I don't own the Characters or Story...I am making no Profit from this.

I am only a recent Smallville Fan and I love the Character and Actor of Davis Bloome. This is one of those Change the Ending kinda Story. Enjoy

~Chapter 1~

Davis was just waking up. He was on a Mattress and the Ceiling looked different. He remembered the Creature. The "Thing" that was inside of him. The "Thing" that made him Kill. He heard a familiar voice. "Everything I did, I did it to protect Clark. I may have left you Jimmy but, my Love for you never did". He looked up to see Chloe and Jimmy kissing. She did it for Clark? Everything that they had been through. The offer to leave Smallville the keeping him in the Basement…Never was for him. It was for another man. The feelings he had for her would never be returned. The way he felt the things he said "You have shown more love for me in weeks than people have in my whole life". Like always it was for a different person and he was lead on. The pain he felt was immense and he could feel his heart break. He felt tears come to his eyes. 'She lied, she lied to me. She never cared for me'. As more of the realization hit, he began to sit up. "Davis?" Chloe came over to him. He felt her put her arm on him and in the past he would have enjoyed the feel but now. He got up and got his arm out of her grasp. "Hey, glad to see everyone is ok". He tried to say in a calm voice. He felt a little dizzy so Chloe reached out to steady him. He backed away from her touch. "Are you ok?". Chloe asked Davis. "Yeah, yeah I…I'm fine". He stayed away from her. "I,I think I should go home. You know get some rest and clear my head". He started to back away again. "I don't think that's a good idea. You're a wanted man. Stay here I'll go and get you some clothes and you can rest here ok. The best thing right now is for you to stay out of site". Chloe said to Davis. She was right. "Ok. Thanks". He was exhausted. Having a Monster ripped out of you will do that. He laughed at the thought of it. Now the Monster was gone….What now?

Chloe went to Davis's apartment. He needed clothes to change into from his other ones. She grabbed an over night bag . If he was to hide out for a bit he would need more clothes and shaving needs. She went into his dresser and grabbed some shirts. She opened his closet for Shoes. She saw his EMT Uniform. 'He could still be this somewhere else'. Chloe thought as she grabbed his Jacket incase if he got cold. She grabbed some Shoes and some button up shirts. She couldn't help but think about how good Davis looked in one of the shirts she put in the bag. 'Stay on track Chloe'. She had Jimmy back and that was what she wanted…'Was it?'.

Davis woke to it being night time. "How long was I out?". Davis asked no one in particular since he couldn't see anyone else there. "Guessing that you fell asleep as soon as I left…About 12 Hours". Davis turned to the voice. "12 Hours?". He asked Chloe. "Yeah. You did have a pretty big day". She sat down next to him. "Here is some clothes. Figured you may have to keep out of sight for a while". Davis took the bag from her. "Thanks". "Should last you a while. If needed I'll either go and get more or just replace your Wardrobe". She gave him a small smile. "I'll let you get changed". Chloe got up to leave and felt a hand grab hers. She looked down to Davis who slowly stood by her. "I…I can't thank you enough. For, for everything that you have done for me. For not giving up on me. For saving me". Davis moved in to kiss her. She backed away. "I…I'm sorry". Davis moved away. 'She'll never be mine. Who would want a Monster?'. "Davis". He turned around to face Chloe." It's not that I don't care or even Love you. It's that, Jimmy, he's willing to work it out with me. That is who my heart belongs to". Davis could feel the pain in his chest. "I, I understand". He took his bag and went to change.

Chloe felt bad for having to do it like she did but, she couldn't do it to Davis or herself anymore. As she was thinking of Davis and her future with Jimmy she heard a voice from behind her. "So, we still have to discuss the whole issue of you running away with a Monster". Chloe turned to face Clark. "I don't think it still needs discussing. Nothing happened and everything else went down the way it was supposed to. Davis is human, Doomsday is gone and you are safe. Why live in the past?". Chloe walked over to the bed to remake it for Davis. "Chloe, anything could have happened. Davis was not in control of that thing and you took him out of town and wouldn't tell me where you were going. What were you thinking?". Clark obvious was still mad about her choices. She dropped the sheet she was putting on the mattress. "You Clark. I was thinking of you".