Thank you all for reading and for the responses! I decided to go ahead and add a New Year's sequel to end the fic. Enjoy! :) (Warning - slightly racy)


The next week with her family was great. It was different celebrating Christmas away from home, but Daniel and her family had managed to bring home to her. Everything was more than she could have imagined, considering the bleak situation she had faced on Christmas Eve.

Ignacio had gone to the grocery store to get the ingredients for all of their traditional holiday meals – and even planned to make a few more of Betty's favorites, so she could freeze the leftovers. Hilda and Bobby shared the exciting news that there would soon be a new little addition to the family. They had even brought the presents Betty had shipped over, so they could all open them together.

Justin told her more juicy details about his internship at MODE. He filled her in on how Marc really was handling his new position as Creative Director and how Wilhelmina was running the magazine. He also forced her to thank him for his compulsive need to gossip – without it, she would still be sitting alone, depressed, and gaining thirty pounds.

And of course, he was right. Now she had her family, and if everything went alright that evening, she might have Daniel too. The worst part was over – she knew without a doubt that he still wanted to be with her. But the question of how was still up in the air.

He had a new job now – she couldn't expect him leave it, especially not after he had already sacrificed one for her the first time. And she couldn't leave her new magazine – she was finally building her dream. Only, Daniel had become her dream, too. Maybe there was no solution. They couldn't possibly have a relationship, an ocean apart – not forever.

As she continued to contemplate how to make it work between them, she heard a knock on the door. That was him and they were that much closer to being further apart. "Hey," she said, opening the door. "Hey," Daniel greeted her, his blue eyes staring longingly into hers as if he hadn't seen her in forever. After taking one look at him, Betty knew the only thing that mattered was that he was there right then. The rest, they could figure out later - together.

She moved toward him, fingering the material of his dress shirt, before slowly inching her lips near his. Tenderly capturing them with hers, feeling the heat building between them, she began to want more. Deepening the kiss, she pulled him into her flat by his collar and fumbled with his buttons.

"Mmm . . . um . . . Betty . . . not that I'm complaining . . . but . . . don't you think we should . . . um . . . talk?" Daniel muttered against her lips. "Yeah . . . sorry . . ." she said, breaking away, leading him to the couch. "So . . ." she started. "So . . ." he weakly attempted a serious conversation. They awkwardly gazed at each other until they couldn't take it any longer. They crashed into one another, peeling their clothes off as they stumbled into her bedroom.

"Are you sure?" Daniel asked as he balanced himself over her. Betty smiled and nodded, pulling him closer to her. "Your family's not gonna walk in on us, are they?" he half-teased. "Daniel . . . they're out sight-seeing and then going back to the hotel to celebrate the New Year," she giggled. "Good, because I think we need to have a private celebration of our own . . ." he sexily grinned, kissing his way down her body as he proceeded to make both of them forget anything else.


After unknowingly having dozed off for a while afterwards, Betty slowly opened her eyes to find Daniel contentedly resting his head near her chest, his arm draped along her hips. She smiled and stroked his disheveled hair, grateful have him back in her life – especially in this new arrangement. She continued to silently bask in her post-coital bliss until she felt Daniel stir.

"Hey," she said, kissing his temple as he opened his eyes. "Hey," he grinned looking up at her. "You know, that's becoming one of my favorite words," he joked. "Oh, Daniel . . ." Betty smiled and rolled her eyes. "Nope – no those are my favorite words," he reconsidered, nipping her lower lip while slowly running his hand from her waist on up. "You never stop, do you?" Betty giggled, as he insatiably fondled her breasts. "Not when it comes to you," he said.

"You mean it?" she timidly asked. "Of course I do – want me to prove it to you again?" he wickedly beamed. "Later," she agreed, nestling him close, as she pulled a sheet over both of them. "I'm too worn out right now," she said, happily exhausted. "Seriously, Betty – that was beyond incredible," he told her. "For me, too. And I want you to know how lucky I feel to have you back in my life. I love you so much, Daniel, and I promise I'll never let you go again," Betty admitted, caressing his jawline.

"I love you, too . . . but you might have to," Daniel said. "God, I was so caught up in this that I forgot you've still got a life in New York. I can't ask you to leave it again," she sighed. "You don't have to," he assured her. "But Daniel –" she protested.

"Listen, I can start a branch of the foundation in London. I want to do this for you – for us. You've made so many sacrifices for me – your family, your job – you put everything on the line for me throughout the years . . . This is the least I can do – and it's not like I won't benefit from it," he pointed out.

"I guess so . . . but only if you promise this is really what you want," she considered. "It is. There is one thing though. I'll need to go back to New York for about a month - to get everything taken care of. Do you think you could help me look for a place here?" he wondered. "I don't know if I can do that," she told him. Daniel nodded, disappointed.

". . . But I could look for a flat for us," she smiled. "Really?" he said, surprised. "Move in with me, Daniel. I wasted so many months figuring out what I wanted – what I needed - and I don't want to waste any more – I need you," she said, earnestly. Daniel grinned. "God, I don't know how I'm gonna get through another month without you," he passionately captured her lips. She grabbed his hand.

"Me neither . . . but there's always technology . . . and visits every weekend . . ." she replied in between kisses, as she shifted on top of him. "And . . . we can always take advantage of the time we have now. . . ." she suggested, making a trail down his chest with her lips. "Very true . . . Hey look - it's midnight," Daniel said, noticing the clock on her wall.

"Happy New Year, Daniel," she smiled. "Happy New Year, Betty," he told her, bringing her lips down to his. As she reveled in the pleasure of his warm, sensual closeness, Betty could tell it would be a very promising year.