Nights on the Normandy get quiet, and the Commander attempts to ease the tension with a few questions designed to test her team's mental reasoning… only they don't know it. After a long, painstaking process, the Commander finally finds a question to ask:

What are marshmallows made out of?

Joker: You're kidding me, right? Out of all of the questions you could ask, you're asking me what marshmallows are made of? Are you serious, Commander, or are you just jerking my leg?

[offended] I'm completely serious!

Yeah, yeah, sure… Honest truth is, I have no idea in the world. Might just want to look it up on the extranet or something, Commander. "How to make marshmallows for dummies." There has to be a book for that somewhere, God knows they only have like eight billion other useless ones out there… sorry, Commander, I didn't mean to imply… uh, I didn't… God damn it! You know what I'm saying!

I'm not sure that I do… why don't you elaborate a bit for me?

Ah, now you're just messing with me. Stop smiling. It'll give everybody else the wrong idea. I'm just gonna turn around here and push a few buttons, hope something cool happens… Maybe there's a secret hot dog machine the techs put in here. God I hope so, I'm starving for a good one about now.

Kaidan: Uh… I don't know. I'm guessing sugar, some kind of starch, maybe? Maybe some flour or something, too, I don't know… I'm not really a good chef, sorry, Commander. Can't help you out here. Why do you need to know, anyway?

Oh, just curious.

[laughs] You got me curious now, too. I'll look it up after I take care of this wiring issue here and let you know.

Ashley: [pauses] You think up some weird stuff, Commander. Haven't had a CO ask me that before. [chuckles] I might actually have an answer for you there. It's either sugar or corn syrup with some softened gelatin, water, some flavoring, and a bit of dextrose all whipped together so it's as spongy as you normally see it. My sisters and I made some for Lynne's Halloween party a while back. Man, that was so much fun. I stuck six up my nose on a dare.

Are you serious?

A Williams always tells the truth, Commander.

Garrus: Uh, I might be a bit slow here, Commander, but… what exactly is a marshmallow?

It's a soft, sweet treat you normally put in hot cocoa or on top of ice cream.

I'm completely lost. Maybe you should look it up for yourself… sorry I'm not that much help.

Wrex: Yeah, I know what the hell a marshmallow is. I killed a salarian by shoving a plastic package of them down his throat. Didn't pause long enough to get the ingredients off the bag. Is there an actual reason you're asking me this, Shepard?

I was just curious. Popped into my mind, couldn't get it out. How'd you manage to get the bag down the salarian's throat?

[shrug] He didn't give me what I wanted, and there was a hit out on him. Needed the creds. Easiest job of my life. Boring as hell.

Tali: I do not understand what you are asking, Commander. [fiddles with omni-tool] Is a marshmallow some kind of… machine? I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar with it.

It's just a treat – a human treat. I was wondering if you knew anything about it.

Unfortunately not, Commander. I hope there's an actual reason you're asking me about this, Commander, considering that I am not human.

I just happened to be walking by and it popped in my head. Thanks, though!

Yeah, sure, no problem. [turns back to work]

Liara: A marshmallow? Hmm, I seem to recall that becoming some kind of hit back on Thessia. Once the humans had finally entered the galactic stage, their treats became available to us. Marshmallows are an excellent addition to some of our more bitter cuisines… but as to their makeup, I'm afraid that I do not know, Commander. I am sorry that I cannot be of more assistance.

Jacob: You pullin' my leg, Shepard? [leans against computer, folds arms] You gotta be jerking my chain.

Not at all.

I don't know. Now what was the real reason you came by to see me?

Miranda: Marshmallows consist of sugar or high fructose corn syrup, gelatin softened by hot water, dextrose, and some external flavorings and food color. Why do you need to know?

Just curious. Thanks, Miranda!

Any time, Shepard, whatever you need.

Mordin: Marshmallow? I'm afraid that I do not know the term. [before Shepard can speak, types furiously omni-tool] Ah, yes, human sweet, consumable by asari as well. Became a big thing for them. Personally think it's disgusting, but humans have a much bigger 'sweet tooth' than salarians. Marshmallow consists of Corn Syrup, Sugar, Dextrose, Modified Corn Starch, Water, Gelatin, Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate which is a Whipping Aid, Artificial Flavor, Artificial Color of 'Blue One.' These are only ingredients for the Kraft Jet-Puffed, however. Can find you other sources in case you require any.

No… no… that's enough. Thank you.

Positive that you need no more research?


Zaeed: Don't know, don't care. Next question.

Kasumi: Wow, that's completely random, Commander. I have a feeling I'll be getting a lot of random questions aboard this ship, huh? [light chuckle] I honestly don't know that one, but now you have me curious. If you'll just wait one, I can check up on the extranet… [types in search request on omni-tool] Wow. Doesn't look too complicated. Hey, maybe we can convince Rupert to make some after we get his groceries. You know, for dessert!

That's an enticing idea.

Here, I'll forward the web page to you. Marshmallows drizzled with chocolate syrup… oh, my mouth is watering.

Grunt: [pauses for a very long time] I… do not know, Shepard.

You look like this distresses you.

I know that if you are asking it must have some kind of… tactical importance. A weapon of some sort, but Okeer either didn't know about it or that connection failed. What's a marshmallow?

Relax, Grunt. It's a human sweet.

[pauses, then a glare] You're asking me about human sweets?

Yeah, bad idea…

Jack: Why the hell would I know? Maybe they grow from a magical fucking tree on some special island. Look, I'm here to kill people. Go ask somebody else your dumb questions.

Thane: A marshmallow… I have seen the sweet that you are talking about before, but I've never consumed it to determine its taste. Why do you ask, si'ha?

I'm simply curious, Thane.

Well, I am gladdened that you would question me on such matters, but I am no chef. I would suggest that you ask Rupert once he's finished with preparing dinner, or perhaps look it up on your omni-tool. I could do that for you if you're extremely curious.

No, thank you, Thane. You've done enough.

My time is yours.

Samara: Oh, a marshmallow… I haven't had those in years. [closes eyes, a dreamy smile on her face] Yes, that was a delectable treat indeed. So sweet and fluffy… I'm afraid that I do not know what they are made out of, but it makes me very curious. Is there a reason that you are asking me this, Commander?

I was just walking around and the question popped into my head. I'd heard that asari liked them just as much as humans, so I was thinking that maybe you would know the answer.

Sadly I do not… I will make it my mission to find out, however. [gets up to find Rupert]

Legion: Marshmallows are human-engineered substances used to satiate their comfort food requirements. Made out of Corn Syrup, Sugar, Dextrose, Modified Corn Starch, Water, Gelatin, Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate (Whipping Aid), Artificial Flavor, Artificial Color (Blue 1).

Thank you, Legion.

Was there a purpose behind the query, Shepard-Commander? The Normandy's computer logs indicate that this topic has been researched five times in the past hour by Jacob Taylor, Grunt, Kasumi Goto, Miranda Lawson, and Mordin Solus.

You caught me. I was checking to see if their answers would correspond.

Does my answer satisfy your curiosity, Shepard-Commander?

Yes. Thank you.

Standing by.