Attention: I do not own anything of the Harry Potter World!

Author note: This is my second attempt on writing a decent fanfic. I hope I succeeded. This idea popped into my head and for my first fanfic I had a bit of a writer's block. So I hope you like it. Enjoy!

CHAPTER 1: McGonagall's Class

'Attention class, attention please! Enough, how is this possible! You are 16 years old. One should think that you know better by know.' McGonagall yelled through the class.

'I can't believe it. Girls and boys going crazy because of some quidditch player coming to Hogwarts.' McGonagall thought.

This morning professor Dumbledore announced that James McKnight, a famous quidditch player, came to his old school Hogwarts to teach the players of our school tactics in quidditch. All the boys went crazy. Because he was one of the best quidditch players in the world. But McGonagall never thought all the girls would go crazy too.

'Today we are going to learn how to transfigure a toad into a rabbit. This is very difficult and asks a lot of concentration. So that is why you need your attention to do this and not chatting about some quidditch player.

'He is not some quidditch player, professor' Ron said 'he is one of the best quidditch players of the last century and he is going to teach us how to improve our tactics and manoeuvres.'

'Come on Ron, he is just some guy who can play some quidditch. Nothing to go crazy about.' Hermione said.

'That is so not true.' Lavender said even before Ron could say anything in reply 'he is one of the most handsome men in the world. Can you believe he is coming to see us! What am I going to wear?'

'Puff, all men and women going crazy because some guy with looks and skills comes over here.' Hermione sighed.

'Hermione you are no fun. You're only interested in books. You practically live in the library so excuse us if we have something else to be excited about except school related stuff. When was the last time you had some fun outside the library?' Ron said angrily.

'Shit,' Harry thought 'this is going to get down badly'

'Ron, what do you exactly mean by that? I have plenty of fun outside the library. Especially helping you with some homework you don't understand.' Hermione yelled at Ron.

'That is no fun, doing someone's homework! Don't you do anything that is not school related?' Ron yelled back.

'Well let's see' Hermione said 'I read the witch weakly. I think they have an excellent column about ... fashion'

'Okay I made that last part up but who cares! He is so insufferable at times. Like he has a life outside quidditch and some school.' Hermione thought.

'You read a girls magazine!' Ron said in surprise his eyes almost popping out of its sockets.

'You may not have noticed it but I am indeed a girl' Hermione said dryly.

'And I can be fun! What about I give a party for my birthday next week? Whole Gryffindor sixth year is invited and some of our friends like Luna. That's fun huh? As a matter of fact I've been thinking about it for a while now. So Ron, am I any fun now?' Hermione said angry ready to hit him if he said she wasn't.

Ron feeling that it wasn't going to end well for him if he didn't say she could be fun. 'But now she did make an effort, didn't she? Besides he would like a party.' he thought smiling.

'Why are you smiling?' Hermione said getting angrier by the second.

'Because I'm happy that you are going to make an effort. So you are officially fun according the Weasly standards. Those standards are very high you know, knowing that the Weasly brothers are MY brothers.' Ron said.

The Weasly twins were indeed very well known for their funny jokes.

Hermione smiled at him knowing that Ron thought highly of her fun making skills.

'Unbelievable!' Harry thought 'Ron just got out under Hermione's claws without as much as a scratch. How did he do that?'

It was true Harry and Ron truly loved Hermione, mind you love as in deep friendship love. But sometimes she could be too much of a bookworm and could get very feisty when you pointed that out.

'For crying out loud be silent. The first one who utters as much as a word will have two weeks detention with Filch.' McGonagall suddenly screamed through the class.

'Open up your books at page 103 and read it. You have five minutes' McGonagall said.

'So class, first it is very important that you get this right because it will be asked at your O.W.L. exam. Does anyone know why it is so difficult to perform this spell?' McGonagall asked.

Hermione put her hand quickly in the air.

'Yes, Miss Granger.'

'It is so difficult because you have to visualise every detail of the rabbit you want to create. Even the smallest error makes that your toad doesn't change completely. For example your rabbit could be still croaking like a toad' Hermione answered quickly.

'Very well, Miss Granger.'

A proud grin crossed Hermione's face.

'Now an example of how to perform the spell correctly.' McGonagall said. She swayed her wand and said 'Mutationes lepus' while pointing her wand at the toad. The toad instantly transfigured into a rabbit.

'Now class go ahead. You sway wand like this: first you write one in the air and followed quickly by an eight. Of course while saying 'Mutationes lepus' . Don't forget to picture every detail of the rabbit: the ears, nose, eyes, tale, feet ...' McGonagall said.

Hermione swayed her wand and thought of every detail of the rabbit. Luckily she had prepared this lesson as it was very important for her O.W.L.'s. She had thought of every detail the day before.

Her toad transfigured at the first try into a toad. 'I did it! My first try and I already transfigured it into a perfect snow white rabbit.' she thought excited almost jumping in her chair.

'Nicely done Miss Granger. 'McGonagall said.

But all of the sudden the rabbit barked like a toad.

The whole class began to laugh.

'Every detail, Miss Granger, even the sound of your rabbit. As you pointed so nicely out.' McGonagall said.

Hermione was very disappointed in herself. Harry seeing the look on her face said 'You can't have everything right from the first try. I mean look at Ron's toad. It has the head and legs of a rabbit. You did so much better.'

She saw Ron's toad happily jumping around in the class. Ron chasing it.

Hermione couldn't hold her laugh at the sight of the two. She instantly forgot her failure. Hermione transfigured her rabbit back and tried again. This time succeeding.

When class was over, Hermione walked with Ron and Harry through the corridor to their potions lesson. She was thinking about all the things she had to do in preparation of her birthday party. Hermione had to do a million things: sending invitations, making sure there was drank and food, the proper music and so on.

She sighed. 'What is it, Hermione?' Harry asked interested.

'Yeah 'Mione what is wrong? Don't tell me that you are still upset about the fact that you couldn't change the rabbit at the first try!' Ron said. 'I didn't even get any further than two legs and a head.' Ron laughing with himself.

The greatest part of the lesson Ron had indeed chased his toad and didn't get any further when he tried to transfigure the toad again.

'No, of course not. I was just thinking of all the things I have to do for the party I'm throwing. All the music, invitations etc. But I guess it will be worth it.' she smiled.

'Of course it will 'Mione! It will be a party where Hogwarts will be talking about for many years.' Ron said enthusiastically.

'And of course we can help you organise it.' Harry suggested.

'Thank you, guys.' Hermione said.

'That is what we are for huh Hermione' Ron said while clapping a bit too hard on Hermione's back.

'Sometimes I really think he forgets that I am a girl. Clapping on my back like I'm a guy.' Hermione thought 'but hey, they always help her when she was in trouble.'

In the evening she began to write the invitations together with Ron and Harry. All the Gryffindor sixth years were invited and some of the other years. Of course Luna was invited too and everyone of the DA.

Then they went to the kitchens and talked with the house-elves. Who were very happy to help them. Of course Hermione insisted to pay them. But they didn't want to hear of it.

'I'm definitely going to find a way to thank them or pay them.' Hermione thought.

Harry and Ron were going to take care of the music. Now the only thing Hermione still had to do was getting some drinks. Luckily Hogsmeade weekend was this weekend.

'So we probably have to smuggle some alcoholic drank into Hogwarts.' she thought. She didn't like that prospect but it was the only way to get drank into Hogwarts. According to Ron you couldn't give a party without alcohol. That was absolutely no fun! And she was going for the fun part. 'So' she thought 'maybe just a little bit. Not enough to make them drunk but just enough to get the party going.' She was fun and she was going to prove it!

That was her last thought before she swiftly fell into a dreamless sleep.

Author note: I would like to thank you for the lovely review you're going to post or not. Thank you anyway. But I would like you to review please!