Disclaimer: Whatever is it (Torchwood etc.) I don't own it!

Hello, darling readers. Come forth if you dare and scroll down this page (well, maybe not THIS page, but definitely the next one, since this is a meager prologue and the next one is the actual first chapter). May you enjoy your reading...

It was a two-storey old building made of red brick, located somewhere behind Roald Dahl Plass, in a cobweb of little narrow streets, where you couldn't have fit a car even if you wanted to. It covered an entire corner and gave the old neighbourhood a sense of calm and hospitality, with its white shutters and black iron grates.

On the northern side, a wide window featured several beautifully tailored suits and a sole name: Jones. The tailor shop was quite a view, standing apart from the entire street with its sobriety and particular cleanliness. Had it not been for the exquisite suits, it might have resembled a simple, cold and impersonal office. But those pieces of clothing spoke of such talent and dedication that any by-passer would find himself unconsciously drawn to the shop.

On the eastern side, large windows replaced a former wall and those to peer inside would see coffee machines, along with tables and chairs neatly placed, so that once the small café was opened, they could be brought outside in the shortest time possible; this way, the customers could enjoy both their drinks and the fresh Welsh air. Here and there, flowers and other feminine touches could be noticed, sweetening the view as a whole.

It was a two-storey old building made of red brick, belonging to the Jones family. Everyone on this side of the city knew the Jones family. They knew about the now departed old tailor and still remembered his skilled hands and kind smile. And they also knew about his two children: Rhiannon, the fiery elder sister, and Ianto, the serious younger brother.

Ok, seriously now. Several days ago I've completed the "Hour" series, which I did most out of need to post this story (I sort of promised myself I wouldn't leave a story unfinished for the sake of another one so, here we are!), and now I'm proud to present "Mending Hearts"... sorry about the mushy, cheesy, overly-sweet title (although let's face it, IT IS CHRISTMAS... still), but I ran out of ideas just when I started thinking about what name I should give this story.

BUT, we'll have Jack, Ianto, Owen, Tosh, Diane, Andy, Annie, Gwen and even Rhys, plus a big and furry black cat... so I hope you'll make it beyond the title and give this a shot.

So... I hope you'll enjoy this (at least as much as you might have enjoyed my other stories, if not more) enough to leave me a comment... you do know that reviews make an author's day, right?