto, and Link/Nabooru aren't likely to happen. (Of course, that's never stopped me from writing stories that make Link/Saria possible. :P) That doesn't leave many pairings other than MaLink for romance fanatics to choose from, so I've always wondered why there are so many more OoT-ZeLink stories than MaLink ones.

It's pointless, sappy, and open-ended, but I think this story is cute. It's done, in any case. My foray into shameless fluff with no plot is over for the moment, so now I'll get back to…whatever it is I normally write. Which I guess is shameless fluff with a weak plot tacked on. Dannondorf out.